Faced with the explanation of the Rize people, the huge conference room, which was originally bustling, suddenly became quiet.

Even the young comrade who was responsible for recording the meeting showed shock and astonishment on his face.

What does it mean to... exceed the safe zone?

Use superpowers to exceed?

"Oh, God, this is unbelievable! Is he going to commit suicide? Oh, God!" The discussion of experts from other cities came to my ears.

"It's very difficult! Don't let Lu Yuan do stupid things! Even if he has space ability, it won't work!"

In addition to Lu Yuan's space, there are two more space ability users in the human world.

They are "wall-penetrating technique" and "short-distance teleportation".

Theoretically, these two abilities do have enough potential to exceed the safe zone.

But after careful evaluation, they gave up... because it was too dangerous. Once failed, they would die directly and be beaten into the most basic carbon atoms by the light curtain of the safe zone.

Moreover, the owners of these two divine skills have not yet obtained the extraordinary fire, and their potential has not yet been fully stimulated. It is impossible to gamble their lives on such a thing with no benefits.

"Let him give up!"

"Shut up, you ignorant guys. He must have his own confidence to do this!"

A large group of foreigners actually quarreled.

In foreign cities, there are also many loyal fans of Lu Yuan. They are in a state of enthusiasm as if they have seen their idol.

"Dongdongdong", Lu Yuan's sister, Lu Qingqing, ran to the meeting room.


After hearing the comments of everyone, her heart was clenched and her eyes were a little red.

She was eager to talk to her brother, but she was also afraid that her brother would suddenly die in front of her... This kind of anxiety is hard to describe in words.



"Comrade, why don't you teleport? According to the latest electromagnetic wave communication, the Li Ze civilization has started a live broadcast, and even your relatives and friends in your hometown are watching your performance."

The old cat kept twitching under the tree of life. Its old illness came back.

"Give everyone a fireworks show... Go!"

"Old wolf, attack!"

The old wolf caught the damn cat and bit it wildly.

Lu Yuan became even more nervous. He was really unsure.

He took a deep breath and kept observing through the "cornea of ​​the far-sighted eye".

Gradually, he saw a very small, light blue light group appear in the air in the center of the river...

Like a firefly, it was barely visible.

"This should be the light spot of the Lize civilization, emitting light to the outside."

Of course, teleporting to the light spot is equivalent to teleporting to the "light curtain". Lu Yuan would die immediately and perform a grand human fireworks in front of his fellow villagers.

He must teleport to the safe zone behind the light curtain through "imagination", that is, thought.

This is a teleportation that "does not conform to safety rules".

Gradually, Lu Yuan fell into a state of tranquility and even closed his eyes, imagining that there was an open space behind the light spot, which was a safe zone hidden in space.

"What the mind thinks, the intention is there... The power of the mind depends entirely on imagination."

"The light spot is 86.1 meters away from me."

"I teleport 92 meters, away from the light curtain, into that piece of concrete flat ground."

Little by little, the light like a firefly appeared on the surface of Lu Yuan's skin.

This is the breath of the extraordinary fire. He is concentrating all his attention to determine his teleportation position and trying to protect his body.


The next second, Lu Yuan disappeared.


Standing on the concrete road.

What is coming is the buildings of the alien civilization, a large group of people from Rize who are seeing him off...

And, a metal communicator.


"Let him choose a more conservative plan."

"Through electromagnetic waves, you can also communicate across the safe zone!" Even Li Chunhong was persuaded by a large wave, "There is no need to forcefully break into the safe zone! There is really no need!"

Even the ninth branch, Zero Wave City, and the anomaly outside did not forcefully break into the safe zone!

You, Lu Yuan, can't lose your life for no reason.

But before the communication was sent out, the conference room fell silent again!

On the screen, a figure appeared out of thin air on the concrete floor!

It appeared in the blink of an eye.

Although his face looked livid and blood was flowing from his seven orifices... he seemed to be alive!

He successfully crossed the safe zone?

How did he do it? !

Many experts were filled with doubts.

