Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-eight orders of Qi family interesting experimental causal line

Mr. Qi's father is also a big shot, and the bodyguard beside him, Lao Yu, in Su Jie's opinion, actually has a lot of background. From their conversation information, it can be seen that this Lao Yu is also setting up a security company, similar to Compared with the previous Jiuding Security, Zhanshen Security.

Security companies, the profits of which are extremely huge, and in addition to this, the most important thing is to condense into a circle of powerful and wealthy people and form a security alliance. While breathing with each other, attack the enemies outside.

In fact, countries and countries often do the same. Some countries form military alliances and establish an organization, which is just a security organization in disguise.

Zhang Manman of Diandao Group has been operating a security company overseas since the beginning. This is an ancient traditional industry of the Zhang family. It started in the Qing Dynasty and has been going overseas. After hundreds of years of ups and downs, it is still It didn't go bankrupt, and it grew stronger and stronger.

When the Zhang family was in the Qing Dynasty, they operated an escort agency. He even escorted the tax money for the imperial court. Mr. Zhang Nianquan was very famous back then, and he walked the darts in the rivers and lakes, and killed many bandits. The actual combat experience is very rich, and these memories and experiences were all obtained by Su Jie.

Diandao Group has now acquired the three major companies of Zhanshen Security, Tifeng Security, and Honey Badger Security. They are in the integration stage and have not completely become a giant. Because there are many internal problems, an absolutely strong person is necessary. Eliminate all kinds of contradictions and integrate them thoroughly. However, until now, Tang Yunzhi, Zhang Jinchuan, and Zhang Manman did not have this ability.

This would not be done unless Su Jie took action himself, but Su Jie basically didn't care about the operation, because he thought it was a waste of time.

Therefore, in this situation, in the eyes of outsiders, it is impossible for Diandao Group to integrate Typhon, Honey Badger, and God of War, and it may even fall into a situation of fragmentation. In this way, the entire security industry has a lot of opportunities.

There are also some giants who want to enter the security industry and start poaching people. Su Jie knew that Honey Badger, Typhon, and Ares, the three major security companies, had many high-level executives poached away. Even in the Diandao Group, some people are leaving.

But this is also normal. Business matters are divided and combined. Although the treatment of Diandao Group is good, it is not to the point where employees are unwilling to quit.

In fact, Diandao Group is good at cultivating talents. Many young people have been trained to become masters. Some elite talents are even comparable to agents of superpowers. However, after these people are trained, they will also be poached by some big organizations with high salaries.

Regarding this point, Su Jie is also very open.

this age,

Talent itself is in constant flow.

"I've always heard rumors that behind the Diandao Group, there is a great person supporting it, but I didn't expect it to be such a young man." Lao Yu's words were similar to those of Mr. Mi.

In fact, anyone who knows the details of the Diandao Group will be very surprised when they see Su Jie. Just such an unremarkable young man is actually the mastermind behind such a huge group? The first will choose not to believe.

Su Jie didn't speak.

He could see that this old man was not easy. Proficient in metaphysics, changing fate and luck, with extraordinary temperament, and the best at doing things against the sky, he is almost 100% sure that Mr. Qi's fate is this one who is prone to change.

Mr. Qi and even the entire Qi family, if they followed the original fate, they would be ruined and imprisoned, but now they are thriving. It seems that the sun has just started, and it is extremely prosperous.

This is the whole fate has been changed.

But Su Jie also knew that this kind of fate change had great disadvantages.

Everyone's fate is actually very regular. Everyone's fate is intertwined to form the direction of the entire society, just like countless tributaries converge to form a big river.

The so-called big rivers swell and small rivers are full. The general trend determines the fate of all individuals. On the contrary, although it is difficult for a small individual to shake the general trend, at certain times, it can also make the general trend go in another direction. But generally speaking, the fate of people is closely related to the fate of the times.

According to the truth, Mr. Qi and his family are actually heading towards the end, which is in line with the trend of the entire era. If they go against it, they must pay a huge price.

So, now Mr. Qi first proposed Tang Yun's signature, but when he failed, he proposed Mi Weiyu.

The fortune of the Mi family is extremely prosperous now, it can be said that it is in full swing, and there is no sign of exhaustion. If it can be swallowed in one gulp, the disadvantages of the Qi family can be completely resolved.

However, if there is no one to undertake this method of stealing the sky and changing the sun, the backlash will be extremely severe.

It seems that Lao Yu is not afraid of backlash, and seems to be absolutely sure that he can eat the Mi family. The Mi Family Universiade is actually extremely noble, almost invulnerable to all evils. The so-called law does not blame the public, and it is difficult to do expensive tricks. A person, a family, if the fate is too noble, then those means will be useless, and the person who uses the means will be backlashed by nobleness, and the end will be extremely bad. Such examples are not uncommon in history.

Moreover, it should be Lao Yu's idea to let the Qi family swallow the Tang family.

For this person, Su Jie will definitely not have any good feelings.

