The dark crowd looked at Lu Yuan with eyes and cheered loudly!

They still felt a sense of belonging here.

Think about it, at the beginning, everyone was malnourished and had no food!

The body fat rate seemed to be blown away by the wind.

Every day they had to look eagerly and wait anxiously for Lu Yuan to distribute some food to them.

As time passed, they gradually developed a sense of belonging to the collective - because Lu Yuan really did it, he didn't let them starve to death, nor did he give them charity like the master!

This alone is amazing!

In addition, large-scale chicken farming enriched nutrition, and free eggs were unthinkable in the past.

The introduction of the health plan has greatly reduced diseases.

Most people began to gain weight, not as skinny as before.

In this case, how could there be no sense of belonging?

So they cheered loudly.

Green Town is their new hometown.

When the crowd calmed down, Lu Yuan said again: "The city under our feet is actually the Green Civilization. We should thank them for their gifts and be grateful to the generous Ms. Conch."

Conch naturally showed up in front of the crowd a few times.

Everyone knows that this beautiful girl is clever and has a high status.

But she is shy and likes to hide in her original small house and let the Tree of Life carry her on her back - there is no way, who made Lu Yuan owe her a favor.

"Green Town is named for this reason. People cannot forget the past, so we should be grateful to the deceased Green Civilization."

"In addition, it is worth noting that we are not actually a country, nor a great civilization, at most just a town."

"We must be self-aware, a little wind and rain will erase us from history!"

"Therefore, in order to develop better and faster, here, we will launch two policies."

"Please listen carefully. I will only interpret it once."

The first policy is the compulsory education system.

No matter what, minors must go to school, from kindergarten to junior high school, until the end of compulsory education!

No matter how much parents object, this policy must be implemented, even if force is used!

The reason why this policy is late is because of insufficient teaching staff.

Until yesterday, Green Paradise finally opened up the education system and got translation done. Lu Yuan experienced it himself and felt very good.

He also asked Hailuo to add some punishment settings so that the flower buds can release electric current, which is guaranteed to make disobedient students want to die!

"Compulsory education, we must implement it... Everyone, whether you understand it or not, this matter is not negotiable."

Of course, adults can also learn for free, but it is not mandatory.

How to say it, the current productivity is still seriously insufficient, and adults still have to farm. If they don't farm, they will starve.

If resentment is caused, some policies cannot be implemented.

But even so, a small number of people are complaining.

They couldn't understand the meaning of learning - after all, even in the 21st century, there is still the "useless theory of studying", not to mention these uncivilized guys.

Lu Yuan pretended not to hear it. Anyway, this policy must be implemented. You don't have to learn, it's okay, but children must learn.

Otherwise, the parents will be arrested and put in jail!

"Everyone, be quiet!"

The tree of life moved "clattering" and exuded a powerful breath of the superior.

At this moment, the tree of life has grown to a height of 40 meters and a mass of 500 tons, which feels a bit like a huge vision.

The aura it exudes, even if it is just a little aftermath, is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Immediately, the square became quiet.

"Only if the sky city rises, we have a chance to survive. Otherwise, we will die."

Lu Yuan finally shouted: "You, don't want to die?"

"Do you really think that the water in the reservoir can be used for a lifetime?!"

This is a soul-stirring question.

Everyone was silent and unable to answer this question.

The water in the reservoir can indeed be seen to the bottom.

"You guys..." Sha Mo snorted coldly, "You really don't want to think about anything, you just muddle through everything, and you regret it when you are about to die."

The deputy team leader, Sha Kan'er, also said sarcastically: "Green Town is full of people like this, can there be any future?"

Several people blushed when he said this, and they were directly red.

But there was no way to refute it.

The second policy is a brand new economic system.

Now this kind of collective economy, eating from a big pot, has indeed guaranteed the living standard. Eggs are distributed every two days, and vegetables are also distributed to everyone.

But laziness is a human characteristic. After the first batch of grain harvests, some people have found that no matter how much or how little they work, their distribution is not much different, anyway, they will not starve to death.

Therefore, the situation of slacking off is slowly increasing.

This is only a short six months...

Over time, this phenomenon will become more serious.

Lu Yuan also knows that eating from a big pot all the time is not conducive to stimulating the enthusiasm of the people, and a series of economic reforms must be carried out.

He said loudly: "In order to enhance the circulation of the economy, we will issue a batch of currency."

