Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and forty-nine shocking Xiaoxiao, grabbing bullets seems real

Someone pointed a gun at himself, and it was a sniper, very stealthy and hard to detect. This sniper is a master, good at hiding his aura, so that his killing intent will not be leaked, and will not be noticed by others.

In fact, as long as one reaches the realm of the sixth sense, when one is about to encounter danger, one's consciousness will be aware of it and give an early warning. It's just that the realm of the sixth sense doesn't know what the specific danger is, and sometimes it's easy to ignore it.

Only when the seventh sense is reached, the ability to foresee and perceive danger will be greatly increased, and it will even be so strong that it stimulates oneself to be unable to sleep, and has trouble sleeping and eating. This will make people more alert.

However, people with the seventh sense still don't know clearly what their danger is.

When you reach the eighth sense, you will vaguely know what is going on, but you are still not very sure. And when it comes to the ninth sense, the clarity will be stronger, but if you want to peek into the secrets, using modern scientific methods, you need to thoroughly capture the information cluster and analyze the information in the information cluster. It is impossible for the ninth sense to fully understand the information cluster. what is it.

Only when you reach the realm of new human beings will you truly have the ability to discern the secrets of heaven, but the degree of capture is also limited. Too huge information clusters cannot be captured, and information clusters that have nothing to do with oneself are also difficult to capture, but they are too related to themselves. Close information groups, when captured, have a repulsive force and are difficult to capture.

In fact, it is very difficult to capture the information group, and it also consumes the psionic energy in one's own consciousness. Basically, all new human beings are unable to absorb the psionic energy in dark matter by themselves. In this way, they will unknowingly become very weak between capturing information.

In fact, many new humans have not noticed this point.

It was the same for Su Jie in the early days, but he has noticed it now, so his cultivation base has been rising steadily, and he has surpassed the realm of new human beings.

At present, the realm of the new human beings is actually still on the basis of fighting for the control of the body. What everyone is competing for is that the control of the body ranges from 10% to 11%, or even more, a little bit.

But Su Jie is completely different now. He has abandoned this path and started to take another one. He discusses with his body's many organs and emotions, evolves together, and maximizes the efficiency of the miracle of human life, or the miracle of biology.

Over the years, organisms can grow from nothing, from a single cell, or even a single amino acid molecule, to the current high-level intelligent life. These miracles are all hidden in Su Jie's research.

Of course, these studies. Mr. Qi, Mr. Qi, and Lao Yu in front of him couldn't possibly know. They only knew that Su Jie was made of flesh and blood, no matter how strong he was, he was still a human being.

But they are still thinking in the past,

I don't understand at all how powerful Su Jie is now. After comprehending the true art of the unity of man and god, he has surpassed all current practitioners. Moreover, Su Jie's theory is also epoch-making.

From ancient times to the present, I am afraid that no one has various dialogues and conscious exchanges with the organs in his body.

Although some people in ancient times put forward the theory that there are ten thousand gods and ten thousand Buddhas in the body, it is actually just a theory, and no one can really communicate with the many organs in the body.

Because at that time, science had not yet developed to the point where consciousness could be broken down into energy, dark matter, and information. Just like everyone doesn't know that there are many kinds of ingredients in the air, they all rely on conjectures, but now, Su Jie is thorough and meticulous, and starts to study the specific details, communicating with the consciousness of many organs in the body every moment.

The body is amazing, every organ has its own consciousness, brain, lungs, liver, heart, stomach. And this is a big aspect. The various tissues in each organ also have their own consciousness, such as the cerebellum, brainstem, pineal gland in the brain, etc., and they also have their own independent consciousness.

Even some cells, the nervous system, have their own consciousness, although their consciousness is very weak. But it cannot be ignored.

The whole body is like a country, and those big organs are like a province, the small organs in the big organs are like counties, cities, and smaller organizations are like towns, villages, and cells Then it is a single person, they all have their own consciousness, and they have to communicate one by one, no less than an emperor, communicating with the people of the whole country one by one.

So Su Jie can't do this now.

At best, he can only communicate with his large organs, and communicate with smaller organizations. His spirit will be strengthened again, and his realm will be improved again. However, he has already begun to make some subtle attempts. If the attempt is successful Now, if he can communicate with every cell in the body, or even some matrix in the cells, then his strength may no longer be comprehensible by current science.

"Boy, I'll let you know what the price of talking nonsense is." At this time, Mr. Qi also gave up his pretense of being gentle and refined, and became ferocious. This is because his secret was revealed, and he became angry from embarrassment. In addition, the plan may fall short, and the family and his life may suffer serious problems. Faced with such a situation, he had to lose his concentration.

