Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-six genetic defects life two groups like yin and yang

The contest between Ye Hannan and Su Jie looked ridiculous to the uninitiated, and even in the eyes of professional fighters, it was just a show.

Su Jie's move was "Old Monk Begging for the Bowl", a purely ceremonial move, without attack power, let alone any lethality. From the perspective of fighting, it was full of flaws, while Ye Hannan's move, clasping his hands together, was a Shaolin boxing move. "Boy worshiping Buddha".

The combination of these two moves is a traditional etiquette, which has nothing to do with fighting at all.

However, in the eyes of many here, the contest between these two moves is simply full of Zen, a kind of comprehension of kung fu, which arises spontaneously in the depths of everyone's hearts.

"Kung Fu has never been about fighting for strength, nor about fighting to the death." Su Jie said, "Zen is Kung Fu, Dao Yun is also Kung Fu, nourishing Qi is Kung Fu, and keeping truth is also Kung Fu. I have long since abandoned the way of killing people. The way of being strong and ruthless is actually a child's play for me. Fighting with fists and feet is really too low-level, President Ye, what do you think?"

"Amazing, your kung fu has truly reached the realm of unsurpassed miraculousness. The moves contain history, Buddhism, truth, Taoism, and wisdom. Just now, my kung fu realm is indeed Improved." Ye Hannan was the one who felt the deepest.

He was against Su Jie, and Su Jie's move appeared in front of him. What he saw was not the Buddha begging for alms, but the Buddha giving you a chance to plant a field of blessings for yourself.

Giving alms to others is someone giving you the opportunity to do good deeds.

Having reached Ye Hannan's state, he is actually very intelligent. He is proficient in various schools of martial arts, and is proficient in various schools of knowledge, otherwise the way of Feng Shui will not be able to achieve great success. So with just a little bit of Su Jie, he can comprehend some supreme mysteries.

At this moment, he really knew that Su Jie's cultivation was unfathomable.

This is not pure martial arts, but a kind of spirituality, and even the all-round practice of life evolution. It is real kung fu.

Kung fu is not just martial arts, it includes martial arts, but it includes everything.

All hard work that reaches the level of profound and subtle can be called Kung Fu.

"How is it? President Ye, let me tell you that the founder of Diandao Group is unfathomable. Don't underestimate any young people. It's the age of young people now." Liu Shi said: "In this case, our cooperation can It went on smoothly? Besides, many technological products of Diandao Group can be sold to you, and you can also share a lot of profits as a promotion."

"Now I'm convinced, and the younger generation will be fearful." Ye Hannan stared at Su Jie: "However, I still want to ask, the various hallucinations that I have just now, are you really using the primordial spirit to deceive us?"

"You can say that." Su Jie also spoke bluntly.

"Can you really control people's thinking?" Lou Jinkou asked.

"Of course." Su Jie knew that this person, Lou Jinkou, practiced this way. In fact, what he inherited was the ancient strategist's tongue debate technique, mixed with many mantras and secrets.

In fact, the highest state of ancient warfare, and even modern warfare, is the art of attacking the mind. The ancient strategist, lobbying the king, disrupted the general trend of the world with his three-inch tongue, without the slightest force, but the general trend of the world follows his will. , It can be said to be the ultimate attack.

However, this is just an attack on the mind. Like Su Jie, who nakedly and directly controls other people's thinking, evolves the virtual world, and traps others in the virtual world, even if he is a person with advanced cultivation,

It is impossible to tell whether the world we are in is real or fake. This kind of state is simply too unimaginable.

Lou Jinkou is also a practitioner of this way, using words to shake other people's minds, but he also knows that even if he reaches the highest level of cultivation, he is actually nothing more than a great debater. It's the ultimate, but to reach Su Jie's level of practice, let alone have seen it, even if you have never heard of it. Even he couldn't imagine it.

"Brother Jinkou, I think you have heard of War God's Security Guard." Liu Shi said.

"I know, this is a security company, but it is actually an extremely powerful private military group. Some countries even have far less firepower than this security company. In some war-torn places, some countries even hire this security company to carry out wars. "Ye Hannan said: "In our Nanyang, Anshen Security is actually the largest security company. This company is said to be an alliance formed by some super elites in the West and owners of ancient noble titles. The armed forces under this alliance are superficially The above is a security company, which is actually a privatized army. We actually have this kind of security company here in Nanyang, but the scale and firepower are much worse than those of Ares Security."

"But now, I heard that Zhanshen Security is about to be acquired by Diandao Security and become a pure security company. Is this rumor true or not? Do you have such great power in Diandao Group?" Lou Jin He said: "This time, we are here. We actually want to see who is behind the scenes of Diandao Security, and they can actually do this."

