"What a pity!"

This layer of skin could have been used to make clothes, but now it was blown to pieces by the bomb, with burn marks everywhere, and it was obviously of no practical value.

As for the strange internal organs inside...

Even bacteria don't eat things, Lu Yuan naturally can't eat them randomly.

Of course, holding the idea that "mosquito legs" are also meat, he still took out the Excellence Dagger and dissected this monster.

This weird existence has a different body structure from normal creatures. There is a lot of acid inside, and there are various unknown structures like stones. Even the pioneer's eye can't identify it.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with golden light!

This is a trace of treasure!!

He took out a fist-sized stone, which shone like a diamond in the sun.

[Shining Spirit Crystal]

[It may be a certain vision, an organ used to store idealistic energy. The energy inside is very pure, which can significantly speed up the practice of extraordinary fire, and can also be used for other tasks that require the consumption of idealistic energy. (Legendary · Natural Wonder)]

[Note: Using this item will increase the speed of assisting cultivation by 46%-123%]


Lu Yuan was overjoyed. His cultivation aptitude was originally average, so even a 46% cultivation bonus was quite impressive.

In addition, half of the original Fiery Red Spirit Crystal had been absorbed by the Tree of Life. He was actually a little worried that he would run out of stock.

The appearance of the "Shining Spirit Crystal" was like someone sending a pillow to someone who was sleepy.

"I haven't finished searching the corpse yet, maybe there are still spoils."

He dissected it carefully, not missing any clues.

Finally, he found another spoil in that disgusting big eyeball.

[The cornea of ​​Far Vision, greatly improves your vision. Because of high temperature damage, its use value has been greatly discounted. (Rare · Natural Wonder)]

[Ability: Far Vision. ]

[How to use: stick it directly on the eyes. 】

It was about the size of a palm, just like the lens of a pair of glasses, hard.

Unfortunately, the bomb smashed part of it.

"Originally, this piece of cornea was at least of excellent level, or even legendary level."

Lu Yuan put the transparent lens on his eyes and looked into the distance.

Suddenly, a huge amount of information poured into his mind.

There was too much information, from the clouds in the sky to the birds dozens of kilometers away, and even let him see the dust in the air, as well as the endless bacteria!

Lu Yuan felt dizzy, his face turned pale, and he almost vomited.

He quickly moved the cornea away, and it took a long time for him to recover.

"Huh... This thing... is actually pretty good."

"Coupled with the donkey head mask, can it just cure myopia?"

The donkey head mask was actually damaged.

The ability of the "third eye" was greatly weakened in the high temperature.

Now with this piece of cornea, it seems that there is a possibility of repair?

Of course, the transformation of supernatural items is not an easy task. Lu Yuan can only be confident if he can at least burst out the inspiration of the craftsman's talent.

He scratched his scalp and was very satisfied with the harvest this time.

"From this point of view, the spoils of [monsters] are much richer than [demons]!"

Killing a [demon] is really not any good.

The remains of [demons] are too dangerous, and we have to worry about it taking over and resurrecting.

Killing a [monster]... at least the corpse still has some spoils.

If it is a serious civilization, perhaps it can harvest more and use the internal organs inside.

Lu Yuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and summoned his own tree of life.

"Ordinary creatures can't enjoy this corpse."

"But my tree of life may be edible?"

After giving birth to such a big Lu Yuan, the tree of life is almost dying, and the deficit is severe. All the leaves drooped down, from the original emerald green to waxy yellow, and it looks like it may die at any time.

Under Lu Yuan's control, the dying tree re-materialized.

It stood on the corpse of the [monster], motionless.

"Eat it!"

The poor "Tree of Life" may really be a glorious thing.

It actually doesn't know how to eat the corpse of the [monster]!

Lu Yuan just noticed that the tree had a desire, as if it was very good to devour the corpse of the [monster].

But how should it eat without even a mouth? Use the roots?

