"As for the malice of other civilizations... If the monster outside is not eliminated, which civilization dares to approach here? You don't think that human civilization can jump into the safe zone and attack us?"

This is true.

Even if humans are a civilization with malicious intent, helping them kill the anomalies outside is a good thing.

Moreover, is there really a civilization that can kill such a terrible existence?

The Rize civilization is skeptical.

"Friends, don't think that the safe zone is always safe."

"It's already the ninth era. You have to think about the civilizations of the first eight eras. Where are these civilizations now? Why can't we observe their existence?"

Leon's words are reasonable and well-founded, making everyone silent again.

Of course, there is a more important point: contact can be made privately.

If you all disagree, we, the seventh branch, can contact humans privately!

Anyway, other cities can't stop it.

In this case, even if the city leaders are reluctant, they can only agree with a pinch of their noses.

"Taduo, ask about the code of human civilization."

"Okay, I received it..."

[Contacting human civilization... Please wait...]

The many Rize people in the room waited patiently and anxiously.



It is now the 1682nd day of the ninth era of Pangu Continent. Converted into the safe zone time, it is actually only 16.8 days.

Some civilizations are in dire straits and feel the real horror of Pangu Continent at the first time.

Some civilizations have no choice but to step out of the safe zone and start a new journey... Maybe they will soon become extinct, or maybe they will grow stronger.

As for humans, it is a relatively mediocre civilization. There are not many stories and no strange phenomena.

16.8 days can't change much.

Most cities are still not stable. They haven't even obtained the milestone of "stable city", which is easier to trigger.

Some human cities are still looking for "supernatural fire".

I have to admit that compared with Lu Yuan's difficult and dangerous journey, the progress bar on the human side is indeed a bit slower, and it can be described as a snail crawling.

The sixth branch of mankind, Newyue City.

After half a month of tossing, sporadic zero-yuan purchases are still continuing.

Newyue City has quite rich agricultural and forestry resources, and with its superior location in Pangu Continent, food and clothing in the short term are actually not a problem.

For the rulers, what is more troublesome is actually the vast army of unemployed people. The various crimes brought about by tens of millions of unemployed vagrants are really beyond the management ability of the city rulers.

So that this prosperous big city has become Gotham City in half a month, and crimes are emerging in an endless stream.

Especially superpower crimes have become the most troublesome topic.

Because of the lack of oil, large-scale mechanized planting is impossible. Several big chaebols have tried every means to send unemployed vagrants to the countryside to farm... Well, this is difficult, but it has to be done!

At this moment, Franklin Supernatural Research Institute.

A man and a woman are sitting in front of the screen, learning the corresponding theoretical knowledge.

The man is a black man named Freud, with two Chinese characters "fuck me" tattooed on his arm.

He came to the institute for a reason.

On this day, Freud was enjoying a free meal with a few good friends.

Chaos is not an abyss, chaos is a ladder. For people like them, life now seems to be OK. Wherever they go, there are free activities for free.

Suddenly, I heard that the whole city collects information about superpowers, especially the ability of super fire, and will become a city hero and get everything they want!

"No matter where you come from, no matter where you go, no matter what kind of person you are, you can become a hero in your mind."

"Join us and become a superhero! Make the city stable and make the United States great again!"

After thinking carefully, Freud found that he had a good chance, so he came to apply.

Because he did have "super fire".

And... he wanted women, beautiful women!

As for the woman next to him with a rotten smell, she looked unconscious.

Even Freud looked down on her. This woman was willing to do anything for that bite. Oh, God, this smell really resembles the toilet that Aunt Kara next door hasn't flushed for three years!

"Can this guy be a city hero? What a bullshit plan?" He was puzzled and snorted.

But he had to admit that this woman did have extraordinary fire - well, God may sometimes be deliberately black humor. Basically, every city has at least one extraordinary fire, but who can guarantee that this precious fire will not be sent to a bad person?

God will not care about these.

If a civilization has bad people, then the civilization itself has to take the blame.

