Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and fifty-two fate can be quantified, wealth flow is unpredictable

The Qi family father and son had a car accident like this, and Su Jie didn't count it, because the intake of this kind of information is actually very complicated, consumes the spiritual energy in the consciousness, and even if it is counted, it is actually very important for Su Jie's practice. , has no meaning, only disadvantages, and no benefits, it is better to wait and see what the backlash of luck looks like.

See a wonderful causal line from personal experience, and then start to speculate, try to figure out the scientific basis, design a set of formulas, or sum up a theory.

Then, throw this theory out, and many scholars will prove, research, and refute it together. During the discussion, the truth will gradually be born.

Many classical theories in physics were born in this way.

First observe the phenomenon, then make a hypothesis, and then prove the hypothesis, which becomes a theory.

In fact, in Su Jie's view, ancient metaphysics. What luck, what backlash, what karma, what retribution, what Feng Shui, supernatural, are all physics.

From a physical point of view, it seems to be possible to explain and verify.

If classical physics cannot prove it, then quantum physics will prove it.

The combination of human fate and human destiny will give birth to many wonderful choices, which are intertwined. It can be said that there is really a divine will in the dark.

For example, in this disaster, Qi's father and son had the deepest cause and effect, so they were involved in a car accident and died. But Yu Shiguan was actually lighter, so he also sat in the car and survived the serious injury. And that bodyguard was not contaminated with karma, he happened to leave at a critical moment because of a car breakdown.

This is why life should not die.

In real life, there are countless such examples. In many seemingly mortal situations, people just can't die, and even doctors think it's a miracle.

This is a typical "Hell will not accept".

What kind of theory is this?

Su Jie believes that this is actually a kind of physics, and it should be quantified by indicators, that is, psionic energy, information, time and space, interact with each other, resulting in an inevitable result. And this inevitable result can be changed, as long as any link in it is changed.

In fact, this is equivalent to doing a chemical experiment. When many chemical substances are combined together, they can become new chemical substances, but as long as they are slightly changed, they will become another compound.

If the final result of a person is regarded as a compound, then time and space, information, energy and other factors are the basis of fermentation.

The law of this, Su Jie has gone through many examples,

I figured it out a little bit.

In fact, changing fate and changing luck, in ancient metaphysics, seems very complicated, even very mysterious, and is entangled with the divine will in the dark. But in Su Jie's view, they are actually doing chemical experiments one by one.

Regarding this point, if Su Jie studies thoroughly, then his practice will go one step further and reach a realm that is truly incomprehensible to others.

In fact, the current Su Jie, in terms of his mind, body, and even other aspects, is no longer understood by others. His every move seems to contain a rich philosophy. Even the new human beings now find it difficult to understand some of the changes that have taken place in him, including the structure of his consciousness.

In the process of continuous cooperation and communication between his consciousness and body, his self-consciousness structure is actually undergoing profound changes.

Human self-awareness actually has many flaws, incomplete structure, misunderstandings in thinking, and inability to see the real situation when looking at the world. These are all inherent in human beings and cannot be changed. Only profound changes and evolution can be achieved. change this state.

For example, snakes have almost zero vision and cannot see with their eyes. They use their tongues to perceive the world around them. It's not their own fault, it's genetically determined, born that way.

Humans have no wings, cannot fly, and are restricted in their actions, which is also innate.

Human consciousness cannot feel all kinds of dark matter, and it is not stable, easy to dissipate, easy to consume, this is also born.

However, these can all be compensated by evolution.

Moreover, the evolution rate of human consciousness is much faster than the evolution rate of the body.

It takes hundreds of thousands or millions of years for the evolution of apes to humans, but the evolution of consciousness may be completed in a few years, or even months, days, or even an instant.

In fact, the ancients also realized this very early on, and only then did they talk about enlightenment and becoming a Buddha.

Epiphany is also a kind of evolution in consciousness.

When a person is suddenly stimulated by something, his temperament changes drastically. This is also a kind of evolution. Of course, the evolution caused by emotional stimulation has both good and bad aspects.

Moreover, physical emotions can affect changes in self-awareness.

For example, the ancient "asceticism", all kinds of physical training, can make the will stronger. Through physical suffering, the body emits a strong stimulating emotion, which affects the structure of self-consciousness.

This is a living example.