"That's right, it's the young man in front of you." Liu Shi said, "He broke into the Siberian God of War security headquarters alone, persuaded tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and took the person in charge of God of War security and head coach Atlas away. , Saffol and the two brought them to Minglun Martial Arts Academy to study, and because of this, Zhanshen Security was acquired by Diandao Group, giving up some markets and business."

"Why broke into the base camp by one person and convinced everyone inside?" Ye Hannan's body shook violently: "This is simply killing the king Xuance by one person."

"You can't use Yuanshen to interfere and confuse all the people in a base camp." Lou Jinkou said with great suspicion.

"Otherwise, how do you think I persuaded them?" Su Jie smiled: "Actually, we didn't completely acquire Ares Security, but just merged the share of the private security company of Ares Security into our Diandao Group. Their military Power has nothing to do with us, we are regular business people, we will not touch these taboo things, and we have no intention of doing them, in this world, making money and doing scientific research is the right way."

"I think I have reached the pinnacle of my cultivation. Since I was a child, I have been practicing spiritually, studying martial arts, Qimen Dunjia, Fengshui, gossip, astrology and numerology. I have realized the true meaning of metaphysics, but now it seems that it is still very superficial." Lou Jinkou sighed.

"Sure enough, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, and people should not be judged by their appearance." Ye Hannan said: "Actually, I am here to negotiate on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce in Nanyang. The specific situation, how to cooperate with the Diandao Group, I have opened today." Vision, knowing that there is such a person behind the Diandao Group, it is no wonder that it can rise in a short period of time. However, Mr. Su Jie, it seems that you do not have the slightest share or position in the Diandao Group. You can take it seriously. "

"He has this kind of ability, does he still care about the fame and interests?" Ye Hannan said.

"That's true." Lou Jinkou nodded: "With this kind of ability, any interests, wealth, power and status in the world can be obtained at your fingertips."

"Although these can't be said to be meaningless, but I really don't want to do that." Su Jie said: "Actually, you guys have already done a lot of research on metaphysics, and you are starting to make a systematic summary. I would like to open a door. A new research topic, a subtle connection between metaphysics and science, everyone brainstorming, may be able to research some new things. We point to the Dao Group, and we can cooperate with you in terms of knowledge. In my laboratory, Master Luo and Master Ma are here, maybe you can have the same topic."

"These two masters have admired their names for a long time. We came this time, and we really wanted to exchange a few words, but we didn't expect to meet the real god." Another veteran of the Feng Shui Association said.

"It seems that my illness is really curable?" Mr. Mi said: "Mr. Liu Shi, if my illness is really cured this time, then all the things I promised you will be effective, and I always listen to old Tang's advice. , Old Shang, Lao He and others said that there is a young man who is so powerful, and today he has seen it. Young man, you really have a deep reputation. You are young, and you don’t have any sense of fame and fortune?"

"Thank you." Su Jie smiled: "Your illness is actually very complicated, but I am very sure now."

"I heard from Mei Yi that there are many incurable diseases nowadays, and general medical methods are of no use at all. In fact, I am very clear about my disease. But Mei Yi said, you will definitely have a solution, so I will give it a try mentality." Mr. Mi said: "However, I hope to get your medical plan, and you also know that there are some people behind me who don't trust me to receive treatment indiscriminately outside."

"There is no problem with this." Su Jie said: "Besides, I can treat you right now. It is true that your disease is difficult to cure with modern technology and drugs. Some conventional chemotherapy methods, even genetic Editing, it's useless."

"Even gene editing is useless?" Mr. Mi was shocked: "Can't all diseases be solved by gene editing technology? As early as ten years ago, gene editing technology was not very mature, but now, there are actually The gene editing technology in some life science laboratories is very mature. Any disease can be completely cured by simply modifying the gene. I know that your research in this area is also very deep. Originally, I was going to accept this kind of surgery , but before that, I would like to ask the opinions of experts in this field. The best expert in our country is Mr. Mei Yi, but Mr. Mei Yi said that your technology is far superior to his. Comprehension is something that he can hardly hold a candle to. So I want to ask your opinion."

"Gene editing technology can indeed treat many diseases, but the sequelae are very terrible. Human beings have evolved through natural evolution and reached the present. In fact, genes and the current environment have been very adapted. It took hundreds of millions of years to adapt. Once changed, In a short period of time, it is likely to be effective, but in the long run, it is likely to affect people's absorption of spiritual energy, because people's conscious thinking is an information map, and the body's inability to form electrical signals, It is also a consciousness group. The two consciousness groups cooperate with each other, and the fusion of life and nature, nature, life, and two things can maintain the stability of the individual. If there is a reform on one side, this kind of stability that maintains the individual will be destroyed. " Su Jie said: "This is the latest discovery I have made in gene editing research. If you want to undergo treatment, I advise you to be cautious."

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