Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 173 Carving: The Furnace of All Things!

Just like that, after deciding on the plan, Lu Yuan could really only become a big tree and study hard every day. Even the college entrance examination was not so hard.

At least you need to learn the "Hidden Glyph" and "Strong Glyph" and carve them on the tricycle, so that you can have some guarantee of survival when crossing the desert.

It's not that becoming a big tree makes you smarter, but that a big tree has better patience and doesn't need much sleep. There are at least 23 hours of studying in 24 hours a day.

With 1 hour left, let’s express some emotion about this damn life: “One is a civilization!”

"One person takes care of everything!"

The whole process was filled with a touch of sadness.

Every morning the sun shines brightly on the branches and leaves.

He became very fond of basking in the sun because it allowed him to thrive.

The Tree of Life is very adaptable to the environment. The pieces of Bodhi leaves are retracted into the trunk, causing the whole tree to look bare.

The bark grows green spikes, which are similar to a cactus structure and can effectively reduce water evaporation.

Occasionally, there are small insects passing by and stopping on the branches to rest, but the piranha ignores them...

Well, Lu Yuan controls the piranha to eat the corpse of the alien every day, and he is expected to eat it for another two years.

Occasionally the old cat would jump up and down and yell, "Idiot, you can't even do this question!"

Occasionally, the old wolf would be sneaky and raise its hind legs, as usual, trying to urinate on the roots of the tree, but was kicked away by the big tree.

These days are leisurely and dull.

Three months passed like this.

Perhaps because of the substantial improvement in his "divine attributes", Lu Yuan found that he was not as stupid as he thought. Many things that he originally thought were unfamiliar to him can now be learned easily.

He is like a dry sponge, constantly absorbing new knowledge.

Of course, this also has something to do with him going to college.

Lu Yuan majored in computer science as an undergraduate, and even took the postgraduate entrance examination in his senior year, so he had some basic mathematics.

If there is no basis at all, that would be another matter...

On this day, after finishing the questions, Lu Yuan felt that his control of mathematical knowledge had reached a critical point, but the study of glyphs was still far away.

"I still want to be human."

Because he clearly felt that being a tree...has some Buddha nature.

No appetite, no sexual desire, almost no desire at all.

All you have to do every day is study seriously. Is this really the life that human beings should have?

"Let's put it this way, the human body has various emotions such as sadness, annoyance, anger, happiness, etc. I fight against the heaven and the earth, curse God, and am full of behavioral motives."

"But as a tree, I only feel the Buddha nature of living in harmony with nature..."

"As soon as I open my eyes, as soon as I close them, a day passes. If my reason hadn't told me that I must study hard, I might have been sleeping all day long."

Philosopher Lu Yuan gave an impromptu speech.

He cannot feel the joy of life. This situation may be similar to that of old cats.

"Even if you have a hundred abilities or a thousand abilities, so what?"

"My desire is gone."

"Isn't this my daily life?" The immortal giant turtle, who was enjoying popsicles in the shade, wondered, "Isn't this a bad life?"

Lu Yuan couldn't explain to this brother: "There are still some differences between turtles and trees."

"I have no mood swings now. The growth rate of Eternal Fire is very slow."

"The tree's racial value is indeed very high, but its slow growth may be the tree's instinct."

The old cat nodded: "You are right. Animals are consumers and are under great pressure to survive. Various hormones and organs affect the emotions of animals. If there is no motivation, animals can easily die."

"Plants are producers, and there are not so many complicated things. Even if you are a human soul, you will move closer to the producer and be slowly assimilated by this body."

Upper decision decided by the economic background.

The body does affect the mind. If it lasts for too long, Lu Yuan will really become like a tree.

Therefore, after much thought, Lu Yuan still wanted to be a human being, and he was a little anxious.

But if he becomes a human, he will definitely become impatient if he studies for 10 hours a day, and his learning efficiency will be halved.

"Is there any way for me to learn glyphs quickly? Do I really want to stay here forever?"

The old cat scratched its head with its hind legs and made a "crunching" sound.

I just couldn't think of a good idea.

He knew a lot of mathematical knowledge, and it was enough to teach Lu Yuan; but the knowledge related to glyphs was something that Old Cat himself could not understand.

Because its divine attributes are very low and it does not have the talent to research glyphs, it cannot understand these things.

"Isn't it just about learning carvings? I thought about it...we still have to rely on Master Turtle!" The immortal giant turtle shook his body and said proudly.

"Just your turtle head? It's good if you don't cause trouble." The old cat scolded unceremoniously.

Turtle thought about the past and said with emotion: "Master Turtle was once captured and experimented by those damn guys... because they also wanted to quickly decipher the glyphs!"

