Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 174: Enlightenment is a thousand years ahead of mankind!

Chapter 174 Epiphany—A thousand years ahead of mankind!

Facing the self-mutilation behavior of the immortal giant turtle, Lu Yuan's eyes widened, and a dark feeling enveloped his heart.

He still couldn't understand it, but he felt inexplicably that this mysterious symbol contained the principles of heaven and earth!

His "talent of glyph insight" played an excellent role at this moment.

Everything in the world is beating like music symbols.

But not enough!

Still not enough!

It was difficult for him to remember all these mysterious patterns.

Even though the "Glyph Insight Talent" is already a talent that comes out of 100,000 civilizations, it is still far behind when faced with vision-level glyphs.

The immortal giant turtle uses the furnace of all things to quickly melt the venom in its body and repair itself.

Once it has finished healing, the opportunity is wasted.

It was impossible for Lu Yuan to let his old brother harm himself again, otherwise his conscience would be really heavy.

But how can we remember it?

He was extremely agitated and paced back and forth.

Even though the trees have no heart, they still emit thick white mist.

Suddenly, Lu Yuanfu reached into his mind and thought of one of his abilities - "complete spiritual transformation"!

This ability allows for a brief out-of-body experience...

It sounds really useless, because the soul is exposed to wind and sun and is easily injured.

The self-repair speed of the soul is much slower than that of the body. Once damaged, it will be paralyzed for several months.

But at this moment, Lu Yuan suddenly wanted to take a look at the glyph of "The Melting Pot of Everything" from the perspective of his soul.

Following Ming Ming's sixth sense, his soul left his body.

He saw the rose-red and sapphire sky, the desert as deep as a dream, and a bright golden light that enveloped the immortal giant tortoise.

The perspective of the soul is indeed different from the perspective of the body.

The colors from the soul perspective are obviously richer, and you can see all kinds of weird things.

Every idealistic object exudes its own light, such as the old cat, the old wolf, the turtle, the tree of life, etc.

Because the soul's perspective is somewhat erratic, everything around him is constantly changing colors and emitting a colorful halo.

Even the continuous growth of thoughts will change the color of the items.

The whole process is too idealistic and too flexible.

But using the soul perspective is indeed the right choice. His "Glyph Insight Talent" allows him to see extremely clearly, which means he can memorize more knowledge!

Lu Yuan was multitasking, and while he was memorizing like crazy, he controlled the human body, picked up a dagger, and carved a series of strange symbols on the piece of turtle shell given by the turtle.

He even ate an entire "Soul Infant Fruit" to enhance his soul power.

The symbol on the turtle's shell is not "the melting pot of all things."

With his current attainments, it would be impossible to fully portray him.

But some memory clues.

Whenever he sees these clues, he can recall the current scene.

The old cat was also "clicking" with his camera to take pictures crazily. Although the glyphs captured were "dead", they were still better than nothing.

Lu Yuan finally understood why many things cannot be explained in words and can only be understood. This piece of turtle shell has no meaning even if it is obtained by others.

Because they have no corresponding memory at all, it is impossible to have insights.

After a while, the golden light on the turtle's body dissipated, and the holes in its eyes returned to their original appearance.

Obviously, the cost of being on the verge of death has severely damaged his vitality, and even a giant turtle can no longer hold its head up.

Lu Yuan quickly stuffed a pomegranate fruit and a soul infant fruit into its mouth.

"Thank you, Mr. Turtle. The scene just now gave me a feeling of enlightenment."

"This is the encyclopedia of defense categories! You have a good rest."

"It's good if you find it useful." The turtle felt the extraordinary fruits in his mouth, and immediately smiled, and treasured them, ready to enjoy them later.

It is also quite useful in his heart. This brother actually doesn't know anything, but he is quite generous in what he says and does.

In the past, the Dinai Empire tortured it, but there was no such good thing to compensate it.

After Lu Yuan comforted Wugui, he fell into a peaceful state, striking while the iron was hot, recalling the magnificent scene he had just seen.

Inexplicably, his thoughts began to wander...

