Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-fourth, find the flaw, the King Kong lion 1 roars and breaks

"Pearl grabbing style", "fruit grabbing style", "leaf picking style" and "flower picking style".

These moves, in the hands of Duan Xuan, are displayed quickly, attacking Su Jie like magic, with Duan Xuan's strong fighting awareness and physical fitness, any ordinary moves, even square dancing, can kill the world A first-class fighting champion, not to mention this kind of vicious traditional martial arts.

These moves are actually derived from an unpopular martial art called "Huaquan".

According to legend, this boxing was created by Gan Fengchi during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. In fact, it is an internal boxing method that was spread in the southern areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it is also recorded in boxing scriptures. Although the name is delicate, but the moves are extremely sinister, every move is to attack the enemy's vital points, with the fastest speed and the smallest strength, one blow kills him.

For example, the "bead grabbing style" is to attack the enemy's eyes, the "fruit grabbing style" is to attack the enemy's lower genitals, the "leaf picking style" and "flower picking style" are both grabbing and tearing, just grab the enemy's body parts and pick them off. bone.

It is rumored that people who practiced this boxing method in the past had to tear pigs, sheep, cattle and horses raw to exercise their strength, and when they met people, they would tear them away.

In Duan Xuan's hands, Hua Quan can be said to have reached the extreme, as fast as the wind, as fast as lightning, rushing towards thunder and assaulting, violently stormy.

Su Jie connected four moves and nodded secretly.

However, it is still a little tender to deal with Su Jie.

Su Jie didn't make a sharp counterattack, but dismissed it lightly. He was actually looking at Duan Xuan's body data.

For him, the research value of this section of Xuan is greater than that of Master Xu. The technological content of Duan Xuan is also higher than that of Master Xu. Obviously, Duan Xuan's body was obviously transformed by that institution, so it was perfect. At least in the transitions between some fighting moves, there are almost no flaws. It conforms to aerodynamics, human mechanics, and even all kinds of divine cooperation, surpassing Master Xu.

To be honest, the current new human beings, such as Saffol and others, met Duan Xuan, and they also said "lose" when they met Duan Xuan. In fact, when it comes to the realm of new humans, most of them are confrontations of consciousness, and fist fights are very low-level. Everyone doesn't need it.

All countries are accustomed to the war of aircraft and artillery, who will engage in hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons?


Duan Xuan continued to move, but there was nothing he could do about Su Jie. He felt extremely uncomfortable deep in his heart. He knew that the strength of his body was almost superhuman. With his physical ability, it would not be a problem to hit hundreds of people casually.


This is a fantasy.

But a large part of Duan Xuan's body is not flesh and blood, but a new material, neither metal nor carbohydrates, a material that completely exceeds the limit of human beings. Of course, there are still some things that are made of flesh and blood, but the proportions of Duan Xuan's body are well combined, and some key things cannot be replaced by artificial materials, such as the motor nerves, which are still original. However, the motor nerves have been enhanced by genetic modification.

Some of Duan Xuan's bones and muscles have been replaced with artificial new materials, especially the bones and muscles, whose toughness and strength are about dozens of times that of ordinary people.

This kind of person has naturally exceeded the limit estimated by flesh and blood.

Originally, Duan Xuan thought that in terms of movement, he was already invincible, and it would be easy to deal with Su Jie. But using all his unique moves, he didn't even touch a single hair of Su Jie.

But Su Jie always downplayed it, with a relaxed expression on his face, as if he didn't take him seriously, this attitude made his inner anger even bigger.

However, he can also control his emotions very well.

Although he was very angry, he suddenly stopped attacking with a sudden flash. At the same time, he dodged a few steps and distanced himself from Su Jie. His eyes were like eagles, and he stared at Su Jie: "Yes, you really have a trick. Look. To completely suppress you, you need to waste some hands and feet."

"Why? No more fights?" Su Jie was still calm: "Is it strange in your heart? Why have you been transformed so much? Many body parts are no longer flesh and blood. For example, your bones are a A brand-new material with very high strength, which can support you in many extreme sports that humans cannot complete. You must have tested your physical fitness many times and have a very clear understanding of your physical data. So, you have Absolute confidence, but I didn't expect that I couldn't deal with me. In fact, let me tell you that although the transformation of the body can obtain very powerful combat power in a short period of time, it has lost the ability of self-evolution over a long period of time. The gain outweighs the loss. Your current behavior is actually guarding the gold and silver mountains to beg for food. You have a treasure mountain and don’t develop it, but instead ask others for alms. This kind of behavior is really too stupid.”

"You really think I can't do anything to you?" Duan Xuan squinted his eyes, and murderous aura overflowed from the gap between his teeth.

"Anyway, I have a solution to you." Su Jie said: "You attacked me first, and I will deal with you now, but it is a legitimate defense. I am a person who is actually easy to talk, but not easy to talk. If you don't do anything, I will Let's do it. Of course, you don't have to worry about what I will do to you. I just want to take you back to the laboratory for research. Your man Master Xu, I have conducted research on him and found many interesting things. The technological content is much higher than his, which is very good for our research, so come with me now."

