Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 116 I would like to borrow your communicator to contact human civilization

Lu Yuan continued to search for a few more times. There were still a few crystal-like things in the box, which looked useful.

[The turbid spiritual crystal was transformed from a certain crystal due to complex geographical factors. It contains a small amount of idealistic energy, which can be used to assist in the practice of extraordinary fire. ]

[When the energy is exhausted, it will slowly recharge with the idealistic tide. (Inferior grade·Natural Wonder)]

Lu Yuan already has a better spiritual crystal, and he can't choose a worse one. This thing has limited value.

The most useful thing is a silver-white thing.

[Dark silver, also known as mithril, is added to items to greatly increase the affinity for idealistic elements. (Rare grade·Natural Wonder)]

"The opposite ability of black iron..."

"Affinity" and "isolation" are both very useful in the forging of extraordinary items.

Just like the conductivity and insulation of wires, many items with complex functions are carefully designed, and they can't be fixed by just hitting them with a hammer.

Lu Yuan picked up this small piece of thing, which weighed only about 10 grams.

Taduo couldn't bear to watch it anymore: "Sir, if this thing is useful to you, you can take it away. In your hands, it can play a greater value."

It was that piece of green resin, which sealed a drop of blood of the [ghost].

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment. He still had the remains of the [demon] in his hand, and now there was the more dangerous [ghost] blood.

The cold resin was like an electric current, making the extraordinary fire jump wildly.

After thinking about it, he still accepted it. After all, this world is too perverted, and it is always a good thing to have more killers.

Then he started to pass on the fire.

First, he took out the pomegranate fruit and gave everyone 5 small ones.

"This is..."

Many people in Li Ze showed shocked expressions on their faces after eating the pomegranate.

Taduo: "He gave us some fruit that I don't know what it was... I felt that my fatigue disappeared in an instant! I... I have one left, should it be okay?"

The voice in telepathy said: "Don't save it, you have to survive."

"As long as you can survive, you can find a way to ask for a few more, the others are not important!"

Taduo was reluctant to leave, so he had to eat the pomegranate fruit.

Next, Lu Yuan used the extraordinary fire to draw a pattern of a twelve-grade golden lotus.

The lotus was lifelike, emitting a soft light, and slowly rotating at the fingertips.

Under the urging of his thoughts, lotus pieces peeled off and flew to their foreheads.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't expect that one day I would use the lotus fire transmission method, and the one I taught was a foreigner..."

Things in the world are really unpredictable.

Destiny is indeed unpredictable.

The third-level fire was passed on to six people in a row, and there was actually not much loss.

In addition, these Rize people are all strong young people, and the success rate of passing on the fire is almost 100%.

Just for a moment, they felt that something was ignited deep in their hearts!

"The extraordinary fire can burn away distracting thoughts, which is very good for calming the mind."

"Here I introduce a kind of 'co-resonance state', that is, deep meditation."

"In this state, there will be no internal consumption and anxiety, and some mental strength can be restored."

"The only disadvantage may be that time seems to be accelerated, and it cannot respond to external crises."

Lu Yuan has practiced deep meditation quite a lot. After all, he has to be a "collapse artist" for a few days every year. When he collapses, he meditates and recovers quickly.

But using this technique in a crisis situation is equivalent to suicide.

Now that there are more people, they can take turns in deep meditation.

The team of the Rize civilization has a total of six people, three of whom are in a deep meditation state, and the other three are studying the pamphlet to see if the dream ability user has left any information.

The darkness was thick and dark, making it hard to breathe. Only this little time to huddle together for warmth allowed Lu Yuan to relax a little.

"How long can your space last?" The old cat who was studying the booklet suddenly asked.

"Twenty or more hours." Lu Yuan said, "In order to avoid complete mental exhaustion, I have to cancel the space after ten hours."

The old cat: "Let them rest first. After canceling the space, let them guard you. You only need to meditate deeply for a few hours to recover a lot of mental strength, and then use the space to survive for a while."

"That's it... Before the bullets run out, we take turns to rest and survive for a long time. But what's the point of this except living longer?"

"It makes sense." The old cat said, "Think about it again."

"I understand..." Lu Yuan was silent. The old cat meant that he had to survive until the fruit of his tree of life matured.

One day here is equal to one hundred days in the outside world.

If the fruit is not ripe, the body cannot be reshaped, which is always a hidden danger.

