Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and fifty first unexpected retribution imminent great terror

In fact, the complexity of some situations inside the body is a step further than the governance of a country. Coordinating the body is actually much more difficult than coordinating all aspects of a country.

Since ancient times, there have been countless talented and generous kings who have managed the country well, but their own governance has been messed up.

Therefore, since ancient times, cultivators have been the greatest cause, much greater than governing a country.

The sun and the moon remain unchanged, the world is always new, and practice surpasses everything.

The most difficult thing about managing your own body is not knowing where to start.

For example, how to communicate with your own brain? Basically all people can't tell what is themselves and what is the instinct of the body.

These things are often lumped together.

Only now, when human beings are involved in psychology and physiology, are they gradually uncovering the secrets of human cells.

In fact, taking cancer as an example, cancer cells are actually very good at disguising. Sometimes, cunning cancer cells will even pretend to be normal cells, so that their own immune system cannot find him, or even kill normal cells by mistake.

And its own immune system, in fact, it is difficult to distinguish what is a normal cell, what is a cancer cell. It's not that it doesn't cooperate, but sometimes, without the help of other organs, it's difficult to carry out high-level screening and killing.

No matter how strong the army is, it also needs logistical supplies to keep up, otherwise it will be a tired army and it will be easily defeated.

Of course, in many cases, the autoimmune system does not work hard, and it is difficult to inspire fighting spirit.

The most typical thing is that the treatment of many diseases requires the cooperation of patients, with a positive and optimistic attitude and full of hope. Under this kind of mood, the immune system is supported, and there is hope to strengthen, overcome the disease, and recover itself. This is obtained Confirmation of clinical trials. And a person who is depressed and negative, is basically finished. The immune system can also be passive and slow down.

However, how much can a person's positive and optimistic attitude have on the immune system? In fact, this is still an unknown, and it is difficult to quantify it with data. Moreover, it is actually difficult to prove how optimistic and positive the mood will be to the human immune system, and whether it is the best efficiency.

However, Su Jie has already started in-depth research.

He found,

In fact, these are the original treatment. It's almost like drinking more hot water when you have a cold. In fact, the effect is not very obvious.

His current method is to adjust the consciousness between organs, conduct dialogues, communicate in depth, and coordinate them in depth. This is equivalent to the comparison between the modern military and the ancient peasant uprising army. Fighting diseases is not a level at all.

Now Su Jie's method is to coordinate the various organs and tissues of the human body to form an "army", to deal with that kind of stubborn cancer, it is like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Almost within a few minutes, many cancer cells in Mr. Mi's body were wiped out by his own immune system.

In fact, the cancer in Mr. Mi's body is very complicated. It is almost impossible to treat it with chemotherapy and other means, and even the most advanced gene therapy is helpless. Because Mr. Mi is in the body, various organs have become cancerous, and there are other diseases.

Only by sweeping from within can one be eliminated one by one, and external treatment cannot be completed.

Just like a country where corruption is serious, it is unreliable for outsiders to make changes, and it will only cause more and more problems. Only the people themselves

Only by awakening and revolutionizing can the country be strengthened.

In fact, the truth is the same.

"Okay." Su Jie said: "From now on, all the diseases in your body will be eliminated, which is the result of the coordination and cooperation of various organs in your body."

"Really?" Mr. Mi still didn't quite believe it, "Is this all right?" Now his body felt unprecedentedly relaxed, as if some things that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time were removed, and the clouds were cleared.

"That's right, you can go for an examination." Su Jie was also observing Mr. Mi. In this treatment, he actually gained many benefits. He was able to observe Mr. Mi, a living body, how the coordination and operation of internal organs proceeded. War, the elimination of cancer cells in the body, these are real experiments, in this experiment, he summed up a lot of experience, in fact, he has a lot of experience on how to coordinate the body organs in the future.

In fact, in his opinion, this war was not perfect. Although the task was completed, the cooperation was not very tacit and there were some losses, but at least it was a victory. If you want to rate it. This war is actually a failure.

If the human organs are really well coordinated, the miracle of life that blooms can turn a single cell into a high-level intelligent life. This is not science fiction, but something that has been proven by historical evolution.

From now on, Su Jie has abandoned the so-called control rights of the new humans. While everyone was pursuing consciousness control, Su Jie began to pursue the degree of coordination.

This actually coincides with the ancient Taoist philosophy of yin and yang.

Only when yin and yang are absolutely balanced, can we live long and see forever.

All in all, Su Jie gained some valuable clinical experience from Mr. Mi, and then used it on himself to coordinate various organs in his body, talk to them, communicate with them, and grow together. This is actually a very interesting thing. matter.