"What are you talking about?" Duan Xuan could hardly believe what he heard.

What Su Jie meant was to regard him as a guinea pig and to arrest him for research.

However, he couldn't believe that Su Jie would really do this, and he thought that Su Jie still had nothing to do with him.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Su Jie was still smiling, looking up and down at Duan Xuan, as if he was really looking at a little white mouse.

"Su Jie, you are too arrogant." Duan Xuan suddenly laughed loudly: "Actually, I know all kinds of analysis of your data, and I know what you are best at. What you are best at is mind control and thought fooling , but your mind control has no effect on me at all, otherwise you wouldn't have used your fists against me. Do you still need to do something that can be solved with a move of your mind? You controlled Mr. Cong, Sun Pilong and others Not to mention, the most powerful thing you have done recently is to confuse the security guards of God of War. To be honest, your mind control is beyond our expectations, but we have researched it and found it completely. The way to deal with you is to leave the mind control, in fact, you are just an ordinary person. Do you really think that I will be afraid of you?"

"You two." At this time, Mr. Qi coughed: "If you two have any grievances, you can let them go first. Today is the time to discuss the treatment of Mr. Mi, not the time for you two to resolve your grievances."

"Young Master Qi, there is no need for you to intervene in this matter. As I said, Mr. Mi's illness is actually a pediatric case for us." Duan Xuan didn't care about what Young Master Qi thought.

In the eyes of others, Mr. Qi is a person with great energy, but in the eyes of people like Duan Xuan, he is actually just an ant, and this ant is also very fat, which can be used to extract oil.

On the contrary, Mi Weiyu watched with relish, as if she didn't want to stop it.

"Okay." Su Jie waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to waste time, I think you don't want to go to the laboratory with me to do experiments, if that's the case, then I will use a little violence. "


Suddenly Su Jie made a move.

As soon as Su Jie made a move, he raised his hands, as if forming a seal out of thin air. This seal is somewhat similar to Zhao Jie's unique technique, the Vajra Lion Seal.

Zhao Yu's unique technique is called "King Kong Lion Roar", which is actually a secret qigong, with gods as the mainstay, meaning assistance, sound attack, air wave deterrence, and moreover, the king's dominion on the body. The beast is shocked, King Kong is angry, and the group of demons are overwhelmed. Over time, this skill can change one's temperament and become extremely powerful. It can even make one's body like a lion awakening, like King Kong, guarding the righteous law, and subduing demons and eliminating demons.

Su Jie has studied this secret method long ago. In fact, Su Jie has collected all the cultivation methods in the world. With the artificial intelligence Xiao Jie, it hardly takes any time and energy to collect various materials and data. And to study, calculate, and finally sum up the best method.

Whether it's human body movement, spiritual cultivation, or consciousness training, Su Jie can be said to be the top existence in the world. In terms of understanding human body movement, he has stood at the highest point since ancient times.

In the past, Ou Deli's research on various cultivation methods was at its peak, but compared with the current Su Jie, it is still far behind.

This is not because of Su Jie, but because the times are advancing. At that time, Ou Deli did not have the assistance of artificial intelligence, and Ou Deli had always been fighting against artificial intelligence.

Now, Su Jie activated the improved "Vajra Lion's Roar" in an instant, and it was unleashed by his means, which was countless times bigger than Zhao Yu's.

Even if Zhao Yan is now in the realm of new humans, compared with Su Jie, the gap is equal to the difference between a child who just learned to walk and a world champion in fighting.

This metaphor is not an exaggeration at all, because Su Jie is now much stronger than the new human beings. Su Jie can use the information clusters sent by his own consciousness to adjust into a vortex, absorb spiritual energy, and even start to study and filter spiritual energy. It can also regulate the instinctive consciousness of one's own body, blooming the miracle of life.

As a result, Su Jie's physical fitness has actually far surpassed that of ordinary new humans, beginning to exceed the limits of human beings.

In fact, the evolutionary potential of human beings is unlimited. Human beings can go from a small Pikachu to a human being in the Cambrian period through hundreds of millions of years. How much has changed?

Even if it is the transformation now, at most it is to use 3D printing of some new materials to replace some organs. In fact, many organs in the body cannot be replaced. Even in another hundred years, it is impossible to transform a worm into a human by transforming technology.

Now, Su Jie has discovered Duan Xuan's flaw.

Although part of Duan Xuan's brain structure can resist the invasion of consciousness, it is actually relatively weak against physical attacks.

At the very least, the shock of sound enters the brain through the vibration of the ear, which is a physical attack.

Duan Xuan can definitely resist the normal loud blasting sound, but what kind of power is Su Jie urging the Vajra Lion Roar?


A huge sound burst out in an instant.

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