It's just that he doesn't break it now


There are also some big conspiracies behind this old man. Su Jie has to see if there are some people behind the scenes who want to target the Diandao Group.

Now the Diandao Group can be said to be a big tree attracting wind, and it also has many enemies. Many big figures and big forces still think that the Diandao Group is just a few youngsters who somehow got great luck and exploded all of a sudden. Many people want to subdue these young people and devour their wealth.

Su Jie doesn't care about these things, but he is still very clear in his heart. These days, Zhang Jinchuan, Tang Yun signed, Zhang Manman doesn't know how many crises have been resolved, how many opponents have been defeated, and how many troubles have been saved for Su Jie. Moreover, Su Jie's family members were well protected.

Of course, Su Jie’s family, in fact, his father Su Shilin is now a new human being, and his sister has many technological means, and is protected by two artificial intelligences, Xiao Jie and Xiao Chen, basically no one dares to touch.

The only thing is that my mother is an ordinary person, but with the current power of the Diandao Group, it is easy to protect a person. Besides, with the protection of my father Su Shilin, there are very few people in this world who can hurt her .

So Su Jie did research with peace of mind.

Of course, sometimes he will help Diandao Group resolve crises, such as dealing with the security of God of War, dealing with the head, and dealing with the institution that studies dark matter.

"Fortunately, I'm actually not a big man behind the scenes, just a researcher of the Diandao Group." Su Jie said: "Just now it was a grievance between our Diandao Group and an organization, and it didn't affect you."

He is calm.

"Young man, I have fully seen what you did just now." Lao Yu stared at Su Jie, as if he wanted to see through some kind of secret in Su Jie: "You seem to know the secret method of mind control, which is definitely not the right way. The method is secretive. If you want to rely on this method to build a big company, you may be backlashed. Since ancient times, no one has succeeded in this method. If there was, someone would have confuse the king and seize the world. The king's people all end up miserable."

This is what teaching means.

As soon as Lao Yu appeared, he taught Su Jie a lesson, which made Su Jie feel a sense of oppression. In fact, it was similar to Ye Hannan and Lou Jinkou a few hours ago.

It's just that these people don't know their own details, and they don't even understand how powerful they are.

In fact, in this world, there are really many people who are ignorant and fearless.

Of course, after reaching a high level, it is difficult to know that there is a sky beyond the sky, because most people, even new humans, think that the limits of human beings are actually the same, and there will be no difference.

According to the normal theory, everyone is made of flesh and blood, and human physical strength actually has a limit, and various sports competitions in the world have also proved this point, such as the 100-meter sprint, the limit of human beings is actually in competition That is a few tenths of a second. It is impossible for someone to suddenly shorten a few seconds, from 8 seconds to 5 seconds, 4 seconds.

But in fact, this is just a kind of thinking inertia of the old age. With the development of life science and technology, human gene editing has begun. In fact, human beings have undergone an era of accelerated evolution. In this world, there are indeed some people, whether they are Wisdom, or physical ability, far surpassed the world sports champion.

Some people rely on genetic modification, others rely on surgery and replacement, but Su Jie is neither, what he relies on is the miracle of life that blooms through the perfect communication and resonance between consciousness and body instinct.

There are some people who rely on altered genes, such as Mr. Typhon, the first-class people, in fact, they all use gene editing technology more or less. And rely on surgery and transformation, such as Duan Xuan. But for the time being, there is no one who learns from Su Jie's method of becoming stronger.

Even Su Jie, in fact, comprehended it temporarily, gained a lot of experience from Duan Xuan, and then deduced how to coordinate the consciousness of various organs in his body.

Because Duan Xuan's going to extremes caused strong dissatisfaction with his body organs, Su Jie felt these emotions and did the opposite, finally starting the road to perfect evolution.

These truths, as long as Mr. Typhon, the "head" who stands at the pinnacle of human beings may not understand them.

Without any medicine, without any surgery or foreign objects, the evolution is accelerated. This is a true miracle of life. It is also something that current science cannot understand, but it has happened frequently in the billions of years of biological history since ancient times.

There are miracles of life in every geological age, and the Ordovician, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Cambrian have all proved this point.

It is now a dividing point between the Holocene and the Anthropocene. Su Jie felt that history would choose a correct evolutionary direction.

Now is the time to decide which path human beings will take in the future.

These are questions that all living beings, secular people, and even human elites have not thought about.

It is a metaphor for the old Yu in front of him, although he is also an expert, but he is actually immersed in the chaos of life, unable to feel the changes in the overall situation of mankind. This is the most critical change, more drastic than any change in history.

"I really don't know what righteousness and evil are. For example, Mr. Yu, you used some means to forcibly change the fate of the Qi family, making them escape their original destiny. Backlash, the Qi family is even more miserable than before

Miserably, in the past, the Qi family could still keep some descendants' blood, and had a chance to make a comeback, but now they are afraid that they will be wiped out. However, if according to your plan, the Qi family can swallow the Mi family, and with the addition of luck, all the backlash can be wiped out, and the Mi family can block the robbery for you. It's a good plan. But it hurts peace. "

Su Jie was not polite at all, and directly pointed out the conspiracy of Mr. Yu and the Qi family.

