Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-eight fights in the body, immunity and cancer fight for male and female

Human body instincts have many shortcomings, but they also have many benefits, such as self-repair, self-circulation, and self-healing abilities, all of which are amazing, and some abilities are incomparable even by the highest medical methods.

Even, there are many incurable diseases, as long as they are well taken care of and their recovery ability is strengthened, they can also be cured by the body's instinct.

For example, for many cancers, the effect of chemotherapy is actually not very good. It not only kills cancer cells, but also kills normal cells, resulting in a decrease in the body's immunity. There is no way around this.

However, there are some brand-new treatments that only strengthen one's normal cells, enhance immunity, and allow immune cells to directly kill cancer cells. This is the safest treatment method, but there are too few such methods.

And Su Jie is specialized in researching this, even from the psychological to the physiological, conducting research in all directions.

When he activates the human body's instincts, he no longer cares about the human body itself, but observes the relationship between the human body and the times.

The evolution of the human body is inseparable from the times. In the feudal era, human body genes and some instincts were fundamentally different from those in modern society.

Not to mention the ancient times when people were ashamed and drank blood.

Humans evolve with the environment and the times.

If in this era, the body's instincts are changed hastily, it may conflict with the environment, causing a huge impact, or even a disaster.

People, both body and soul, will evolve a certain part of their functions as the environment changes, otherwise, they will be eliminated by the laws of nature.

This is actually a very simple concept of "harmony between man and nature".

However, this kind of concept actually has some conflicts with the development of science. The idea of ​​science is actually to understand nature and overcome nature.

There is another point of reconciliation, that is, the reconciliation between science and the environment.

There must be harmony everywhere.

"Then, for every treatment in the future, you will create a virtual environment? Let me practice in it?" Mr. Mi said: "Actually, I can't wait to enter it. In fact, in this virtual environment In the world, I have met many friends, and even met women. Besides, there are sons, descendants, and more bizarre stories. Even now that I am awake, I still doubt that it is true. Yes, that is another part of my life. I have left that world now. Will the people and things in that world continue to develop?"

Su Jie was very clear about what Mr. Mi said.

In fact, even Saffol, after helping him return to the age of fifteen, he is willing to give up this modern life and go back to the age of fifteen to make up for the regrets in life.

And "Mason", in fact, also wants to abandon the modern life directly and return to that magical world.

This seems very magical to many people, but if these worlds are substituted into a virtual game, it can be understood by anyone.

Many games are quite attractive, and can make people willing to give up their lives in the real world and become addicted to them.

Besides, the information cluster created by Su Jie allows people to enter into it spiritually. It is more attractive than virtual games. It is simply another world. If viewed from a physical point of view, this is a real world.

Moreover, after the infographic is formed, it will automatically squirm,

Increase and evolve into a more information group. If you look at it from the perspective of the game, then this game is hosted by artificial intelligence and can automatically update the map.

In the void, the countless information clusters are actually very inconceivable. Some information clusters will die soon, while others will continue to grow.

Moreover, information groups and information groups will also merge to form a brand new information group.

This seems very mysterious, but in fact, such things often happen in the universe, that is, one galaxy rushes into another galaxy. Form a whole new galaxy.

Information is extremely wonderful. In Su Jie’s eyes, there are actually as many stars as there are stars in the sky. Any piece of information is actually a small world. An amazing trip.

In fact, there are many notes and legendary stories in ancient times, it is said that someone visited the underworld, visited the Heavenly Palace, and met the Dragon Girl in the Dragon Palace. An experience that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Moreover, people can also create information clusters.

The story of Huangliang Yimeng is that a person with an extremely advanced cultivation base created an information group, allowing people to enter it. After waking up from a dream, after decades of years, he finally realized that everything in the world is meaningless , It is better to go to the mountains to practice.

This kind of story is originally a story in myths and legends. But now Su Jie turned it into reality.

Immersing people's thinking in this kind of information group can develop potential and realize wishes that cannot be realized in the real world one by one, which is of great benefit to the development of people's psychological quality and physical quality.

