The method given by the Sandy Tribe is actually a relatively mature solution. Apart from the pain, there is no big risk.

The conch has been watching from the side, trembling.

Even the turtle and the wolf occasionally come in to watch.

"This time it is the good brother who is injured, not the turtle." The turtle gloated while the fierce turtle cried. The old wolf was evil and crazy, and I don't know what he was performing.

The first meridian to be opened was called "Stomach Bladder Meridian", with a total of 67 acupoints, which took two full days.

The old cat's desire for torture was fully released: "Look~ It's cool!"

However, Lu Yuan himself fully experienced the feeling of dying and coming back, and was almost paralyzed.

When he thought that this was only the first meridian, and there were more than a dozen to be opened, he felt that life was too difficult and needed to use the law of idealism to maintain optimism.

"Ms. Conch, I am in pain and have something to tell you."

[Fell down so soon? ] The conch wanted to comfort, but knew that Lu Yuan had bad intentions, so he was entangled there.

[I... I'll listen to what you want to say reluctantly.]

"I hope to hear a promise from you before I die..."

"I... have been alone... for so long... you are the only girl in the team."

"I even rejected the villagers."


Hailuo was a little nervous because of him, and stuttered: [I... I... can't make promises casually! Don't talk nonsense! You don't even know what I am?]

[According to the culture of the green civilization, you have to know each other for at least three hundred years before...]

Lu Yuan interrupted her and said affectionately: "If I die, please don't pick up my garbage, but bury it with me."

"This is the greatest love in my life, don't take it away."

"I know you are also a garbage man. The other good brothers have no interest in garbage."

Is this a distortion of human nature or a moral decline!

I clearly wanted to comfort you, but you teased me!

Hailuo was stunned.

Unlike these old-timers, she was indeed thin-skinned. If she had a body, she would probably stamp her feet and curse Lu Yuan with her lips bitten.

After such a teasing, Hailuo's smile immediately shifted to Lu Yuan's face.

But soon, she stumbled back: [It's so fun to watch you being tortured by Mr. Cat! ]

[Don't be so sharp-tongued here, lie down quickly and show your incompetence! ]

[When you die... I will take away your inheritance. ]

"Ah! The enemy is ashamed, I will take off his clothes!" The evil man Lu wailed, closed his eyes, and fainted.

He was really tired.

The old cat came over with a "squeak" and checked the guy's body.


Taking this opportunity, the emotionless old cat started the second round of acupuncture guidance.

Hailuo watched quietly from the side, and saw that Lu Yuan was pierced just after he fainted, and he couldn't bear to watch.

[Mr. Cat, you mean that the significance of the extraordinary level is actually not that great? 】

"For technological civilization, it is a good thing. The large number of top combat forces means that talent training is done well."

"For Lu Yuan, it is meaningful again, because the god attributes of other people have reached their limits at level 4."

"And his god attribute has a higher upper limit and can continue to grow."

[So, does God really exist? ] Hailuo asked again.

"What is God?" The old cat turned his head and looked at Hailuo with round eyes, "I never believe in God or the savior."

"It is better to believe in yourself than to believe in an omnipotent God."

Hailuo noticed the vicissitudes and faint sadness in the other's eyes, and silently retracted the grass.

She is a smart, but young soul.

She thought of the Sky City not far away.

The Green Civilization wanted to create an omnipotent God.

As a result, only a dead ruin was left.

For some reason, Hailuo hated it very much. When she thought of the Sky City, she felt that her soul was boiling.

It was as if there was a fictitious organ out of thin air, making her float in the void, swaying, lying on her back, and psychedelic, until it burst like a balloon.

But she inexplicably wanted to go back there...

Perhaps a long, long time ago, she was indeed an original resident of that great city.

Many stories have happened.

Stories where cruelty and desire intersect, and thunder, rain and wind intersect.

Thinking of this, the conch couldn't help but feel a kind of spiritual throbbing in her heart.

She quietly looked in the direction of the city in the sky.

That city was calling everyone, and it was also calling her, but because her divine attribute was relatively high, she could resist it temporarily.

As for the present life, it seems to be quite happy. Although she has lost her physical body and can only hide in a starry sky conch, she has friends to talk to, Ms. Chicken to take care of, Lu the evil man to bully, and a turtle to quarrel with... It seems not bad.

But who am I?

Only by understanding those stories, crushing them, breaking them, twisting them into ashes, and then swallowing them into the stomach to fill the gaps, can we fill the gaps caused by memory loss and truly solve the problem of "who am I".

Conch was a little bit confused.

