Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and fifty-three new discoveries information parasitism as the devil

The Mi family wants to make a lot of money in the financial market, which is also in line with their consistent thinking. Indeed, doing any business is actually not as good as making money in the financial market.

In Su Jie's view, using one's own predictive ability to withdraw funds in the financial market is actually a very tainted behavior, and it is an act that is not worth the candle. If the amount of funds withdrawn is small, it’s fine. Once a large amount of funds is withdrawn, it will definitely cause a black hole of funds, which will cause turmoil in the global financial market, which will cause very big troubles, and may even become a target of public criticism.

In fact, there are such financial predators in the world, but all countries in the world hate such financial predators, and have set up special departments to closely monitor the movements of these financial predators, and once the opponent makes a move, they will immediately stop them with all their strength.

Many financial giants suffered losses, and some even went bankrupt directly under the sniping of the state.

Even if he is as strong as Mr. Typhon, he actually has the ability to predict the financial market, but he does not dare to disturb the stock market. Instead, he finds another way to create a virtual digital currency, which is used for transactions in the dark web and black market, and finally penetrates into the real world.

Even so, he actually encountered many blows and was in danger many times. Although it was resolved by him, it caused a lot of trouble after all.

For Su Jie, he could actually make money in the capital market long ago, but he has never done so. In fact, I don’t want to affect other people and cause violent turmoil.

However, in the Diandao Group, Lin Tang is in charge of finance. He is a financial genius, born with great talent, which is determined by the structure of consciousness.

In fact, human talent comes from the structure of consciousness, and all kinds of geniuses are due to the structure of consciousness, not the structure of the body.

Su Jie has seen several real financial geniuses, and the number one is naturally "Mr. Cong". He created virtual currency, and his consciousness structure has had a major impact on the financial system of the entire world. The right to issue currency that affects the entire world.

Su Jie has studied the thinking structure of "Mr. Cong" in detail, and it is indeed very special, and can have a very strong fit and forward-looking information on financial wealth.

Human beings have different structures of consciousness.

Zhao Yan, for example, is born with a unique comprehension ability and affinity for kung fu, especially the sound-type lion's roar kung fu. This is determined by his consciousness structure, so he practiced Vajra Lion's Roar, which coincided with his soul code.

In fact, Su Jie has been researching the soul code for a long time.

Everyone's fingerprints are different,

Some identity information used to distinguish people. The human soul code is more complex and specific. In the future, it will definitely be used to distinguish the identity between people.

Because two identical clones actually have exactly the same physical characteristics, even DNA, let alone fingerprints.

If a person's soul code fits very well with something, then he will be very successful in this industry. On the contrary, if a person's soul code has a low degree of compatibility with something, then he will basically not achieve success, and on the contrary it will be very painful.

Su Jie's roommate Lin Tang, his soul code is very compatible with financial aspects, even surpassing the Wu family's martial arts, so he does financial trading and invests in securities, and has made money for Diandao Group these years. A lot of money.

As for Su Jie's own soul code, the compatibility with financial investment is actually very low. In short, he has no wealth luck.

In fact, their family has no wealth. Especially his father, Su Shilin, will be unlucky every time he has money. This is actually because the special information structure of the soul code and the wealth information are repellent.

This is explained in scientific terms.

According to the normal situation, if Su Jie went to the financial market to speculate in stocks and futures, he would definitely lose all his money, because he was not born to play this kind of stuff. However, with his current cultivation and spiritual realm, he can forcibly change against the sky, absorb information, and penetrate the laws of the financial market, but this consumes too much. Moreover, it is not worth the loss to change one's own coded consciousness structure of the soul.

His current soul password consciousness structure is actually a born researcher and practitioner-scientist.

It is somewhat similar to Newton.

Newton is a great genius in science, but he is a typical "broiler and leek" in financial markets. He once lost all his money in stocks and almost went bankrupt.

In this world, there is no omnipotent genius, even Su Jie is not omnipotent.

However, among his team, there is Lin Tang, a financial genius. The Wu family once saw Lin Tang's potential and luck, and desperately tried to dig him into his hands, because several old people of the Wu family have deep cultivation, and they have already seen it Well, the Wu family has taken too much profit in the financial market, and I'm afraid there will be a backlash in the future. Maybe if one mistake is made, they will lose everything, and they will go bankrupt and fall into a dangerous situation.

