Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-one, small luck, great fate, psychic energy gathers strange people

Fate is a very magical thing, and Su Jie couldn't thoroughly study it, but the most brilliant Fengshui masters in the world are not as good as him. In fact, Ye Hannan, the president of Nanyang Fengshui Association, and Yuan Laolou Jinkou, are actually very good at Fengshui and numerology, so you can do whatever you want. Helping people change their luck, even arranging feng shui, makes people feel good quickly.

For example, if you decorate someone's room, that person's wealth fortune will immediately increase, buy stocks, and even win money immediately. This seems very metaphysical, but in fact there is such a thing.

Feng Shui layout, immediately change luck. With good feng shui, you will make a fortune when you go out, and with bad feng shui, you will be hit by a car when you go out.

This is called "quick hair" in metaphysics.

However, changing luck is changing luck, and changing fate is changing fate.

Luck exists temporarily, but fate is a big trend.

Fate is equal to the ending of a person's life, like a big river must flow into the ocean. And transportation is a short-term fluctuation, which is equivalent to a temporary diversion of the river.

For a person, a temporary change of luck is actually of little help to his life.

For example, even if a feng shui master changes a person's luck and makes him suddenly make a fortune, it's just a moment of prosperity, but it still declines afterwards. Almost before.

However, changing one's life is different.

Originally, a person's life was doomed to be displaced, with no children and grandchildren, a bleak evening, and a lifetime of misery. No matter how hard you struggle, it is useless, but if someone can change his life, make him rich, marry a wife and have children, and have a full house of children and grandchildren, it will completely change his fate. That is tantamount to seizing the power of creation.

It is easy to change luck, but it is simply against the sky to change fate.

Generally speaking, no matter how much luck is changed, it is difficult to change a person's life.

In foreign countries, many people have won hundreds of millions of dollars in the lottery at once, and turned from a poor person to a rich man, so what? Ten or twenty years later, most of them are impoverished, bankrupt, and basically living worse than before they didn't get rich.

Such great luck can't change the fate, and even a small fortune or luck can't shake the fate.

It can be said that even the top Fengshui masters and fortune tellers in this world must have advanced skills if they want to change their luck, but if they want to change their fate, it is even more difficult.

There is a word called "changing fate against the sky".

Changing one's fate is an act against the heavens.

As another analogy, changing luck means becoming an official, and changing fate means changing the dynasty and becoming the emperor.

Being an official and being an emperor are completely different.

In an instant, Su Jie can see through a person's fate, not only his minor luck, but even his great luck, some extremely important turning points in his life, besides this, he can also see the condition of this person's old age , basically everything is detailed and thorough.

This is the "Taoism" in metaphysics. In scientific terms, it is the ability to capture information.

In this world, in terms of information capture, he is already in the leading position, even many years ahead of some organizations, even that mysterious organization can use the psionic power of dark matter, but information capture is another matter. The two actually belong to different fields.

Information and dark matter are also two different paraplegic individuals. It can be understood in this way that information is water, and the spiritual energy in dark matter is carbon.

Combining carbohydrates makes a person.

In Su Jie's eyes, the life of this "Mr. Qi" is a "decapitated life". In the first twenty years, he was unparalleled in wealth and enjoyed the bliss in the world, but after that, it will take a sharp turn for the worse, and his family will be ruined. A wealthy young man became the lowest existence and encountered misery in the world. Of course, this is not framed by others, it's purely that good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil. This "Mr. Qi" has collected a lot of ill-gotten wealth and done a lot of illegal things, resulting in backlash.

Moreover, according to the original fate of "Master Qi", he has already been imprisoned for half a year.

However, in the current reality, "Mr. Qi" is still in good shape, his luck is strong, and he even has an upward momentum. This is obviously changed by a real master.

However, Su Jie can also see that this kind of fate change is extremely complicated, and it is not a smooth sailing thing, and it even has great harm. Destroy the direction of fate, I am afraid it will lead to a worse situation.

Also, this method of changing one's fate must devour a person with a stronger fate and seize his luck, so as to make up for the huge loss and consumption.

This is also a way of "asking for a substitute".

In folk stories, some lonely ghosts must kill someone to replace their own places, so that they can escape from the underworld and be reincarnated as human beings. This is called "asking for a substitute".

In numerology and feng shui, there is also the saying of "asking for a substitute", through a special method, devouring other people's fate and diverting one's own disaster.

