Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and seventy-seventh situation changes life leap has begun

The small team formed by Wang Tong is actually not a good person, everyone is cruel and inhumane, and everyone has their own plans, and they can betray their companions at any time for some benefits. If these people are placed by your side as companions, you will not dare to close your eyes while sleeping.

The mutual help and mutual assistance of this team is far worse than that of the Diandao Group. The companions of the Diandao Group, that is, the real companions, can entrust each other, and it is absolutely impossible to plot against each other.

Even in a big company, the executives are fighting each other, and they are in conflict with each other, which is absolutely not seen in Diandao Group.

In other big companies, in order to balance interests, the boss even deliberately let the executives fight among themselves, compete for performance, and arouse wolfishness, but this does not work in Diandao Group. Valuable scientific research, everything serves scientific research. Moreover, as the actual controller behind the scenes of the Diandao Group, what Su Jie relies on is not scheming, but a kind of personality charm and absolute strength, which is enough to overturn the universe and turn the sun and the moon around.

And now in this small team, Wang Tong's strength is certainly outstanding, but to convince these people in front of him, that's bullshit.

In fact, the reason why these people were able to come together was because of their deep hatred for Su Jie. Everyone wished to kill Su Jie, and even destroy his nine clans, so that Su Jie's body would be broken into thousands of pieces.

Although Su Jie didn't kill them, these people's characters couldn't bear the slightest insult. Even if others yelled at them, they would have to die like the whole family.

After these people form a team, the efficiency of the team has not been brought into play, there are many intrigues and mutual dismantling, so Wang Tong didn't expect the team to do any big things. It's just better than nothing.

If you really take this team seriously. Then Wang Tong is really stupid, you know, everyone in this team can turn around and kill him at any time for a little profit.

Even, even if there is no benefit, these people actually want to attack him and want to control this person.

In the eyes of these people, Wang Tong is actually very valuable.

But now, Su Jie's power and strength are getting stronger and stronger. Not only are these people hopeless for revenge, even Su Jie's subordinates can't beat them.

Several giants of the Diandao Group are now far superior to them in strength. What's more, everyone has substitutes, and the strength of these substitutes is also earth-shattering.

How is this revenge?

Still have to be fully united.

That's what Wang Tong meant when he came back for a meeting.

"That's right, we must be completely united to form a force, so that we can not only counter Su Jie, but also gain status and interests in the International New Human Alliance. Now the International New Human Alliance is getting bigger and bigger The interests are also complicated, and there are many opportunities for us to fish in troubled waters." Wen Ting agreed, he is a delicate stakeholder and is good at seizing any opportunity.

"It's not that easy to deal with Su Jie." Duan Fei is getting deeper and deeper now. He himself is a strange creature, an experimental product created by Sun Pilong, but after waking up, he immediately became a Buddha and became a new Human beings, now his foundation is extremely powerful. In fact, it all depends on Su Jie's help, but he doesn't have any good feelings for Su Jie, he only has the emotion of getting rid of him: "However, you are Su Jie's nemesis, at least in terms of numerology. There is a lot to do. We can make a fuss about this.”

"How to make an article?" Wang Tong asked with interest.

"You can change your fate, change your fate for us, let our fate be close to yours. In this way, we will more or less become Su Jie's nemesis." Duan Fei suggested.

"It's not such a simple matter to change your fortune. If you don't do it well, there will be big problems. The fate and fate of a person's life are actually related to life and death, and I can't control it." Wang Tong was silent for a while: "Of course, this is not impossible. I'm actually trying to find a way to improve your overall strength. As a person who surpasses Su Jie in numerology and wants to eliminate him in the future, Su Jie can improve the cultivation level of his subordinates, and I can also reborn for you. It makes you become the pinnacle of the entire new human race in a single leap."

"We would like to ask a question." Feng Hengyi raised a key question: "Wang Tong, with your current strength, can you dominate the International New Human Alliance? Can you defeat some of the giants?" Is it? If you can really become the number one giant and overwhelm the world, it doesn’t matter if we follow you to do it. After all, the future is boundless. Even in the future, the power of the entire International New Human Alliance will be in your hands, and we will also You can get a share. Although in the political arena, it is almost impossible for Western society to allow Easterners to be in power, but the power of the International New Humanity Alliance is different, and it is completely based on strength. As long as you are strong, you don’t have to care about what those people think.”

