Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-two brothers join forces, salted fish can also turn around

Regarding spiritual energy, Su Jie now definitely exists. A long time ago, he was still in the process of doubting. Regarding the structure of his consciousness, whether it was an information cluster or something else, he kept thinking, constantly demonstrating, researching, and finally guessing that consciousness is an information cluster and other things. A combination of invisible, intangible, but indeed existing substances.

This kind of thing is definitely a substance.

Since it is confirmed that it is a substance, but it cannot be detected, what kind of substance it is, it is actually possible to name it "dark matter" and generalize it into the type of "dark matter".

Until Su Jie met Sappor, the immobility flow created by this person, mastering his own consciousness fluctuations, could actually feel the existence of that special substance, and even absorb it into his own consciousness to enhance his own consciousness ability.

Henceforth, Su Jie began to name this kind of thing "spiritual energy" or "spiritual energy" according to the ancient tradition, which is the "spirit" in "soul".

The ancient traditions, whether in the East or the West, call the thing that dominates the body the "soul".

Then the "spirit" has actually been felt by some wise men in very early ages.

Later, Su Jie met Master Xu, took out the chip from him, and really felt the existence of "spiritual energy", and even used the chip to absorb and filter it. The "soul" is completely plump, and it has been raised to a height that can be studied.

Prior to this, Su Jie's research, including Mr. Typhon's, and even the mysterious "head", their research was actually speculation and did not fall into verification.

It is equivalent to the establishment of theoretical modules in physics. Real experiments are still needed to prove it.

And the organization that developed the chip that can absorb spiritual energy has already proved the existence of "spiritual energy". Unfortunately, it is difficult for Su Jie to obtain the other party's research data.

Su Jie originally wanted to capture the other party's research information through the chip, but unfortunately, the other party seemed to have a special method for shielding information, which made it difficult to capture.

Sometimes it is easy for Su Jie to capture information, and sometimes it is difficult to capture information. So far, he has summed up a set of rules for information capture.

What kind of information is difficult to capture and what kind of information is easy to capture.

He discovered that it is very simple to capture the information of a single person. For example, this "Mr. Qi\

,"What happened in his past, what is happening now, what will happen in the future, all kinds of information, as long as Su Jie uses his consciousness to capture it, he can know it clearly.

However, if it is a big event or big information that is related to the progress of the entire human race, it is basically difficult to capture it, it is vague, and it is hard to see clearly.

This may be cause and effect.

The cause and effect involving one person is easy to calculate, but the cause and effect involving many people is like a mess.

It is even difficult for Su Jie to capture what the world structure will be like in the next few years, or even decades, when the economic crisis will occur, and when the war will break out. These things are extremely difficult for Su Jie to capture. Sometimes, the "spiritual energy" in one's own consciousness will be consumed.

Fortunately, he can now form an information vortex with his own consciousness structure, and absorb the "spiritual energy" in the dark matter. Otherwise, every time he captures information, he will consume some, and if he does not get supplements, he will "disappear".

In fact, in ancient times, there were also such examples, that is, the story of a master of metaphysics who "disclosed too many secrets" and was finally countered by the secrets.

This is not so mysterious, it is a simple problem of consumption.

Capturing information requires consuming the "spiritual energy" in the soul. People at that time, unable to use "spiritual energy", would naturally become weak and even die. This is equivalent to a car, running on the road every day without refueling, it will definitely lie still.

This world, in fact, is still a physical world, and what is important is that loss and replenishment must be equal.

Su Jie had long noticed that capturing information would consume spiritual energy.

Up to now, many new humans have not mastered how to absorb "spiritual energy", which has caused those "masters" to actually consume their own lives.

This is a very sad thing.

It's no wonder that in many ancient classics, people who practice Taoism must guard their tongues and don't speculate on the secrets of heaven.

In fact, very interesting things can be found in many ancient classics. Combined with modern research, there are actually some coincidences.

Su Jie has read many ancient books, combined with modern theories, some knowledge points are extremely rich, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a peerless master who has evangelized from the past to the present.

Su Jie is now extremely sensitive to psionic energy.

In this attic, spiritual energy is gathering, and it seems that something is motivating it. It is definitely not a "magic weapon" in metaphysics, but a new material chip. Su Jie could also see that the degree of this kind of psychic energy gathering far exceeded the scale induced by Master Xu's chip.

