Lu Yuan paused for a moment and said, "I said a long time ago that the Sky City belongs to Miss Conch, a descendant of the Green Civilization."

"This city cannot be given to those who leave! You must know yourselves!"

"And our goal is to return to human civilization, and this has not wavered."

"Therefore, we will not stay in one place for a long time, we will move towards the distance, and we will definitely encounter great risks on the way. So, please make a decision before you reach your destination, whether to stay here or leave."

The crowd fell silent.

You look at me, I look at you.

Some people miss the disappeared "Sari Clan".

Some people don't miss the past at all.

After finishing his simple speech, Lu Yuan walked off the stage and sighed.

"You are called crossing the river and destroying the bridge..."

"Your heart is darker than my old cat. You throw people aside after using them." The orange old cat jumped onto his shoulder.

It said in agreement: "However, screening the population is the right choice."

"If you don't screen, there will be many troubles."

"After screening, those who are willing to stay are the real part of human civilization."

Lu Yuan is actually not as sinister as the old cat.

When he first recruited the Sandy Tribe, he made a corresponding promise: as long as they find a safe place, they can leave.

Now it's just fulfilling the promise.

And it's absolutely righteous to provide them with resources to settle them.

It shook its head helplessly: "Don't worry about it, let's go and see the last few major projects."

The inner ring stripping work of the Sky City is about to end.

The structure of the entire inner ring city presents a "field"-shaped platform, with a thick central pillar and several thinner pillars next to it, divided into three large layers in total.

The side length of each layer is 4-5 kilometers.

Because the green people at the time specially designed a separate escape mechanism for the inner ring, the inner ring has all the functions, such as sewers, reservoirs, automated factories, warehouses, power stations, and farms, all of which have corresponding structures.

Oh, yes, there is also the most important opium tree, which is located at the top.

If it is viewed from the perspective of a city, it is quite small, only one percent of its original size.

But in Lu Yuan's eyes, it is already a very large thing. There is no problem for 100,000 people to live comfortably in the three-story space.

The engineering teams worked day and night to move the materials from the outer ring and the middle ring to the inner ring.

And those bugs were also digging for oil frantically. After all, it is not easy to find a place with a lot of oil after leaving here, so they must reserve more now.

"Captain Lu, it is expected to be completed in two weeks! Another two weeks to check for leaks and make up for the shortcomings."

"One month, it must be completed!" The general manager Sha Mo issued a military order.

There are about 500 workers in this project area.

Hundreds of opium tree cutters are cutting the wall.

They re-energized the Pandora crystal and reinforced and repaired some things that have been in disrepair for a long time.

This work has lasted for a year and a half.

Because of the high-quality food, many workers have gained a lot of weight in the past year.

Only Sha Mo, a technical backbone, has become thinner. It is amazing that he can lead a group of people with little education to complete this big project.

"Go to bed early, I've brought you supper!"

It was a big pot of corn porridge, mutated corn, which is quite nutritious.

"Haha, I'm enjoying it and can't help myself!" Sha Mo waved his hand, "Brothers, have supper, and then work hard for a few more hours!"

"Okay!" Everyone shouted.


Will they choose to leave?

Obviously - no.

Lu Yuan has full confidence that the technical backbones, including the 382 God Techniques, will not choose to leave here.



After a busy day, Sha Mo returned home and took a comfortable sand bath first.

This is his favorite entertainment project. He slowly melted his fatigue into the sand and slowly relaxed his tense nerves.

He secretly thought in his heart that it would be a great thing if he could take a bath with water.

"What does the sea look like?" He grew up in the desert and had never seen the real sea.

Fortunately, the virtual world can meet all needs, so he knows what the sea really looks like.

"What will be waiting for us in the world farther away?"

"What will happen when we meet other civilizations?"

"The homeland of mankind... technological civilization..."

Sha Mo, who was trapped in his reverie, was no longer satisfied with living in a small village since he came into contact with more knowledge.

He was very satisfied with his current life and could change everything around him through his own wisdom.

After taking a shower, he put on dry coarse cloth clothes, and talked and chatted with his companions, played chess, and played basketball, which was also a routine night entertainment.