Of course, this method is extremely complicated. Only those who really understand numerology will use it.

Now, although the fate of "Mr. Qi" has changed, there are actually huge hidden dangers. If he can't find a "substitute", then he will still fight back to his original shape. And Mi Weiyu is actually his best "substitute".

In fact, Su Jie could see that "Master Qi" actually wanted to sign Tang Yun, but he didn't expect that Tang Yun's fate was extremely noble, and his cultivation was advanced. Basically, what "Mr. Qi" thought You know, you can't hide any small thoughts from her.

You know, Tang Yun's cultivation level is already very high. It is only one step away from being able to become a new human being, and one can even be promoted anytime, anywhere. He has already completely touched the threshold of a new human being. What is lacking is some heat.

If Tang Yun is now signed as a new human being, then Su Jie would not be surprised.

In itself, Tang Yunzhi is a master of Fengshui formation. When he was in college, he built gardens for Liu Shi, and even occupied the best place to practice in the number one university library in China for a long time. It even devoured the dragon veins of Wenyun, which can be said to have taken advantage of the right time, place and people.

Of course "Mr. Qi" didn't know, Su Jie could see him clearly at this time of meeting, almost without any secrets, but since Mi Weiyu introduced Su Jie as the real boss behind the Diandao Group, "Master Qi" also had to pay attention.

Although his family group is huge, it is also an old-fashioned industry with great energy, but he is still very afraid of such a behemoth as the Diandao Group. People with his energy naturally know the power of the Diandao Group. Two young people are managing, but in fact behind it involves Typhon Group, Honey Badger Group, two behemoths of the dark world.

When mentioning Tifeng Group, any rich man would be terrified.

And the Diandao Group can actually eat up the Tifeng Group, what kind of energy is this.

In fact, in the circles of some super rich people, it is rumored that there is a super invincible boss behind the scenes of the Diandao Group. This boss is a mysterious legend. The old people are very afraid.

"Mr. Qi" exhausted all means, and it was difficult to find out who the mastermind behind the Diandao Group was. However, he also knew that the Diandao Group was able to expand so rapidly, even swallowing Honey Badger and Tifeng, making a big difference in the overseas market, and even occupying 90% of the space in the dark world. The three of Zhang Manman are far from enough.

However, "Mr. Qi" does not believe that this unattractive young man in front of him is the mastermind behind the Diandao Group.

Because Su Jie is really too ordinary.

I really can't see any bright spots. The ordinary ones are like random young people on the street. This kind of people can pick up a lot of people in the crowd.

"I don't know what position you are in the Diandao Group?" "Master Qi" asked Su Jie tentatively.

"No position." Su Jie said: "Let's not talk about this, let's go in. I want to see the origin of the team that can resurrect the frozen dead."

Although Su Jie is also interested in the change of "Mr. Qi's" fate, it is far less attractive than that of the mysterious team.

"Mr. Qi"'s face changed slightly. He felt that Su Jie didn't respect him very much. The so-called non-speculative words were too much. Wei Yu winked and led the way ahead.

Seeing Su Jie following behind, "Master Qi" lowered his voice and asked Mi Weiyu, "Are you sure this person is the big boss behind the Diandao Group? Is there a mistake? Is it such a person? How could you Come here, please? It is rumored that this person is a supernatural being, and I have investigated for a long time, but there is no information at all."

"I can't be sure." Mi Weiyu said: "However, you and Tang Yun signed a business relationship, didn't you find out something?"

"The news inside the Diandao Group is very tight, even surpassing the top secret organizations of some countries." "Mr. Qi" seems to know it very well: "Once I hired international hackers to try to invade their network system and gain some business. information on the website, but it failed completely, and that day, the group of international hacker organizations disappeared.”

Speaking of this, "Master Qi" felt a little cold.

"We have more cooperation with Liu Shi, and less cooperation with Diandao Group." Mi Weiyu was also surprised when he heard this: "However, after my father was treated by him, various physiological indicators improved a lot. I took When I got the first-hand information, I came to him. My father said that Liu Shi was also very polite to him."

The three of them walked into the manor, and there was an extremely beautiful pavilion in the middle, which was very Zen-like. The outside of the pavilion was covered with gold leaf, and there were many ancient flying patterns on it, a bit of the style of Dunhuang culture.

"Huh?" When Su Jie saw this pavilion, he felt something was wrong, because there seemed to be a large amount of spiritual energy gathering in this pavilion.

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