Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-three surprise attack return to the original than fist

"You are Su Jie." The young man who looks similar to Duan Fei already knew everything. After stopping Duan Fei, he looked at Su Jie: "My brother has suffered a lot from you, but it is also thanks to you Without you, my brother would not be able to reach this level. Speaking of this aspect, I should thank you. Of course, thank you for your means, I still want to Treat him in the same way, if you knock down my younger brother's realm, I will knock down your realm too. Let you also taste the loss of power."

"Really?" Su Jie looked at the young man, and just smiled: "You are Duan Fei's brother? You came to treat Mr. Mi? So, you and Master Xu belong to the same organization? The people behind you started to act Is it? Others don’t know your tricks, but I know very well that you have a way of studying dark matter, which can be said to be at the leading level in the world, but when it comes to life sciences, how to combine with the body is actually relatively weak. From the body structure of the master, it can be seen that he has actually lost some ability to evolve, and has completely abandoned the process of natural selection. In the future, he can only use science to transform himself. This is actually a very sad thing. The process of natural selection must be abandoned by nature, and with the current technological means, we cannot abandon natural selection for the time being, because our technology has not yet reached this point.”

Su Jie has already seen that there is a chip deep in the brain of this young man, which can receive and filter psychic energy, which is very miraculous, and the chip is actually more advanced than Master Xu, it should be the second generation chip, and it is precisely because of this , the current strength of this young man is superior to that of Master Xu.

Su Jie couldn't spy on his conscious activities.

In other words, various information about this person cannot be captured.

Moreover, the youth seemed to be trying to capture his own information.

Su Jie can feel that there seems to be spiritual energy carrying information, wanting to invade his consciousness, even tampering with his consciousness, trying to manipulate himself.

So Su Jie laughed.

Over the years, his strength has grown tremendously. He has been constantly researching sciences such as consciousness, energy, and information, and finally peeped into some of the deepest secrets. The thorough understanding of these secrets has made his strength reach a peak that no one can match. . Therefore, he is the only one who uses consciousness to interfere and manipulate others. Even if he encounters a peerless master, if he confronts in consciousness, he will actually have the upper hand.

For example, the highest peak figure in this world, "Head", and "Mr. Tifeng", these two people may not be able to surpass Su Jie in terms of consciousness. The current Su Jie has even surpassed these two people in terms of consciousness.

Therefore, now that Duan Fei's elder brother is actually trying to manipulate Su Jie's consciousness, it is nothing short of trivial.

Even if Duan Fei's brother has a chip implanted in his brain,

It can absorb the psionic energy in dark matter, and has a huge supplementary ability to its own consciousness, but it is simply "imbecile" in terms of the use of consciousness information energy.

To use a metaphor, now Duan Fei's elder brother is equivalent to the little monk who obtained a peerless magic weapon in the novel. This magic weapon has the ability to destroy the world, but he can only exert one ten-thousandth of its power. Not even close.

And the little monk who has this magic weapon has to deal with the number one monk in the world. Even this big cultivator is studying how to make this kind of magic weapon that will destroy the world.

Or a person who has suddenly obtained a century-old skill, but lacks experience and doesn't know how to use it.

How could Su Jie's consciousness be so easily invaded? Duan Fei's consciousness can only wander outside, and he can't even find where Su Jie's consciousness is.

"Huh?" Duan Fei's elder brother's eyes became sharper and sharper, because he discovered one thing, that is, in his perception, Su Jie seemed to be an "unintentional person", that is to say, he couldn't find him. Looking at Su Jie's soul, it seems that this person is "soulless and soulless", without a soul, he cannot be manipulated. When you are going to deal with a person, and this person suddenly disappears, what can you do? There is only hope and sigh.

"Impossible, how could it be possible to have no soul, no soul and no soul, then he would die. The soul is gone. It must be that this person's strength is very high, and he can hide his own soul." Duan Fei's brother also said to Su Jie. I started to pay attention to it, and felt that this person was definitely not that easy to deal with.

However, Su Jie is also using his consciousness to fight back.

His consciousness information group directly locked the location of Duan Fei's brother's consciousness group, easily found the opponent's location, and suddenly invaded.


In Su Jie's brain, there was a loud noise, the sound of information colliding.

Su Jie's consciousness seemed to have hit a wall, and he couldn't break through at all. Moreover, there seemed to be a force of absorption in the other party's consciousness, absorbing the psionic energy in the person's consciousness, causing Su Jie to lose some in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, Su Jie can also absorb spiritual energy and make up for the loss, so he doesn't care.

But he knew that this young man was not so easy to deal with.

In fact, what Su Jie is best at is manipulating consciousness. He can make people completely fall into hallucinations and cannot extricate themselves. For example, he first dealt with Sun Pilong and others. Life is better than death, complete surrender, no more evil, only research.