"Do you have a civilization communicator? It's that metal ball." In the quiet environment, Lu Yuan suddenly said, "Taduo, you are a telepath, you should still be in contact with this civilization, right?"

Taduo was embarrassed by the secret being revealed: "Yes, sir, I can indeed communicate with the leader in the safe zone."

"We also have a communication device similar to the metal ball... What do you mean..."

"The communicator I carry with me is broken." Lu Yuan said, "I want to borrow your communicator to make a contact."

"It's not that big of a deal. I just want to say peace and tell them I'm still alive...that's it."

Lu Yuan really wanted to make a phone call.

He missed his parents a little, and his sister who was trying to write a letter to him.

This has nothing to do with the rise of all mankind, it is just a simple yearning for family affection.

He is not a steel warrior. Sometimes he is fragile and doubts whether he can overcome many difficulties and obstacles.

Until now, he still had not thought about how to kill a [monster] and was not sure whether he could survive.

He really doesn't know.

Even if he has the ability to resurrect, so what?

[Weird] You can drag him into a different space again...

So, he wanted to say peace.

This was a white lie. If his parents could think that he was living somewhere in the Pangea Continent, but could never return home... that would not be bad.

Tudor was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand what Lu Yuan meant. A civilized family can always empathize with something.

His tone couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He thought of his family: "Okay, I'll consult with the rear, but I personally don't think this request is a big problem."

"Is there anything else you need me to convey?"

Lu Yuan was about to speak but stopped.

In fact, he still wanted to say a lot, but with a layer of communication between people's hearts and minds, it might become sour, or even be used in reverse.

The relationship between civilizations is more complicated than interpersonal communication.

He couldn't and didn't dare reveal too much.

Even, he has to leave some information chips to mankind, and cannot easily tell some important information...

Let humans and Rize civilization communicate on their own.

As for the civilization number? Lu Yuan doesn't think what will happen to a civilization number... If a number is exposed, there will be big problems, then sooner or later humankind will become extinct.

"Just say peace, and then tell them that I received the letter in the dream. They don't need to be too anxious to take action. Only by raising the extraordinary level can they avoid the risks in the dream."

Lu Yuan revealed some more information, and then looked into the dark distance.

The risk in dreams is indeed great, for example, [strange] will spread bait into the dream. It's just that humans are lucky and haven't encountered such a thing.

"Understood, I will ask the Governor for instructions immediately." Tudor bowed slightly.

Safe Zone, Lize Civilization, Seventh Branch.

The atmosphere in the room was a little subtle, and there were discussions from time to time.

Many high-level officials of Lize Civilization are in a state of difficult decision.

That alien actually wanted them to contact human civilization and say peace?

On the big screen of the communicator, leaders of other civilization branches also began to intensely discuss Lu Yuan's request.

Is it reasonable?

Seems very reasonable...

But this is another civilized event that determines destiny!

Foreign exchange!

Communicate with aliens!

For the Rize civilization, this was the first time, which caused them to feel frightened.

"No, no, no, absolutely not! We don't know much about the function of this liaison... What if... What if there is something fishy in it!" The leader of Rize's 16th branch announced on the big screen own opinions.

"What if we can know our location through the communicator?"

"What if the other side launches a war against us?"

Branch 16, a weak and conservative city, has decided to hide in the safe zone and not go out!

The monsters outside are terrifying to the extreme.

They really can't solve it.

What else can I do if I don’t shrink back?

And when it comes to human civilization, there are indeed unknown variables...

Just like that, the conference room started to quarrel noisily.

Radicals and conservatives cannot convince each other.

There are actually quite a few conservatives who share the same views as the 16th civilization branch.

Rize Civilization doesn't know how long the safe zone can exist... Many people are lucky and think that the safe zone can last forever.

As for human civilization, the combat power shown by this traveler is simply infinitely better than our own!

And they don't know where humans are... maybe it's next door!

As soon as you send the contact, people will determine your location!

"Dear friends, my opinion is that contacting humans may be a better choice."

The seventh branch, Governor Leon, had a serious expression and a firm tone: "Because there is a terrible vision guarding outside the safe zone. It is already very difficult for us to observe the outside world, and we will miss a lot of information."

"If there is an ally...not to mention an ally, as long as there is a civilization that can exchange information and is not too malicious, we will have a lot more opportunities."

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