Therefore, Lin Tang's qi movement must be used to make up for it.

However, even though they didn't find Lin Tang, they still knew Su Jie and formed an alliance. It more or less made up for many lacks in luck, and also won a glimmer of life for the future.

From Su Jie's point of view, there is always a catastrophe for the Wu family, and it is difficult to avoid this catastrophe, because the more you avoid it, the bigger the catastrophe is brewing, and the more terrifying it will be when it erupts in the future.

Might as well release it now.

The doom of the Wu family came from the huge losses in the financial market.

At that time, Lin Tang will even be implicated.

But Su Jie didn't plan to tell Lin Tang in advance, because it was a test for him. In the financial market, there is no general who wins forever. Even the great financial god will sometimes stumble.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that after failure, if there is no chance to stand up, then it is really a crushing defeat. Su Jie can guarantee that after Lin Tang and the Wu family fail, they will have a chance to stand up.

If Lin Tang survives this failure, he will definitely be completely reborn. In the consciousness structure, the seeds of the true financial god are brewing.

This is of great benefit to the entire Diandao Group.

After all, Su Jie is a researcher, and his various researches, as they go deeper, must be supported by huge funds, otherwise they are just empty talk. To be honest, many researches nowadays cannot be completed by relying on his fantasy. For example, the analysis and research of dark matter requires a huge experimental base, and even a huge scientific team for data docking, analysis, and collective wisdom to brew and ferment together.

These all cost money.

In fact, the Mi family has seen this for a long time, so they proposed in-depth cooperation with Su Jie.

"Mr. Su Jie, your scientific research projects are currently the most expensive, and the funding gap is very large. After our cooperation, we can make up for the funding gap." Mr. Mi did not give up: "With your ability, you can easily invest in financial It is not a problem to earn research funding in the market.”

"Mr. Mi, in your current position, are you still short of money? Why do I feel that your pursuit of wealth is stronger than anyone else's. And the greater your wealth luck, the greater your pursuit of wealth. Geometric growth, shouldn't it mean that enough money is enough?" Su Jie could feel Mr. Mi's strong desire for wealth.

A few hours ago, Mr. Mi was not so eager, but after being cured by Su Jie, his pursuit of wealth broke out completely.

"The richer people are, the more they are short of money." Mr. Mi sighed: "Even the country is the same. The United States, the richest country, has the highest debt. They are very short of money. They are almost dying for money." Crazy, because one chain is one chain. Their economy is actually driven by debt. In fact, the real big financial companies in this world must be driven by debt, or even leverage, otherwise they will be Others suppress and overwhelm you, so you should know that the bigger the company, the more money it needs. Because there are too many places where they need money. And any link will lead to the complete collapse of the entire company's debt chain."

"That's right, modern financial transactions are very fast, but the disadvantage is that the fermentation collapses very quickly. Once it collapses, it is difficult to save it." Su Jie said: "I also deeply understand your situation, but You are now a slave to money, it is not your own consciousness that is pursuing wealth, but the subconsciousness of wealth, which affects you, makes you exhausted, and keeps pursuing it.”

"Is there such a thing?" Mr. Mi heard it for the first time.

"Of course, I can see that a lot of wealth information is gathered in your self-awareness. This information, entrenched in your consciousness, has become a part of your soul, but in fact, it is not your soul, but It is a state of parasitism. If you want to compare this information, it is what cultivators call a demon, which comes from the growth of obsession. It is much more terrifying than obsession. Deep in most people's consciousness, there is Obsession, but the obsession grows stronger and becomes a devil, that is very rare, so far, I seem to have found it in your soul." Su Jie said a few words, and Mr. Mi said Creepy.

"Is there a devil in my soul?" Mr. Mi knew that Su Jie would never target him indiscriminately. If he said it was true, it would be true. He also knew that people who have reached Su Jie's level would not lie to him at all. .

His huge wealth status, in front of Su Jie, is actually a child.

Su Jie was also amazed. Before, he didn't realize that after he cured Mr. Mi's disease, the devil woke up in Mr. Mi's consciousness.

Of course, "devil" is just a synonym. In scientific terms, it should be a high-end parasitic information life form.

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