Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-three true true false false 1 words between the sword out of the sheath

In fact, Su Jie's grasp of the human body is extremely subtle now, but he still can't study thoroughly, to what extent the instinct of the human body can reach.

Also, although the instinct of the human body has many defects, it also has many miracles.

In addition, one's own consciousness also has many advantages and disadvantages.

Whether it is the body instinct or the self-conscious soul, in fact, they all have flaws and strengths, and it is not advisable for one to overwhelm the other. Only when the two are combined, learn from each other, restrict each other, and cooperate with each other, they will become stronger and stronger like a cycle of yin and yang, and will not lose control.

Moreover, until now, Su Jie vaguely felt that it might not be a very good thing to directly use chips to inject psionic energy into the spiritual world, and then replace the original organs with various new materials.

It is likely that some kind of balance will be lost.

However, this is just his feeling, and he is still not very clear about the details. It must be demonstrated and compared through a large amount of clinical data.

This Mr. Mi is indeed a very good test object and data, allowing Su Jie to find a lot of points that can be studied, and he has been greatly inspired.

If Su Jie can figure out the potential of his body, and understand that the miracle of life happens in any way, and how to cooperate with his own consciousness, the efficiency of Su Jie's physical evolution will be greatly improved, and this is the most perfect evolution. any external force.

The theory put forward by Su Jie, the theory of perfect evolution, is actually to eliminate the bad roots in self-consciousness and some bad roots in body instinct through continuous practice, and finally the two are perfectly unified to reach the strongest one. This balance point, if this balance point can be maintained, then there is also the possibility of human beings reaching immortality.

Of course, this is just a theory, and it has not been proven at all. At the same time, Su Jie often overthrows his own theory. He once believed that human soul consciousness is actually a kind of substance with wave-particle duality, which is very similar to quantum theory. .

However, in the course of his subsequent research, he discovered the theory of dark matter, so he overturned his original assumption.

Maybe in the future, he will overthrow his current theory, but this does not prevent him from improving his understanding and enriching his soul during the step-by-step exploration process.

"Okay, if that's the case, young man, I promise you." Mr. Mi watched Su Jie for a long time, and seemed to have made up his mind and agreed to cooperate with Su Jie's treatment.

"Wait." At this time, Ye Hannan, the president of the Nanyang Fengshui Association, said: "Young man, you can also stop in moderation, and your tone is too exaggerated. Seeing through people's past and future, you can also treat them." Terminally ill, although you have one set of theories, it is actually our feng shui theory of yin and yang and five elements, just adding some plausible scientific theories. Are you trying to fool people? That is too simple. "

"Really?" Su Jie smiled when he heard this. He knew that the people in the Feng Shui Association were actually serving the rich, gaining benefits from it, and expanding their contacts. Some Feng Shui masters even knew some evil methods and could use the luck of the rich to avoid some catastrophe. At the same time change your own destiny.

This sounds absurd, but it is actually very practical. For example, befriending a noble person and getting help from a noble person can indeed change a person's fate.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, a big event, even the destruction of a family, may be a matter of a word from a high-ranking official.

"Mr. Ye Hannan, what do you want? Could it be that you can cure Mr. Mi's disease?" Su Jie was not angry either.

He could see that Ye Hannan actually wanted to take advantage of Mr. Mi's great luck to accomplish certain things for him, but he was ruined by himself, so of course he was not reconciled.

"Mr. Mi, the morality of young people is still very shallow. Don't put your wealth and life in his hands." Another old man said.

This is also a veteran of the Feng Shui Association. This person has a compelling gaze and a fierce temperament, especially the lines between the eyebrows are somewhat curved, which is as mysterious as mountains and waters. It seems that he is a walking Fengshui ceremony.

Judging from the superficial temperament, this person probably has some earth-shattering methods in terms of Feng Shui.

"This young man is not simple." Mr. Mi seems to know some details about Su Jie, but he is not famous, he just said: "Several, I know that you want to come to the domestic market, but you have to show some real skills. I I do know that you Feng Shui insiders actually have some means of competing with each other, such as fighting skills. Changing this person's Feng Shui pattern can immediately make this person unlucky. I would like to experience this method. Take a look, this world In the end, is there such a thing? In fact, everyone is here with brother Liu Shi, and it is a gathering of strange people. If there is a small competition, it may be a good story in the future."

"Yes, Mr. Lou, I heard that your ability to see people is unparalleled in the world, and that you can change people's fate with a single sentence. You are good at giving a blow to the head. A decadent young man, you can make this young man work hard with a single question. , Abandon bad habits, abandon evil and do good. I just heard your story, I don’t know if today can open my eyes?” Liu Shi likes to deal with strange people and strangers.

