Lu Yuan was silent, feeling a chill inexplicably.

He suddenly recalled the information about the Meida Civilization: Civilizations mostly attack each other, and there are indeed some deeper reasons.

Now, he discovered one of the reasons.

Just one.

"This divine skill is really quite evil."

"However, if you can really enslave a [monster], it is indeed quite tempting..."

If it were Lu Yuan in the past, he would also consider the "tram problem". Suppose a tram suddenly breaks down and cannot brake. At this time, there are two roads in front. If one travels according to the established track, it will crush the tram. There are 5 people on the road, and one is on the side road. If the driver turns, one person will be killed.

Choose one of the two, which way to choose?

In the past, Lu Yuan would be in a dilemma.

Now, he will still hesitate, but in the end, he may, probably, may choose to kill one person to save more people, as long as this person is not his relative... Because this era is a bloody era of killing, and there is no effort. to grapple with moral issues.

"In the ninth era, is there still the ability to control?"

"How do I know...but the world is so big, I feel like it exists."

"Maybe you humans exist there."

The old cat twisted its body and left.

It doesn't care about that, it just says what comes to mind.

When Lu Yuan wanted to see the next mural, he found that it no longer existed... The technological strength of this civilization may not be very good, so the gilded murals were also incomplete.

He was scratching his head as if reading a novel that had been cut out of chapters.

"One day I have the power to kill all the broken dogs in the world!"

After carrying the stones for a long time, I only found some broken gold fragments.

Take a deep breath.

"It seems that this is the only information we have."

This was the first time he encountered an almost forgotten civilization.

Not a single bone was found, and only the last bits of broken walls remained.

Maybe they were backlashed by [monsters], or encountered something else that caused them to disappear completely...

This made collapse artist Lu Yuan sigh. This small cave is like an hourglass, calculating the order of time and obliterating insignificant data. When everything returns to dust, who can witness the stories that have happened?

Pangea, safe zone.

The ninth branch of human civilization, Lingbo City.

There was a gray-black haze in the sky, blocking the bright sun. Even at 12 o'clock at noon, it seemed like it was already night, and there was a kind of darkness that made you unable to see your fingers.

Most of the light was swallowed up. Obviously, this is a field-level ability.

No one knows what the black cloud outside is.

The more they know, the more terrifying it becomes for the leadership of Lingbo City.

Especially after human civilization and Lize civilization came into contact, the two sides communicated with each other. After learning more information, the leadership of Lingbo City became even more nervous.

Lingbo City's luck was very bad. When they first crossed over, there was a skull-like cloud blocking the safe zone.

It seemed to have discovered the existence of the safe zone and stared at it eagerly. Every once in a while, it would float over and stare at it for a while.

Lingbo City's luck is so-so. At least, the dark cloud-like phenomenon outside seems to have no superpower to cross the safe zone.

As long as they stay within the safe zone, there isn't much risk.

"It doesn't look like a [demon], so what could it be?"

"Don't count on other branches of civilization! We can only rely on ourselves!"

"You have thought too well of those gentlemen! They will only vote symbolically, and then choose a result that does nothing and does nothing wrong!"

"We will eventually become a garbage civilization hiding in a safe zone. The dignity of our nation has long been gone!"

"All resources are controlled by the consortium, and we are just slaves like reptiles!"

In the military camp, a group of patrol soldiers were having an angry discussion.

Just as the soldiers said, the future of Lingbo City is long gone.

The government's actions are as slow as a snail, no different than a headless fly, and it has not yet stabilized the city.

Many citizens are on the verge of starving to death.

You know, it’s been more than forty days now, not the first day!

What is even more frightening is that the current government is composed of various political parties, and the various opinions are not unified.

Still quarreling over little things...

In fact, the top priority on many people’s minds is actually voting!

Yes, they actually want to vote democratically and form a new government.

This is simply ridiculous!

The anger of the people was ignited, and even ordinary soldiers couldn't help but complain about this ridiculous thing.

"What a bunch of idiots. Even a pig on stage is better than those idiots!"

