Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and fortieth, discovering a conspiracy, changing fate and swallowing light rain

"This is also the doctor I brought here. He has already started to treat my father. After treatment, my father's condition seems to have improved." Mi Weiyu introduced Su Jie to this young man.

"Really?" The young man responded in a neutral tone: "But Wei Yu, you also know the strength of that team, and it took me a long time to get in touch with the people in this team. You also know that many rich people in the world have Terminally ill, all of them were cured by this team. There was also a rich man who died a few years ago, whose body was frozen. It is said that the team has also begun to revive him, and the disease in his body has been completely eliminated, and his body is also intact. Starting to regain some function, very likely to wake up."

"Huh?" Su Jie was slightly startled when he heard this.

In fact, in the world of science and medicine, there have been many terminal illnesses since ancient times, especially in modern times. After some super rich terminal illnesses, they will freeze their corpses, and wait for the development of science and technology in the future to treat the illnesses of the body, and then hope able to resurrect.

However, so far, there hasn't been a single frozen resurrection.

Resurrection after freezing only exists in novels and film and television works.

However, this is theoretically possible. In Su Jie's research, as long as the preservation of the consciousness information group can be precisely controlled, coupled with the injection of psychic energy, it is actually not difficult to revive people.

The structure of human beings sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple. It is nothing more than consciousness and body.

When a person's consciousness can dominate the body, with this consciousness, he can maintain the balance of bacteria in the body, forming a self-circulation, so as not to decay. After the human consciousness dissipates, the body will quickly decompose, which is caused by the loss of balance of the bacteria in the body.

In other words, human consciousness can dominate the bacterial balance of the body.

Nowadays, the research on the body has actually been quite thorough. The body's own genes can be edited and transformed. But knowledge of consciousness, the soul, is far from enough. In particular, the research on "spiritual energy" is even more blank.

However, since Su Jie discovered the chip in Master Xu's brain that can absorb spiritual energy, Su Jie knew that in this world, there are laboratories that have made breakthroughs in the research of dark matter and have developed the ability of spiritual energy. secret.

However, Su Jie also knew that this laboratory must have flaws, because although they have some understanding of spiritual energy, they are not very good at human consciousness.

Although psychic power is the most important part of consciousness, without psychic power, there is no life, but in consciousness, there is also the gathering and dispersing of information clusters.

Soul, soul, this word is very appropriate. The so-called spirit is psionic energy, and the soul is the information cluster.

Only the combination of psionic energy and information can life be derived.


However, the resurrection of frozen people is indeed to solve the problem of reinjection combination of psionic energy and information group. The physical aspect is secondary.

Even the dead, in fact, stimulated by many modern technological means, such as electric shock, can actually restore their physiological functions, but that is just a walking dead, not a real resurrection, it is an unconscious living dead.

Su Jie felt that if he mastered the use of dark matter psychic energy, coupled with his current understanding of the information group, it would not be impossible to revive frozen people.

Moreover, if one can thoroughly grasp the composition, disintegration, gathering and dispersing of psionic energy and information clusters, then it is not impossible to achieve the immortality of the soul, infuse it into other bodies, replace others, and practice "reincarnation" in the fantasy. possible things.

In fact, with the development of science and technology, some seemingly mythical things in ancient times will be realized one by one. Now humans have gone to the sky, landed on the moon, and even explored alien planets in the last century. In this century, they have already begun. Changing heads, editing genes, and changing life forms, as for supernatural powers such as clairvoyance and wind ears, technology has long been realized.

And such things as soul transfer may not be impossible in the future.

However, Su Jie actually wants to realize it now, not for personal desire, but a desire for knowledge and a spirit of exploration for science.

In fact, Su Jie has long looked down on personal life and death.

If that mysterious team can really resurrect the frozen dead, then this kind of technology has surpassed modern technology for many years, and it is definitely a technology from the future. Many human sciences and technologies are progressing, but since ancient times, people have not completely conquered life and death, nor can they overcome the inevitable laws of birth, aging, sickness and death.

But Su Jie feels that even if the mysterious team's black technology is so sophisticated, it is not an easy task to revive a frozen person, and there must still be a lot of technical difficulties that have not been resolved.

"I forgot to introduce it." Mi Weiyu said to the young man: "Young Master Qi, don't underestimate him. This is the mastermind behind the Diandao Group. He is the man behind Tang Yun's lottery."

"What?" As soon as these words came out, this "Master Qi" immediately looked at Su Jie differently, but there was suspicion, jealousy, envy, and even some hostility in his eyes.

With just such a look, Su Jie captured a lot of information. This "Mr. Qi" seems to have pursued Tang Yun's lottery.

