Lu Yuan ushered in the most leisurely, comfortable, happy and blissful time in his life...

Whether it was the stripping project of the Sky City, the education plan for the citizens of Green Town, or the exploration of the border of the desert...

These most troublesome things were done by someone to help him!

There were no emergencies of this or that kind, nor was there a huge crisis of life and death. Lu Yuan simply enjoyed the sense of accomplishment of Green Town becoming more prosperous day by day, the number of engineering teams increasing day by day, and the "God's Skills" people playing a role one by one.

This kind of happiness is different from the gains of digging treasures and picking up garbage by one person.

The happiness of digging treasures is temporary and short-lived.

There are a lot of garbage that he doesn't need alone, so he just piles it up in the storage space.

The rise of the 18th civilization of mankind is a rather long process, and it is also a long-term and sustainable feeling.

To be precise, it is a bit like starting a business!

Starting from scratch to establishing a Fortune 500 company will bring a great sense of accomplishment.

Even his partners are addicted to it and can't extricate themselves.

Especially the old cat, who was originally a robot, with 24 hours of energy a day to manage those guys.


For the townspeople of Green Town, the appeal of farming is getting lower and lower.

After working hard for several months, the income is only a few hundred yuan, it is better to go to work.

But you have to pass the skill test to work... otherwise you are not even qualified to register.

For people who don't want to use their brains, it is really painful.

The most profitable things in the world are written in the criminal law... It is impossible to learn, you can only commit a crime and make some money.

But in Green Town, it is really difficult to commit a crime!

The vines of the poppy tree on the roadside may be surveillance!

The former Green Civilization also had to consider internal security, and had already developed complete programs in this regard.

Small thefts can be found out as soon as they are checked.

Green Paradise, in this era, is indeed a dimensionality reduction attack.

Criminals were caught in a daze, and they didn't even have time to sell the stolen goods.

As for the treatment of criminals, it is also very simple. They are stuffed into flower buds and directly imprisoned in the "virtual world" - the virtual world is a real prison cell, and they are forced to do labor reform every day. Anyway, there are many ways to deal with criminals!

Therefore, after several legal trials, everyone was shocked and could only work honestly to make money.

Facts have proved that no matter which civilization, the roll is a philosophy of survival. Since some roll kings got high-paying jobs, a large number of roll kings have emerged.

This is a positive feedback effect, forming a virtuous circle.

Laomao, the office director, reports the development progress every day: "The third engineering team has recruited enough people, a total of 125 people, and can start work immediately."

"We select the machines that can still operate, perform the simplest maintenance, and then use Poppy Tree's "Green Paradise" to take over."

"However, this model is limited to less complex and repetitive work. For more difficult ones, you have to program yourself in the Green Paradise."

"Except for Hailuo, no one else can program yet."

"Alas, this is the only way for now." Lu Yuan sighed, "Talent training can be calculated in ten or twenty years."

"They have worked very hard, and we can't blame them too much."

He followed Lao Mao to visit several engineering teams.

These workers who have been trained in the Green Paradise are setting up wires.

Another group of workers are transporting oil.

For oil, Lu Yuan specially hatched two strange worms called "extractors".

This huge guy looks very ugly, like a hybrid of a long sandworm and an octopus monster.

But its ability is very useful. It can extract oil from the ground, store it in its body, and finally expand like a balloon.

The "extractor worm" transports 100-200 tons of oil in one trip, which is quite a considerable amount.

Oil has many uses, such as the most important thermal power generation, which can provide energy for the rise of the sky city.

The current human 18 civilizations still can't make a thermal generator. Fortunately, the green civilization has ready-made equipment, boilers, turbines, generators, water systems, cooling systems, dust collection and desulfurization systems, etc.

Electricity is very dangerous, but it is also a shortcut to the civilized era...

"Don't worry, it is expected that the wires will be ready in four months!"