These masters of the Nanyang Fengshui Association really have real skills, and they have great energy in Nanyang.

This Mr. Lou, it is said that he is best at punching the head. He is nicknamed "Lou Jinkou". His golden mouth can shake people's minds and make people change their minds unconsciously.

This is actually an extremely brilliant spiritual realm and secret method.

There is a deep sense of Zen in it.

"Young man, do you think you are lying?" Lou Jinkou suddenly changed his tone and asked Su Jie.

In an instant, this sentence was heard in everyone's ears. Everyone, including Liu Shi, immediately developed a strong distrust of Su Jie, and even felt that Su Jie, a young man, was domineering, frivolous and impetuous. Nothing.

Although Liu Shi had absolute respect and trust for Su Jie deep in his heart, he still couldn't help being disturbed by Lou Jinkou.

"Excellent." Liu Shi is also a person with profound practice. He knows all kinds of knowledge in practice. He knows that Lou Jinkou's words are using some of his own secret methods to make those who hear them feel a strong sense of self. Suggestion, this kind of self-suggestion, actually follows Lou Jinkou's emotional context.

This is scary.

In a word, it can change other people's impressions, and even subvert the three views that have been brewing for a long time. If this kind of person is in sales, I am afraid that he can become the number one in the world.

Liu Shi himself is good at sales and speeches. He started a business when he was young. He had no capital and no technology. He relied on his three-inch tongue to get people to invest money and technology. He ran the business by himself and fooled many big capitals. , Great technicians willingly gathered under his command, and finally achieved a huge business empire.

It's all lip service.

Therefore, he has in-depth research on the art of speaking, eloquence of speech, etc., especially after he has reached the realm of the living dead, he studies Zen debates, various secret methods, and mantras. Now that he is giving speeches internationally, it can be said that the sky is full of hype, and his reputation has risen again. He even has information. If he goes to a western country to run for president, he can definitely get it with his eloquence and ability to demagogue people.

When it comes to the art of speech, he feels that he is absolutely invincible.

But now, as soon as Lou Jinkou opened his mouth, he immediately knew that he was still a frog at the bottom of a well. Compared with this person, he didn't know how much worse he was. Can cause a psychological guidance and gap.

"Good eloquence, with some skills." Su Jie smiled, and nodded in response to Lou Jinkou's question: "Your random words interfere with people's thinking, making people unconsciously Your thinking is guided by you, this method does not seem to be a purely ancient secret method, but some modern hypnotism techniques are mixed in it, and this kind of hypnosis has been used to the peak by you, it is indeed powerful."

Just as Su Jie was commenting, the emotions in everyone's hearts returned to their original flavor. I don't think Su Jie is frivolous anymore, on the contrary, I feel that Su Jie is unfathomable and has returned to the basics.

"Young man, you have some skills." Lou Jinkou couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene, and was about to use some powerful methods.

However, Su Jie then said: "Mr. Lou, your technique is still a bit superficial, and has not reached the level of interfering with reality. In this case, I will let you take a look at some higher techniques."

While speaking, Su Jie didn't wait for Lou Jinkou to open his mouth, pointing to a sword hanging on the wall: "In ancient times, there was a flying sword technique, you haven't seen it before, you can control the sword with God, and with a thought, the sword is out of its sheath, Thousands of miles away, beheading people. I will show you today."

"Young man, are you kidding me? Didn't you say you are a scientist? This is your science?" Lou Jinkou shouted fiercely.

"Out of the scabbard!"

Su Jie didn't argue with Lou Jinkou, and just said two words.


Everyone heard a sharp voice, followed the sound and looked over, and were immediately taken aback because they saw that the sword hanging on the wall was really unsheathed suddenly, and no one pulled it out.


Then, an even more astonishing scene appeared, the sword flew out of its sheath, suspended in the air, and nodded towards Su Jie like a silver snake.

Then, the sword began to fly all over the room. Everyone could see it clearly, and it flew by under everyone's eyes. Everyone felt the deep sword energy and dared not move. In addition, they were frightened, because This is clearly surreal.

"Illusion, this is an illusion." Lou Jinkou shouted fiercely.

But just before he opened his mouth, the sword seemed to have heard his voice, and it flew towards him at an extremely fast speed. As it passed by, his neck suddenly felt cold, his beard fell down, and the beard on the entire chin was completely wiped off chopped off.

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