Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 224 Lu Yuan Establishes a New Civilization

The two began to fight as usual.

"Since the city belongs to Princess Green...when you humans return home, will you still give me the City in the Sky?"

Lu Yuan suddenly became happy and said slowly: "I will definitely give it back to you. Your Highness, human beings also have their own cities, and we will never stay here."

She tilted her head, trying to inspire Lu Yuan's sympathy: "Then if you leave, won't I become a bare princess?"

"You are wrong, there are still 1,500 Zerg warriors accompanying you, Your Royal Highness."

Her eyes flickered: " do you settle the expenses for living here?"

"We will build here for free, which will offset the travel expenses and living expenses... Whatever you need, I will give it to you."

"What about the green civilization?!"

Lu Yuan grimaced and said calmly: "Your Highness Princess... you can only give birth to children by yourself. The world is so big, there should be a way of parthenogenesis."

"If you ask me, I can help you find it."

Conch's tone became more and more urgent, and she couldn't figure out what her mentality was - you kept calling her princess, it was annoying, and she wanted to fight.

And Lu Yuan's tone was still so calm...

The old cat watched the quarrel between the two men.

I sigh again, it’s great to be young.

"Holy King, please masturbate me."

It finally came out to his face.

This sentence is simply shocking!

After a long time, Lu Yuan also repeated: "Holy King, please masturbate me, please."

The old cat said very righteously: "Why does the same sentence seem normal to me but very sentimental to you?"

Lu Yuan was a little embarrassed.

The old cat is happy!

You like to torture cats, right?

According to the law of smile transfer, when the old cat feels happy, Lu Yuan and Conch cannot continue the original topic.

Lu Yuan was so shameless that it didn't matter for only two seconds, and he shouted directly: "Sister, when did you beat your brother like another sister did. It's been a long time since I've been beaten, and my skin is a little itchy."

Conch chuckled: "What a pervert~!"

The old cat suddenly "meowed" and changed the subject: "You two, and the most important thing, water..."

"If God doesn't rain again, the water in the reservoir will be in danger."

"There is an owner of a divine skill in the village called astronomical prediction. This guy said that it may not rain in the next year. It's hard to say about the future. I'm afraid there will be no rain."

The insect wave took away a large amount of water resources before leaving.

In addition, it has not rained for six years, and the water in the reservoir can really see the bottom covered with moss.

Without water, everyone would die of thirst.

"How long can I hold on?" Lu Yuan swallowed, feeling a little nervous.

Old Mao said: "Our current productivity is insufficient. If we build a layer of plastic to cover the reservoir, we can reduce a lot of natural evaporation."

"With the current situation, in three or four years, the water will be almost exhausted."

"Please pray for rain in the future..."

Lu Yuan nodded and sighed.

Not so anxious, but it still needs to be taken seriously.

If this outcome really happens, he will have to use the space shuttle instrument to return to the Lize Civilization and use the storage space to carry water resources.

"Three years later, I may have climbed to level five and my abilities have been further enhanced."

"But hundreds of cubic meters of water still won't last long."

This cost is too high and unsustainable.

Therefore, the best way is to quickly raise the city in the sky and run to a place surrounded by mountains and rivers.

There is really no way out of staying in this damn desert.

"Oh, by the way, building the City in the Sky also means a milestone for civilization. How many days have passed now? It should be... no civilization can be faster than us, right?"

"It's hard to say, you have to get promoted first." Old Mao said as usual, thinking about the worst case scenario first, "How can I get promoted as it is now?"

"It's not impossible."

In the past few months, Lu Yuan investigated every corner of the Sky City.

To be honest, many places have collapsed, and some stones may weigh tens of thousands of tons.

With current productivity, it is impossible to repair the damage.

Some of the energy circuits of the glyphs were also completely damaged. Many of the energy circuits were like cables, embedded in the stone, and could only be repaired by cutting them out again.

This amount of work is obviously not something Lu Yuan can accomplish alone.

"Fortunately, we found the original design drawings of Sky City in the library." Lu Yuan took out a piece of white paper from his arms.

He put a lot of effort into transcribing it.

"You see, in order to increase the war resistance... the Sky City has a poppy tree as the core, and has built a total of inner, middle, outer and three rings. The total diameter is about 44 kilometers and covers an area of ​​1,500 kilometers. It has two floors, upper and lower. More than 3,000 square kilometers.”

"The inner ring has a diameter of 4 kilometers, has the strongest defensive performance, and has more core functions."

"If the middle ring and outer ring are damaged, we only need to raise the inner ring, and the rest can be discarded here, or simply not used."

4 kilometers in diameter and an area of ​​about 12 square kilometers.

The upper and lower floors cover 24 square kilometers, which is more than enough to support a population of 10,000.

But raising the Sky City requires a huge amount of energy. How to get the energy is really confusing to Lu Yuan. He can't just do nuclear fusion by hand.

"This... maybe we have to wait for the poppy tree to recover a little. It can provide huge energy through photosynthesis. The Sky City in the past relied on solar energy and part of the energy from the power station."

"Although there is only a stump left now, if we only raise one thousandth of the original city, the problem should not be too big."

Lu Yuan understood that the next key is actually to save the poppy tree.

Whether it is the "Green Paradise" or the raising of the Sky City, it is inseparable from the poppy tree and this lady.

He quickly put his hands together and began to pray silently.

"What are you doing?" The old cat couldn't help asking.

"I just teased the conch sister. She is so important, and I dared to bully her. I am reflecting on it and I will do it myself."

"Will you dare to do it next time? Please reflect on your mistakes." The conch bit her lip and said.

She is good-looking and not aggressive. She bit her lip to make herself look fiercer.