Through exercise, physical torture, influence self-will. This is one of the most common phenomena in life, but what is the theory? No one is available for analysis yet.

In Su Jie's view, it is actually the result of the mutual influence and mutual promotion of body emotions and self-awareness.

And this way of evolution is very primitive. From Su Jie's point of view, it is actually the gorillas who are fishing with sticks, which is the most primitive tool for animals to use.

As for Su Jie's current methods, consciousness directly communicates with various emotions in the body, promotes each other, and affects the changes in self-consciousness. This is the start of the mechanical age.

In terms of practice, human beings' training and various practices are actually still in the primitive society, slash-and-burn. And the new human beings are producing bronze wares. As for Mr. Tifeng, the head, and even the mysterious organization behind Duan Xuan, it seems that they have entered the feudal era.

Su Jie, on the other hand, was carrying out the industrial revolution.

Self-awareness and the communication of body emotions are indeed an epoch-making revolution. Coupled with the influence of social emotions and space-time emotions, it is the space age.

In fact, the general trend of the world has a huge impact on the structure of people's consciousness and even the body. No matter how strong a person is, he will actually be engulfed by the torrent of the times.

From Duan Xuan, Su Jie comprehended the rejection and communication between body consciousness and self-consciousness, and in the experience of the Qi family father and son, he seemed to feel a kind of causal fate interfering with self-consciousness formed by peripheral information.

These things are really too complicated. With Su Jie's brain, it is actually difficult to calculate everything clearly, but there is one thing that can prove that Su Jie has now understood many of the secrets.

"Fate is impermanent, and the world is unpredictable. The Qi family is gone." Mr. Mi's mood has not yet calmed down. In fact, although the Qi family plotted against the Mi family, they belonged to the same circle anyway, so they disappeared in smoke. It made him feel vulnerable.

Don't look at him holding great power and a huge wealth empire now, but in front of fate, he is actually just a small chess piece, maybe one day, he will encounter disaster.

Under luck, the emperor could not escape either.

Now he understands why the more wealth, the greater the power, the more trustworthy he is. Because power and wealth actually play no role in front of fate. As fragile as ordinary people.

"Fate is not impossible to control." Su Jie said: "It is nothing more than a right to choose."

"If other young people say such things in front of me, I think he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, he hasn't experienced the precipitation of life, and he doesn't know the depth of the world, but from your mouth, I think you can really control your destiny " Mr. Mi now knows that Su Jie is simply supernatural.

In fact, he also began to investigate Su Jie's information.

Some information faintly appeared in it, which made him tremble with fear.

"It's not easy to control fate, I can only control part of it." Su Jie said.

"By the way, I know you can predict the future, but I'm curious if you can know the future direction of world finance. For example, the global stock market, futures and the trend of various commodities. If you can do this, we will cooperate. We will be able to monopolize huge amounts of wealth soon.” Mr. Mi began to formally talk about cooperation: “I think you should know that in this world, the fastest way to make money is to extract profits from the capital market, and other methods are too slow to get money. Of course, the risk in the capital market is too high, even a real genius will actually stumble."

When Mr. Mi spoke, capital's greed for wealth appeared.

Seeing that Su Jie was silent, Mr. Mi continued: "I know, you are actually engaged in scientific research, but scientific research must be supported by money. The fastest way to consume wealth in the world is neither war nor financial crisis. It’s scientific research. The wealth evaporated by the financial crisis is virtual wealth, and the money burned by scientific research is real wealth disappearing. Your current funding gap is actually very large.”

"That's right, how about we set up a financial company. Use your ability to make money from the capital market." Mi Weiyu is also very interested in this: "Actually, I know that your Diandao Group also has a financial company, and the current person in charge is That classmate of yours, Lin Tang, is working with the Wu family. The Wu family is actually a financial genius, but he also has his own limitations. In my opinion, your financial company is still too small. If you cooperate with us, instantly It can sweep the entire world market and become the most profitable company.”

"You can contact them." Su Jie said: "However, I am not interested in spying on the changes in the financial market. The first is that the amount of information is too large, which consumes the psionic energy in the consciousness. Second, the flow of money in the financial market actually represents If the flow of wealth is accelerated and it becomes a black hole to swallow, it will easily cause unpredictable consequences, which is not a good thing for us.”

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