"Of course, the reward for the 22nd place is also very good... We got a big box of materials. This box may be richer than our entire civilization."

"Of course, there must be enough forging skills and enough materials to play a role."

"If you mess around, it will be a bit of a waste." Governor Leon said with a smile.

He didn't mean to show off.

The subtext is obvious. We have enough resources for trading.

You, Lu, have finally come in, so you must trade.

But Lu Yuan was a little nervous. He seemed to have grabbed the first place...

The human group on the communicator was also silent.

The first three milestones are understandable.

Two of them were completed by Lu Yuan, and they are also trying their best to complete them.

But in fact, only a few cities such as Yunhai City and Newyue City have completed the "forging of extraordinary items". As for the "taming of extraordinary creatures", it all depends on luck...

And what is the fourth milestone?

Leon laughed. He knew that this information was of great value. If he told it directly, he would suffer a little loss.

But you have to know that the person in front of him was a strong man who could kill [Monsters]. Compared with his great value, this information was nothing.

If you want to enhance friendship, you have to reveal some information.

"To be honest, I am a person with precognitive ability. We didn't know the existence of the 'Civilization Milestone'. I just followed my hunch and stabilized the city as quickly as possible, so I got this reward." Leon rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"It seems to be 1,334. There are many powerful civilizations in Pangu Continent. Even though I have the ability to predict, there are still more than a thousand civilizations that have caught up with us. It's really not easy."

"Then, with my foresight, we got two more milestones, taming extraordinary creatures and forging extraordinary items... Although these rewards are small, they are also precious. We are lucky."

"I actually predicted several other milestones: spreading one million extraordinary fire seeds, abolishing the safe zone, building a mobile city, capturing and using anomalies..."

He said this precious information.

The humans naturally listened to it in their hearts, and they were all very serious.

Even Lu Yuan didn't know this information.

"The mobile city refers to the city in the sky?" Lu Yuan said, "In fact, my destination this time is to go to a lost city in the sky..."

"Mr. Lu, you have to consider geological changes. The eighth and ninth eras may have undergone great changes in the geographical level."

"Well, I know this." He paused, "Is there any way to make the city float? With the current technological strength, it is simply unrealistic."

How heavy is a city? Hundreds of billions of tons, or trillions of tons! !

Humans don't even have aerospace aircraft carriers!

Floating cities are simply Zenith-level technology.

"Yeah, we are also confused..." Leon shook his head and said, "Even in the interstellar era, floating cities are too difficult. But this milestone has a high probability of existence. Since you want to go to the sky city, it also means that it exists."

On a certain screen of the communicator, an old human gentleman suddenly said: "In fact, there is still a way."

"We dug up a magical stone in a mine that can make the surrounding materials not affected by gravity."

"There are a lot of them, but they are just inferior extraordinary items."

"We named it Pandora's crystal." He showed this ordinary stone that looked like white jade.

When you touch this stone, the whole person will have no gravity.

"As long as this stone is laid under the city, the gravity of the city will disappear. Then build a power system, and the city will be able to move."

This is the representative of the 12th branch of mankind. The city of Sini was originally a mining city.

They actually have this mineral there!

Leon was also shocked: "So that's it, using supernatural means... From this point of view, the technological level of the Sky City is indeed limited, and it can be achieved with some effort."

"Thank you, this information is indeed very important!"

"No, no, no, the information you provided is equally important to us."

The communication between civilizations is indeed of great benefit.

Even Lu Yuan only has a superficial understanding of Pangu Continent, and there are many things he doesn't know.

The humans and the Rize people discussed enthusiastically.

Although both sides are competitors, there are 100,000 places for the milestone!

The first place is really too far away.

As for the rest of the places, whether they can get them depends on their own abilities!

But Lu Yuan felt cold in his heart, not as happy as he seemed.

"It turns out that the Sky City is just a scare on the surface, but it is not a groundbreaking technology in fact."

"In this case, will the civilization inheritance there really be very powerful?"

He was a little unsure.

"The rookie Mei Da has misled me!"

He took a bite of the local specialty fruit, Dan Guo, a crunchy fruit that tasted like grapes.