However, this is understandable.

Now Diandao Group is already a giant group. It may look ordinary on the outside, but in fact it has penetrated into finance, security, technology, manufacturing and other aspects. The heads of some large groups all know the potential of the giant Diandao Group. In the future, it is not an exaggeration to even become the number one company in the world. It may even become the "protective umbrella" company in the movie Resident Evil .

Among the current information, among the three giants of the Diandao Group, the first is Tang Yunzhi, the second is Zhang Manman, and the third is Zhang Jinchuan. These three young people are not very old, and all of them are already among the top rich men in the world. They are all radiant and have dominated the limelight, especially now that the three of them are not married, so naturally some people make up their minds.

Among the three giants of the Diandao Group, Zhang Manman is too fierce. At first glance, he is the type that is not easy to pursue. Moreover, he has some background in the dark world. Generally, the sons of rich and powerful families would not dare to do it.

Only Tang Yun signed, who was born in a big family, a scholarly family, with a clean background, belonged to that kind of noble class, and was liked by some big family sons and brothers, so it was very suitable to marry as his wife. They can also hold their ground, and they are well matched. In particular, Tang Yun's appearance is also extremely high, which is even better than some celebrities, and there is also that temperament, a touch of immortality, which makes many rich and noble men fall in love at first sight, and they will not marry unless they are her.

However, Tang Yun signed all the suitors, even Tang Nanshan, the old man of the Tang family, smiled and declined many people who came to propose marriage, which made many people extremely disappointed.

In fact, Tang Nanshan also knew about Su Jie. After all, Su Jie fought against martial artists, and his methods were astonishing. Moreover, even the "big inner master" Zhao Yan respected Su Jie as his teacher and respected him very much. Su Jie's methods were overwhelming. With Su Jie as the big Buddha, how could the Tang family worship the Wild Hair God in those small roadside temples?

Any son of a wealthy family, in the eyes of the Tang family, is actually a god of grass.

Obviously, this Young Master Qi is also one of them.

Moreover, Su Jie could tell that this "Master Qi" must be pursuing Mi Weiyu, and the two of them still have business cooperation.

Moreover, the "money luck" of "Mr. Qi" came from gathering people, and there were many resentments in it. Such wealth luck must have a backlash, but the Qi family seems to have done something to suppress the resentment, and the Qi family's Fate is also very heavy, able to bear some ill-gotten gains and windfalls.

Generally speaking, if the fortune is not right, it is difficult to keep it, even if it is a windfall, it will be a disaster instead. For example, in reality, many people win the lottery and get rich overnight, but after ten years, basically 99% of them will be poor. Among them, there are reasons for the incoordination of virtue.

In terms of metaphysics, fate cannot suppress windfall.

Wealth is a good thing, but the greater the wealth, the deeper the misfortune.

Basically, most of the rich people's wealth throughout the ages is ill-gotten gains. The so-called "righteousness does not do business", if a person pays attention to benevolence and righteousness, business cannot be done.

So in history, many rich people did not end well. Even in modern times, it is actually very difficult to start well and end well, and to be rich for three generations.

Although some rich people do charity to make up for it after they get rich, the effect is still not good, because the karma is too deep.

And from Su Jie's point of view, this is actually a science, which involves social psychology, plus the choice of people's fate information, which is very complicated.

In order to suppress the windfall, one must have a very strong right to choose the future. This is what is traditionally referred to as "hard life".

Obviously, this "Master Qi" is a man with a very hard life.

Moreover, Su Jie also discovered a problem, that is, the fate of "Mr. Qi" is actually indistinct, with the appearance of a wolf devouring all beasts, which happens to be the fate of restraining Mi Weiyu. In other words, "Master Qi" can swallow Mi Weiyu in terms of fate, leaving no dregs behind.

This kind of fate is not natural, but man-made.

The so-called fate-inhibition is actually the "fate nemesis" in the common saying. When you meet this kind of person, you will be severely restrained in all aspects of life.

Even the "head" told Su Jie that Su Jie's nemesis would appear soon.

Su Jie knows that nemesis is a kind of blocking of fate, it is very strange, it seems to be metaphysics, but it does exist, in life, some people often encounter such things.

For example, in the world of fighting, boxing, a champion who dominates the world. Anyone can win, but they can't beat a second-rate player, and this second-rate player can't beat anyone, but when they meet this world champion, they will win every battle. This is something that many people in the sports world can't understand. As the "nemesis", but this phenomenon has appeared again and again, but no one has studied it carefully.

However, Su Jie also studied this deeply, and in just a few seconds, he judged that this "Mr. Qi" was changed by an expert to "eat" Mi Weiyu.

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