Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-five such kung fu, Zen machine begging suddenly happened

Liu Shi's precious sword, in Su Jie's opinion, is indeed of good quality, a real sword.

The so-called real sword is that it contains the spirit, will and spirit of the sword maker, and has a unique spirit.

In fact, ancient swords are not only dependent on the material, but the most important thing is the "divine will" contained in the sword, that is, "spirituality".

The ancient iron and steel smelting technology is very different from the modern one, so the ancient sword is far behind the modern technology. As long as a modern sword is refined with a slightly higher-grade smelting technology, if it goes to ancient times, it will be an absolute magic weapon.

However, in terms of the spirit and spirituality of weapons, modern handicrafts are much worse, or even non-existent.

Of course, for ordinary people, the divine spirit in weapons is useless at all, and the competition of swords is to see who is sharp, has good toughness, does not wear out, and will not break apart when colliding. Because ordinary people don't know what God's will and spirituality are.

Only true sword masters will care about these things, because a good sword can infuse spirituality when practicing swords, cooperate with each other with one's own consciousness, and reach the realm of unity of human and sword, then it will be of great benefit to one's cultivation. benefit.

The practice of swordsmanship, more often than not, is not actually how strong the lethality is, but a ritual. Through the training of this ritual, the human spirit can communicate with the universe and control the realm of oneself.

If you want to practice lethality, just learn to shoot directly.

No sword is stronger than a bullet.

If a forger is good, he injects his own spirit into the sword during the process of repeated tempering, and the sword will have a vivid charm. The sword practitioner will feel that it is different from the beginning when he obtains this sword. Between exercises, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Sometimes, it even assists one's own consciousness to be more condensed, with fewer distracting thoughts.

In fact, Su Jie also saw some people who are most proficient in swordsmanship and kendo, and Kagura Wu is one of them. Kagura Wu forges the sword by himself, and forges the scriptures of the Tao Te Ching on it. When wielding the sword, it can even arouse moral The humanistic trend of thought of the scriptures has a deeper understanding of this scriptures. During cultivation, people, Tao, virtue, heaven, earth, gods, spirits, etc. gather together to reach a wonderful state.

In Su Jie's view, the spirituality of Liu Shi's sword is actually not inferior to Kagura Wu's Tao Te Ching sword, and it is even a bit purer. It contains a spirit of sacrificing oneself for the sword and man-made strong obsession.

This kind of obsession is extremely terrifying and extremely sharp.

The story of Ganjiang Moxie and his wife forging swords has been passed down through the ages. If the sword cannot be forged, the sword itself will be thrown into the furnace of molten iron, and the sword will become a magic weapon. This is an obsession, or a spirit of seeking Tao. Practitioners since ancient times must have this spirit.

As for their son Mei Jianchi, his obsession was also deep. In order to get revenge, he chopped off his head and gave it to a stranger.

Su Jie was the most sensitive in terms of spirit. He could feel it instinctively. The person "Mei Jian Chi" who forged the sword for Liu Shi was definitely a supreme swordsman himself.

Moreover, in the sword he forged, the meaning of the sword is so profound that ordinary people can't see it at all. Even a master of metaphysics like Lou Jinkou and Ye Hannan can hardly see the essence of it.

In fact, Lou Jinkou and Ye Hannan's strength is also very strong, not inferior to Mao Laotou and others, but compared to Su Jie, it is far behind.

They haven't even reached the realm of new humans, so naturally they can't resist Su Jie's consciousness interference.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Jie can send them to heaven with a single thought, and send them to hell with a single thought.

However, they also had no way of knowing how powerful Su Jie was, and only thought that they were deluded by blindfolds.

"Fantastic, I've never seen such a powerful blindfold." Ye Hannan came to his senses at this moment, and he stared at Su Jie: "Young man, I suspect that this is not from your own practice, but from some kind of high-tech technology. The jammer interferes with our brain nerves, causing us to hallucinate. Otherwise, it would be impossible for people to do this.”

He was played by Su Jie so that he didn't know the north, south, east and west. This time he was thrown into the face, but he still didn't believe that this was Su Jie's ability.

"Brain jammer?" Su Jie smiled: "Probably because you read too many science fiction novels, you came up with such a thing, but having said that, there are really many institutions researching this thing. But we don't This kind of high-tech, if this thing is researched, the pattern of the world will have changed a long time ago, and there is no need to do this kind of experiment on you.”

Technology products that interfere with brain information, in fact, Su Jie, Mei Yi, Su Muchen, and even Xiao Jie and Xiao Chen's two artificial intelligences are also cooperating in the research.

