Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-six organs rebel, the brain has tolerated you for a long time

"Yes, you actually have a self-healing biological movement system in your body, and you have started to 3D print out nerves." Su Jie looked at Duan Xuan who stood up again, and nodded involuntarily.

According to the physiological indicators of normal people, it is impossible for Duan Xuan to stand up. But now that he is standing up, it means that his body has actually broken away from a normal human being.

Su Jie saw that all of this was due to the fact that Duan Xuan had an independent nervous system in his body. This nervous system controlled various 3D printed organs, and could be activated anytime and anywhere, automatically causing serious damage to the body. When, replace the original nervous system.

This is very wonderful, and it is an absolute black technology of life.

At least, Su Jie knew that it was impossible for such an existence to be born in Typhon's life science laboratory. This kind of technology is higher than that of Tifeng. Even in the "head"'s laboratory, such a thing would not be born.

Sun Pilong is regarded as a master of medicine, and has developed many new medicines. They have even solved some incurable diseases of human beings, but whether it is the research of Typhon or the research of "Head", they are all based on the human body itself, and in the form of assistance, the human body itself is transformed, and more is the study of genetic technology. In fact, it is also studying the evolutionary program of human beings in the future, and what evolutionary direction is the best. If the best evolutionary route is researched, then the evolution will be accelerated, making the history of human civilization leap forward. , The evolution that would have taken thousands of years was completed in just a few decades by using the means of life science genes.

This is actually a way to respect the original human body.

And the organization behind Duan Xuan is a naked violent replacement. The original organs are garbage, as long as they can be replaced, all of them will be replaced with brand new materials.

Even Su Jie thought that they were studying the method of implanting consciousness into machines.

In fact, a long time ago, some institutions were researching whether consciousness could be implanted into computers and preserved permanently. Attempt to obtain a way to make human beings live forever. But without exception, these institutions are all defrauding research funds, and they can't research anything at all.

Even now, basically the scientific community has not been able to tell whether human beings have souls or not.

However, with the deepening of dark matter research, the secret of consciousness will be revealed sooner or later.

Informatics, energetics, dark matter, the three sciences are constantly developing, combined with quantum mechanics, the discovery of various particles, the day when the secrets of the human soul will be revealed is not too far away. At that time, it was really possible for human beings to store their souls, or even implant them into machines.


This will also lead to the differentiation of human beings. Some human beings still have their original bodies, while the souls of other human beings are still human souls, but replaced with mechanical or artificial bodies. In this way, human beings are divided into Two different races are likely to cause large-scale conflicts, and this is something that has to be considered in the future.

Of course, these are things that will happen hundreds or even thousands of years in the future. However, it may happen suddenly within a hundred years. Su Jie will not be able to capture this kind of information about the changes in the human pattern in the future. He still has insufficient "spiritual energy" to capture the pattern information of the general trend of the entire human race.

This is also related to a law of energy, the bigger the

The larger the information group, the more difficult it is to capture, and on the timeline, the farther away the information is from the present, the more "spiritual energy" it will consume to capture it.

The psionic energy contained in the human consciousness is limited. Definitely not enough to support capturing such a huge clump of information.

In fact, it has already begun to divide. For example, Duan Xuan, to some extent, is no longer a human being of flesh and blood.

So he can stand up now, even in the case of serious injuries, he can still stand, and he will soon regain his combat effectiveness.

"You know a lot." Duan Xuan's face was cold and arrogant: "It seems that I still underestimated you, but with your little skill, you can't deal with me. I was careless just now and let you take some Cheap, but then, this kind of thing will never happen again."

"Really?" Su Jie looked at Duan Xuan carefully, as if he was observing every change in his body. Duan Xuan is a person with very high technological content, which is tantamount to a research for Su Jie. Benchmark test product.

From Duan Xuan, Su Jie can obtain many key data. In particular, how to transform the body and make the human body produce new changes in the clinical experiment data.

It has to be said that Duan Xuan is actually a successful transformation body.

Although Su Jie doesn't suggest that human beings can do so much, the example of Duan Xuan can actually save many people with necrotic organs in this world. It's a tragedy. If an artificial organ can be used to replace this person so that he can regain his life, then it is actually a good thing for human beings.

