In this way, Lu Yuan temporarily stayed in this small village with a different civilization.

Every day I study the information I just obtained on "Extraordinary Fire", play marbles with the children, brag and spank with the old people, compete with the young people in martial arts, and experience the long-lost social entertainment.

Life in ancient civilizations was, how should I say... quite leisurely.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Work and rest regularly, leisurely and comfortable.

Sometimes life doesn’t require much, and being able to eat enough and drink enough water is actually a kind of satisfaction.

In these days, Lu Yuan also found out that the Shali clan did not have a communicator - in fact, they did. Before being transported to Pangea, a large meteorite landed ten kilometers away from the village.

But they didn't pick it up!

Didn't pick it up!

The reason is that I was busy farming at that time, so I had no interest in picking up meteorites!

This made Lu Yuan desperate. He originally thought he could get a liaison device for free.

Perhaps because of their shallow knowledge, or perhaps because of their similar looks, the Shali clan doesn’t have a special sense of identity for him. This can be felt from the title. Some people call him "strong man", and some call him "strong man". For those who are "Master", the younger ones simply call them "Uncle Lu".

Well, Lu Yuan is indeed an uncle. Calculated based on the time lost, he is almost forty years old, which is not young.

There are even women...ahem, coming to seduce him?

"Master, the elder asked me to carry the urinal for you..." The girl in the village grinned her big yellow teeth and leaned on the door frame with her hands, feeling a little restrained.

"Where's your urinal?"

This is quite speechless.

Lu Yuan could only regretfully say that he already had a wife - the wife on the hard drive was also a wife.

In order to comfort the girl in the village, he specially asked the village elders to act as matchmakers and asked her to find a down-to-earth young man to marry... Finally, his worries were settled.

All in all, being in a human village has a completely different feeling from being in "Lize Civilization".

The lizard people of the Rize civilization are indeed very hospitable and polite, and the living conditions there are also good, but it is difficult to give Lu Yuan a sense of belonging.

And the human village, even if it is a little poorer, can easily integrate...

In order to improve his life, Lu Yuan would occasionally follow the Shali clan to the Sky City to collect water.

Under his protection, the risk of fetching water from the reservoir has been greatly reduced, and we can return home with a full load almost every time.

With water, more crops can naturally be grown.

After three months like this, the living conditions in this small village improved significantly. The news gradually spread to other villages. Soon, Lu Yuan's reputation also spread.

Everyone knows that there is a very powerful "foreigner" who looks similar to them and has a fairly docile personality!

The villagers gave him a new title, "The Strong Man of Mainland China". There was no red tape, but they also gave him the respect he deserved.

"If this kind of life can continue forever, it seems to be just so-so."

"Life doesn't have so many poems and distant places. Life is always plain and boring."

Lu Yuan sighed in a low voice.

But he knew deeply that this peace was short-lived.

The Shali people are going crazy one by one and rushing into the Sky City.

His dreams began to become more frequent, and the mysterious voice would appear inexplicably even when he was awake.

[The ascension ceremony is about to begin. 】

"Join this bullshit ascension ceremony. Damn it, dogs are barking there every day." Lu Yuan shook his head heavily and took a sip of cold water.

"You can still withstand it. The number of missing people in Shali has increased significantly recently." Old Cat said, "I suspect there are some changes in the center of Sky City."

"In addition, the state of madness has a lot to do with desire. Children's desires are relatively small and they are not tempted as much."

"The more dissatisfied you are with reality, the more likely you are to be tempted."

Lu Yuan could only sigh in a low voice, but there was nothing he could do.

"Let's improve our strength."

His Eternal Fire has reached its third level peak, and is only one step away from breaking through.

It continued like this until the fourth month. With the hard work of many friends, this information was finally analyzed as quickly as possible!

[The general principle is this...] Conch, who is mainly responsible for translation, is very serious, just like a teacher.

[At the third level peak, Xia Qiankun cannot accommodate the violent fire energy. At this time, it is necessary to find a way to expand its capacity again. 】

"Isn't it opening up a new world?" Lu Yuan was confused.

In fact, he has had this idea for a long time.

