Time flies by.

Soon, on a rainy day, the moment came when the mountain peak completely appeared!

Along with the heavy rain pouring down like a waterfall, the dark clouds in the sky were like thick walls, covering the entire sky.

After a golden bolt of lightning flashed across, everyone heard a soft "buzz" sound, the earth trembled, strong winds blew, and an earthquake of about magnitude 6 occurred.

"Report! The mountain peak has been successfully realized!!"

Governor Leon issued an order: "Wait for the strong winds and aftershocks to stop!"

Waited for a few more hours.

"start to act!"

Armored vehicles one after another, loaded with soldiers, headed towards the big green mountain.

The tires kicked up a lot of mud and water.

In addition to the five elite exploration teams, there are also more than 10,000 external search teams and a logistics team of 3,000 people!

Tanks, artillery and other combat weapons were also transported to the front line.

Before the answer to what happened on that battlefield was officially revealed, every Rize person, even the most junior soldier, was extremely solemn.

They deeply understand how much despair the existence of [weird] brings to the entire civilization.

"General, we found a cave! It's a karst landform, and there's a trace amount of water inside."

The general said on the intercom: "The elite exploration team enters the cave and lays communication devices along the way. Do not lose contact."

"Place bombs everywhere in the cave."


"The outside search team searched every flower, grass and tree on the mountain like a blanket, not missing every detail!"

"Order received."

As the exploration team entered the mountain, the hearts of these leaders were all clenched.

They wait anxiously.

Every second, every minute is torture.

At this moment, the clouds split, and a crack opened in the thick black clouds, revealing the blue and clear sky. The sun suddenly shone down, full of warm light, and gave the exploration team a sense of consciousness on their cold cheeks.

When they mustered up the courage to risk their own lives and enter a certain cave, they immediately saw a bunch of crooked Rize people lying on the ground.

All these Rize people have mutated.

The body is covered with eyes, and the scarlet eyeballs stare without focus, which is frightening.

A member of the expedition team led by him had the ability to "identify" and carefully checked the physical condition of these comatose people: "They seem to have lost consciousness, and the reason is unknown."

"Because he hasn't eaten for a long time, he is in an extremely weak state."

"Wait...this is...Hawkeye?!"

Hawkeye's clothes were coated with fluorescent powder, with the four characters "Extraordinary Fire" written on them.

In this way, these warriors brought the fire into the safe zone through a magical method.

Just for a moment, the search team seemed to realize something, their eyes couldn't help but become moist, and they shouted in the earphone: "Governor... our heroes are back!"

"Although they were unconscious, they still brought back extraordinary fire!!"

Governor Leon and several generals finally understood what they were excited about after hearing the exploration team's yelling.

These experienced Rize people, who had been exposed to countless light and darkness, could not help but be shocked.

This scene they will never forget.

Their civilization has heroes. These heroes are not very powerful, but they are the backbone of a civilization.

Leon's legs weakened and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the guard around him reacted quickly enough to help him.

"Okay, okay... let our heroes go home, to a warm home. First establish an isolation zone so that they can receive the best treatment."

"Let all medical staff with divine skills go to the isolation area and treat them. They must be rescued."

His voice trembled, but even so, he still did not lose his reason: "Continue to explore the cave, we must establish safety."

In this way, the unconscious Rize people were transported out one by one and placed in a nearby isolation zone.

There are not many in number, 278 people, all of whom have relatively powerful abilities.

There are 23 people who have the God Skill, 53 people have the Qi Skill, and the remaining 187 people all have the Form Skill.

In fact, most of the people are actually members of other safe zones, but by mistake, they end up in the Seventh Civilization Branch...

If he could be rescued, it would be equivalent to adding nearly 300 relatively powerful ability users!

"Report, there is no danger found in the cave yet!"

"So many people are concentrated in the cave, as if they were piled here on purpose."

The think tank of the Rize people put forward various speculations: "Is Mr. Lu still alive? He discovered that this cave might enter the safe zone, and specially piled the unconscious people here..."

There is always a tacit understanding between smart people.

Then the think tank began to send electromagnetic waves with the intention of contacting Lu Yuan.

The exploration team on the other side fully explored the entire cave...

At the end of the cave, they saw a thin light curtain, which meant that they could not escape outside the safe zone through this cave.