However, even if it was not her true intention, making this move towards the man seemed to be tempting.

"Of course I dare, I'll apologize later!"

The old cat left.

It felt that it was no longer suitable to stay here.

Staying with these two guys, I always felt that I was dead.

I should go and discipline the country folk.

Only by disciplining those country folk who don't abuse cats can I experience that I am still alive.

Soon, a month of peace passed again.

Days are getting back on track, and with the bumper harvest of the first batch of cacti, the food crisis has finally come to an end.

10% of the food belongs to individuals, and the rest belongs to the collective.

This ratio is actually quite high, but now we are in the era of eating from the same pot, and it is good to give you 10%.

But even so, it makes all farmers full of enthusiasm.

They went out early and came back late, constantly reclaiming farmland, just like a perpetual motion machine, fighting day and night - in the end, Lu Yuan forced to stop excessive reclamation, because reclaiming too much land would increase the demand for water, which was a waste.

He and Hai Luo have been busy with the "greenhouse farm" for a month. The water resources required are not much, but the output is much higher than that of ordinary farmland.

The gap between the times is so big that it is sad and helpless.

This group of people, even if looking at human civilization, is the most hardworking group.

But for a civilization that wants to rise, hard work is just the most basic quality.

There are many races that are willing to work hard.

But few can rise.

The most important thing is a flexible mind and the ability to seize opportunities.

This is what the 10,000 new members lack.

Except for a few people, most people would rather work hard for 10 hours under the sun than read a book for an hour and learn something new.

Ask them to learn, but they will shirk that they can't learn it. What goes in one ear and out the other - the most difficult thing in the world is to force my thinking into your brain.

Lu Yuan and Lao Mao felt this deeply.

We must think of a way to reverse this situation.


In addition, the villagers also erected a small monument in the east.

To commemorate the stories that have happened.

Occasionally, a few surviving elderly people would come to the monument to pay tribute and remember.

They recalled their past lives and missed the old days.

It seemed that in the blink of an eye, they came to a new era.

The world is always for the young.

Even if the old people are not very adaptable, the young people always like this hopeful and novel life, and gradually forget the past.

The number of people who come to the monument to remember is gradually decreasing.

The former Sandy tribe was blown away like sand.


The young intellectuals, Sandy, are very satisfied with their current life.

There are not so many intrigues for water sources, and there is not too much pressure.

All he has to do every day is study and work.

As a smart "super thinker", his IQ may be as high as 160. Since he came into contact with those complex and profound knowledge, he was like a dry sponge thrown into a lake, absorbing water crazily.

Sha Mo followed the old cat and accepted modern thinking at the fastest speed.

He is also the leader of a large group with 500 villagers in the group - well, the members of these large groups are what he worries about the most.

"Sha Mo, what new policies does the cat boss have?"

"How is the tree, is it saved? Have the insects hatched?"

"What delicious food is there today?" Villagers love these gossips the most.

"You will know in a moment, tonight, a major policy will be issued!" He pushed a cart with a lot of boiled eggs on it.

Hens give birth to chicks, and when the chicks grow up, they give birth to new chicks.

Sha Mo has flexible ideas and leads a group of intellectuals to raise chickens scientifically. So far, there are 3,000 chickens.

Eggs are also a high-quality food that supplements protein.

After the distribution, he sat down on the chair and taught everyone the latest required knowledge.

"Today we are learning Chinese Pinyin. I hope everyone can recite it as soon as possible, or at least learn to say their own names."

Suddenly, the square was filled with wailing.

No one listened to him, and everyone was bragging.

Sha Mo was helpless and looked at the other deputy team leaders.

Several people shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"Team leader, it's not that we are lazy, but we really have no choice. We can't beat them."

After a day of hard work, according to regulations, everyone needs to complete a one-hour study class.

The course is not difficult, and it mainly popularizes common sense such as health, mathematics, and Chinese.

But for those who don't want to use their brains, it is really a bit excessive.

"You don't need these for farming!"

"What's the point of memorizing phonetic symbols?"

"Why not raise more chickens!"

Sha Mo held the textbook in his hand and sneered: "Do you want to live a better life, or just muddle along like now?"

"I tell you, you can't grow anything in your life just by farming! Raising chickens will also cause chicken plague, and they will die one by one! How will you save your chickens when the time comes? Do you know what medicine to use?"

"From now on, it will be the age of knowledge!"

"Soon some people will be eliminated and marginalized."

"Of course, I am just reminding you as a fellow villager. Don't think that the collective will always support you... The collective will reform soon!"

Yes, without any external pressure, these people's motivation to study is actually not high.

Except for some naturally smart people who show a desire for knowledge, others may be like this for the rest of their lives. It is really too difficult to change the concepts formed in childhood.

This terrible fact made Lu Yuan rack his brains. What he wanted was workers who could help him work and scholars who could study carvings, not a group of farmers.

Therefore, the atmosphere tonight was somewhat unusual.

Many team leaders heard the gossip and were silent.

At seven o'clock in the evening, they brought all the villagers to the square under the poppy tree.

More than 10,000 people were not many, just the size of a football field.

At 7:30 in the evening, Lu Yuan, who had been preparing for a long time, stood on the height of the Tree of Life and delivered an important speech to the masses.

In fact, it was the first time he had made a serious speech in public in the past six months.

"Dear friends, we have been in the Sky City for six months."

"In these six months, we have worked hard to open up 8,000 acres of farmland, alleviate the food crisis, and create a lot of wealth."

"It also means that we have barely gained a foothold in this world."

"We need to record a rich and colorful history here."

"I declare that Green Town is officially established at this moment! This is our new hometown!"

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