The leading captain, named "Digdit", listened quietly to the remarks of the soldiers under his command, with a faint red light in his eyes.

Divine Skill: Control.

This ability allows Digotit to mentally control almost all living beings!

Of course, such a powerful ability comes with a price.

It requires consuming something called "spirit", which is a bit like life force, but not quite.

"Spirit" is a term invented by Digdit himself.

Only intelligent life can obtain "spirits".

Ordinary animals have almost no spirits.

He guessed that the amount of spirits is closely related to the attribute of "God".

No matter how powerful a person's driving ability is, it is impossible to control all his subordinates. The application of the general trend and the provocation of public opinion are the compulsory courses for every ambitious person.

Every citizen of Zero Wave City is angry.

This is good, anger is better than doing nothing.

Digdit has only "controlled" one person so far, and that is his immediate superior.

The only major general in Zero Wave City.

An old man in his seventies.

On the surface, he is the general's subordinate.

In fact, it is the opposite. The general listens to him.

"General, the cabinet meeting is about to begin."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Digdit acted as a driver, and General sat in the back seat.

No one knows that the driver is the master and the general is just a dominated servant...

This kind of control is obscure and does not destroy subjective initiative. Its general principle is to implant a subconscious goal into people's thinking, and the subconscious will guide people to make corresponding choices.

"How are the preparations going?"

"Everything is as expected, Mr. Digdit!" The general said with a smile, "Many residents are on the verge of starvation, and they are beginning to hate the past political structure."

"This absurd democratic vote has intensified this hatred, making them furious and rebellious!"

"They are beginning to desire power, power that can crush everything, and power that can lead them on the right path."

His voice became more and more fanatical: "Your appearance is in line with the people's psychological expectations. You will definitely succeed!"

Digdit laughed and said, "No matter how strong my ability is, I can't control everyone, and my current identity is just a captain, it's hard to convince the public. So the first leader needs you to be."

"It will take me at least five years, or even ten years, to come to the fore."

"No problem, sir...but the key is that many consortiums have private armed forces. Our military power is not absolutely strong."

"I will control some key figures in this parliament." Digdit said.

The major general fell into silence.

After all, the power structure at this time is built up of layers of interest relations, like a pyramid.

It may not be enough to simply control the people at the top of the pyramid.

Because it violates the interests of the class, the class will naturally abandon you.

"Then control a few more people, it will work after all." Digdit's voice was like frost from Antarctica, "General, you have to believe in my power."

"What about the vision outside?"

"As long as I am given enough power, I can control the vision!"

"We can conquer Pangu Continent."


The brake sound came, and the destination was reached.

This is a large prison, where some criminals are imprisoned.

Zero Wave City has abolished the death penalty long ago, but now, their good days are over.

Digdit began to execute these criminals in person in order to seize their spirits.

"Why do you judge us?"

"You devil, you really should go to hell!"

"You murderer! God!"

The criminals were so scared facing the gun that they peed, and shouts came one after another.

Digdit said loudly: "Everyone, the world is no longer the original world. It is a world full of competition and malice. Our nation should abandon the shackles in our thinking!"

"We should not be a nation that groans in humiliation."

"We should not be a domesticated nation."

"Instead, we should be a nation that can reach the top of the world!"

"Now, I will use your sinful lives to welcome a bright future."

His words seemed to prove his justice.

He fired continuously, "bang bang bang" a few times, and the red blood splashed and flowed along the wall drop by drop. The whole prison looked like a hell on earth.

In Digdit's perspective, the spirit filled this small room.

It was like a fragment of the soul, one by one, like a firefly.

If it is not collected, it will soon dissipate between heaven and earth.

Only a very few abilities can see and collect "spirits", and "control" is one of them.

One by one, the light balls, like tadpoles, gathered in Digdit's hands.

The higher the power of domination, the more spirits are needed.

Those good-for-nothings were not very powerful, so it was not difficult to control them.

Digdit was very satisfied and whispered: "Now, the spirits in my hands are enough to stir up the situation in this city."

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