Lu Yuan took a long breath and glanced at the evil and crazy wolf.

The old wolf is now a high-level mutant creature, and this title is not bad. There is only one reason for its death: it died in the belly of the mother wolf.

"Okay, let's arrange it this way."

Not long after, the Lize people sent a telegram in response.

[Hello, Mr. Lu Yuan, a traveler from human civilization. We are the leadership team of the seventh branch of the Lize civilization. ]

[We sincerely welcome your arrival and hope that you can feel at home here. ]

[When and in which direction are you going to enter our safe zone? ]

"This polite remark always feels like returning to human society."

However, using "space teleportation" to cross the safe zone does require a little cooperation from the other party.

He wrote a short reply: [I hope your civilization can illuminate the light curtain of the safe zone with strong light. The stronger the light, the better. ]

[And prepare a relatively large open space behind the light curtain, try to clear the debris on the open space, and don't have any obstacles. 】

【In this way, I can observe and find the location of the safe zone, and use space ability to cross in. 】

【Thank you all! 】

These two conditions are indispensable.

The safe zone is hidden in space, protected by some space mechanism, and cannot be directly observed by the naked eye.

But if the civilization inside uses strong light to shine outward, it may reveal a few clues... After all, electromagnetic waves can indeed be transmitted.

Let the other party prepare an open space... Naturally, it is to avoid the risk of space teleportation. What if there is a tree behind the light curtain, wouldn’t he be embedded in the tree?

Therefore, "crossing the safe zone" is a very difficult and dangerous move.

Only when facing friendly civilizations, Lu Yuan dares to do this, otherwise he will only lose his life in vain!

Just like this, he waited in the tiankeng for several hours.

The other party sent a reply again: [We have completed the corresponding preparations. Strong light and open space are ready. ]

【You can cross in at any time. 】

The most exciting moment has arrived!

Lu Yuan's chest kept rising and falling, and his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

Under the Tree of Life, the old cat watched the Piranha Plant eating the corpse of the [Monster], and said slowly: "Hurry up, I'll wait here. If you succeed, let the Tree of Life move twice, and I will absorb you."

"If you fail, quickly revive."

The reason why the old cat did not jump with Lu Yuan was because it was afraid of death...

The ability of King Kong and the light curtain of the safe zone, which one is stronger, the old cat is unwilling to gamble.

For the same reason, Lu Yuan could not carry the old wolf in...If he failed, he would die.

He carefully tidied up his appearance and buried the remains of the [Demon] and [Ghost], two things that could not be put into the storage space, near the Tree of Life. (The Tree of Life has become a Piranha Plant, and it is still quite powerful now.)

"Old Wolf, you kidnap a few female wolves and stay in the tiankeng. We will come back in a few days."

"Awoo!" The old wolf shook his tail.

Lu Yuan came to the edge of the river and covered his eyes with the "Vision Cornea" of the [Monster].

A huge amount of information came into his mind.

He patiently observed whether there was any light coming out of the space.


In the safe zone, a large group of Rize people were also anxiously waiting.

They were even a hundred times, a thousand times more excited than Lu Yuan!

After all, Lu Yuan was just one person. If he couldn't beat the [Monster], he could still find a way to escape; but they were a civilization, and they were tortured by the [Monster] until now, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

"It's incredible, this is the friend who defeated the [Monster]... Hahaha, he looks pretty good."

"Foreign culture is really trendy."

Well, in fact, Lu Yuan's clothes are a little faded, but they are still praising him crazily.

"Only this kind of warrior can defeat this kind of anomaly..."

"I don't know what price I will have to pay to persuade him to teach our warriors."

The scene was so spectacular that not only the supreme leader and the military, but also a large number of clan leaders heard the news from somewhere and came to watch.

The Rize civilization is a nest of eggs, so it is not clear who the parents are, but the brothers and sisters are still very clear, so the same generation often forms a clan power.

