Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and eighth came to the headquarters, the huge ark floated on the sea

The genetic difference between races is not very big, but when it comes to conversion, it requires relatively advanced technology, and for ordinary people, race is a kind of culture and feelings. Rather than skin color and other things, what is more important is a temperament in the bones.

But Wang Tong is different. He changed from an oriental boy to a western boy in an instant, and even his temperament has changed. What's more important is a kind of cultural and blood resonance. At this moment, if one were to look at it with an expert, one would find that Wang Tong and the ancient Western bloodline culture were intertwined, regardless of each other, and seemed to be a proud son of heaven born of the noble bloodline of the West.

This conversion is really too difficult.

External conversion is easy, but internal conversion is almost impossible. But now, Wang Tong has completed the core transformation, which means that he is now a pure Westerner from the inside out, even much more pure than most Westerners.

This is different from Ou Deli. On the surface, O Deli is a Westerner, but deep in his core, in fact, Eastern culture occupies a dominant position. The ancient Eastern philosophy and metaphysical thinking constitute the skeleton of his spiritual world.

"Are you sure you can get the status of consul in this way? Why does Odley support you?" Duan Fei looked at it for a long time, and then asked again.

"Just because I am Su Jie's nemesis, my soul structure is completely opposite to Su Jie's, and I don't get along with him." Wang Tongdao: "Actually, for Odeli, Su Jie is a miracle. When he trained Su Jie, I also did not expect that Su Jie would grow into what he is now, because at that time, Su Jie was not outstanding at all, and his aptitude was also very ordinary. His own physical condition and consciousness structure were also at a middle-upper level. It's not bad, but it's inferior to other people trained by Odley. But in the end, Su Jie's achievements far surpassed these people. What kind of changes have taken place in this, Odley has been constantly Confused, I can't figure it out. In fact, Odley is best at metaphysics, reading people's fate, divination of astrology, and easy numbering of plum blossoms. He has figured it out a long time ago, and Su Jie's achievements are not very high. And I, in fact, After Su Jie made great achievements, he was born under the inspiration of Qi. If you study me, you can figure out why Su Jie has such great achievements. For Ou Deli, it doesn't matter who becomes the consul. The important thing is who has the greater research value. The so-called poison, within ten steps, there must be an antidote to survive, Su Jie is the poison, and I am the antidote that came into being."

"Apart from Odeli who supports you, who else supports you?" Wen Ting asked.

"And there are you guys." Wang Tong looked around and shot everyone's faces: "Actually, all of you are also new human beings, with great strength and great potential for development. In the International New Human Alliance, It is an absolute force belonging to the middle class. If you support me, I will have more power to speak. The reason why I have said so much to you this time is that there is only one point. In the next election for the consul, you must to be the center of me,

Choose me as leader. "

"No problem." Wen Ting nodded. He was the first to support. He is the best at speculating and has seen real potential stocks.

Moreover, in the International Alliance of New Humans, the fight is very dangerous, and it is necessary to form a group. If these people can really hold together completely, that would be pretty good, at least the safety can be guaranteed, and when the power is strong, You can also get a share.

Perhaps in the future, the International Alliance of New Human Beings will become the true master of the entire human society, and the power he wields will be far beyond what Liu Shi's son-in-law can match.

"Very good." Seeing that Wen Ting was the first to support him, Wang Tong nodded immediately: "Wen Ting, you did a great job. As the first person to express your support for me, I will create a substitute for you, a super artificial An intelligent stand-in, it is very powerful and can do many things for you, so that you can save a lot of time and energy to practice."

"Then I would like to thank the leader." Wen Ting understood, knowing that he had the chance to buy a horse bone with a thousand dollars.

A substitute is very important. When necessary, it can even prevent disasters for oneself, and it is equivalent to having an extremely powerful assistant.

Ten years ago, the concept of robots was already very popular. Many factories used robots instead of manual labor to carry out truly intelligent manufacturing. However, that kind of advanced robots are still in the research and development stage, and in modern times, robot technology is developing rapidly. It has begun to spread to almost all aspects of society, but the highest stage of artificial robots is still in the initial stage of research and development.

For this point, Diandao Group is truly leading the world. And Wang Tong's technology seems to be following closely behind, catching up fiercely.