"It seems that crossing the safe zone only occurs at the moment of falling into a large alien space..."

"Those extremely powerful spatial abilities can transcend the safe zone. No wonder the [monster] can capture people from the safe zone... Alas, I still dare not let go without seeing its body."

"The safe zone is not absolutely safe..."

The search continued, but no body of [the monster] could be found in the cave or on the mountain.

This made all the people in Rize excited, but at the same time they couldn't let go.

They were really frightened.

I'm afraid that one day, this terrifying vision will come back...

But there is no body inside, and there is no way out. The answer to this question may not be found.

The anxious search grew larger and larger in scale. The tens of thousands of people from the Lize Civilization almost dug into the ground three feet into the entire mountain.

Suddenly, a call came from the communications team: "Report! The outside world has contacted us using electromagnetic waves! It is most likely Mr. Lu Yuan and his cat!"

Leon's face lit up with joy, and he immediately issued an order: "Strengthen contact and decipher the message code as soon as possible..."

"By the way, do we have some communication equipment left in the cave?"

"Theoretically, it is possible... If the other party gets our equipment, they may be able to decipher it very quickly, provided they have enough knowledge to decipher these."

Just like this, you come and go, sending a series of electromagnetic waves.

"Good news, the other party sent a message that is not quite correct, but can barely be communicated..."

Leon and the generals looked at each other.

Well, their civilized language naturally has grammar, but in many cases, as long as there are nouns, it can be understood.

[Dear Lize Civilization, hello. I am a traveler of human civilization, Lu Yuan. 】

[It is an honor that with everyone fighting side by side, we defeated a [monster]. It is indeed dead. You can rest assured of this, I can guarantee it. 】

"Are you sure the translation is correct?" Leon waved his hand and gave the order, "In this case, we can stop the meaningless search."

All kinds of mechanical work require fuel consumption, and he feels very distressed now.

The letter continued: [The power and terror of each vision are unimaginable, and miracles are difficult to replicate. 】

[This is indeed a great achievement, not only for me, but also for you. 】

[We should, of course, cheer the victory of this war. 】

[Of course, I also miss my comrades who fought side by side. We survived the difficult time in the cave together. I admire their courage and thank them for the information they provided. 】

[I don’t know if they are still alive or if they will wake up from the coma, which I deeply regret. 】

[I have controlled a spatial ability, which may allow me to transcend the safe zone. I want to visit them. 】

[I don’t know your civilization, would you accept my visit? 】

Leon took a breath, his pupils dilated, what... the other party could actually cross the safe zone? !

Want to enter their city?

what does that mean?

While he was surprised, he fell into deep thought...

Of course, as a smart man, he only thought about it for a few seconds and understood that this was an opportunity.

There are 10 reasons to reject, and there are 1,000 reasons to accept.

"Here, let me send him a telegram myself."

After Lu Yuan sent this letter, his mood was complicated.

Even though he clearly knew that as long as Rize Wenming was in his right mind, it would be impossible for him to refuse his request.

But the time he spent waiting still made him feel subtly complicated.

Is he now a diplomat representing human civilization, or is he just representing himself? He has been away from civilized society for a long time, and the farewell he said to his sister at that time may be the real eternal farewell.

This caused him to have a slight social fear, and he didn't know how to return to civilized society - even though the Rize civilization was actually an alien civilization and had nothing to do with the people on earth, he was still a little nervous.

So Lu Yuan put on clothes from the civilized era - that is, the clothes brought from the earth, ordinary T-shirts, jackets, jeans, plus a pair of "Red Star Kerr" brand travel shoes .

Normally, he would be reluctant to wear these.

But now, he felt it was necessary.

"Don't be nervous, wait until you successfully enter the safe zone. I will use the 'adsorption' ability to follow you into the safe zone. I also want to go in and have a look."

The old cat said shamelessly: "If you are nervous, let my great old cat be the commander of the 18th human civilization and negotiate with these lizard people."

Lu Yuan choked: "Who is nervous?! I was just thinking, what will happen to the old wolf when we are gone?"

"What else can it do? If you stay in the sinkhole and leave some food for it, can it still starve to death?" The old cat continued to hum, "We don't restrict its freedom. When it gets lonely, just go out and meet the female wolf, and it will still... Can it be eaten by wild animals?”

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