This question hits the key point.

Wang Tong sneered: "Su Jie's rise actually did not depend on his own abilities, but was assisted by super artificial intelligence. It was his sister Su Muchen who created Xiao Jie. He does research, he has two super golden fingers. And now I have created a super artificial intelligence old king. This old king's ability is still higher than that of Xiaojie and Xiaochen. Deciphering, once their source codes are deciphered, the entire network informatization is my world, I am the god of the Internet, and all things that need the Internet are under my control, even the chip implantation in the International New Human Alliance, It is also used by me. The whole society, all resources belong to me, no matter how strong those new humans are, to me, they are just ants that can be crushed to death."

When Wang Tong spoke, his domineering air was boundless.

"Among the current International Alliance of New Humans, there are only a few people I have scruples about. Among them, Odley is the most scrupled. I can't see through this person. Compared with Typhon, Honey Badger, Head, Crusu, Alien Humans, Iron Mask, Matriarch, God's Nest, and these giants are actually more terrifying."

In one breath, Wang Tong revealed many giants in the International Alliance of New Human Beings. Some giants, who had never appeared before, suddenly appeared in the human world. In the dark world and the real world, some giants have never appeared before.

It can be seen from this that the entire human society is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the rapid development is far beyond people's imagination.

The once famous giant may fall behind in a few years, while the unknown kid suddenly rises like a rocket.

For example, the Iron Mask Institute is actually a dark matter laboratory. Originally, it was filled with Frankensteins, and those who study dark matter have no strength in themselves. But suddenly one day, "spiritual energy" was discovered in the dark matter, which has a huge beneficial effect on people's spiritual world, so this team immediately became the world's top masters.

Science is power.

In the past, some scientists were ordinary people, but the times have changed. Later, scientists became more capable. For example, scientists who study life sciences and genetics, once they develop a new technology and transform their bodies, they can also In one leap, become a strong man.

In addition to this, the informatics team behind Mr. Gamma has also discovered a technology that can interfere with information on a large scale, and can also make people stronger by the way.

It can be said that in the past, people's changes mainly depended on accumulation, slowly accumulating, and then quantitative and qualitative changes, but in the future, it is a direct jump.

This is logical in terms of evolution. There have been several big explosions of life, all of which were leap-forward changes. From the most primitive life forms, a variety of life forms evolved almost overnight.

Now, human beings are also on the eve of the big bang.

The International Alliance of New Human Beings is an alliance, not a well-structured organization. It is actually equivalent to the United Nations, but it is much stronger than the United Nations. Now many giants have formed a council of elders, which is similar to the system of the ancient Roman Senate, but it has reached the current level. , a consul has not yet been elected.

"It is said that the International Alliance of New Humans wants to select a real giant as the consul. Who do you think will be elected next?" Feng Hengyi asked again: "Ou Deli is certainly terrifying, but he will not be the consul. official, but if he supports anyone, the probability of that person is as high as 50%. After all, he is the one who created Su Jie, and in the International New Humanity Alliance, he has a very high voice. "

"Ou Deli will support me." Wang said.

"How is that possible." Wen Ting frowned a little: "Actually, we are all inexperienced in the International New Humanity Alliance. You are powerful and have created a super artificial intelligence old king, but after all, you are from the East. Now the International New Humanity Alliance The Western plot in Human League is still very strong."

"That's okay, I just want to become a Westerner. I have authentic Anglo-Saxon blood." While speaking, Wang Tong's hair changed rapidly, turning golden, the bridge of his nose also began to become higher, and his eyes began to turn blue. In a few words, he changed from a typical oriental style to a western boy. The purity of the blood in his body is simply innate.

"This is?" Several people were shocked.

Wang Tong smiled: "This is actually just a genetic technology. The genetic differences between races are not very big. The genetic differences between Westerners and Easterners are actually just a little bit. I am also an expert in life sciences. , This problem of change can be solved long ago. I said, with the help of the old man of artificial intelligence, I have mastered all the genetic technology and life science technology of the International New Human Alliance. I am now a pure western blood , there is no problem in being elected as the consul of the International Alliance of New Human Beings."

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