Later, Su Jie even manipulated the perception of tens of thousands of people in the God of War base camp, making them completely unaware of what happened.

And just now, Su Jie made the people of Nanyang Fengshui Association feel the charm of Feijian, but it was actually an illusion.

This kind of consciousness manipulation has reached the level of putting people into the six realms of reincarnation in the legend.

According to the ancient legends, Su Jie is the supreme god who can send people into reincarnation.

However, since he couldn't invade this young man's consciousness now, he naturally couldn't make him fall into a hallucination. He can only be defeated by means of violence. That is to say, it takes effort.

Fighting kung fu is the most primitive method.

In fact, Su Jie no longer agrees with this method.

Because it is very rough and illegal to do it directly. Where is conscious manipulation so simple, so far, there is no law on conscious manipulation, because it only exists in the means of a small number of people.

Not even many people believe that consciousness can be manipulated.

After all, in the last century, the United States and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony and established countless super psychological laboratories to study consciousness manipulation, but none of them came up with a name.

So far, even in the field of psychology, some experts have doubts about the manipulation of consciousness. In the hearts of ordinary people, this is simply metaphysics and fantasy.

However, Su Jie couldn't control the consciousness of the young Duan Fei's elder brother. It wasn't the high level of the other party, it was the chip in the brain that established a "firewall" mechanism.

The computer has a firewall, as does the human brain, but the human brain’s self-firewall is not very mature, and it is very easy to be invaded. Some examples of evil spirits in ancient times are actually evil information that broke through the brain firewall and interfered with consciousness. , causing hallucinations and delirium.

The highest modern technology is to install chips in the brain, re-establish the firewall, and make it stronger, so that external information cannot be invaded. This is not impossible. At least now, through research, Su Muchen's chip implantation technology has also begun to mature.

However, the technology behind this organization seems to be more high-end, and it can actually resist the invasion of Su Jie's consciousness.

If this is the case, then Su Jie's advantage will be gone.

To be honest, the era of fighting the world with fists has long passed. No matter how high your martial arts are, how many can you fight? Relying on consciousness manipulation is the kingly way. In some respects, nuclear weapons are not as good as consciousness manipulation. Otherwise, the United States and the Soviet Union, which have a large number of nuclear weapons that can destroy the earth, would not study parapsychology.

"How many people did you know?" Mr. Qi saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he couldn't help but come out to smooth things over: "However, you are all the people I invited to treat Mr. Mi. The treatment is important. You all have your own medical plans, so come out first." , let's take a look, and we'll choose the best plan for treatment."

Afterwards, Mr. Qi introduced to Mi Weiyu: "This is Dr. Duan Xuan, a researcher at the Eden Laboratory in North America. Their laboratory has successfully treated the incurable diseases of many rich people abroad, and they have also begun to conduct human body thawing experiments, and successfully put A volunteer who was frozen in the 1970s has come back to life, and now has physical characteristics, so I absolutely believe that they can cure Uncle Mi's disease."

"Ms. Mi." Duan Xuan, Duan Fei's brother, nodded: "Indeed, our current medical technology is far above any medical institution in the world, and it is definitely not comparable to any small company. As you probably know, we are Seven years ago, we gave Mr. Fett, the stock god, the medicine to extend his life in all aspects, and at the same time helped him restore his youth, which has achieved very good results. At the same time, we have now received investment from Mr. The laboratory has injected a large amount of US dollars. This time, the laboratory sent me to develop Asian business. It is also the purpose of my trip to treat Mr. Mi and make a tailor-made plan. Mr. Fei Te, the stock god, is an insurance company. Mr. Mi It is also an insurance business. Your life insurance company has some business contacts with Mr. Fetter. Mr. Mi also communicates with Mr. Fetter often. I think you should know more about our laboratory. Also, that is Our laboratory has now released 30 life optimization indicators, that is to say, we will select 30 outstanding people from all over the world and optimize their lives. It's all about luck."

There are some channels for information communication between the super rich and the super rich. Especially the information about one's own life, that is the most important thing.

"Really?" Mi Weiyu was moved when he heard about it. After all, the other party's laboratory, even the stock god Fei Te invested a lot, and also helped this super rich man carry out the deepest life optimization, especially the life optimization. The indicator, I heard that it must be something extraordinary.

When Su Jie heard this, it was obvious that he was grabbing the business of the Dao Group, wooing the super rich and forming a camp.

This is actually the routine of most life science and technology companies.

Of course, in this world, there are not many companies with real life science technology that can change the genes of the super rich.

The previous Typhon, even the "head", followed this path.

Typhon even contacted most of the rich people in the world, but most of them were coerced and lured. As for Su Jie's Diandao group, it is actually going on like this. After all, the rich people in the world represent the elite class. They have mastered most of the wealth and resources. Using their power to conduct research can actually get twice the result with half the effort.

