Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-nine life insurance mysterious team finally appeared

Cancer cells, after careful study, are actually very wonderful. They are transformed from normal cells in the human body, and the transformation of these normal cells into cancer cells is basically caused by multiple factors. According to modern scientific verification, normal There are basically four factors that induce the transformation of cells into cancer cells.

The first of these four factors is mental factors, genetic factors, lifestyle, and some kind of radiation and chemical factors.

Among them, spiritual factors are dominant and account for the largest proportion.

In other words, normal cells become cancerous because of human emotions, which is the most common cause of cancer among modern people.

Similarly, human emotions can also lead to the normalization of cancer cells. The conversion between cancer cells and normal cells is actually quite subtle, and it is actually very difficult to achieve this with modern technological means. Ordinary chemotherapy is Even killing normal cells is actually not a good thing for the human body, and sometimes it causes the life of a person to disappear faster.

Su Jie is currently researching this topic. Human cells and body structures all undergo corresponding structural changes and mutual transformations with emotional fluctuations. Not only that, the human body instinct contains another kind of emotion. The release of this emotion and the release of one's own consciousness are entangled with each other. What kind of chemical reaction will it produce?

In fact, in most cases, it can be compared like this, human self-awareness is the "primordial spirit" in metaphysics, and human body instinct is actually "human desire". "Human desire" is a signal born during the long-term evolution of human beings. This signal is greatly affected by the external environment.

Because of the geographical relationship, people's physical and emotional signals are actually different. The most typical one is that people in some places like spicy food, while people in other places like sweet food. These are all due to the geographical environment, which causes people to have different emotional release signals deep in their genes.

What do you like to eat? This is the signal of the body's instinct, and it is definitely not the core signal of one's own consciousness. In fact, sometimes it is basically difficult for people to distinguish which of the thoughts in the brain is the body's instinct signal and which one is their own. signal of consciousness.

A person's self-awareness is like an emperor, standing aloft. And the human body instinct is like the great eunuch, or the great prime minister, or the great general who truly implements the will of the emperor.

Sometimes, the will of the emperor will conflict with the will of the officials below. At this time, the decree will go. The meaning of the above will be exactly the opposite when it comes to the bottom.

There have been many such things in history.

Human body, self-emotion and "primordial spirit" dominance, coordination and conflict are quite subtle. If either party eliminates the other party or completely controls it, it is definitely not a good thing.

It will cause the situation to completely get out of control.

However, since ancient times, human beings have basically dominated the "primordial spirit" by their physical instincts, rather than the "primordial spirit" to control their physical instincts.

People's eating and drinking, laxity, fear of cold and heat, liking leisure and avoiding work, etc., are all dominated by body instincts.

Even if the ancient people tortured themselves with all kinds of pain through practice, it was actually useless, and it was still impossible to subdue their bodies.

In fact, Su Jie knows that people still need to strengthen their "primordial spirit" to control the body's instincts.

At least when it is about to reach 50%, at that time, some research on coordination issues can be carried out.

Of course, if a person's control over the body reaches 50%, it means that a person can change the genes of the body at will, even achieve the automatic growth of some organs, and possibly transform his own life form.

The so-called transformation of life form is not as simple as a person growing wings. It is human beings changing from carbon-based life to another life, or silicon-based life, or metal life.

This is certainly science fiction, but in reality, it is not impossible to achieve.

In scientific theories, miracles are often not miracles, but peaks that must be climbed. The peak is there, just climb it yourself.

Through the experiments on Mr. Mi, Su Jie thought of many problems in an instant, and countless scientific ideas were conceived from his brain beyond genius.

Numerous evolutionary schemes have been ruled out, refined, and thoroughly decomposed for research.

In an instant, his understanding of life deepened.

His self-awareness is more pure and has a strong insight ability.

In a trance, he seemed to feel the existence of "spiritual energy". The dark matter penetrated his body all the time, but he couldn't distinguish it or capture it.

Indeed, in the void, there is a large amount of matter, which is not discovered by people.

Today's people's understanding of such things as "dark matter" and "spiritual energy" is just like the ancients knew nothing about what is contained in the air. The ancients did not know at all that the air also contains oxygen, carbon dioxide, Hydrogen, nitrogen and many other elements.

This is a limitation of knowledge and time.

So far, Su Jie has made such a toss, whether it is Ye Hannan from the Nanyang Fengshui Association, Lou Jinkou and others, or Mr. Mi. They all know his abilities thoroughly, and they no longer have any thoughts of competing for supremacy. Afterwards, there is only cooperation, and even admiration, reverence, and even admiration from a high mountain.

Liu Shi saw all these in his eyes, and was secretly proud in his heart. The Nanyang group knew the strength of the Diandao Group, and they would definitely take refuge in them. Next, many things can be carried out smoothly, opening up the Nanyang side. After the market, Liu Shi's group will expand a lot of shares.