There are so many human diseases now, because human beings have developed too fast in these years, and the sudden explosive technological growth has completely changed the way of life for thousands of years. In this way, the speed of human self-evolution cannot catch up with human beings. The speed at which the environment changes will cause a series of diseases.

This is the view of evolutionary medicine, and it is indeed a truth. At present, it is impossible for human beings to change the environment so that they can restore the feudal medieval lifestyle that lasted thousands of years, so they must accelerate evolution to make their body genes adapt to the changes in the current environment and lifestyle.

The organization behind Duan Xuan is a very high-tech organization. It has completely broken away from philosophy, does not pay attention to practice, human self-evolution, but uses the power of technology to brutally interfere with people's physiological state. It's a science-only philosophy.

This kind of concept cannot be said to be wrong, but in fact, as a kind of advanced intelligent life, human beings must have a part of philosophical thinking as a mediation in social life, otherwise, they will become naked computers similar to computers. intelligent life.

A part of philosophical thinking can be said to be the essence that distinguishes human beings from intelligent machines.


At this time, Duan Xuan attacked again.

Duan Xuan couldn't stand it, Su Jie looked at him like a mouse.

From Su Jie's eyes, he could read that he didn't take him seriously at all, which made him very unhappy. He thought that his ability could completely suppress Su Jie, because Su Jie was an ordinary person, and he had already It is an existence that surpasses human beings, and its physiological structure is already very different from that of human beings.

the difference.

His body moved, and his punches burst out. This boxing style changed again. It was not the previous Huaquan, but another profound and unpredictable kung fu.

As the footsteps moved, the footwork unexpectedly coincided with the trajectory of the Big Dipper in the sky, creating an extremely mysterious feeling.

Su Jie knew that this was a set of "Seven Star Boxing", which belonged to Taoist boxing. It was very wonderful. Its function was not in fighting skills, but in practice, to cultivate the body and mind, especially the soul, so that the soul could communicate with the stars in the sky. , form a resonance, cleanse the body and mind.

This practice technique is mostly popular among Taoist priests, and it can indeed achieve very good practice results. In Su Jie's view, this practice still has a lot of loopholes. In fact, a planet does have its own information , if people really communicate with its information, it may not be beneficial, and it is even easy to cause confusion to their own consciousness information group, which will have a great impact.

However, practicing with the stars can reduce the distracting thoughts deep in the heart, make people calm down quickly, and integrate their thoughts into the depths of the vast starry sky. This can indeed eliminate many distracting thoughts deep in the heart.

Now, Duan Xuan used this set of boxing techniques to attack Su Jie, his feet shuttled around, his fists flickered like stars, like stars, and attacked many vital parts of Su Jie's body.

What's more, these punches have extremely strong penetrating power, such as acupuncture and horizontal training, one point can pierce many parts of the body and cause huge damage.

Duan Xuan's speed was much faster.

However, Su Jie seemed to have expected this.

His body flickered suddenly, unexpectedly faster than Duan Xuan, and during the flickering, he was still in the mood to speak, it was really like a superficial touch.

"Although your movements are fast, your body is very uncoordinated, and your actions have actually aroused the resentment of many organs in your body, especially your brain. I don’t agree with it very much, even it feels the danger itself, I’m afraid that when you will replace it, I have already communicated with it just now. The message it sends is willing to cooperate with me and stop your actions.” Su Jie avoids Duan Xuan attack, while talking.

"What are you talking about here?" Duan Xuan didn't believe it at all, just sneered.

"A person is never a single individual. The various organs in your body have their own consciousness and life. You replace them for your own strength for no reason. Other organs will naturally die, especially your brain. In fact, they are against you all the time, but you can't feel it." Su Jie sighed: "Actually, most of them don't know how to communicate with their organs, and only when they are really in danger , will use pain to warn you, but at that time, it will be too late. In ancient practice, there is a word called god self-examination, which is to observe the changes in your body all the time, and kill all kinds of diseases In the cradle, many times, if a person can communicate with the organs in his body, when the organs are just uncomfortable, communicating with him and cooperating with each other can kill the disease. Let me tell you now, your brain has endured you for a long time , now under my persuasion, it has decided not to bear you."


As soon as Su Jie finished speaking, Duan Xuan felt a stabbing pain deep in his head. It made his movements unsupportable.

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