The hot wind and sand blew against the tricycle tent, making the canvas rustle, making it feel like we had gone back many years ago.

At that time, he was studying in college in the north, and the sky was not as blue as it is now.

When winter comes, there are sandstorms everywhere, and the gray dust blows into people's mouths and noses, everywhere.

Later, the country spent a lot of effort planting trees and controlling sandstorms.

As a result, within a few years, the overwhelming smog came again.

But this time there is no way to control it, because the sandstorm was brought by Mongolia... we cannot control other countries too.

If you go out on a dusty day, your face will be covered with sand. Especially for girls, the thicker the makeup, the easier it is for sand to stick to it.

"I seem to have laughed at a girl because of this? What was her name?"

"She had sand all over her face and walked away angry."

Thinking about it now, Lu Yuan was embarrassed.

Thinking about it carefully, God treated him well. He had many opportunities to get out of singles, but Lu Yuan used his strength to reject them.

If he had seized any opportunity, he might have stayed at home and held his child, instead of staying in this hell and turning into a tree?

"My youth was so quiet that I fell into hell before I could react."

Lu Yuan shook his head heavily.

The collapsed artist suddenly had some inspiration at this moment. After many years, the passive ability of "craftsman talent" suddenly burst out with the mysterious flow of mind.

"Did I just collapse?" Lu Yuan took a deep breath and was a little happy.

Every inspiration is very important, and it is a testimony of growth and experience.

A craftsman may only have a few inspirations in his life.

This mysterious feeling is like a stream of warm currents coming from the void, blending into the back of his head and lighting up his mind.

"I just learned some knowledge of carving, but I haven't mastered it yet. What should I do?"

He has a lot of materials on hand now.

The broken mask of Leoric, the broken cornea of ​​the Eye of Farsight, the horn of the knocking beast, the core of the ice unicorn, and the pile of precious metals, including black iron, Orichalcum, mithril and fine gold, add up to a little more than one ton.

In addition, he has more than 50 kilograms of resin, as well as various miscellaneous garbage collected along the way.

These garbage have not been purified yet, and there are many impurities.

"There are a lot of materials... but I have to do what I need most at the moment."

The big tree shook "clattering".

Everything in the field of vision was shaking slightly.

The inspiration that kept pouring out of his mind was like clear streams, constantly washing his cerebral cortex.

What is the ultimate truth of the world? What is the meaning of my existence?

Where should I go?

One question after another, like a spring, gushing out.

At this moment, a lot of knowledge was unraveled and turned into the purest geometric image.

The craftsman's talent and the talent of engraving insight formed a subtle linkage at this moment, forming a complex effect of 1+1 greater than 2!

This is actually epiphany, the realm that every craftsman, researcher, and artist dreams of.

Lu Yuan suddenly had an idea: "Why don't we use this inspiration to make equipment?"

"Why not use it all to study glyphs!"

"My prior knowledge is enough. If I can figure out some of the principles of glyphs, I can do a lot of things even without inspiration."

Lu Yuan made an unprecedented attempt.

This situation is really rare!

For most civilizations, there are only one or two craftsman talents, which are not particularly rare divine skills.

Every craftsman has only a few inspirations in his lifetime.

After all, they can't travel around like Lu Yuan and have a lot of life experience.

They are all well protected by civilization.

So every time they have inspiration, they can't wait to choose to make equipment.

Like Lu Yuan, who has the talent for glyphs and the talent for craftsmen, coupled with "complete spiritualization", and up to 16 points of divine attributes, this series of situations, superimposed together, is really rare!

A normal civilization can't put all the abilities into one person.

Only a greedy person like Lu Yuan could achieve the effect of 1+1 greater than 2 at this moment.

Immersed in inspiration, Lu Yuan held the tortoise shell, recalled, and calculated.

Observing in an inspired state, he actually saw a shape similar to the Bagua formation.

One gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to infinity!

The Universal Furnace is a vision-level ability, extremely complex, and even in the perspective of epiphany, it is still dizzying.

But this time, the deep thinking is precious, at least it allows him to find the right breakthrough point.

Lu Yuan is not greedy, just taking a little essence.