He took another sip of "Dan Guo wine", which was hot with a hint of sweetness. The wine was mellow and smooth like silk. Every drop exuded a unique fragrance, which was indeed an exotic style.

Of course, no one could understand Lu Yuan's thoughts.

He listened to everyone's discussion and thought to himself: "No wonder I haven't completed the milestone of stabilizing the city... Because I have no territory, and I am alone. I have no inheritance for the next generation, so I can't be considered a stable civilization, hey!"

"This world is too difficult. I'd better think about the milestones I can achieve."

Leon added: "Ahem, let's talk about the fourth milestone we have reached, the inheritance of God's skills."

"God's skills seem to be lost. Once the owner dies, it is basically equivalent to being lost forever... Of course, this is just my speculation."

"Every time the owner of a divine skill dies, it makes me feel that the future is a little bleaker."

Lu Yuan nodded: "I once searched for the ruins of a lost civilization. They also believed that the number of divine skills is limited."

"The proportion of people in the first generation is particularly high, and the proportion in the later generations is getting smaller and smaller. Later, even if 100 million babies are born, there will not be a single godly skill."

"However, in the end, they don't know why this happened."

"In addition, what I can tell you is that the safe zone's existence time is limited, maybe three to four hundred years..."

"Of course, this is information from the eighth era."

"I can't say what the ninth era will be like. If you are not willing to wait for death, you still have to cancel the safe zone at the appropriate time."

All the people in Rize, including the leaders of the Rize civilization in other cities, were once again shocked.

Three or four hundred years, how short is it?

They are a long-lived race, with an average lifespan of two hundred years!

With extraordinary fire, they can live longer!

Maybe he can survive until the ninth era and perish?

This piece of information completely shattered the atmosphere of the banquet where people were drinking, singing and dancing.

But Lu Yuan is not embarrassed. He actually reciprocates the favor. You guys told me some information, and I will tell you some too.

As for whether you believe it or not, what you should do next is your own decision. It has nothing to do with me, Lao Lu...

As for the humans...well, humans already knew that.

Leon quickly recovered from the stiff atmosphere: "The information revealed by Mr. Lu is indeed very important. We will consider it carefully and choose the right time to head towards Pangea."

"Returning to the previous topic, as for the problem of the limited number of divine skills, we have also done some research."

He said seriously: "Mr. Lu, what do you think is the source of superpowers?"

"Is it you, a gift from God, or does it come from the land beneath our feet?"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Most of his abilities were fucking given by "gods", how can anyone say that?

Am I a fanatical believer in God? !

The old cat who had been staying aside to listen said: "The skills of form and energy may come from oneself and be attributed to oneself."

"God's skills cannot be explained by traditional things."

Governor Leon smiled.

The Lize civilization has given birth to supernatural phenomena for thousands of years.

The accumulation in this area is indeed much deeper than that of people on earth.

In the planetary period, that is, before Pangea appeared, the "God's Skill" already existed in the Lize Civilization.

"From our historical analysis, the time span for the appearance of the same divine skill may be hundreds or even thousands of years, and it often appears together with influential figures. As the influential figures die, this ability disappears. After a thousand years, perhaps Will appear again."

"The divine skills of that time will never be lost."

"In other words, it's renewable."

Lu Yuan frowned and remained silent.

Instead, the old cat retorted: "We investigated the information of a certain civilization. They have a total of 13 cities. All the cities have never been reborn after the God's Skill was lost."

"This situation occurs in all cities. The sample size is large and the probability of error is extremely low."

"Yes, there is no contradiction between what you said and our conclusion." Leon said, "So we can boldly believe that the real source of God's skills is actually the feedback of the entire history of civilization."

"In other words, it is the destiny of civilization, a higher energy derived from history."

"In the past, from prosperity to decline and then to prosperity, luck came one after another, so the skills of God will not be lost."

"And now, we have arrived in Pangu Continent, and we are already the last group of people in civilization. All the luck is concentrated on us."

"It also means that there is no next wave of luck, the skills of gods will continue to be lost, and civilization will die. Unless we continue to become stronger and evolve, perhaps new skills of gods will be born."

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