Several loyal foreign fans began to cheer excitedly: "I'll tell you, don't use your simple thinking to speculate about the strong! Mr. Lu Yuan is a strong man!"

"He is a strong man who can defeat the anomaly, and naturally has his own decisions."

"Ahem..." Mr. Li Chunhong cleared his throat, and his face was visibly flushed, "Okay, since we have succeeded, there is no need to talk nonsense."

"Face-to-face communication is of course better, and more information can be exchanged."

"But comrades, how far ahead of us is he? Do we have to catch up? When will a level 2 extraordinary fire come?"

And the leaders of other cities, listening to Li Chunhong's remarks, had a feeling that you must be in Versailles for the first time...

Now that Lu Yuan can directly contact humans, it means that Yunhai City has firmly sat on the chair of "human leader".

Because Lu Yuan can contact Yunhai City alone.

Exclusive information, what does this mean?

With risks everywhere in Pangu Continent, information is really too important.

Spring has arrived in Yunhai City.

Lu Yuan was actually in some pain. The 92-meter teleportation was close to the upper limit of his mental power, and it was also a teleportation that "did not comply with safety rules."

Even if he used the extraordinary fire to protect himself, a very small amount of air and body overlapped in space, causing him some damage.

"Must be handsome!"

"Must be stable!"

His sudden appearance caused a gust of wind, and the extraordinary fire frantically suppressed the injury. It took three or four seconds to suppress the surging blood.

Then he used his mind to control the tree of life outside the safe zone, shook the branches, and signaled that the old cat could come over.

"Swoosh"! The small ball where the old cat was teleported to him.

This bitch's "absorption" ability is really cheap. No matter where Lu Yuan ran to, he could be absorbed instantly.

He shook his head gently, took out a body of the old cat from the backpack behind him, and installed its core.

He took out the translation headset and put it on, wiped the blood off his face, and showed the most standard smile for humans: showing six teeth.

"Hello, friends! It's an honor to meet you!"

"May our friendship last forever."

This is indeed a big step for mankind.

He, Lu Yuan, finally stepped into the territory of alien civilization.

He met with the leader of the alien race face to face.

In fact, Lu Yuan was very nervous at the beginning, thinking about how not to embarrass humans? What should he say? What diplomatic rhetoric to use?

But now, he is not nervous.

Because it is these Rize people who are nervous.

According to the law of idealistic transfer: If you are more nervous than me, then I don't need to be nervous; if I am not embarrassed, it will be others who are embarrassed.

And this large group of Rize people in front of them really fell into a state of shock and surprise.

Lu Yuan suddenly appeared in the safe zone without any signs.

Is the safe zone really like a sieve, anyone can come in? This is called a safe zone? !

In the end, in the silence, Governor Leon was one step ahead and smiled. He walked forward quickly: "My friend, your sudden appearance really scared us... Please forgive us for being ignorant, just like ignorant children."

"We, the seventh branch of the Rize civilization, Carter City, sincerely welcome you!"

He borrowed the translation function of the metal ball.

So Lu Yuan could understand.

Of course, Old Lu is not very good at these strange scenes, so he can only let the damn cat communicate.

The old cat stretched out a furry paw, and seemed to be very accustomed to this scene: "Hello, sir."

"I am Lu Yuan's comrade-in-arms. My predecessor was Tiger Grace Cat Mama. Please call me Old Cat."

Leon seemed a little confused by this series of things, and held the old cat's paw: "Hello, sir, old cat... I heard from Taddo that you are a great artificial intelligence."

"Here are your relatives and friends, Mr. Lu, do you need to say a few words?"

Lu Yuan saw the big screen of the communicator and saw a large group of humans.

Some were wearing suits and some were wearing white coats.

Most of them were unknown. The only one he knew was the pitiful sister in the corner.

He took a deep breath and gave a thumbs up: "Friends, I am fine now. I hope you can live a happy life."

Although he wanted to say a few more words, it was really not the time to communicate with humans. Li Chunhong said on the screen: "Mr. Lu Yuan, your family is fine."