"Okay, that's it for today. Mr. Mi, you should know where my laboratory address is. In this way, you go there once a week, and I will treat you. According to the transformation speed of your body's normal cells, about three In a few months, the cancer cells will be cleared by the body's instincts, as for whether they will recur in the future, we still have to observe later." Su Jie stood up, said and walked out.

"There are such powerful young people in the world." Mr. Mi looked at Su Jie's back as he walked out, as if he was thinking about something: "Before, I didn't believe it. I always thought they were all liars. Now it seems that I Big mistake and very wrong. Liu Shi, you said that there are several people similar to him in this world. One is Mr. Typhon, and the other is called 'Head'. Could it be that they can all manipulate people's consciousness? ?”

"Yes, they can indeed, and they can manipulate a group of people instead of one person, but these people actually have their own affairs, and they don't have time to come out to do things that endanger society. Otherwise, the whole society may appear Some big problems." Liu Shi said: "Besides, these people restrain each other and have mutual scruples, and now they are living in peace."

"If the balance is lost, then the whole world will be in crisis." Mr. Mi said: "I think we should find a way to deal with this kind of thing, otherwise, wouldn't we ordinary people have no way to live?"

"There is no way, unless we have also evolved to this point." Liu Shi shook his head: "Actually, even without these people, the various weapons invented by us humans can easily cause destruction to the entire world once they are out of balance. The invasion and control of human consciousness is actually aimed at people, not the whole world. To be honest, even if these people control all human beings, it will be nothing to the earth. However, many weapons created by ourselves, Once the nuclear weapons of various countries get out of control, the entire earth will be gone. Therefore, the threat of these people is actually a trivial matter. However, Su Jie also said that these people can actually exercise restraint."

"How to restrain yourself?" Mr. Mi asked.

"Manufacturing artificial intelligence robots." Liu Shi said: "The consciousness of these people can control the human brain, but they cannot invade those robots, and the strength of their bodies is actually very weak, not comparable to machines, so facing a robot, it is almost impossible. It is certain death."

"So that's the case. Now that you say it like this, then these people are not so scary." Mr. Mi said: "If you remove the illusion they give people, they don't actually have any supernatural powers, and they don't know how to fly into the sky. Bullets could kill them too."

"Compared to their harmfulness, their economic value is still very huge." Liu Shi said.

Several people were discussing here, Su Jie had already left Liu Shi's house.

He drives a car by himself, which is a new energy vehicle. Tifeng’s technology uses high-energy batteries, which can basically last for thousands of kilometers. Moreover, the system of this car is completely artificial intelligence and autonomous driving. .

In fact, as early as ten years ago, self-driving technology was almost mature, but due to various reasons, it did not go on the road. It was because the real artificial intelligence was still lacking, and it was difficult to cope with many complicated road conditions. After that, Typhon's autopilot was completely harmless, and it was tested millions of times without a single accident.

Now, this automatic driving system is already in Diandao Group. Diandao Group uses this as a development and has already started to promote it on cars of major brands.

If the market can be successfully opened, then this is a huge market worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Now that Diandao Group has fully cooperated with Tifeng, it has a lot of black technology. As long as any black technology is put into the market, it can make huge profits.

However, these are not what Su Jie wants to do. Su Jie does not want to be a person who opens up the market. Although he is also very knowledgeable about economics, he has no time for this kind of thing.

When he walked to the side of the car, the automatic sensing system in the car had already scanned him and opened the door.

He sat in the car, the car closed automatically, and drove out.

After driving for about half an hour, when they reached the suburbs, Su Jie suddenly felt something, stopped the car, and got out of the car by himself.


At this moment, a car came directly from the side and stopped precisely beside Su Jie, almost crushing Su Jie's feet.

Su Jie didn't move, but just looked at a woman getting off from the car. This woman was about the same age as him. She was wearing tights and looked very capable.

"Are you Su Jie?" the woman asked.

"You are Mi Weiyu, right?" Su Jie said.

"You know me?" The woman was taken aback.

"Of course, I just treated your father's illness, so you must inquire about his illness." Su Jie knew everything about it. This woman was Mr. Mi's daughter.

"I don't believe you can cure my father." Mi Weiyu looked at Su Jie, "You know how many experts have consulted for my father's disease? All the top medical teams in the world have diagnosed my father. And you, until now, seem to have no research results in the medical field, and you are not even a doctor of medicine, so why can you cure my father's cancer?"

"It's also difficult for me to explain this aspect to you." Su Jie didn't intend to explain such things as consciousness, body instinct, energy, information, magnetic field, and genes to the woman in front of him.

"I have very good reasons to suspect that you are a liar." Mi Weiyu continued: "I don't know what method you used to fool my father. But I will never allow you to delay his illness."

"If your father doesn't treat me, it will really delay my illness." Su Jie said solemnly: "If you interfere, it will be tantamount to harming your father."