Not to mention him, even Old Yu and Mr. Qi actually have turmoil deep in their hearts, but they are calm and thinking about how to make up for it.

However, they all wanted to kill Su Jie in unison.

It's the big plan, and if it's broken, big problems will happen. They originally wanted to use the power behind Duan Xuan to cure Mr. Mi's illness, then manipulate Mr. Mi's health, and finally let Mr. Qi marry Mi Weiyu, swallowing the Mi family's fortune, making themselves survive the disaster, and letting Mi home instead.

But this was revealed by Su Jie, Mi Weiyu became vigilant, as long as he went back and told Mr. Mi, with Mr. Mi's shrewdness, he would immediately know the cause and effect of the matter.

Then not only could the Qi family not be able to swallow the luck of the Mi family, but they would also be targeted by the Mi family and decline faster.

"Mi Weiyu, isn't this your property?" Su Jie ignored the eyes of the Qi family father and son, but said to Mi Weiyu: "Why is there an assassin of the Qi family here, and now the killer is holding a gun secretly Point at me, what do you think should be?"

"What? What happened?" Mi Weiyu was startled when she heard this, and then obvious anger appeared on her face.

"Wei Yu, don't listen to his nonsense." Mr. Qi hurriedly said: "Why would I arrange a killer in your villa? They pointed out that there are so many enemies in the group, and it's okay to be killed if you go out." must."

"Young man." Lao Yu came up: "I know you have some methods, but you should not be too arrogant, too hard and easy to break, in order to win over the Mi family, your methods are too despicable, young people are so conspiring, I'm afraid it will end badly in the future."

"Really?" Su Jie smiled: "Your name is Yu Shiguan. You have been learning boxing from your master since you were three years old. Yi Li's kung fu, at the age of ten, has already comprehended a very advanced realm. Your master is also a big boss and established an association. However, fifteen years ago, because your master did not accept Shenyueren's Merged, fought with the Shenyue people, and was killed by the Shenyue people. You had a bad heart and wanted revenge, but you were not the opponent of the Shenyue people, so you lurk abroad, practice hard, devote yourself to cultivation, and then give some foreign The big boss became a subordinate, gained a lot of resources, and gradually established his own power. Recently, he heard that the Shenyue people's organization disintegrated, so he came back to take revenge. Of course, you have indeed learned some things over the years, and you have also gained Maximum enhancement. If I read correctly, you are actually injected with a mysterious drug that develops the brain to a great extent. It puts your brain in a highly developed state, so that , your confidence is even stronger. However, Shenyue was abolished by me, and your master is not his opponent, and you provoke me again, do you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

Su Jie explained all kinds of situations of Yu Shiguan clearly, and even fully grasped some of his secrets. This is not because he has studied his family background, nor is it because he has collected any information. You can see through his past and future, all kinds of things, this is the result of his spiritual realm has reached an extremely high level, he can penetrate time and space, and he can get any information he wants.

"You actually know so much." Yu Shiguan held his surprise in his heart, "I know what your Diandao Group relies on. It is a supercomputer artificial intelligence that can obtain the entire world in an instant. All the information can even invade the military systems of superpowers and obtain their top-secret information. You can definitely collect some of my information, but young people, you use these things, after all, they are foreign objects, and you are flesh and blood. body."

"Really? Flesh and blood?" Su Jie smiled: "You mobs alone seem to be unable to pose the slightest threat to me. Now I give you a choice, leave here immediately. Otherwise, I will kill you I told Mi Weiyu about the next plan. Your next plan is actually very vicious, and you have already started to lay it out, such as..."

Seeing that Su Jie was about to reveal some secrets, Mr. Qi finally couldn't bear it anymore, he made a secret gesture and flicked his fingers.


In the distance, the killer fired, and the bullets roared, aiming at Su Jie's head.

"Not good." Mi Weiyu already knew what happened at this time, she dodged instinctively, quite skillfully, it seemed that she had been specially trained to avoid bullets.

In order to prevent being assassinated, the sons and daughters of this kind of rich family must receive special military training from an early age.

Mi Weiyu even saw where the bullet came from and where it was aimed at in an instant. This part is Su Jie's head.

However, a scene that surprised her happened. She watched helplessly as Su Jie moved his hand and pinched his fingers. The bullet was caught in his fingertips, and he couldn't move forward any more.

At this time, the Qi family, father and son, and Yu Shiguan also stared wide-eyed. Looking at this scene, they couldn't believe it. In this world, there are really people who can catch bullets with their hands. This is not a movie, but reality.

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