Just as Wang Tong threatened and lured, Su Jie was also chasing Crusu.

This giant of the International New Human Alliance is running with all his strength, flickering in this big city, and the speed is so fast, even if a person drives a car, he may not be able to catch up, and sometimes, he can directly be like in the movie. Like the original Spider-Man, between the buildings, flying over the eaves and walls, the special effects are more special than the special effects of the movie.

In fact, after reaching the realm of new humans, as long as there is in-depth research in life sciences and some editing of your own genes, you can change your life form in subtle ways, and do some things that ordinary people seem to be unusual. There are even things that seem to violate the laws of physics.

For example, if the musculoskeletal muscles of the whole body have undergone some changes, then the light work in the movie is not difficult.

Of course, if it is a person who first reached the new human realm, he still does not have this ability.

The new human realm is just a right to control and have the ability to interfere with the body's genes. As for how to interfere, it involves the most sophisticated genetic science.

This is like in martial arts, you have internal strength, but you also need to learn subtle moves to fully display your powerful internal strength.

If some new humans change their genes indiscriminately, there will only be one result, which is death.

However, for people like Crusu, they are very good at changing their own genes, because in the life science genetics laboratory of the International New Human Alliance, there are countless gene maps and countless clinical trials. The study of genes has reached a level of subtlety.

From this point, it can be seen that the difference between the new humans in the East and the new humans in the West is really too great.

Over the years, the new humans in the West have surpassed the East in number, and even in quality. The new human being is actually a starting point, the most important thing is how to use the realm of the new human being to make oneself stronger.

Crusu's body genes are actually completely different from ordinary people. In many places, he has special abilities. For example, he can stick to a smooth glass wall in a single jump and crawl like a gecko. The palm of his hand seems to be a suction cup. , This is the ability to use the peristalsis of the palm muscles to create a huge suction cup effect, so as to reach the ability to fly over the eaves and walls.

Moreover, the muscles of his whole body can be stretched and deformed at will, possessing stronger elasticity and explosive power, and the skin can even be tightened and relaxed at any time, and can withstand huge impacts, even if he falls from dozens of stories of high-rise buildings, he is still unscathed. No injuries.

These are all due to small modifications of genes, which lead to body mutations.

Of course, he is still in the form of a normal person, at least on the outside, he looks like a human being.

In the process of chasing Crusu, Su Jie discovered many interesting things, that is, some small details of Crusu's body genes, a small genetic change can actually cause such wonderful changes in the body, human beings The evolution is incredible.

This allowed Su Jie to gain some experience in genetics.

"There are too many scientists in the International Alliance of New Human Beings. The huge team of scientists is researching all the time, and they can spark some sparks of wisdom." Su Jie sighed.

As far as the scientific research team alone is concerned, the difference between the Diandao Group and the International New Humanity Alliance is still too large. The other party has thousands, tens of thousands of world-class and cutting-edge scientists, and these scientists have all been trained , to develop intelligence to the greatest extent.

Among the Diandao Group, the biggest scientific research force is actually Su Muchen and Xiaochen. In addition, the number of chemists Xu Dela and others is still too small.

The larger the base of scientists, the higher the probability of discovering new things.

What's more, the creativity of humans is actually much higher than that of artificial intelligence.

Because human beings are spiritual, they can suddenly capture some inexplicable information, that is, with a flash of inspiration, great inventions are born, but artificial intelligence will never have a flash of inspiration.

This is the disadvantage of artificial intelligence research. Artificial intelligence will never be able to think of gravity from the falling of an apple like Newton did.


During Su Jie's pursuit, he saw that Crusu finally arrived at a newly built building. This building is very strange. It is on the seaside of Manhattan. The construction is very huge. It seems to be somewhat similar to the legendary Noah's Ark. , On top of this huge building, there is a huge suspended flying saucer-like thing, forming a suspended font, which is the letters of the International New Human Alliance.

It stands to reason that such a huge building appeared in the world financial center, and it has long been hyped in various media, but in fact, no news media has reported this matter, because ordinary people can't see this building at all. . Just think of it as an empty sea.

"Extremely sophisticated information shielding technology is used here, and it is a large-scale shielding that can affect many people. This kind of technology is simply amazing." Su Jie stood at the door and did not enter it.

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