"These currencies are called green coins. They are made of copper and have a leaf pattern on the surface. Everyone, take a good look."

This currency is quite exquisite. Made of copper, it is almost impossible to counterfeit with the help of the machines of the Green Shade Civilization.

"1 yuan equals 10 cents."

Although Green Shade Town has only more than 10,000 people, it is small but complete, and there are many troubles caused by the lack of currency.

When trading, grain is often used as the price.

But there is no fair market price for the value of grain.

For example, how much work a blacksmith does every day, how much it is worth, and how much a carpenter is paid every day, it is really hard to calculate.

In the end, because there is no currency, the development of the economy is hindered.

Lu Yuan is not an economist, and he doesn't care about inflation, deflation, etc. First, issue the currency, and then talk about it, and the details can be changed slowly.

After all, the advanced productivity is now in his hands.

"I now stipulate that the purchasing power of one green coin is equivalent to one kilogram of grain, which is the most common cactus meat in everyone's farmland."

"In the newly opened supermarket, everyone can buy the corresponding daily necessities! This supermarket will open within a month!"

"In addition, how to get green coins? It's very simple, apply for the corresponding positions!"

"We will set up some companies, and only those with the corresponding knowledge and skills can apply for the corresponding positions. In addition, civil servants and public institutions can also get a certain amount of compensation, but you must at least know the text to work in these positions, right?"

"In addition, private transactions and service industries can also get green coins. These prices are set by you."

"But it needs to be stated that if you just farm, the economic benefits you can get are not much."

This economic policy can be regarded as a roundabout way to save the country.

You don't like to study, okay!

A forced melon is not sweet, it's up to you.

But it must be differentiated!

Let people who love learning live a better life.

For those with rigid brains, I'm can only maintain food and clothing, and live about the same as before, I don't care about you.

Lu Yuan didn't actually think that he could change the social atmosphere all at once. He couldn't expect citizens of the feudal era with rigid brains to absorb a lot of new knowledge all at once.

But there is still the next generation. As long as they are educated slowly through reasonable education, everyone will eventually understand the truth that "knowledge changes destiny".

In this way, after a dry-mouthed explanation, Lu Yuan killed a lot of brain cells. Most people still seemed to understand and looked at him.

"Captain Lu, what is a supermarket?"

"Will there be no food distribution in the future?"

Lu Yuan said loudly: "The distribution of food will continue until the next harvest season."

"In the future, only 10% of agricultural tax will be collected! The rest will all belong to you, and you won't eat from the big pot anymore!"

"This is good! This is good!" Everyone thought it was a good thing and cheered.

10% agricultural tax is very low for them.

"But there will be no eggs for you, so buy them yourself!"

"Ah?" Many people couldn't accept it all at once.

Lu Yuan was also helpless and could only let the people below explain it slowly.

So he heard some nonsense.

"The things in the supermarket are all Mr. Lu's, you have to spend money to buy them..."

"Do you understand? There are good things in there, you can't just take other people's things for free."

"I know, I know! But where does Mr. Lu get the food?"

Some people misinterpreted his meaning, which really made Lu Yuan shudder.

Then again, the current government has not even built a skeleton, and there are too few qualified civil servants... There are many things that are really difficult.

While everyone was discussing enthusiastically, Lu Yuan controlled the Tree of Life and moved hundreds of flower buds over.

The Tree of Life has now digested 58,000 units of life energy, which is simply infinitely powerful. A hundred or so flower buds, which add up to nearly 30 tons, are easy to carry.

"Everyone, this is the equipment for compulsory education."

"Every child must go to school!"

Soon, curious townspeople entered the experience.

As soon as I entered it, I felt drowsy, and then I heard a voice: [Welcome to the Green Classroom. 】

"Oh? Sha Mo Ke, you're here too?"

"It's Lao Ba, haha, are you here to experience the children's classroom?"

The scene is an ordinary school, and these people are in the classroom. All kinds of strange equipment make them wonder.

"Quiet, everyone, the teacher will be here soon." The person who spoke was the group leader, Sha Mo, who had already experienced it before and immediately found a seat to sit down.

"Dong Dong Dong", a burly man with a fat face walked into the classroom with heavy steps and said in a muffled voice: "Today we are learning about the meaning of education! It's time for class, but you're still standing there, you deserve a beating, right!"


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