Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-four are all hallucinations, the world is fascinated by one thought

"It's not an illusion, it's real."

Lou Jinkou was taken aback, he touched his beard subconsciously, and found that the beard was really cut off by the sword.

There was nothing wrong with his feelings, it was true.

"How is this possible?" Lou Jinkou couldn't believe it. He is a Feng Shui master, and he usually uses metaphysics to fool others, but in fact, deep down in his heart, he knows very well that this world is still a world that pays attention to physics. It is impossible for something to happen that goes against the common sense of physics.

It is nonsense to drive a flying sword to cut off a person's head thousands of miles away. The ancient sword fairy knights, such as Hongxianniang, Nie Yinniang, Jingjinger, and Kongkonger, are from legendary novels. Great swordsman, what about the emperor?

There are still such things in modern times, so there are only two possibilities, the first is an illusion, and the second is that the flying sword is actually a drone with automatic navigation and intelligent drive system.

However, the facts are in front of us.

The treasured sword hanging on the wall flew out automatically following Su Jie's words "unsheath", flying around in the sky, and the silver snake danced wildly, cutting off his beard.

All this is what he sees is believing.

"Return to the sheath." Su Jie moved slightly, and following his words, the sword seemed to understand, nodded in the air a few times, and suddenly turned into a silver light, flying into the sheath on the wall.

All of a sudden, nothing happened.

"This is a trick of the eye." Ye Hannan, the president of the Nanyang Feng Shui Association, also saw this scene in his eyes. Although he didn't see any flaws, deep down in his heart, he vaguely felt that it was a trick of the eyes. He himself was a trick of the magic trick. A great expert, any magic, as long as he takes a look at it, he will fully understand the principle of it. In fact, in ancient times, basically all fairy arts were blindfolds, and they all belonged to magic, but some magic techniques were too subtle. It's hard to be found.

There were many magic tricks in ancient times, all of them deceived the emperor and court ministers, who thought they were some kind of "immortal master". Even when qigong was hot in the 1980s, some fake qigong masters even deceived them and became famous all over the country.

Between doubts, Ye Hannan stepped to the edge of the wall in one step. This step is like a tiger jumping a stream, with extremely fast speed and extraordinary momentum, giving people the momentum of lightning speed.


He stretched out his long arms, took the sword off the wall, and pulled it out, the cold light shone, trembled slightly, and the sword flowers rolled.

From these few movements, it can be seen that his martial arts foundation has actually been superb. Whether it is bodywork, footwork, swordsmanship, or grappling, all of them are displayed in these few movements. This kind of kung fu, It is definitely possible to display it through decades of hard work and uninterrupted penance, coupled with superhuman talent.


He touched the sword with one hand, flicked it with his fingers, and the sword broke immediately. The inside was solid steel, not some high-tech similar drone.

"This is a real sword. It is folded and forged, and the blade is covered with soil and burned. It is forged by the traditional ancient method." Ye Hannan was very puzzled, "Besides, this sword is not a magic item."

He is also very good at identifying weapons.

However, it is not certain that Su Jie could really activate the flying sword and decapitate people just now, which is still against the common sense of science.

"Mr. Liu Shi, you have monitoring here." Ye Hannan suddenly said: "Can you call out the monitoring of the scene just now?

I don't believe it, you can use blindness on our eyes, and you can also use it on surveillance? "

He knows that some methods of blindness can only be effective on people, because people's thinking and vision have a lot of blind spots, especially the misunderstandings in thinking are very large.

But monitoring does not.

"There's no problem with this." Liu Shi immediately called someone to call in the monitor and played it on the computer.

It's a pity that there was a scene on the screen shown on the surveillance video, and it was still Su Jie who unsheathed his sword and flew up.

This really shows that Su Jie really commanded the sword to fly.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?" Ye Hannan and Lou Jinkou watched the monitoring screen repeatedly, like a detective who solves a case, trying to find clues, but they couldn't find any clues at all. Su Jie was able to use the "Yuan Shen Yu Jian" , beheading people invisible.

This subverted the understanding of science, and also subverted their understanding of metaphysics and feng shui. In an instant, they even thought that they had met a real immortal cultivator.

Although, in the depths of their thinking, there are still deep-rooted realists. But the facts in front of them forced them to admit that Su Jie was indeed able to urge Feijian to kill people.

"What? Your minds have been shaken, and you think that your inherent world view is wrong. Do you think that there may really be gods in this world?" Su Jie naturally understood their thoughts. These people's thoughts were all in his mind. During the capture, Su Jie knew exactly what was going on in his mind, these people did not have any secrets at all in his consciousness.