"Brother, we are all fine!" Lu Qingqing smiled.

With this sentence, Lu Yuan was satisfied, and he stopped occupying the communicator... After all, it was not appropriate to keep calling with family in this kind of occasion.

Leon took over the conversation: "Let's enjoy a fine feast."

"If you want to understand our culture, I can also take you to visit our city."

"Then you must see it, since you are here." The old cat took the initiative and accepted the proposal.

Considering the traditional food of the Rize people, Lu Yuan may not like it.

Therefore, the dishes on the table are basically vegetables and fruits, and there are some starchy foods that taste like steamed cakes.

The original main food of the Rize people was actually ants, earthworms and plants?

Well, it's not surprising if you think about it carefully. They lived underground in ancient times, just like pangolins, and were good at digging holes.

If they don't eat ants and earthworms, what else can they eat?

"Actually, I have a question, why are many creatures in different worlds common? Like ants, earthworms, pigs, cows, and sheep, why do they exist in each world?" Lu Yuan asked a very tricky question.

"We have also observed this, and there may be two reasons." An expert on the Li Ze civilization laughed.

"The first is convergent evolution, where creatures from different ancestors change their overall or partial morphological structures in the same direction due to similar lifestyles."

"The second possibility is that these creatures are likely to have escaped from the Pangaea continent. Now, they have simply returned to the Pangaea continent."

"Because our ancestors came from the Pangaea continent, there is no doubt about that."

It is indeed a rich second-generation civilization...

I don't know why, but they are worse off than humans.

Lu Yuan specifically visited the earthworm and ant breeding base. One earthworm can produce 2,000-3,000 cubs in a year, and the growth cycle is an average of 3 months. Small earthworms are about 10 cm, and large earthworms can grow to 1-2 meters, which is thicker than fingers!

"It is indeed a high-quality meal."

As for the reproduction ability of ants, it is even faster.

There is even an extraordinary creature in the ant nest!

It is like a white and fat big steamed bun.

[The extraordinary termite queen can continuously reproduce a kind of termite that is resistant to disease, pollution, and has high reproductive capacity. It lays 3 eggs per second, and the protein content is 7 times that of beef. ]

[Form: 5.4]

[Qi: 2.2]

[Shen: 0.4]

[Ability: Spit acid. When feeling a crisis, spit out biological acid to attack the enemy. The acid is highly corrosive and may be used to etch equipment. 】

Etching is actually a high-quality equipment manufacturing technology.

Lu Yuan was immediately moved by the white and fat queen termite that was one meter long.

If you want to build advanced equipment, it is better to accumulate more materials.

In short, the people of Li Ze have no shortage of food. They can survive by eating grass and ants, which is much easier to feed than humans.

Since they are easy to satisfy with food, the speed of stabilizing the city is naturally faster.

All their civilization branches have completed the milestone of "stabilizing the city". The second-generation rich civilization is not bragging.

When hearing this information, not only Lu Yuan, but also the human side was stunned. There are only three cities that have completed this milestone. The rest fell out of the top 100,000 because they completed it too slowly. Some cities are still in chaos.

The Li Ze civilization has squeezed into the top 100,000.

This really gave humans a great shock.

"Damn, humans are not a bunch of rotten fish and shrimp." Lu Yuan didn't know what the human side was like, anyway, he just dealt with it casually.

Not only that, the Rize civilization has completed many milestones.

"Like our Carter City, we have completed four civilization milestones." Leon introduced, "Stabilizing the city, domesticating extraordinary creatures, forging extraordinary items, and inheriting the divine skills."

"Forging extraordinary items, we are ranked 22nd. I don't know who is the first. It's so fast." He sighed, "Almost as soon as that voice opened the equipment system, we started forging equipment and sprinted towards the milestone."

"As a result, there are 21 civilizations ahead of us."

"We strongly suspect that it is a time factor."

"The top civilizations may have revoked the safe zone. They have 100 times more time, so they are faster than us."

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