He is like a forest ranger in the forest. There are thousands of trees in the forest, and he is just looking for a small flower that belongs to him.

And the illusory clues, in the state of epiphany, also become traceable.

He entered one dead end after another, his soul kept heating up, and his body temperature rose sharply. This terrifying load is even higher than a 100-meter sprint.

The healing power of the Tree of Life forcibly supported the consumption and prevented him from exiting the state of enlightenment.

This experience was indeed unprecedented.

Lu Yuan's knowledge of glyphs has made great progress, and many of his original confusions have been solved one by one!

From now on, even if this state of enlightenment disappears, with this breakthrough, he can still study the "Furnace of All Things", instead of being like a headless fly as in the past.

For a whole month, Lu Yuan did not move at all, just like an old monk in meditation, just thinking.

And many of his companions were also very tactful and did not disturb him.

"The soldiers in the front only need to be responsible for enlightenment, and the people in the back have a lot to consider, such as water."

"This guy didn't even give us water, and he started to have enlightenment." The old cat was helpless.

"What is enlightenment?"

"A state of flow. In my civilization, it is hard to find, but he often encounters it. He is really the son of God."

"My brother is born with a holy body of destiny. It is normal." The immortal giant turtle was very proud, and the next second he howled in a low voice, "Water... I want water!"

The turtle held the basin and shook it continuously.

It took a long time before a water drop that was so small that it could not be any smaller rolled down the wall of the basin.

It stared at the water droplets and opened its mouth to catch them the moment they fell.

At this moment, its short tongue surpassed its species value and stretched out like a toad!

The turtle caught the drop of water and shook its butt with great pride.

The old wolf also imitated it and shook its water bag frantically.

A drop of water smaller than a dewdrop rolled out.

It just stretched out its tongue to lick it, and the water droplet vaporized.

"Awoo!" The old wolf was very resentful.

The old cat sighed, not drinking water, but taking care of Lu Yuan's palus.

It found a bucket of cooking oil from the tricycle and lit it with a lighter.

Fortunately, it is now loaded with nuclear power batteries, and its strength has changed qualitatively. It also got some urine from the pit.

The upper and lower parts of the pit are covered with plastic film, and they are now supported by dew.

"What are you doing?"

"Distilling. Without distillation, we have to rely on dew, and you will die of thirst."

"Damn it, boiling urine is too smelly!!" The turtle yelled.

"It's not me who drinks it anyway, so if you don't want to drink it, just endure it." The old cat said indifferently.

The turtle was envious.

It was a sentimental turtle, envying the old cat for not needing to drink water; it also envied the wolf for not having wisdom and being able to drink urine.

So it fell into a tangled dilemma, and bitter tears flowed from its turtle face.

Then it found something wrong, stretched out its tongue and wanted to lick away the tears.

But its tongue was very short, and it couldn't reach the tears in its eye sockets.

"Turtle, I tell you, every second you open your mouth, you will lose about one hundred trillion water molecules."

"What is one hundred trillion?" The turtle was even more sad, and it felt that this number was very large.

The evil and crazy wolf twisted its waist and ran over, stretched out its tongue, licked the turtle's tears, and then urinated in the urine pit.

The turtle lost two drops of water, felt empty in its heart, and couldn't help but shed two more drops.

The old wolf was very happy, isn't this a turtle fountain?

He stretched out his tongue again and licked the turtle's tears.

Losing water again, the turtle felt even more uncomfortable, and bit the bitch wolf: "I let you bully the turtle!"

"Aoaoao!!" The old wolf wailed like crazy.

In terms of combat power, it is no match for the anomaly.

"Stop your actions and don't disturb your brothers." The old cat roared helplessly. This scene happened many times a week.

It finally understood now that the master of the journey to the West was Lu Yuan.

Without the master, they would have disbanded long ago.

"The master is not me, the old cat, but a human." It was a little angry and scratched the ground with its claws.

Am I Wukong? It’s not impossible…

Just then, the Tree of Life finally let out a thunderous cry: “Master Dao, I’ve done it!”

“I’ve found that path, and I’m a thousand years ahead of mankind!”

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