"They put a drop of blood on my body."

"It can't be ghost blood, right?"

The immortal giant turtle said: "I don't know. This drop of blood keeps eroding me, going deep into my soul, and has tortured me for several years!"

"But in the end, I got rid of the predicament and forced that drop of blood out of my body."

"Is there any similarity between what you said and my current situation?" Lu Yuan said.

The old cat shrugged his shoulders: "It means that during the torture, the researchers of the Dalai Empire observed a lot."

"From knowing nothing to deducing the specific principles of the carving."

"It can restore the whole process."

"Yes, yes, yes! That's what I mean!!" The giant turtle looked at the old cat gratefully.

"Grandpa Turtle met them a long time ago. It was just an ordinary civilization, nothing special." There was a thoughtful look in its eyes.

"They also want to learn the carvings on Grandpa Turtle. At first, they were very polite and treated me as a guest of honor."

"But they can't get started no matter what. They are talented people and research experts. They have been tinkering for hundreds of years but still can't get started. They are really a bunch of idiots."

Lu Yuan in the Piranha Plant nodded: "Then what?"

The carvings on the turtle are too advanced. If they don't learn elementary school mathematics and go straight to college mathematics, won't their eyes turn white?

The simplest carving is given by the mirror, the middle level is "Daedalus's Manual", and the most difficult and complex one on the turtle.

"Later... they began to torture the turtle! The carving technology has advanced by leaps and bounds!"

"In just a few decades, all kinds of strange and bizarre equipment have been invented by them! And each time they torture more severely than the last time!" The immortal giant turtle said angrily, "They deserve to die."

"Why? Shouldn't it be difficult?"

The immortal giant turtle was silent, because it had the strongest defensive move: the "Furnace of All Things" carving.

Vision is the embodiment of idealistic rules.

"The Universal Furnace" is already its most core rule. Once it appears, it is equivalent to putting many truths of heaven and earth in front of you.

This thing is like an encyclopedia. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. Just memorize it first, and copy the answer when you encounter the same question - it is indeed an amazing shortcut!

But it will only use this "Universal Furnace Carving" in a real crisis.

In normal conditions, the Immortal Giant Turtle wants to use it, but can't.

"So that's it... No wonder this turtle suffered from the torture of the Dalai Empire."

The Immortal Giant Turtle tried hard to imagine that he encountered the pain of soul splitting, and a painful look appeared on his face.

So the pattern on his body slowly changed.

"Is it too complicated... How can I learn it?" Lu Yuan observed for a long time, but he couldn't see the reason. The dense symbols were like tadpole characters, and he really had no idea where to start. .

This is not the Universal Furnace. After all, the Immortal Giant Turtle was not injured, so it lacked charm.

This stupid turtle, no matter how he imagined, couldn't hypnotize himself.

So it said angrily: "Master Turtle's carving, the Universal Furnace, is the strongest carving, which can absorb, fuse and resist almost all attacks!"

"It's just that I can't show it unless it's a life-and-death situation. Only you, brother, make me willing... I still remember that box of meat in danger..."

"Brother, give me some food." The turtle was nostalgic and actually shed tears.

It is a nostalgic turtle and a grateful turtle.

"Just watch it!!" It roared, took a syringe, and drew a tube of idealistic venom that it had just obtained.

Then it took a deep breath.

Suddenly, it poked its own eyes with a syringe and injected the venom fiercely!

The eyeball exploded, the immortal giant turtle suffered a severe injury, and struggled wildly on the ground.

Lu Yuan was stunned, and the Tree of Life bounced up from the ground fiercely, raising a huge dust.

Even the old cat was slightly furious, and looked at Lu Yuan with a complicated expression-this brother you made didn't seem so unbearable.

The immortal giant turtle didn't have to do this, because Lu Yuan would learn knowledge slowly, and he would eventually learn it. The sequelae of turning into a tree, just turn into a human more often.

If it doesn't work, wait for human civilization and Li Ze civilization to research more knowledge, and he will be able to overcome this difficulty sooner or later.

But now, the immortal giant turtle did it, which made Lu Yuan feel subtle.

"Good brother, thank you. I will compensate you later!"

Lu Yuan stopped being hypocritical, focused all his attention, and tried to observe the opportunities created by the immortal giant turtle.

As the venom was injected into the brain, the fatal injury caused the giant turtle to struggle continuously.

A layer of golden light appeared on the turtle's back, and the mysterious symbols kept flowing, and even the surrounding air became hotter and hotter.

"Furnace of All Things" - the mysterious glyph of the vision level, appeared! !


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