If it can really interfere with people's brain consciousness, it is actually a good thing, then any virtual game can be realized.

"Is it true that you can turn us upside down in a mere thought? There are legends in the ancient practice that can turn a dusty land into a prehistoric world. This is the method of an immortal. I don't believe it, you are so young , can reach this state.” Lou Jinkou said: “I just found out some thresholds, practiced various secret mantras, mixed with many techniques of modern hypnotic psychology, which can shake people’s soul and change them. It’s just an opinion. It’s not able to completely control others and instruct them on what to do.”

"I can tell." Su Jie nodded.

In fact, some mantra secrets are nothing more than extremely difficult language and psychological suggestion skills. For example, Zhao Yu's King Kong lion roar is actually much more powerful than these people. Drink a lot, I am afraid that I will die from a split liver and gallbladder.

"Mr. Lou, Mr. Ye, I have already hinted that the reason why I was able to break through the realm of the living dead was all inspired by Su Jie. Don't always judge people's cultivation by their age. It looks young, but maybe it is the reincarnation of a certain expert?" Liu Shi said with a smile to several Feng Shui masters present.

In fact, he has always believed in these things, even if his cultivation is advanced now, but the more he is like this, the more he feels that the human soul may really have past and present lives.

Because, according to Su Jie's theory, the things of the previous life may not exist. The soul is the information cluster. After death, the information cluster still exists in the air. Moreover, information clusters are actually things that transcend time, because in the process of receiving information, information clusters from the past or the future often enter the human brain.

In fact, Liu Shi also thinks that Su Jie is very mysterious. He knows Su Jie's resume very well, but he can't guess Su Jie's strength at all. He only knows that Su Jie is now in an invincible state. If he wants to deal with a People don't need to use their hands or force at all. As long as they move their minds, all problems will be solved.

This is already the power of God.

In fact, he felt inconceivable about this ability, because a person with such ability might be able to rule the world.

The world shouldn't be like this.

In the world of ordinary people, their worldview believes that there are actually ordinary people in the world, and those with "superpowers" all exist in novels and movies. In fact, Liu Shi also thinks so. Taking himself as an example, his mental state is extremely high now, but in fact, his physical ability is better than that of ordinary people, his mind is more flexible, and his experience is more vigorous. There is no difference in other things.

But Su Jie was fundamentally different from his life.

"I want to try your martial arts." Ye Hannan said to Su Jie: "If your martial arts are really so high, then I will be convinced. We can try our best to cooperate with you in Nanyang area. You cooperate."

"So that's how it is." Su Jie understood in his heart.

These people are extremely powerful in the Nanyang area, and now that the Diandao Group is expanding in the Nanyang area, it will definitely conflict with these people. The best way is to cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and win-win results.

However, when these people saw that the young people of the Diandao Group were all "babes", it was naturally impossible to give up a lot of benefits.

In view of this, Liu Shi pulled these people up to talk, and met with himself by the way, and let himself suppress these people, so that many businesses in Nanyang can be developed.

"Well, I used to be a martial arts practitioner." Su Jie nodded and said, "I used to study at Minglun Martial Arts School, and I didn't lose all my kung fu, but I haven't fought anyone in recent years. Anyway, everyone is gathering today, so it’s okay to discuss and exchange ideas.”

"Okay, young man, let's make a move." Ye Hannan still regarded himself as a senior, and asked Su Jie to make a move first.

"It's okay." Su Jie didn't care about these things, as soon as he moved his footsteps, he was already in front of Ye Hannan, and he handed out his palm. This is the "old monk begging for alms bowl" in the traditional Shaolin boxing method.

In ancient times, monks used their bowls to go from house to house for alms. This is the most common behavior of monks. This boxing action is also the most simple and unpretentious action.

This punching technique is not actually used for attacking, it has no attacking power, and it is not ruthless. It is purely a ritual action in martial arts.

Ye Hannan also didn't take this move seriously, because this move can't beat anyone at all, and being beaten is almost the same.

However, the moment Su Jie held his hand in front of him, a paragraph of words suddenly appeared in his mind. That is the first paragraph of the Diamond Sutra: "At that time, the World Honored One, wearing his robe and bowl, went to the great city of Shewei to beg for food when he was eating."

That is the scene where the Buddha took his disciples and took the alms bowl to ask for alms in the city of Sravasti before giving the Dharma.

Now, Ye Hannan seems to have reproduced this scene again. He seems to see that he has returned to the ancient times, living in the big city of Savatthi, and happened to meet the Buddha and his disciples to ask for alms.

Of course he couldn't attack, he folded his hands together involuntarily.

Su Jie smiled: "That's right, this is kung fu."

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