In fact, the infighting has already begun.

The Qi family obviously colluded with Duan Xuan and wanted to attack the Mi family. But Liu Shi saw through this, but he couldn't suppress the scene, so he invited Su Jie to treat Mr. Mi.

Liu Shi is actually a fine individual and a great strategist. Sometimes he has advanced strategic vision in business, and he does better than Zhang Jinchuan, Tang Yunzhu and others in interpersonal communication. Especially now that he has reached the realm of the living dead, his vision is more long-term, and everything he does has deep meaning. In fact, the development of the Diandao Group cannot be separated from his support.

Of course, Liu Shi also knew that if he wanted to develop further, he had to hug Su Jie's thigh tightly. Whether it is the development of the company, or its own safety, or its own spiritual evolution. Su Jie can give him the best guidance.

Liu Shi's previous dream was to reach the realm of the living dead, and now he has reached it, and he has deeply felt the benefits of the living dead, and now he has a new goal, which is to become a new human being. He also deeply knows how terrifying the new human beings are. In front of the new human beings, their wealth, power, and status are not worth mentioning. They are as fragile as chickens and can be destroyed at will.

Liu Shi is also playing chess when he is doing things now. He knows the development of Diandao Group. At this stage, it is best to cooperate with Mijia Life Insurance, which can quickly open up the situation and even compete with some international groups. Win the market and expand your power.

So he arranged for Mr. Mi to meet with Su Jie, and asked Su Jie to show all kinds of magic in front of Mr. Mi, so as to completely pull the insurance tycoon on board.

In fact, the Qi family had long wanted to swallow the Mi family, so they almost started their own plan.

As far as the Qi family is concerned, Su Jie's appearance to win over the Mi family and treat Mr. Mi's illness is absolutely intolerable to them. Their plan is to completely control the Mi family. If the Diandao Group gets involved and the plan falls short, then the Qi family may not be able to complete the plan to swallow the Mi family's luck, and the subsequent backlash will be very severe.

Su Jie is well aware of this.

In fact, he now intends to treat the Qi family as a test subject. He wanted to see what would happen to the Qi family if they were not supplemented after their fate was changed. How will the next luck blowback be carried out.

Fate change, luck, backlash, these are actually very metaphysical things, which cannot be explained by the science of the first stage. Even if it is human relations and sociology, although they can barely pull aside, in fact, they still haven't been able to sort out a strict logic after all.

But Su Jie vaguely knew that fate is actually a causal line, which is very important in physics.

The deduction of some important principles of physics is actually very particular about causal lines. In particular, some knowledge in quantum mechanics has begun to explain many things in ancient metaphysical philosophy. If the research on dark matter is added, the ancient assumptions and inferences will get reasonable and scientific explanations, and the strength of human manipulation and control of fate will be greatly increased.

Life and death are impermanent, fate is impermanent. These impermanent things will eventually be manipulated by humans.

Now that Su Jie wants to observe the birth and death of the Qi family, it is actually a small experiment on this road. Deep in his heart, some interesting thoughts suddenly emerged.

"What did you say?" Hearing Su Jie's words, Mr. Qi, Young Master Qi, Lao Yu's expression suddenly changed. Not only them, Mi Weiyu was also stunned, and then came back to his senses, as if he had thought of something, a cold look appeared in his eyes.

Although she is a rich lady, she is actually very shrewd and knows some secrets between the rich and the rich. In fact, the super rich believe in Feng Shui metaphysics, otherwise Mr. Mi would not have met with the president and veterans of the Southern Feng Shui Association. Meet and chat.

In fact, Mr. Mi is also proficient in Fengshui metaphysics. When he was young, he also encountered expert advice, otherwise he would not have made such a huge family business.

"What you said is true?" Mi Weiyu asked Su Jie.

"You can tell your dad what I said, and he will know it in his heart, so I don't need to say more." Su Jie said: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Qi, your plan is very good. I was too lazy to intervene in such things. Everyone has their own destiny, but the first one of you to make up your mind is Tang Yun's lottery, so I can't let you go. But you probably also know that Tang Yun's lottery is noble and difficult to be devoured, so We chose Mi Weiyu and Mijia."

"Young man, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately." Mr. Qi's face was extremely gloomy, "Wei Yu, do you believe what he said?"

Mi Weiyu didn't speak, but just quietly observed the situation. But looking at her like this, Mr. Qi's heart sank deeply. Knowing what he planned, I'm afraid it will be greatly discounted.

It may even fall short.

However, Mr. Qi didn't get angry, but winked at an inconspicuous corner.

Immediately, Su Jie felt that somewhere, there seemed to be a dark gun aimed at him.

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