"Really?" Mi Weiyu frowned slightly: "Since this is the case, I will invite you to drink tea, discuss my father's condition, and find out what's going on. As a family member, we must talk to the doctor , let’s find out the details.”

"That's still a sentence." Su Jie nodded: "It seems that you have already booked a place to drink tea."

"That's right. I have a special place." Mi Weiyu said, "Please get in my car."

Mi Weiyu's car is very high-end. It is a custom-made supercar. The price is at least tens of millions. To be able to control this kind of supercar, Mi Weiyu's driving skills are no less than professional racing drivers.

"Your car's chassis is too low, and it's uncomfortable to sit on. I'd rather take mine." Su Jie pointed at his car.

Su Jie's car is a business type, and it's very spacious inside, even has a small bar and sofa. However, judging from the appearance, it is not good-looking, and there is no brand.

"Your car doesn't have a driver." Mi Weiyu was also observing: "You got off from the back just now. Could it be that this car is driving automatically?"

"That's right, this is the artificial intelligence autopilot system developed by our company, do you want to give it a try?" Su Jie got into the car first.

Mi Weiyu saw that when the door was opened, the interior of the car was extremely luxurious, so she couldn't help being curious, she got into the car, and found that there was something special inside the car.

"Where are you going?" Su Jie asked.

"Wei Yu Villa." Mi Wei Yu said.

"Little Jie, did you hear clearly?" Su Jie said to the car's artificial intelligence.

"Understood. Immediately start to go." Xiaojie's voice came from inside the car, swish! In front, a virtual holographic projection suddenly appeared. The projection is a map, which rotates in three dimensions, which is very sci-fi.

At the same time, the car started. The speed is fast, but it is so smooth that people sitting in the car can hardly feel the car start.

Mi Weiyu was startled, she is an expert who knows cars, and immediately knew that the car's balance system, anti-vibration system, artificial intelligence, and various virtual devices were unprecedented. , Her supercar is like a product of the Stone Age.

This is not the degree of luxury, nor is it the famous brand effect, but the technology is hanging.

"How much does your car cost?" Mi Weiyu asked.

"This car uses a new material energy power system, and the body is made of polymer materials." The artificial intelligence Xiaojie said a lot of data, and finally quoted: "The basic manufacturing cost of this car is 300 million."

"That's okay. It should be worth the price." Mi Weiyu nodded.

"It's US dollars." Xiaojie added, which immediately surprised Mi Weiyu, but then she calmed down, obviously she had seen big scenes before.

"The main reason is that some brand-new materials are only available in the laboratory, especially the battery and power system. If they can be mass-produced, the price can be reduced a lot. Now this car is a concept car." Su Jie said.

"Your Diandao Group is quite rich." Mi Weiyu has some understanding of Su Jie: "I originally thought that the behind-the-scenes figure of the Diandao Group was a legend, and there was no such person. Now it seems that I misunderstood it. Are you really Tang Yunzhi, Zhang Jinchuan's behind-the-scenes boss?"

"Now do you still think that I was cheating by treating your father?" Su Jie asked.

"Having money does not mean that you can cure diseases. If money can solve things, my father would have solved them long ago. There are some things that no amount of money can solve." Mi Weiyu actually always believed that Su Jie had some conspiracy .

According to common sense, even the most advanced medical experts in the world can't solve the problem, how can Su Jie solve it?

"Of course, your Life Insurance Group is very rich. There are not many companies in the world that are richer than you. The cash flow of our Diandao Group is simply not comparable to yours." Su Jie knew what Mr. Mi was.

Mr. Mi is the helm of the life insurance group, the real boss behind the scenes.

What is the richest company in the world? The insurance business is definitely in the top three. The famous American stock god is an insurance company. Take insurance funds, harvest countless listed companies, invest in stocks, and turn the capital market upside down.

Even Liu Shi is very famous in the international market, but after all, it is a technology company in an emerging industry and cannot be compared with some established traditional industries.

The life insurance group is only one of Mr. Mi's industries, and Mr. Mi has many other industries. However, like Su Jie, few people in the world know about Mr. Mi.

The real bosses like to hide behind the scenes.

The car soon arrived at a resort in the suburbs. The name of this resort was indeed "Wei Yu Villa", named after Mi Weiyu.

This resort is also a high-end place and does not accept ordinary people. Those who come and go should be bigwigs from both political and business circles.

The car drove in without blocking it, obviously it had been greeted in advance.

The self-driving car parked precisely at the designated location, and Su Jie and Mi Weiyu got out of the car. A young man walked up to him, this young man had a graceful bearing, obviously he was not a follower or subordinate, but had an equal status with Mi Weiyu.

"Wei Yu, I have already contacted the team. They have read Uncle's pathology report and said that treatment is completely possible. Now they are waiting inside." The young man glanced at Su Jie lightly, and then said to Su Jie Mi Weiyu said.

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