Standing in front of Lu Yuan is the current technical manager, Comrade Sha Mo.

"When the time comes, the poppy tree will provide about 70% of the photosynthetic energy. Our power station will provide another 30% of the energy to make the sky city rise."

"The Pandora crystals in the city are embedded in the stone, so they are less damaged and we don't need to repair them too much."

The young man spoke eloquently and his words were full of confidence.

He wore a safety helmet and a short-sleeved shirt.

He was no different from the intellectuals on Earth.

"Don't make the transformer explode...Electricity is different from other things. If you don't do it well, there will be safety accidents."

Lu Yuan was actually not very reassured.

"Captain Lu, in fact, many people have been electrocuted in the learning environment. The feeling of being electrocuted into charcoal...everyone has experienced it. So, don't worry!"

Death is the best teacher.

The current level of simulation in the virtual world is 100%. No one wants to experience the pain of being electrocuted alive for the second time.

"And..." Sha Mo lowered his voice, "The current power grid is very simple. It is to power the Pandora crystal. There is no civilian power supply."

"The power is rated, so there are not many technical difficulties."

Hearing them say this, Lu Yuan was worried, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, time is really tight.

All of them are fighting against the future of dying of thirst!

In addition to laying wires, the workers of the other two engineering teams are trying to strip the inner ring of the Sky City and picking up the heritage crazily.

The damage to the middle and outer rings is too serious. With the current strength, they can't repair it, so they can only pack up and take away everything they can take away!

"It is expected that the inner ring will be stripped in another year."

"Then we can try to raise the Sky City and leave here."


Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

The construction progress of the engineering team is step by step, and it is barely smooth.

The water in the reservoir is constantly decreasing.

There are 7 oil-digging bugs in total, all of which have hatched. Although they can survive by eating oil, they also have a lot of water resources.

In addition, 4 metal-smelting bugs have hatched; 6 bugs that can secrete fungal mats to promote the rapid growth of plants; and 3 bugs that can release electric currents.

The current technology tree is indeed quite chaotic. The technology of the green civilization, the Zerg technology, and the pure physical technology of humans make the human 18 civilization look like a kind of wild growth chaos...

Lu Yuan can't quite predict what kind of thinking the next generation will have in this environment.

However, he doesn't care about anything. Being able to develop... is the hard truth!

Who cares about technology!

However, as time passed, the three king bugs with important tasks never came back.

Lu Yuan even suspected that they died outside...

"It shouldn't be..."

"Aren't these bugs drought-resistant?"

However, he had no other choice but to wait.


On the contrary, his personal affairs, the full state of his soul, presented a good opportunity for resolution.

The relevant information about "ability merging" was given by the mirror [demon].

This part of the content is quite obscure, and even for a powerful civilization like Green, there are not many records.

Lu Yuan didn't know whether the information was lost or really didn't exist.

He only found a few papers, most of which were "conjectures".

"The current first-tier civilizations are the Dalai Empire and the Gear Civilization. The Dalai Empire can imprison [ghosts] and mirror [demons], and the Gear Civilization can create divine skills."

"As for the Green Civilization, it is a second-tier civilization."

"If Green really creates gods, then it can be considered a first-tier civilization." He gave such an evaluation in his heart.

"Even behemoths like Dalai and Gear Civilization have disappeared... The future is really difficult."

Lu Yuan finally suppressed the urge to contact the mirror [demon], and retreated to study various documents of the Green Civilization.

[The Origin of Extraordinary Abilities]

[Author: Mu Linsen]

[For exploring the true origin of extraordinary abilities, it is the current focus of research. 】

【After cultural exchanges with multiple civilizations and investigations of ancient ruins, we have discovered some clues. 】

【There are three possible origins of extraordinary abilities...】

【It should be noted that there are major risks in recognizing the truth. In the process of investigating deep-level information, it is very likely to trigger the attack tendency of some [ghost]-level anomalies. 】

【Therefore, we can only conduct a simple investigation. 】

Lu Yuan frowned.

