Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 233 The Use of Complete Spiritualization

Seeing this information, Lu Yuan took a breath and suddenly felt something in his heart.

Take defeating [Ghost] as the lowest dividing line!

This is obviously the level of "Dale Empire" and "Gear Civilization".

Thinking about the 18th civilization of mankind, he felt a sense of regret...

"Maybe next year we will all die of thirst." Lu Yuan scratched his scalp, God, please give us some rain.

Of course, the ability he once combined, "Eternal Fire", is actually quite good. There are actually quite few abilities that can be combined - they are all things that can only be studied by top civilizations.

"Eternal Fire" may be a by-product of studying "Gangfeng".

[So what are the split products of Gangfeng? 】

[After careful discussion, we all agree that the relatively rare ability of complete spiritual transformation may be one of the products of the split. 】

【why would you say so? Because complete spiritual transformation is an ability that simply breaks through the upper limit of divine attributes and breaks through the limitations of the soul, it has no combat effectiveness and only has auxiliary effects. 】

[In normal nature, the probability of occurrence is low. 】

[We have investigated more than six thousand anomalies and have never found a similar mechanism. Because visions are the incarnation of idealistic rules, their divine attributes are lower and do not hinder the use of various abilities. 】

[Only intelligent life requires higher divine attributes. 】

[Therefore, it may be the split product of a certain powerful ability. 】

Lu Yuan took a breath, frowned, and murmured to himself: "Completely transformed into a spirit..."

This ability is the reward of the milestone "ability fusion". The "god" obviously has its own purpose, and it is impossible to reward one randomly.

"God's purpose..."

"A complete spiritual body is obviously not enough to merge into Gangfeng..."

"Or, ask the Mirror [Demon]?"

As soon as this thought appeared, I couldn't get rid of it.

The temptation of super powers is a bit too big for the Demon God of Greed.

Mirror [Demon] must know some information.

But the conversation with the Mirror [Demon] will obviously pose a potential threat to Rize civilization.

Lu Yuan hesitated for a while, feeling deeply that his morals were too high and he couldn't do many things.

If we change the protagonist, let him be flooded!

"Just bear with it for now. Even if I merge with Gangfeng, I won't be able to bear the whole world's attacks."

"When I return to the Lize Civilization, I will remove the [Ghosts] and [Demons] from the spaceship. Then we will slowly make plans."

As for now, the problem of soul fullness still needs to be solved.

"If it doesn't work, just temporarily seal a god's skill and free the human body first."

After thinking about it, his most useless ability is actually the "Eye of the Explorer".

This ability is quite useful when digging for treasures and discovering ruins.

But since he is at work every day, it doesn't make much sense to send his people to dig up the inheritance.

Of course, Lu Yuan would not abandon this ability directly.

"Explorer's Eye" is a relatively rare divine skill. There are no corresponding records in the four civilizations of Humanity, Rize, Meda, and Luyin.

When the soul is solidified, having this rare ability will further enhance the ultimate growth potential.

Regarding the management of divine skills, Lu Yuan will not deprive the owners of this civilization without reason. He will only wait for the day when they die naturally - as long as they do not commit a serious crime, he will not deprive them.

This is a matter of principle.

But if you want him to donate, you have to wait until the moment of his natural death - Lu Yuan never has double standards. He doesn't steal other people's things, nor give his own to others.

"So first, strip this ability off to the Tree of Life..."

The peeling off of divine skills would be quite simple if it were the green civilization of the past.

The original poppy tree stripped everyone of their divine skills during the "Ascension Ceremony".

But for the 18th civilization of mankind, there is no certainty.

Those few people with sealed abilities cannot be expected to reach the level of green civilization in one or two years.

Technical dishes are so troublesome.

What's more, Lu Yuan didn't want others to know about it.

He can only seek the omnipotent Conch Girl.

"Now you finally know to come to me?"

"I've actually been thinking about it for you for a long time."

For such serious matters, Conch is still very reliable.

She thought for a long time before sitting upright and said seriously: "The Explorer's Eye is an ability related to the eyes..."

"With the hypnosis of the poppy tree and the sealing ability, it shouldn't be very difficult to peel off."

"But it's also my first time to try... a seal?"

A malicious smile appeared on her pretty face: "Well, I am an omnipotent follower. As long as I want to, I can definitely do it!"

Lu Yuan doesn't quite understand, what does your smile mean?

"Come, lie down in the bud, relax your vigilance, and don't resist."

The two of them got into a bud together.