Although these people make a living out of Fengshui and metaphysics, they still do not believe in the existence of supernatural power in their bones, because they themselves are very proficient in the field of metaphysics, and it can be said that all of them are masters. Because of this, they study metaphysics When I reached the extreme, I realized that science is indeed the truth, and many of the current physical foundations cannot be subverted by metaphysics.

Mr. Mi looked at all this, and doubts flickered in his eyes. He is a big man, with a high position and great power, otherwise Liu Shi would not be so flattering to him. Deep down in his heart, he actually does not believe in metaphysics. Well, he took a fancy to Su Jie, actually because Su Jie was a scientist, and the fact that Su Jie and Mei Yi were conducting life science research had already been known to some high-level officials.

Mei Yi herself is the highest scientist who was brought back to China.

Even Mei Yi tried his best to praise Su Jie's research, and it is impossible for some caring people not to pay attention to it.

However, what Su Jie is doing now is actually subverting his image as a scientist, turning him into a magic stick, or a real god.

At this moment, Mr. Mi even thinks that Su Jie has indeed researched a lot of new things, surpassing the current scientific system of mankind, being able to develop the human body, and showing supernatural power.

If so, it is a strategic weapon.

"Mr. Mi, I know what you're thinking. First of all, I want to declare that for the time being, the scientific community has not discovered supernatural power, or something that subverts the current classical physical system. Medium, that is nonsense. If you really think that I can drive this sword to fly with pure spirit, then there is a problem with pure IQ." Su Jie said.

"Then how do you explain the situation just now?" Mr. Mi asked.

"It's very simple. What you see is all hallucinations, it's just my hypnosis. It can't be called hypnosis, but the interference of information." Su Jie said.

"Impossible." Ye Hannan and Lou Jinkou said at the same time: "Then how do you explain the video surveillance?"

"I can interfere with your hallucinations and see the sword flying, so I can also interfere with the process of watching the video. In other words, the video you watch is also an illusion." Su Jie said: "Don't believe what you see , heard, anything. For example, Ye Hannan, you have a daughter named Ye Mengyi, and now I say that she has been kidnapped and will call you soon, do you believe it or not?"

"What?" Ye Hannan's expression changed, and then he returned to normal: "This is nonsense."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the mobile phone on his body rang. Sure enough, the voice of his daughter and some voices of the kidnappers came from inside. Then, his mobile phone received a video, which actually showed the picture of the kidnapper and his daughter. . The kidnappers demanded huge sums of money.

"This..." Ye Hannan suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Don't be nervous, this is fake. What you see is all hallucinations. Your daughter is fine. I want to tell you that the true and false in this world are actually relative. If I want to, I will It can make you live in the virtual spiritual world forever, but you don’t feel that this world is fake. In fact, our real world also has uncertainties, and it may not be absolutely true. Maybe, we Living in the game of higher creatures, it may not be true that everyone is a series of intelligent codes." Su Jie said: "You are actually good at interfering with other people's thinking, but there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. Restrained by those with great power."

"Then what happened to my beard?" Lou Jinkou asked.

"Touch it, is your beard still there?" Su Jie asked.

Lou Jinkou took a quick touch, and sure enough, his beard was still intact on his chin, and there was no sign of being shaved off.

"It turned out to be an illusion." Liu Shi said: "Unfortunately, this sword of mine was forged by the famous swordsmith Mei Jianchi, and I spent a lot of money to let him forge it as a town house. .It was broken."

"It wasn't broken, look at the wall, isn't it hanging well?" Su Jie said.

"Impossible." Ye Hannan said: "I obviously broke it." He ran to the wall again, and sure enough the sword was still hanging well, and when he pulled it out, it was still a sword like a puddle of autumn water.

Where is the slightest sign of a break?

"Could it be. I broke the sword just now. It's also an illusion." He couldn't figure out what was reality and what was an illusion. For a split second, he felt in a fog.

His cultivation seems to have lost its effect.

"Master Swordsmith Mei Jianchi?" Su Jie didn't care about these things: "Mei Jianchi is the son of general Mo Xie, a person who lived thousands of years ago, and for revenge, he chopped off his own head and gave it to a stranger. Let this stranger take revenge. This story is very strong. I read it so far, and it still has an awe-inspiring air. I think this master swordsmith admires Mei Jianchi very much, so he named himself such a name."

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