The existence of [monsters] is a well-known fact, and it is also the nightmare of all the Rize people... Whenever they sleep or dream, they may be attacked by [monsters]. What kind of pressure is this?

Now, that nightmare-like existence has been killed!

The scales on their faces changed color, and the excitement could not be concealed.

Some of those with fragile emotions even shed tears of excitement.

Of course, these guys who were watching the excitement were quickly driven away by the soldiers. After all, this is a major event in civilization and no mistakes can be allowed.

“Governor, the venue requested by the other party is ready.”

The location where Lu Yuan teleported was located in a parking lot near the safe zone, covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters.

The terrain was open and flat. As long as the cars parked on it were driven away, it would be a ready-made open space.

Immediately afterwards, several large colored xenon lamps began to focus on a certain area of ​​the light curtain.

The bright light lines caused by the Tyndall effect could be seen even in the daytime.

"Governor, do you want to contact human civilization?"

Leon said loudly: "Of course we have to contact you! On such an important occasion, Mr. Lu represents human civilization and came to us!"

"He comes with peace and friendship, and he is also our benefactor!"

"And our seventh branch has become the representative of Rize civilization."

"In the future, our city will have a higher say... You should know the weight of diplomacy this time."

Leon pressed the button of the communicator, and he sighed in his heart, the so-called misfortunes and blessings depend on each other.

They were originally the city with the least future, even the extraordinary fire was dead, and there was no way forward at all.

Now, it has become the most promising city again...

Destiny is really too bizarre and unpredictable.

[Contacting human civilization, please wait...]

Human beings have been in contact with the Lize civilization for more than twenty days, and they are no longer strangers.

But unlike our compatriots, we can make a phone call anytime and anywhere to check on the situation.

Both sides were still slightly wary.

We are in a state where we have just met each other by chance.

"The Lize civilization that Lu Yuan contacted as an intermediary...has there been a lot of communication recently?" The top leader of Yunhai City, Mr. Li Chunhong, happened to be inspecting the paranormal laboratory.

After more than a month, Yunhai City's industrial system is slowly returning to operation.

In particular, a large hydropower station is being rapidly developed with the efforts of the whole city.

The location of Yunhai City is not bad, with several large, spacious and rapid rivers passing through the entire city from the edge of the safety zone.

The water flow of these rivers is very large, the geological conditions are relatively hard granite, and the seismic intensity is low. They are the best places to build hydropower stations.

As long as the hydropower station is successfully constructed, it will be able to continuously provide electric energy and lay a solid foundation for industrial development.

In particular, small hydropower projects can be completed within weeks or months and can solve some urgent needs.

Of course, the shortage of resources is still a key problem at present. Oil, coal, etc. are still non-renewable, so the heavy responsibility for resources rests on supernatural plants that grow faster.

"We have assessed that the overall technological level of the Lize civilization is thirty to fifty years weaker than ours..."

Professor Zhang Hui explained: "They are different from each other. Their biology is quite good, not much different from ours."

"In addition, their accumulation of supernatural knowledge is more than ours. Because in their world, supernatural phenomena have appeared for thousands of years."

"Supernatural phenomena have even suppressed the development of science to a certain extent. Therefore, some idealistic theories may be richer than ours."

"Contact more, deal more, and nothing bad will come of it." Li Chunhong said.

"By the way, are there any new changes in other cities?"

Zhang Hui smiled: "There are some. New York City's urban hero plan has officially started to be implemented... The effect seems to be pretty good."

"However, New York City has not achieved the milestone of stabilizing the city. I don't know if they are too chaotic, or if the milestone has already been achieved."

"After more than 40 days, only 100,000 people left."

"Pangaea, there are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers... How many days did this seventh branch of the Lize civilization stabilize their city?" Li Chunhong asked with a smile.

Yunhai City completed this milestone on the second day, which is actually a kind of confidence.