"Stupid, you make a man-eating plant." The old cat screamed on the side.

Lu Yuan began to promote the growth of one of the vines, which was the man-eating plant vine he grafted on the tree of life. After rapid promotion, a small man-eating plant appeared.

The tree of life has a little more hideous.

The man-eating plant bit the corpse of the [monster] viciously.

Lu Yuan suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction and joy in his heart... just like a patient who got a ten-full tonic pill.

After all, the tree of life and his soul are closely related.

He was now certain that letting the Tree of Life eat this vision would be extremely beneficial.

Of course, plants digest slowly, so it might take a very long time to eat...

He turned around and looked at the old cat: "What are you doing?"

"I'm messing with this [ghost]. When it comes out, we'll all die."

Lu Yuan's heart skipped a beat and he quickly ran to the puddle.

The pale green resin now had a bright red tint. Even the Eye of the Pioneer could not predict what had happened.

He touched it lightly with his finger.

The cold power was transmitted to his body.

In just a moment, Lu Yuan's heart felt a strong pain and his blood almost boiled.

"Damn it, [ghost] is extracting my blood?!"

"No, there's no way to put it into the storage space." He was horrified, and a fear surged from his coccyx. He had just been resurrected, was he going to die again?

The extraordinary fire suddenly flashed.

Only then did Lu Yuan break free from this power and get out of trouble.

He immediately threw the ball of resin back on the ground.

"Damn it, this thing has already shown signs of breaking the seal." Lu Yuan rubbed his red palm, and beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks.

In just a moment, his arm felt like it was scalded by boiling water.

A large number of capillaries burst, and blood seeped out from the pores.

"Moreover, its ability seems to be related to blood. It ate my blood and is particularly sensitive to me, which is very troublesome."

In order to resist the mental attack of the [monster], he embedded the resin into his body, and it really had sequelae.

I just don't know how serious this sequelae is.

The [ghost] is really too powerful. A drop of blood that hasn't broken the seal almost killed him.

Lu Yuan had a deep fear, and he was absolutely unwilling to fight the [ghost] head-on.

"Or find a random place to bury it? It won't chase me."

"Instead of expecting fate, it's better to believe in yourself and get a black iron box to put it in first." The old cat said, "You have to know that this thing is still in a sealed state and has great value. Any sealed anomaly is so valuable that you can't predict it."

"Alas, that's true." Lu Yuan sighed helplessly.

There is a [demon] in front and a [ghost] behind.

There is also a [monster] dead in the middle.

However, Lu Yuan felt like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

He took out the black iron box from the storage space.

He picked up the resin with chopsticks... As long as it is not touched by the body, it seems that there is no big problem.

Put on the lid.

That cold power can still penetrate.

After nesting several black iron boxes in a row, I finally can't feel the extremely weird breath.

"That's it for now..."

Lu Yuan laughed at himself: "In the future, I will be a human nuclear bomb. Whoever dares to attack me, all [demons] and [ghosts] will break the seal and cause a world-class disaster."

The old cat said: "You'd better find some sealing materials that are stronger than black iron."

"You have to find it, my cat uncle."

Then, Lu Yuan assembled a new body for the old cat.

The new body is worse than the old one. When it moves, it makes a "crunching" sound.

But there was no other way. The conditions were not good. This was the only way.

Except for the resin that sealed the [ghost] blood, which brought a little surprise, Lu Yuan was really satisfied with the harvest this time.

He enjoyed the first big meal in his life here: golden spicy chicken and roasted corn burgers.

The environment in the tiankeng was excellent. The surrounding scenery was lush and green. Looking up at the sky from the bottom of the pit was like a wonderful experience of looking at the sun in the sky, which made people feel the magnificence and magic of nature.

After the old cat had a new body, it began to play with its radio device: "The people of Rize have been sending electromagnetic waves for a long time."

And Lu Yuan began to study the ancient buildings in the tiankeng.