Lu Yuan was lying on the soft floor, while the girl sat on her knees next to his head, summoning the emerald green vines of the poppy tree.

"what should I do?"

"Don't move and sleep quietly."

Lu Yuan enjoyed a...perfect massage service? Is this really a massage service?

The "Holy King" gently stroked Lu Yuan's hair like a cat.

The girl looked a little excited and was holding back her laughter.

She was wearing a beige shirt today, her hair was spread out in a nice way, and a fresh grass necklace hung around her fair neck.

Seeing that weird smile, Lu Yuan suddenly realized that he had to pay for his bullying of her in the past.

"Today is the time to settle the accounts!" The girl said fiercely while hypnotizing Lu Yuan.

In fact, Lu Yuan wanted to shamelessly offer the "knee pillow" service, but it was obvious that he would be rejected. In addition, this posture was quite elegant, and the bulging thing was almost touching his nose. He always felt that he was given some kind of welfare.

In his distracted mind, he yawned and fell asleep inexplicably - he regretted it later, thinking back, he should have been stronger for a while.


When Lu Yuan woke up, the "Explorer's Eye" had disappeared from the depths of his soul and could no longer be used.

A little tired.

There was also a sense of loss.

"Eating some soul infant fruit should make up for it."

Outside the window is his tree of life, with branches extending in. The weird man-eating plant is basking in the sun and dozing off.

Looking at it, there is another fist-sized eyeball on its forehead.

Lu Yuan transferred his soul to the tree of life, and the ability of "Explorer's Eye" reappeared.

It is equivalent to "Explorer's Eye" changing a carrier, so the problem is not big.

"That's it for now."

When Hai Luo saw him wake up, she felt like she had picked up money from the ground, and her mood was very beautiful.

Especially when she saw the three big words "big fool" on Lu Yuan's face, her mood became even better.

She tried to look serious and sincere: "Your tree of life is almost saturated, so choose the next ability carefully in the future."

"If you want to get Gangfeng, don't stuff everything into your body."

Lu Yuan calculated.

He originally had 10 abilities, and the Tree of Life came with "birth promotion", "grafting", and "spiritual piercing", plus several abilities of the poppy tree, the Tree of Life was indeed almost full.

"Ahem, this is not important, what's important is, what did you do?"

"I always feel that you are laughing at me."

"Hehe, guess!" Conch jumped over and said provocatively, "You look like a little bug that can't struggle now, and I have caught your handle. From now on, you can no longer bully me!"

Lu Yuan immediately stretched out his hand and wanted to pull her ear: "Did you curse your soul?!"

The two played hide-and-seek in the office. The girl kept giggling, as if she had picked up something great, and her eyes kept looking at his face.

Lu Yuan was not in a full state of soul now, and he quickly adapted to the human body.

To be honest, teasing beautiful girls with a human body, the dopamine secreted is many times higher than that of a big tree body - it's still so cool now.

At this moment, "dong dong dong", the door of the office rang.

"No, no, no, don't open the door first!"

The girl got anxious all of a sudden, she knew that Lu Yuan's face was very important.

She ran over quickly, took a small tissue, wiped his face, and was still laughing while wiping.

Only then did Lu Yuan know that the three words "big fool" were written on his face.

"I thought you did something, but it turned out to be just a prank."

He gently grabbed the girl's ear and said earnestly: "Be braver in the future, this little reward is not enough to taste it for a minute."

"Big pervert, don't keep touching my ears!" Hai Luo didn't want others to see that she was in Lu Yuan's office, so she quietly climbed out of the window and said, "What do you want to eat for dinner? I'll bring you food."

"Add one more chicken leg, I didn't eat enough yesterday!"

"Little brother, the canteen stipulates that one person can only eat one chicken leg."


After the girl left, Lu Yuan slowly opened the door and was surprised to find that it was the king insect Lu Da who came back!

It looked a little tired and had lost a lot of weight.

The originally golden armor was sunken and dull.

After more than a year of wandering in the barren desert, this horrible life is not something a normal person can survive.

"King!" Seeing him, Lu Da suddenly had tears in his eyes.

It bowed respectfully and took out a roll of paper from its backpack: "Fortunately, I have successfully mapped part of the desert and found the border."

Lu Yuan took the map, looked at it, and felt a chill in his heart.

Lu Da was heading north and flew about 16,000 kilometers before reaching the border of the desert.

There finally appeared lakes, dry land, and sparse plants.

But 16,000 kilometers is really a bit exaggerated...

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