Several staff members in white coats played a video on the big screen.

The old gentleman in the lead was naturally the famous Professor Edward. He said with a pleasant face: "Gentlemen and ladies, as long as you can learn this method and spread the fire, you are the real city heroes."

"Whatever you want, we will give it to you. We will never treat our heroes badly. Because this is our promise."

The smile on Edward's face was very friendly, but he was extremely anxious because Yunhai City next door was already half a month ahead of them!

There are hundreds of extraordinary fire types!

where are they? two!

Freud couldn't understand Lu Yuan's Chinese, but this video had been translated.

As he listened, Brother Black frowned slightly. It turned out that this ability can be taught to each other.

Although he never went to college, he was not stupid. He secretly thought: "Damn God, there is such a setting. If I pass on my abilities, how can I be a city hero?"

"If everyone is Spider-Man, then what value does the original Spider-Man have?!"

"You are indeed some liars. Damn it, I shouldn't be here."

He was too lazy to learn, and said he couldn't learn this skill at all!

The other woman was even worse. Because her brain lacked thinking ability and her attention was distracted, she couldn't understand what Lu Yuan was talking about...

She just wanted to take a bite.

This scene really troubles Professor Edward. What kind of rotten people are these!

He had to make a phone call and report the difficulties he was encountering at the moment.

"That black man, give him another chance."

"He is a person of color. As long as he cooperates, we will give him status and let him become a manager of his ethnic group."

"That woman is hopeless. There is no need to wait. When she has an attack, let her spread the fire forcefully." The voice on the other side of the phone was a bit cold.

"However, her fire energy is already very low. If she spreads the fire forcefully, she may... die directly." Edward was stunned for a moment and his voice lowered.

Extraordinary fire represents human spiritual energy. Once it is extinguished, you will die on the spot, or you will become a vegetative state and never wake up again!

The voice on the other side of the phone said: "Anyway, we have two fires, and it is acceptable to lose one of them. The most important thing is that the fire must be controlled by us as soon as possible, and we cannot fall behind anymore."

"Have you chosen the recipient of the fire?"

Edward was silent for a moment: "I have selected him. He is a captain of the special operations team and a member of the City Hero Project. He is absolutely reliable."

The tone on the phone softened slightly: "Where is the path-finding project? Is there any progress?"

Edward said: "We still don't know if Lu Yuan is alive...but this project does not require any resources, it just consumes some manpower."

"The combination of multiple divine skills is the first time for all mankind. This exploration process is very beneficial to future research."

"If you think it's okay, then go ahead."

After hanging up the phone, Edward sighed softly.

He was originally just a professor who was obsessed with academics, but once he got involved with politics, he would always fall into darkness involuntarily.

As for the city hero plan... it does exist. For the stability of the city, each ethnic group will have a "city hero" quota. Managing their own people is the most direct way.

So he was going to give the black guy some advice to stop being clever.

People can change at any time, it’s just that now it’s your turn.

A few hours later.

The drug-addicted woman died, and the fire was transferred to a special forces member.

This is a man with a strong body and a strong physique. His superpower is "strongness", which is a passive ability that allows his strength, endurance, agility, immunity, and metabolic rate to reach "human limits."

With extraordinary fire, it is possible to significantly exceed limits.

"Captain Newyue" was officially born at this moment!

There were several team members behind him, including spider power holders who could spin spider silk, steel power holders whose bodies were as hard as steel, violent power holders, etc. Everyone was excited and congratulated loudly.

This is the urban stabilization plan of "New York City"!

It is impossible to stabilize a city like Unkai City.

After all, the cultural systems of the two sides are very different.

But it is possible to stabilize the city through a "superhero" program as it is now.

New York City still wants to achieve the milestone of "stable city"... Even if it is a little late, it is not bad to be among the top 100,000.

Professor Edward breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the first fire bearer appeared.

Suddenly, I heard the scream of a young doctor in my ears: "Professor! Professor! An alien civilization, another alien civilization, has initiated contact with us!!"

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