Yes, there is an ancient building here...I actually noticed it when I fought with the [monster], but I had no time to investigate at that time.

The ancient city walls and rotten pillars and beams were completely forgotten at the end of time.

The thick moss and the perennial dampness almost buried everything.

Every time a stone was turned over, the smell of rot and mold could be smelled.

"It's really too old, much older than the Meda civilization... maybe tens of thousands of years, or even more than 100,000 years. At that time, humans might still be in the Paleolithic Age?" Lu Yuan searched in the garbage for a while.

The powerful technological civilization and the weakest primitive civilization, in the face of time, have the same way of preserving data: stone carving.

If you want to preserve data for 100 million years, 10 billion years, the simplest and most reliable way is to carve it and then send the carving into space...

Under the guidance of the Explorer's Eye, Lu Yuan went through great pains and dug up a piece of gold-plated wall. It may be because the purity of the gold is not enough, which caused the wall to be bumpy.

He took a brush made of wolf hair and brushed off all the dirt on it, and then he saw the pattern in it.

A humanoid creature is fighting with an eyeball.

This eyeball should be the body of the [Monster], hideous and weird.

And this humanoid creature may be a hero of the unknown civilization, with many eyes on his body, but still maintaining his self.

Lu Yuan didn't quite understand how many levels he had...

"Can you please stop thinking about levels all day long?" said the old cat, "I don't even remember there was any such thing as levels before."

And the [monsters] at that time were much stronger than now, and their size alone was more than 10 times that of humanoid creatures.

"The [monsters] at that time might have been mature? Are the [monsters] now still in their infancy?" Lu Yuan touched his chin.

But no matter what, this painting was drawn like this.

The second painting was even more bloody, with many creatures from alien civilizations, heads falling to the ground, and blood flowing like a river... The [monster]'s body was placed in the center, and the scene was like a large-scale cult sacrifice scene.

Lu Yuan didn't understand at all, what exactly did the painter want to express, just to kill people?

"Maybe... the ability to control..." The two cat's eyes of the old cat looked at the mural, and the scene brought back emotions, and a sentence popped out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"Lu Yuan, you are indeed very strong, but you have to think about how other civilizations survived in the face of anomalies? Some divine skills are stronger and more domineering than you think."

"Their existence protects many civilizations."

"Including the ability to 'control'."

There was silence in the tiankeng.

Lu Yuan suddenly thought of something: "It has to be paid for, right? Just like the governor of the Rize civilization, the ability to predict the future has to be paid for with his own vitality... the ability to control..."

"That's right." The old cat said, "The ability to use the anomaly does not require a price. As for intelligent life, the more domineering the ability is, the more extra costs it needs to pay."

"The ability of the extraordinary fire does not exist in every era... I even think that there may be no extraordinary fire in the previous eras."

The old cat explained: "I got the knowledge of the extraordinary fire after I came into contact with you. There is no relevant memory fragment in the original database."

"So what you mean is that as long as you have the ability to control, you can enslave this [monster] in turn?" Lu Yuan was shocked. Were the strong men in the previous eras so cruel?

In this way, the extraordinary fire in the ninth era is not a rotten fish or shrimp level?

"You can't say that. The extraordinary fire seeds not only do not require a price to be paid, but can also enhance your personal attributes. I think this is a very good ability."

"Look at the mural. This is a heavy price. Can you afford it?" The old cat raised his paw and pointed to the scene of a group of aliens with their heads falling to the ground.

"Enough blood? Can pig blood be used?" Lu Yuan's mind was opened. "It's an era of technology. Set up a pig farm and produce 10 million fat pigs a year."

The old cat shrugged his shoulders and muttered: "All things are born with spirits. Spirits can be replaced by another term, gods."

"Creatures that do not meet the god attribute standards are like making nuclear bombs and mixing in a little soil. Do you think it will work?"

"Of course, if you produce 10 million Rize people a year, I think it will work."

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