But today seemed to be an exception. Not many people went to the square to play. Occasionally, there were a few who said hello and hurried home, looking worried.

Sha Mo knew in his heart that it must be Lu Yuan's speech that made people's minds move.

"Sha Mo, come here." He met Sha Sanli at a turn.

The director of the Ministry of Education is responsible for supervising the children to go to school every day, and no one can be left behind.

"Elder, what's the matter?"

"Hey, isn't it that... Follow me."

He saw many middle-aged and elderly people with the surname "Sha" sitting in a large room discussing something.

The director of the Ministry of Education, Sha Sanli, is actually one of the better ones. After all, he is a civil servant and can enjoy welfare subsidies.

But other elders are not doing well.

Many older ones, over 50 years old, are uncivilized and have no life skills except farming.

These people who originally had some clan status now have no status.

Seeing that the living conditions of the young people around them are better than their own, don't mention how uncomfortable they are in their hearts!

"Sha Mo, are you going back?" someone asked.

"Where are you going back to?"

"That is... back to the Shali tribe..."

Shamo looked at them suspiciously: "Elders, you are living well, why are you going back?"

The old man swallowed his saliva. He actually wanted to say that his life was ordinary, but he couldn't say it.

"Rebuild the ancestral temple, but it is not allowed to build a temple here!"

"And... the Shali tribe..."

"Then you go back, I definitely won't go back." He rejected it mercilessly.

"Unworthy descendants... even the rules of the ancestors have been forgotten!" The elder was furious and stood up angrily.

He almost pointed his finger at his nose.

Sha Mo was also impolite: "What era is it, and you are still using moral kidnapping."

"The rules of our ancestors? If our ancestors really have spirits in heaven, they must hope that we live a better life!"

"I hope we can eat well and wear warm clothes! I hope we can make progress."

"Instead of letting us stick to the rules, day after day, year after year, and live a life like primitive people!"

"Don't you think about it, who let you live to this day... Is it really our ancestors?"

After all, he is a super thinker, eloquent, and uses modern thinking. A "moral kidnapping" choked everyone.

Those people were just cursing "unfilial descendants" there.

At this time, another militia captain who was doing well, "Shakan'er", also came to this room.

Although he did not have the skills of a god, he had an excellent talent for cultivation. He was a leader among ten thousand people and was also considered to have a regular position.

Shakan'er was obviously an old hand. Listening to their conversation, his face trembled a few times.

Those of you who are doing poorly, just leave, but those of us who are doing well, why should we go with you?

He cleared his throat and said, "Elders, Captain Lu treated us well. Without him, we would have died long ago."

"You have to admit this fact!"

Everyone was silent. They still didn't dare to say bad things about Captain Lu.

"Now is the time to build a great foundation. How can you leave so easily?"

"Of course, I don't object to you wanting to restore the glory of your ancestors."

"Here, I will do my best. I will donate all my salary this month. Is that okay?"

At this point, he pressed a pile of coins on the table with a "pop", and then turned around and left without looking back, leaving a group of elders looking at each other.

"I will also donate my salary this month." Sha Mo quickly followed and left the room.

In fact, the director of the Ministry of Education, Sha Sanli, didn't want to leave either.

He has money and status here, and going to a new place, although he is also an elder...the living standard is definitely different.

As one of the elderly, he was just embarrassed by these old people, so he quickly tried to smooth things over, saying: "They have donated money, so don't make it difficult."

"Everyone has their own aspirations... Everyone has their own choices."

Everyone was silent, unable to refute.


Similar quarrels occurred in many families.

The better the living standards, the more inclined they are to stay here.

In a not-too-intense debate, the crowd quickly divided into two factions, of which about 8,000 people were willing to follow Lu Yuan.

The remaining 3,000 people wanted to rebuild the "Sari Clan".

This may not be a bad thing.

Because almost all the God Techniques and intellectuals chose to follow Lu Yuan.

There will be no loss of manpower, but the team will be streamlined and some useless people will be removed.

For any "big company" or "big organization", streamlining the team without cost is a pie in the sky!

But Lu Yuan, the leader, is actually quite emotional and does not want to use people as tools.

After hearing about the final choice, he sighed.

"Then let's hope they can continue for a long time."


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