"They won't say it, but they do stabilize faster," Zhang Hui said, "because they have a person with precognitive ability who can predict many things."

"I see……"

Foreknowledge, this level of divine skill is something you can't even envy.

"Also, the extraordinary fire in Tokyo City is dead, and many scholars are planning to defect after the safe zone is withdrawn."

Li Chunhong said "Oh", and for some unknown reason, he said with a half-smile, "Could it be that a professor from Tokyo City would reveal this information?"

"Of course not, it was Professor Edward from New York City who told me..."

"Oh, there is another news. The Ninth Branch, Lingbo City, has a big incident in the democratic election. The military government has come to power, and many people have been disturbed."

The ninth branch, Lingbo City, actually has good industrial capabilities and excellent scientific research capabilities, but the situation is quite bad.

There is a vision outside!

The most important thing is that Lingbo City is very childish. Political activities are like playing house. They are still holding elections there... This kind of abnormal behavior can only be described as childish.

But now, the military government has come to power, which means that the popular trend of thought has begun to change rapidly.

The civilization of Lingbo City is very strange. It is either extreme left or extreme right. This may have something to do with the repressed national character.

"Sigh, I don't know how it will develop." Zhang Hui shook his head.

The more you know, the more you can understand the horror of the vision...

If it weren't for the fact that staying in the safe zone would lead to chronic death, who would dare to go out? Who wants to go out?

In the ninth branch, there is a vision blocking the road outside.

Other human cities are also very anxious.

After all, the distance between cities is not the end of the world. What if the vision floats over?

"Actually, it's a good thing to have a different civilization for comparison and a bit of a crisis."

"Without competition, there is no pressure..."

Just then, a line of text suddenly appeared on the screen of the big metal ball, interrupting the conversation between the two.

[The seventh branch of the Rize civilization has initiated a contact request to the human civilization. Do you want to contact? ]

"Oh?" Li Chunhong laughed, "Speak of the devil, the devil will come. It seems that they have something to do again."

This contact request was sent to the communicators of all human cities...

According to international unspoken rules, we have to wait for a while until most cities are online before we can connect together.

For external communication, humans must be a whole. Being the first to connect is simply looked down upon by other civilizations.

The screen opened.

The leading Rize man, Leon, was wearing his usual white cloth robe and smiling.

The smile of this race is also quite strange, with high nostrils and narrow eyes, a bit like the smile of a cow.

Well...exotic civilizations are not uncommon.

"Hello, human friends! This time we are here to deliver good news!"

"What is that?" Professor Zhang Hui suddenly froze for a moment, manipulated the computer, and enlarged a corner of the screen.

I saw that outside the light curtain of the safe zone, far away, on the other side of the river, it seemed, probably, as if, there was a humanoid creature standing? !

Wearing human clothes, even wearing jeans? !

Isn't that Lu Yuan?

Lu Yuan is outside the safe zone!!

All of a sudden, everyone in the conference room held their breath.

"Dear friend, today is a day worth celebrating."

Leon did not keep it a secret: "Who do you think this is? Our old friend, Mr. Lu Yuan, is outside the safe zone..."

Governor Leon's words aroused the curiosity of all humans.

In fact, humans don't even know how he escaped from the hands of the [devil].

It is even more impossible to know that he has defeated a [monster]!

"Quick, call his sister over! His brother is really alive." Li Chunhong said hurriedly.

At the same time, Zhang Hui was already talking to Leon on the communicator.

"Thank you, sir!"

"We are very happy to let us see his image in Pangu Continent and learn that he is in good health." Zhang Hui said immediately, "He is also an important existence for us humans."

"We express our sincere gratitude to you."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood." Leon said hurriedly, "Mr. Lu is planning to cross the safe zone and visit our city."

"Perhaps, you have a chance to talk to him directly... We are not showing you his image, he will come in soon."


(PS: Please give me a monthly ticket!)

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