The following description became very simple. The author of the document "Mu Linmu" seemed to have deleted a lot of content, making the article look not very smooth.

【The birth of the extraordinary fire may be at the end of the seventh era. There are great wisdoms who divided the eternal fire created by the gear civilization and produced the spreadable extraordinary fire. 】

【Therefore, we have reason to suspect that there was no extraordinary fire in the earlier era. 】

【It is hard to imagine how intelligent life survived in a harsh environment in an era without extraordinary fire. 】

【However, according to archaeological excavations, we were surprised to find that in an earlier era, around the sixth era, there existed an ability called "Spiritual Words". 】

【To describe it in more detail, it is a bit like the "magic" in fantasy novels, which uses sound waves to trigger the resonance of extraordinary rules and create supernatural phenomena. 】

【Looking back to the fourth era or the fifth era, there may have been an ability called "Gangfeng". 】

【The ability of "Spiritual Words" and a very small number of natural births are the pride of heaven. 】

【And the ability of "Gangfeng" no longer exists in the world, which is a very surprising phenomenon. 】

【Because idealistic rules are like physical rules, they can be borrowed by every civilization. As long as it exists, natural beings will definitely be born. 】

【Therefore, we can boldly speculate that the ability rules of "Gangfeng" have been completely erased by a certain existence... The ability of "Gangfeng" is very powerful, it can erase other idealistic rules, and its combat power is far stronger than the extraordinary fire. 】

【But how powerful it is, we have no way of knowing. 】

The archaeological excavation going forward may involve some terrifying existences, which are not recorded in any documents.

Lu Yuan guessed that the real sensitive content may only be transmitted through telepathy, without any text or any information.

This is very troublesome. Now the Green People only have one conch left, which is equivalent to a knowledge gap.

"The ability of spiritual words, the ability of Gangfeng... is it getting stronger as time goes by?"

Next, the researcher "Lin Senmu" divided the superpowers into three categories.

The first category is purely natural, that is, the ability of the vision.

In every new era, some new visions will be born, and the newly born visions may have some relationship with the participating civilizations.

[They are likely to be born from faith and culture. The history of civilization is a huge idealistic energy. When countless civilizations converged on the Pangu Continent, the huge tidal shocks caused opened up new idealistic rules. ]

[The limit of this kind of ability is the vision itself. ]

[Because everyone can borrow the idealistic rules, some people are born with the same abilities as the vision. It's just that the borrowing is small, so the ability is often not as good as the vision. 】

This paragraph is actually not difficult to understand.

Just like the law of universal gravitation, others have formed stars and black holes, and humans can only jump on the ground. It is not so easy to borrow the rules.

[The second type of ability is created by force. The powerful gear civilization created the eternal fire. 】

[It's just that this is difficult. It requires huge amounts of energy, triggering historical tidal shocks, borrowing the culture and history of one's own civilization, and forcibly creating abilities. 】

[This may require huge sacrifices. 】

[This type of ability may not be very strong, but it meets the needs of intelligent life and is suitable for large-scale dissemination. 】

[We are grateful to the gear civilization. Without the eternal fire and the extraordinary fire, there would be no glory in this era. The eighth era is a long and glorious era, and we, the green grass, also have a chance to escape. 】

[The third type of ability may be split from a certain superpower. 】

[For example, the ability of "Gangfeng" has been completely eliminated, leaving only a name, and no trace has been passed down. 】

【But is there a way to preserve it? 】

【The answer is yes, if there is a super civilization, quietly split this idealistic rule. 】

【In the future, there will be a wise person who will restore the split information, and the ability of "Gangfeng" will be formed again. 】

【It is worth noting that the process of information restoration is extremely dangerous. 】

【Those civilizations that cannot defeat the "ghosts" and seek super powers are just seeking their own death. 】

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