It can be seen that there are more powerful chips here, which can gather spiritual energy.

However, Su Jie knows that gathering too much psionic energy is actually not a good thing. The "soul" of a person can easily cause the phenomenon that the emptiness cannot be replenished, which makes the combination of information group and psionic energy unstable.

A person's information group and spiritual power must always maintain a delicate balance. It will not work if there is too much spiritual power, and it will not work if there is less spiritual power. Too much will cause the information group to move too fast, and the information will dissipate. Without the information group, the speed of operation is too slow, and people will be extremely demented, and both will cause the withering of the physical state.

There's a word to describe this, and that's "destroyed."

However, Su Jie has also researched that if a person wants to become stronger, he must absorb more psionic energy and at the same time strengthen the construction of his own information group, so that the information group and psionic energy can cooperate with each other to grow stronger. Adjustment, the harmony of yin and yang, can continue to evolve and remain invincible.

This is a balanced module construction of information and energy.

Su Jie also did a good job in this respect. He has gradually mastered these techniques and principles. The only shortcoming is that his research on dark matter is not deep, and he lacks places for experimental observation and scientific research tools. And these are not what he can do.

He felt the changes in the spiritual energy here, and Mi Weiyu, "Mr. Qi" stepped into the attic. After entering, he saw a very familiar person at first sight.

This person is obviously Duan Fei.

Duan Fei was originally a very powerful master. Sun Pilong trained him himself. I don’t know how many drugs and spiritual training he used. However, he is also a tragedy. He was specially trained from a young age, thinking that this world is full of gods, demons and monsters. world, and even made up all kinds of reasonable explanations in his own brain.

Later, when he dealt with Su Jie, Su Jie broke his world view and realized the real world, but because of this, he broke through the realm and reached the new human.

However, Su Jie directly shattered his thoughts and knocked him down to the realm, turning him from an expert into an ordinary person. In the end, Su Jie didn't make things difficult for him and let him fend for himself.

Later, Su Jie studied many things by himself, so he ignored the existence of this person.

Of course, Su Jie also knew that this person was very resentful towards him, but he didn't have the idea of ​​"cutting the grass and roots". Su Jie has always been a good citizen who abides by the law.

Moreover, Su Jie is not afraid of any revenge. With his current strength and energy, there are almost no people in this world who can deal with him. If he doesn't deal with others, he is already blessed.

However, the current Duan Fei not only fully recovered his original strength, but also went one step further, with a deep and heavy breath, as if he had changed into a different person. Duan Fei was stimulated by Su Jie. It turned out that he had already broken through the realm of new human beings. Although he was knocked down, his background was still there after all. If he mastered some special methods, he could actually restore his realm.

For example, Shenyue people, if Su Jie is willing, can also help him recover his realm.

It's just that the Shenyue people are still wishful thinking against Su Jie, so Su Jie has no reason to help him recover and cause trouble for himself.

However, the protagonist this time is not Duan Fei, but a young man next to Duan Fei. This young man looks exactly the same as Duan Fei, like twins. Older, if it is said that the two are brothers, then someone must believe it 100%.

Powerful spiritual energy revolved around the young man, and then suddenly penetrated into the young man's consciousness.

Outsiders can't see anything at all.

Even if it is a new human being, it is actually difficult to feel psionic energy.

Master Xu once said that the standard for new humans should be people who can feel spiritual energy, not the control authority of their own consciousness over the body.

Su Jie also felt that this statement was not unreasonable.

If human beings can discover and use spiritual energy, it will be no less than the ability of human beings to use fire in ancient times, and it will be no less than human beings can use steam, and later use electric energy and nuclear energy. Even surpassed, human beings will enter a new era, the first step to evolve into gods.

However, using psychic power is now extremely dangerous. It is more terrifying than nuclear leakage using nuclear energy. Su Jie has always been cautious.

The out-of-control of psychic energy may even subvert the structure of human beings, and it is not uncommon for human beings to become extinct. Human beings have now reached a watershed in evolution.

"Su Jie, I knew you would come, but you didn't expect it. I was able to recover, and Xianyu will turn around." Duan Fei saw Su Jie, and there was a very gloomy look in his eyes, and his tone was serious, Can't hold back the monstrous hatred in my heart.

He was about to say something, but was stopped by the young man who was older than him.

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