Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-seven reached an agreement, a perfect evolutionary community

What Duan Xuan did to his body was indeed too much. For the sake of his own strength, he actually directly replaced some very good organs and replaced them with artificial materials. In this way, although those organs can't resist him, the emotions will be transmitted to other organs, causing other organs to produce a rebellious emotion.

The brain is one of them.

And the brain has a lot of control over the body. It can be said to be the master of the whole body.

During the battle with Duan Xuan, Su Jie discovered Duan Xuan's brain itself by using his latest realization, the communication between consciousness and brain consciousness, and he was very dissatisfied with Duan Xuan, even disgusted.

Especially Duan Xuan implanted a chip deep in the brain, this chip controls many endocrine and emotions of the brain, suppresses some hormones of the brain, or prompts the brain to secrete too much haste to strengthen itself.

This is tantamount to overdrawing the potential of the brain, making the brain exhausted and completely becoming a slave.

This is tantamount to strengthening the control of self-awareness over the body. According to scientific principles, it is actually a good thing, but in Su Jie's theory, this is wrong. Human self-awareness and the brain should not be in opposition, but to cooperate sincerely, understand each other, communicate with each other, and finally achieve a perfect and harmonious symbiotic relationship.

Under this perfect symbiotic relationship, the harmony of yin and yang and the resonance of consciousness can produce the miracle of life.

In fact, this is the same as governing a country.

In ancient times, it was a slave society. All wealth, even the lives of slaves, belonged to the slave owners. In this society, slaves had very low production efficiency and were not very motivated. But after arriving, feudal society was born, and slaves became tenants, owning their own wealth, and part of the things they produced could belong to themselves. In this way, the productivity and production level of the whole society were greatly improved. surge.

This kind of social relationship, the change of social form, can be compared to the body.

The body's self-awareness, its own soul, and the consciousness in each organ are very complicated. It is necessary to sort out the relationship, set a tone, and reach a mutual compromise to construct a perfect ecological system.

The miracle of life just broke out.

In Su Jie's heart, it is becoming more and more clear now.

Although he was fighting against Duan Xuan, through the communication of Duan Xuan's body organs and feeling the emotions of the opponent's organs, Su Jie's grasp of the emotional awareness of his own organs became more and more profound.

As a result, he was in a trance, as if he had entered a real state of "all gods are one".

Suddenly, a word was born from his heart.

This word is "Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong", the emotions and consciousness of each organ of the body are equal to a Buddha, and the ten thousand Buddhas in the body are all moving towards the same goal. Mutual understanding, mutual support, mutual compromise, mutual help, mutual communication, each other maintains their own independence, but each other, through a special relationship, constitutes a whole of a person.

Under such circumstances, Su Jie's physical fitness was almost improved again, and even his inner genetic double helix structure was undergoing subtle changes.

His evolution is the real evolution.

And other levels of evolution are not perfect. For example, using gene editing technology to modify the DNA structure in the body is actually a method of external biological intervention. After editing, various organs in the body will definitely be distorted.

It can be said that the current life science technology and gene editing technology, in fact, have not obtained the consent of the various organs of the body, and have not asked their opinions. This creates imperfections and even internal contradictions.

The best evolution is when all organs agree on their emotions and opinions, and then resonate and promote together. This is the most perfect evolution.

However, this condition is actually difficult to achieve.

However, the higher the degree of unity and the higher the degree of consensus, the more perfect the evolution will be.

At this moment, Su Jie is also communicating with various organs in his body, and is resonating at a high level.

It can be said that in this world, he is the only one who has comprehended this level of realm. This is actually a high degree of combination of science and philosophy, rather than pure science.

"What the hell happened?" Duan Xuan's brain was stabbed very badly, and his movements slowed down quickly. Although he tried his best to control his body, his brain didn't listen to his command at all, as if he was competing with him for his body of control.

"What did you do to me?" Duan Xuan roared, and came towards Su Jie again.

But Su Jie dodged it with a flicker of his body, now Duan Xuan is full of flaws, Su Jie wants to kill him easily.

"I said, you are rebelling with your own body." Su Jie said: "You use the chip to control the brain too much. Now that the chip is broken, the brain begins to regain control of your body. Your consciousness is very weak. It's hard to get it back, because you have too little self-awareness training. In terms of realm, you are actually far inferior to your brother. He at least reached the realm of new human beings by virtue of his own spiritual cultivation, while you are All relying on modification and chips, this is not practice."