The human body can create three universes: upper, middle and lower, but now only one is used!

But this is the risk of groping alone. If the direction is wrong, the consequences will be serious, and it may take decades to start over.

[The information introduces this idea of ​​"opening up the universe", but it is not advocated. 】

[If the extraordinary fire is divided into two and is contained in the "Middle Universe" and the "Lower Universe" respectively, the control and linkage of the two fires will be very complicated, and instead it will produce an effect of 1+1 less than 2. 】

[And the development of Zhong Qian Kun is relatively risky, with about one-third mortality rate. 】

The Zhong Qian Kun, located approximately at the heart, is indeed more dangerous than the Lower Qian Kun, near the bladder.

[So a better way is to open up the twelve meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, and continuously guide the energy of the extraordinary fire to the internal organs and muscles, strengthen the physique in all directions, and at the same time disperse the energy of the fire to the meridians. ]

[That is, with the following universe as the core, open up a human body circulation circuit. ]

[You can upgrade again. ]

This method is quite ingenious, just like when the water in the reservoir is full, you open up waterways to form a water cycle, which indirectly expands the water storage capacity.

However, Lu Yuan was a little suspicious: "Wait... Are you sure it's this term? Twelve meridians and eight extraordinary meridians?"

"Are you not satisfied with the result of this translation? Or do you translate it yourself?" The old cat interrupted.

This translation also has its share of credit.

"The gap between the Sandy tribe and humans is equivalent to the gap between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens... There is no reproductive isolation."

"So the general principle is universal, you can just copy it directly."

Lu Yuan frowned and thought for a long time.

He felt that the ancestors of mankind were not as bad as he imagined.

The ancestors of mankind actually tried to pass on information.

It's just that the earth is a world without idealistic rules, which led to the loss of most of these information.

It is also possible that cutting off most of the inheritance is a way to escape the disaster of the era? As a result, the ancestors of mankind took the initiative to cut off the inheritance.

Of course, he didn't bother about these, as long as he could upgrade.


The technical difficulty of opening up these meridian circuits is really not small, requiring a series of complex "acupuncture guidance" and the blessing of some external forces.

It's just a pity that there is no one in the ten villages of the Sandy Clan who knows this acupuncture technique.

After all, they have such a small population, and there is not even a third-level strongman. There has never been a fourth-level master, so there is no point in learning this technology.

As for the "empire" that spread this technology, I don't know where it was teleported to. Far water can't really save the nearby fire.

The old cat could only volunteer, holding the sharp needle in his hand, with a strange joy in his expression.

"You have to trust your comrades' medical skills."

"It's just a few acupuncture points. I did the last surgery for you."

Lu Yuan shuddered, and couldn't help but think of the scene when he was cut open by the old cat when he broke through the third level.

The old cat at this moment is even more perverted than it was then!

Too scary!

But he couldn't do anything, he couldn't let the turtle mess around.

As for the "fairly reliable" Miss Conch, she was too weak to pierce his skin with a needle.

"Okay, let's start right away!" After Lu Yuan made up his mind, he didn't hesitate.

First, he ate a bite of pomegranate fruit to enter the [full vitality state], and then ate a bite of soul infant fruit to enter the [full soul state].

With the blessing of two positive buffs, he began a new breakthrough.


From level three to level four, it is a new qualitative change!

It means that the energy of the fire will be able to overflow and kill the enemy externally.

Don't underestimate this point, chop out a sword with a sword, and attack the enemy from a distance.

It can also cover the surface of the skin with a thicker light curtain.

The third-level light curtain has some protective power, but it is not high. Those rays of light only temporarily strengthen muscles and bones. In essence, Lu Yuan still uses his body to resist attacks.

If some monsters spray venom, magma, and flames onto Lu Yuan's skin, he will still be injured.

The fourth-level light curtain has a "mental protection" phenomenon due to the large overflow of energy.

This soft red light is like a solid bulletproof vest.

As long as the light curtain is not defeated, it is not a big problem to be sprayed with poison and spit fire.

According to the description in the pamphlet given by the Shali clan, the threshold from level 3 to level 4 is relatively large.