For example, Su Jie created a Shura Hell, where people entered and fought day and night, fighting all the time, so that as long as that person can bear it mentally, after waking up, all the fighting experience will be deeply imprinted In the depths of his mind, back to the real world, he is also a terrifying fighting machine, a fighting genius.

Even through further research, Su Jie felt that honing in this virtual world was more effective than in the real world.

For example, fighting in the real world is sometimes even better than fighting in the virtual world.

"Don't be too obsessed with the world, that world, compared to you, is nothingness after all, and next time, I can create a brand new information group for you, and you can enter this information group , It is equivalent to experiencing a brand new human body again. The world in a single information group may not be able to reconcile your body potential to the maximum. In fact, I am also constantly trying various things. Then summarize the law, your disease , the body must instinctively kill those cancer cells, which cannot be treated by drugs at all, what kind of life do you want to stimulate your body's instincts, I still need to collect various data." Su Jie said.

Once upon a time, there were some magical things written in some of them, called "the main god", and the "lord god" could take people into various worlds and experience one life after another. Even, even in the world of movies, the "Lord God" can absorb people into it.

In fact, this makes sense in principle. A movie itself is also an information group. After it is played, it forms a world view, plot, and characters in the minds of many people.

After the information is gathered, it condenses into a group and floats in the void. If people's consciousness enters it, they can also experience a different life.

However, Su Jie's current role is equivalent to playing "the main god".

Su Jie's ability can already create an information group, and it is a complete information group. This information group is very complete and can form a complete virtual world.

What's even more powerful is that Su Jie can pull other people's consciousness into this information group, making them deeply feel that this virtual world is real.

In fact, when people enter the virtual world, there is a sense of hierarchy, which is the problem of depth. Most people dream, even in dreams, their own consciousness knows that it is a dream, and they do not think it is real. This is a kind of shallowness. level of contact.

For example, when people play some virtual games and wear a VR helmet, it may seem thrilling, but it is absolutely impossible to really think that they have entered the world of this game.

However, Su Jie's tugging is equivalent to reincarnation, and it is impossible to tell whether there is any truth or falsehood.

For example, Master Xu is currently intoxicated in his youth. Perhaps in his youth, he has already descended the mountain, called the wind and rain, cultivated invincible, and accomplished a great cause.

In Buddhism, there is a metaphor for the depth of attaining the Dharma. An elephant crossing a river is used as a metaphor. The elephant crosses the river and steps on the bottom of the river. The depth of obtaining the Dharma surpasses all beasts.

But Su Jie makes people addicted to the virtual world, they can no longer distinguish the real from the fake, and even think that is the real world, and the real world is fake.

The current Mr. Mi actually has such a trend.

In fact, Su Jie can also understand, because Su Jie is the founder of the virtual world information group, and he deeply knows how powerful Mr. Mi is in it, how high-spirited, he practices various fairy arts, can call wind and rain, and soar through the clouds. Controlling, showing the holiness in front of people, slaying demons and eliminating demons, and living a happy life.

When he returned to the real world, Mr. Mi felt powerless deep in his heart. The reality is direct and restrained everywhere. If he wants to be unable to fly and call the wind and rain, that is even more wishful thinking.

In the virtual world, he can smash mountains with one punch and cut rivers with his breath, but in the real world, he may not even be able to split a brick.

Although Mr. Mi has a high position and great power in the real world, but if he had to choose, he would definitely give up his life here and go to the world over there.

How can the wealth and status here compare to becoming a fairy and becoming a saint.

In fact, this psychological gap has a huge impact on the body. Su Jie felt it keenly. After returning to the real world, Mr. Mi's body's immunity has been reduced by at least several times. , at a disadvantage, retreating steadily.

While in the virtual world, the cancer cells in Mr. Mi's body had almost stopped functioning.

In the real world, Mr. Mi remembered the weakness of his body, and everything went wrong. The cancer cells grew rapidly, and even Su Jie couldn't stop it.

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