Sometimes, Su Jie could even feel some emotional information from his brain. For these information, Su Jie thought that his brain would one day become independent and become a separate living body.

It's actually a wonderful feeling.

Life is so miraculous.

Moreover, Su Jie observed Mr. Mi, not only his physical condition, but also Mr. Mi's luck, and even the whole Mi family's luck.

Mr. Mi's body was completely healed in one fell swoop, and in an instant, his vitality increased so much that a "canopy" appeared almost above his head. Moreover, the entire energy of the Mi family has also stabilized, as firm as a rock.

Fate and fate are so strange.

Fate is the life of a person, and luck is the direction of the future. Sometimes, fate can determine luck, and luck can also determine fate, entangled with each other. It's really wonderful.

This moment.

In a car outside.

The father and son of the Qi family, Yu Shiguan had already left the Weiyu Villa, all of them looked gloomy, and didn't know what to say, until after leaving the Weiyu Villa a long way away, the pressure in the hearts of the three of them eased a little, and Mr. He opened his mouth: "Old Yu, what's the situation now? Look at the luck of our Qi family? After being disturbed by that kid, I'm afraid the Mi family will wake up and things will be difficult. Mi Weiyu is a very good girl." Get over it, but her father's an old fox."

"Actually, the most important thing now is Mr. Mi's illness. If the Diandao Group can really treat it, then we have nothing to do with it." While speaking, Mr. Yu was secretly observing the luck of Qi's father and son. view

During the inspection, he was shocked, because he found that the Qi family father and son were covered with dark clouds, and there was even a strong blood in it.

"This, the sign is too obvious." Yu Shiguan was taken aback. He had almost never seen such a dangerous luck in his life, which meant that there would be disasters for the Qi family father and son anytime, anywhere. Even the dark clouds and bloody light have stained him, causing him to be implicated as well.

The top priority is to leave the Qi family father and son as soon as possible to resolve the bloody disaster on their bodies.

He does know that he helped the Qi family and his son to change their lives, but he was actually involved in the karma of the Qi family. If he failed, he would suffer a strong backlash. Just one family, and there is still room for recovery, so it won't happen quickly.

Now he is going to be punished immediately, why is this?

In fact, he was also puzzled.

"You said, that kid can catch bullets with his hands. Is it true or not? I always think it's a blindfold, magic, and it's impossible for people to reach this level." Mr. Qi still didn't believe it. "After I go back, I have to investigate carefully Check it out."

"It is impossible for a human body to do this. Unless he is not a human, or some kind of machinery is implanted in his body, in fact, in the human body, many bone organs, even muscles and nervous systems can be used It was replaced by a machine. For example, that Duan Xuan, in fact, he is no longer a real person.” While Yu Shiguan was trying to figure out how to resolve it, he was still having a conversation with the Qi family and his son.


At this moment, there was a sudden brake from the undercarriage of the car.

The three of them were all affected by inertia, and they swooped forward fiercely.

"What's going on?" Mr. Qi was furious. His driver is top-notch, and the car has an automatic driving system. If something goes wrong, the system will be activated, and it will still be safe. This will never happen.

"I'm sorry, the car broke down suddenly. I don't know why, but it braked automatically." The driver was a stalwart young man, "You don't move in the car, I'll get out of the car and take a look."

While speaking, he hurriedly got out of the car.

The moment he got off the car. Suddenly, at a turning point in the distance, a huge engineering vehicle seemed to be drunk and completely out of control. It hit this side at the speed of a sports car.


The huge construction vehicle completely ran over Mr. Qi's car, and immediately crushed the car into a ball of tofu, and the driver just got out of the car to check, and at the moment of danger, he instinctively ran away and escaped. doomed.

As for the three people in the car, they lost all breath.

"What?" Mr. Mi, who was talking to Su Jie in the Weiyu Villa when he was a child, received the news immediately: "The father and son of the Qi family were involved in a car accident and both died? Yu Shiguan was seriously injured and is still being rescued?"

After he received the news, he stared at Su Jie fiercely, as if he suspected Su Jie's actions, because he had experienced Su Jie's miraculous methods in Liu Shi's manor.

"What? Mr. Mi, do you suspect that I did it?" Naturally, Su Jie could guess what Mr. Mi was suspicious of: "I would never do such a thing. It's their own fault, but I'm also a little surprised. Although I saw that their luck was declining and there would be some disasters within three days, I didn't expect it to be so fast and so fierce."

This really has nothing to do with Su Jie. Su Jie also wanted to see how bad luck would turn back, and what happened now was actually beyond his expectations.

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