In this way, more than half a month passed. As the veins in the body were opened up one by one, the energy of the fire continued to circulate and flow throughout the body, becoming smoother and smoother.

Lu Yuan, who was immersed in this, suddenly heard a sound similar to that of a window breaking.

After that, as the meridians in his body were opened, a wonderful feeling of floating in the air came from the depths of his soul.

The originally awkward energy circuit suddenly became unobstructed!

Level 4!

Surprised and happy, Lu Yuan suddenly jumped up from the ground and identified his personal attributes.

[Form: 24.3]

[Qi: 24.6]

[Spirit: 18.4]

[Supernatural level: Level 4. ]

[Innate abilities: Different space, pioneer eye, explorer eye, storage space, eternal fire, craftsman talent, space teleportation, glyph insight talent, complete spiritualization]

[Soul companion: Tree of Life. ]

[Evaluation: This guy looks ordinary, but he has 9 innate abilities and the ability to resurrect. Is he a vision? 】

"The form and qi have broken through 24 points, which is a cause for celebration."

"The noble god attribute has also broken through 18 points."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and used the "space teleportation" which consumes the most energy.


He appeared on a rooftop at a certain height.

Sure enough, the god attribute is closely related to the god's skills.

With just two points of god improvement, he can now teleport 200 meters, while he could only teleport 100 meters before.

The consumption of mental power has also been greatly reduced.

"The later the god is, the greater the value."

"Good brother, try your strength?!" The immortal giant turtle rushed over and flew up a claw.

Lu Yuan quickly picked up the leather shield at hand to block.

Originally, his "form" attribute was much lower than that of the turtle, and he would be slapped away directly with one claw.

But now, his "form" attribute is slightly stronger than that of the giant turtle. There was only a loud "snap" sound, and the claw hit the leather shield.

Lu Yuan's waist and legs exerted force at the same time, and without using any ability, he blocked the turtle's claws.

Miss Conch was gloating on the side, constantly encouraging: [Mr. Turtle, you have grown so big for nothing. ]

The immortal giant turtle found that he couldn't hit his "good brother" at all, and the conch sister, who always had a bad relationship with him, was yelling beside him, and he felt embarrassed.

Its breathing became heavier and stronger, and its strength became stronger and stronger. Its eyes were bloodshot, and it even roared "Wow Gaga" from its mouth.

In the end, Lu Yuan found an opportunity to let go, and was hit by it and flew against the wall.

After getting up from the ground, he rubbed his arms and thighs. It was okay, not much hurt.

The businessmen praised each other for a few words: "Master Turtle's strength is still quite good."

"But you are a little weaker than when we first met, Master Turtle has to work hard."

"After being seriously injured several times, I naturally became weaker..."

The immortal giant turtle blushed and hummed.

"Before being caught by the Dalai Empire, it was also a good turtle."

"Now I don't know how many times I have died, it is normal to be weaker."

"Eat well, sleep well, and don't get hurt, and you will slowly become stronger!"

It seemed to know that Lu Yuan gave it some face.

After all, combat power will not lie, it is indeed not as powerful as before.

The angry immortal giant turtle ran out in a flash, as if he wanted to... fight?

For this scene, Lu Yuan was stunned, but still did not chase out to comfort the old turtle.

This guy is indeed a little lazy and has not exerted his full potential.

It's good to put some pressure on it.

In the next few days, Lu Yuan first got familiar with the reborn combat power.

The opening of the meridians made his cultivation qualifications change further!

In fact, when opening up the "lower Qiankun", that is, when the second level was upgraded to the third level, the cultivation qualifications had been upgraded once.

After another upgrade, the gap between the peerless genius and the mediocre has become very small.

It is equivalent to everyone being a genius, and the distinction is getting lower and lower.

The bigger threshold lies in the cultivation resources, that is, the spirit crystals, and some extraordinary ingredients.

If you have money, you can travel all over the world, but if you don't have money, you can't take a single step.

This principle is applicable to all major civilizations.

In the short term, Lu Yuan doesn't have to worry about this problem. He has the "Brilliant Spirit Crystal" and those pomegranate fruits, plus the ability of the Tree of Life to stimulate birth. At least he is enough for his own cultivation.

And the extraordinary level, level 4, is indeed a magical qualitative change. All the divine skills have been enhanced.

This feeling is really wonderful. Lu Yuan is like getting a new toy. He tried one after another to teleport in space, try different space, and then try storage space.

His storage space can be opened up to 125 cubic meters!

A substantial increase!

Even his "glyph insight talent" has been slightly enhanced!

Lu Yuan feels that when drawing glyphs, it is obviously more fluent, reviewing the old and learning the new, and having a little more understanding of his own.

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