The top masters in the Shali world will reach a state of full soul and advance to the innate grandmaster when they climb to the key point of level 4.

As for the subsequent extraordinary levels of level 5 and level 6, it is nothing more than opening up more meridians and further enhancing the energy of the extraordinary fire.

But it will not produce a qualitative change.

Because the fourth-level state is already full of soul and the divine attribute has reached the upper limit.

In this case, no matter how much you practice, only the "form" and "qi" attributes will be improved, and the divine skills based on the "spirit" attribute cannot be improved.

On the contrary, a certain extraordinary level above level 6 seems to have a qualitative change...

Of course, the research on the Sand Civilization stops here, they are not a technological civilization after all.

Moreover, their world resources are limited, and relying on the exploration of a few geniuses, they can only reach level 6 and then stagnate.

They just speculate that there are indeed higher-level extraordinary lives, and some qualitative changes will occur.

Lu Yuan is also familiar with this qualitative change - "field".

In other words, if you temper yourself to the limit, you will form the magical ability of field.

This is a very exciting piece of information!

The orange cat's eyes flickered: "This limit may be level 7, or it may be level 10, before the ability of field will appear. Lu Yuan, you have a long way to go."

Lu Yuan was pierced into a hedgehog by silver needles, and streams of energy crowded in his meridians, forming a series of dam lakes.

Widening the meridians is not an easy task, just like opening the Ren and Du meridians in martial arts novels. One must have a strong enough foundation to have a slight chance of success.

His skin slowly turned red, like a balloon filled with water, and his body was like a thousand ants biting.

The old cat said: "In addition, I speculate that the fifth-level extraordinary fire can use idealistic energy to simulate other form skills and qi skills."

"You have the eternal fire, which has a higher energy density. Maybe the fourth level can achieve this condition."

Lu Yuan, who was originally groggy, now had greedy thoughts after hearing what the old cat said.

The Sky City, the Green Civilization, as a civilization that can raise a [monster], wouldn't it have no information on "field" and "simulation"?

The form skills and qi skills are indeed a little worse than the divine skills. If you can learn them for free, it's better to have more skills!

But the clearer his mind was, the more pain he felt, and he couldn't help but wail: "You must have done this on purpose!"

Sweat beads oozed from his forehead, and he sighed softly: "There are so many second-generation civilizations in this world, no wonder the 'God' didn't set milestones related to strength improvement."

The old cat picked up a silver needle and pierced it neatly into a certain acupuncture point of Lu Yuan.

"In fact, I think the Sandy Civilization is not too powerful... Their individual combat capabilities are indeed good,"

"But the overall war potential and industrial productivity, even compared with humans and Rize people, are several levels worse."

The sixth-level master of the Sandy Civilization, a top person in the world, may not even be able to beat the current Lu Yuan.

Because the divine skills are the key to the battle, no matter how high the offense and defense are, they can't stop the sneak attack of the divine skills.

As the acupuncture guidance continued, a stream of numb warmth spread from the "lower Qiankun" to every corner of the body, which felt like millions of ants biting.

The old cat was very excited and kept saying, "Acupuncture is done!!"

"First Dazhu, second Fengmen, third vertebra, lung point, fourth Jueyin. Fifth heart, sixth diaphragm point, seventh, ninth liver, tenth gallbladder, look carefully..."

"Lu Yuan, follow the formula quickly, guide the energy of the fire, and open up the meridians! If you fail, you will suffer again."

Although the old cat is abnormal, he can be relied on at critical moments.

Lu Yuan calmed down and guided the energy of the eternal fire.

The white light ball suddenly exploded in the lower world! !

Huge amounts of energy rushed along the meridians to the checkpoints guided by acupuncture.

In just a moment, those congested meridians were forcibly widened by a large amount of fire energy!

His body is indeed much stronger than when he was at level 2. Originally, widening these meridians might cause heavy bleeding in the body, but now it only killed and injured some biological tissues.

His regenerative ability can completely resist these injuries.

But the pain is real.

Beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled down his forehead. Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, persevered, and slowly opened up the first meridian.

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