"I know you have invited the Diandao Group for medical treatment." Duan Xuan didn't seem to care that Su Jie was here, and he even wanted to suppress the reputation of the Diandao Group: "In fact, the Diandao Group has such a small foundation that it can be called a world. Liars are not too much. I can show them liars in no time."


While speaking, Duan Xuan suddenly attacked Su Jie.

This is something that no one expected, Duan Xuan's body moves so fast that people's eyes can't catch it at all, just like a peregrine falcon hunting, it is difficult even for a high-speed camera to catch it.

This speed has exceeded the limit of human beings. The powerful kinetic energy carried by such a speed can completely break all the bones of a human being with just a light palm.

Master Xu once showed his speed and power response, completely surpassing the new humans. That's because many bones and muscles in his body have been replaced with new materials. Some muscles have forty times the explosive force of ordinary muscles. Such a powerful explosive force cannot be condensed by exercise or certain drugs. of.

However, the current Duan Xuan's physical explosive power is stronger than Master Xu's, which means that his body's technological content is higher than Master Xu's.

Various organs of the human body can be made perfect through 3D printing new materials, without lesions, and not easy to wear and tear. However, such high-tech has not yet fully entered the civilian population, and only exists in some laboratories, perhaps in some countries. Among the Chinese army, such "super soldiers" are being developed.

Some of Duan Xuan's physical data are much better than Master Xu's. From a certain theory, he can be called a "reformer".

Therefore, the general physical function index has no effect on him at all, and the limit of human beings also loses its effect on him.

Take lung capacity as an example, human lung capacity always has a limit, because the lung is a lump of flesh and blood. But now Duan Xuan, his lungs are not made of flesh and blood, but made of new materials, which can completely replace the functions of flesh and blood lungs, and are even more powerful.

In fact, artificial lungs have appeared many years ago, which can give some lung cancer patients a chance of survival.

But Duan Xuan is all for the strength of his body.

Therefore, Su Jie couldn't underestimate Duan Xuan's sudden attack.

This person's purpose is very clear, which is to knock him down in front of Mi Weiyu and Mr. Qi with lightning speed. Fly for revenge.

Although Su Jie couldn't capture the information in the depths of his brain, he could guess that this person had a heart of hatred for him and wished to put himself to death.


Facing this kind of attack, Su Jie also had insight into the details.

Although the opponent's speed was astonishing and his strength was extremely great, Su Jie knew it well. Su Jie had already predicted his attack line when the other party made an attack in a split second. The opponent is punching, but his movements are changing, the real purpose is to feint a shot, with five fingers like hooks, to snatch his eyeballs, throat and other vital parts.

This is a traditional martial art move called "grabbing the bead". It is very vicious and vicious.

But although Su Jie didn't practice kung fu for a long time, his kung fu did not drop. His reaction, speed, and kung fu proficiency far surpassed those at the beginning.

Because, he has long since abandoned that primitive training method. To be honest, as long as he uses his motor nerves to strengthen his fighting consciousness, it is equivalent to a world-class athlete training with the most scientific methods for three to five years.

Moreover, at the present time, he has been able to combine the instinct of the body with the consciousness to a high degree, blooming the miracle of life.

So, although Su Jie's physical ability is still flesh and blood, it is much stronger than before.

In terms of biology, many animals with flesh and blood are actually much more powerful than machines. Some seemingly ordinary physiological structures can burst out huge kinetic energy, such as the small gun shrimp, which uses its claws to The moment Zhang Yihe sprays air, it causes "cavitation phenomenon", and the temperature erupted in an instant can reach the surface temperature of the sun. Who would have imagined that a small shrimp can have such a huge amount of energy?

In fact, as long as people continue to evolve, or tap out some life potentials and burst out life miracles, they can also exert incredible power.

Even more powerful than some kind of transformation.

At the moment Duan Xuan attacked, Su Jie raised his arm and slashed out vertically, piercing the clouds like a heavenly knife. Immediately, it gave people a feeling of "swinging the sword to break the floating clouds, and the princes will all come to the west".


Su Jie's slash was just right, it just landed on Duan Xuan's wrist.

Duan Xuan's complexion changed, his wrist shook, and a huge force came from above, shaking Su Jie's slash away, his whole arm was like a titan python, with astonishing strength.

Then his body changed, he grabbed the moon with both hands, and attacked downwards, this series of changes, in the blink of an eye, Su Jie's lower body was hit like a storm.

This kind of fighting technique strikes in all directions from top to bottom. If it is an ordinary master, even if it is a new human being, it will be defeated in an instant. But now Duan Xuan's opponent is Su Jie.

Su Jie kicked with both feet, and in between breaths, he had already kicked out more than ten kicks. The range of each kick was extremely small, but it happened to intercept all of Duan Xuan's attacks.

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