"Kill!" At this time, Duan Xuan didn't have the energy to fight with Su Jie anymore, and with the last of his strength, he exploded suddenly, attacking and killing Su Jie.

However, Su Jie suddenly slapped Duan Xuan's head with a slap in the air.


Duan Xuan fainted and fell to the ground. I can't get up completely anymore.

"Something interesting." Su Jie looked at Duan Xuan who passed out, sat down straight, and then waited for a while, about half an hour later, Mi Weiyu, Mr. Qi woke up.

They opened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them: "What exactly happened?" Mr. Qi's face was very ugly. Originally, Duan Xuan was recruited by him, and he had some cooperation with his company, but now he was kidnapped by Su Jie. Knocked out. Of course, he also knew that it would be an unwise choice to offend Su Jie now.

Su Jie's strength made him also feel terrible.

"It's just a personal grievance between us, so don't panic." Su Jie glanced at Mr. Qi lightly: "I said, their technology is not good, and the body transformation is also a mess. Even if Mr. Mi's disease is cured, in fact The hidden danger is also very big, their technology is too rough."

"Then we have to choose your treatment." Mi Weiyu's eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, Duan Fei also came to his senses. He turned over and jumped up, and saw that his brother Duan Xuan was still unconscious. At this time, he wanted to attack Su Jie, but he finally held back.

"You can bear it, and this saved your life." Su Jie looked at Duan Fei and said, "If you attack me, I will knock you down again, and at that time, you will return to an ordinary person again." in the state."

"Why are you fighting against me?" Duan Fei's eyes flickered with murderous intent, and he tried his best to hide it, trying not to be discovered by Su Jie.

"It's not that I'm against you, you must be against me." Su Jie said: "After you met with your brother, you discussed a series of strategies on how to deal with the Diandao Group. I can understand clearly from your consciousness. Aware of these conspiracies, some of them are very vicious. I didn't expect them. You came up with these. In fact, you are much more sinister than your brother. Although you are not as powerful as your brother, I know, It is very troublesome to keep you, and it may even cause a devastating blow to me in the future."

"What? You want to kill me?" Duan Fei heard something wrong.

"Killing won't kill you, but I won't let you go easily." Su Jie thought for a while: "You should still do research in my laboratory with your brother. Of course, you must be studied first. Value can be brought into play, and it can make a huge contribution to the improvement of our country's scientific level. This is also a good thing for you, don't follow that organization. That organization has a big conspiracy."

"What if I disagree?" Duan Fei asked.

"It's up to you." Su Jie said: "It's very simple for me to control your thinking, your realm is still a little lower." While speaking, Su Jie said a few words: "For example, now I let you lie on the ground , put your head in your hands!"

"Looking for death!" Duan Fei flew into a rage when he heard such humiliating words.

However, the next moment, he was not calm.

Because, his body involuntarily shot his head with both hands, lying on the ground, as if he encountered a foreign criminal when he was arrested by the police.

"Now, you take your brother, go out by yourself, drive, and go to my laboratory." Su Jie seems to have implanted some program in Duan Fei's head, making him stand up obediently, with his brother behind his back, Went out and drove on the road.

This scene made Young Master Qi and Mi Weiyu look shocked.

clap clap clap...

At this moment, there was a burst of applause from inside the room.

A middle-aged man came out, followed by a bodyguard. This middle-aged man looks somewhat similar to Mr. Qi, and is obviously Mr. Qi's father, and that bodyguard's temperament is actually somewhat similar to that of Zhao Yu, but Zhao Yu is upright, and this bodyguard looks very evil.

If you want to compare, Zhao Yan's temperament is the leader of the righteous way of martial arts, and this bodyguard is the leader of the demon sect.

"I used to think that the Diandao Group was just a group of children playing." After the middle-aged man came out, he looked at Su Jie and said, "Now I know that it is really scary for young people, and it is no wonder that the Diandao Group is expanding so much now. So fast, you must be standing behind the scenes. Old Yu, the Somedao Group is here, I think you have to stop your plan to start a security company?"

The middle-aged man was talking to the bodyguard next to him, Old Yu.

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