Chapter 236 Sky City - Take Off!

Two intense months passed quietly.

The day when Sky City was about to rise finally came!

It was an ordinary day full of sandstorms.

At dawn, everyone was awakened by the emergency bell.

The hot sandstorm blew on the face, but it could not blow out the fanatical heart.

The power system of Sky City is actually quite ordinary. The electricity provided by humans is seriously insufficient, resulting in the extremely slow flight speed of the city.

The wind force of the sandstorm is actually a good supplement.

Before four o'clock, Lu Yuan got up early. He was in a very good mood. He wore an exquisite dress left by the Green Civilization, which was a bit like a tuxedo. The exquisite leaf pattern brought a sense of gorgeousness.

Miss Conch was also dressed very beautifully, with a lace round-neck sweater and a flower skirt, outlining her slender waist and bulging chest.

She also wore a pink poppy flower on her head, which looked playful and cute.

"You don't show up in public, why dress up so beautifully?" Lu Yuan looked at her several times, and the beautiful girl was indeed pleasing to the eye.

"This scene should be recorded in the Green Paradise to educate future generations!" Conch jumped up and down, holding a small flower and wearing it on Lu Yuan's chest, smiling, "Commander-in-chief, I hope the city will not fall!"

Lu Yuan immediately stretched out his salty hands and kneaded her hair into a ball. In the girl's angry anger, he ran away happily.

Five o'clock in the morning.

All working groups have eaten breakfast in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria auntie's hands are not shaking today, and the food is very generous.

Everyone is talking and laughing, and the air is filled with a sense of enthusiastic expectation.

At 5:30 in the morning, the large team also gathered, and the elderly and children all wore their best clothes.

Lu Yuan said loudly: "Friends, today is the day to test the fruits of our labor. Let us look forward to the harvest after our efforts."

"Sky City, today, officially takes off!"

Waves of cheers spread throughout the city.

The winding vines of the poppy tree extended to every corner of the city, blooming one green leaf after another, emitting a faint green light.

The entire heritage of Sky City was piled up in the inner ring.

Whether it was useful or useless, it filled up various warehouses.

Some large objects could not be piled up at all and had to be left in the open air.

"Oil reserves, a total of 1.68 million cubic meters."

"The power unit is operating normally!"

"The metal warehouse has a total reserve of 21.82 million tons of metal."

Lu Yuan counted the assets and it was really full, and there was no room for anything.

The time to test the final results has come. Everyone has worked hard for this day for a year and six months, but whether it can succeed is still an unknown...

"I order all civilians except the working group to leave the Sky City! Temporarily evacuate to the surrounding villages."

"Shakaner will lead the team. Don't leave any people behind!"

"Understood!" Shakaner saluted and rode on the giant insect "Drainer".

Each "Drainer" has more than a thousand villagers sitting on its back, and they are heading towards the village in a mighty manner.

This is naturally for safety.

If the Sky City fails to rise and falls from the air, they still have a chance to survive.

"You three follow and take care of it to avoid accidents."

"I have the ability to protect myself."

The three king insects bowed slightly: "Yes!"

They flapped their wings and left.

The "Drainer" moves very fast in the desert. In less than half an hour, it has run more than 30 kilometers.

The dark crowd stood on the back of the insect, looking eagerly at the horizon.

People were nervous but full of expectations.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan's voice came from the remote intercom: "I order... the city in the sky, the city of green grass, to officially take off!!"

"Countdown, ten seconds..."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

As the countdown ended, this city that had sunk for four thousand years was completely revived at this moment!


The sky collapsed and the earth trembled.

Huge amounts of dust were flying, forming a huge air wave, like a tsunami, advancing in all directions.

People heard the intermittent conversations of various working groups on the intercom.

"Report! The power grid is stable... the generator set is normal!"

"The poppy tree is relatively stable, and the energy circuit system is normal."

"The Pandora crystal stone anti-gravity system is officially activated, and the gravity of the rock is being offset... A small amount of abnormal suspension has occurred, and the rising speed is somewhat abnormal."

People's hearts were tightened. They didn't understand what "abnormal suspension" meant, but their hearts were tightly tightened.

Lu Yuan and others in the city center were also sweating. It might be because the energy output was a bit high. The city rose a bit too fast, like a flying bird. Many people fell to the ground!

The construction of the sky city is a systematic project.

After offsetting the gravity of the rock, the city will be lifted by the atmospheric pressure and suspended like a balloon. (The non-rock part cannot be offset.)

At this time, it is required to retain a little gravity so that the city gravity and atmospheric buoyancy remain relatively stable.

"There are some errors in the original city tonnage calculation, which is reducing the energy output of the anti-gravity system."

"The abnormal levitation phenomenon is disappearing. The current height is 250 meters...260 meters...270 meters."

"The city remains stable at the moment."

Not sure whether it was because of nervousness or excitement, the crowd of people watching was silent, but their eyes widened.

They watched as the cloud of dust grew larger and larger, spreading in all directions like a mushroom cloud from a nuclear bomb explosion.

"I saw the City in the Sky! Haha!" Suddenly, a sharp-eyed young man shouted, "It's really flying!"

"Can we escape the desert?"

More and more people are seeing that city.

"Blessed by our ancestors, stones can really fly." Shakaner murmured to himself. He put a hand on his eyebrows and saw a cube-like thing slowly rising from the mushroom cloud, flying higher and higher.

The rest of the people also held their breaths without blinking, cheers and lively discussions mixed together.

At this moment, beyond the horizon, the red sun is rising in the east.

This is a sunrise that shocks the past and the present! !

Along with the slowly rising red sun, the City in the Sky also rose together, bathing in the vast sunlight.

There has never been such a warm light in the world. Even the sun today seems to be drunk and not so fierce, dyeing the entire sky a drunken red.

More and more people see the rising city in the sky, and suddenly tears of happiness flow from their eyes!

They did it, they... were able to leave this desert.

The people soon became a sea of ​​joy and celebrated loudly.

Some people's joy is because they escaped and ascended to heaven. In fact, they did not participate too much, they were just shocked... It is really amazing that a stone city can actually rise.

There are also some people who are moved by their own efforts. When they think of the days and nights of study, struggle, and practice, everything was achieved from scratch through labor.

They really paid a lot for this operation.

They suddenly felt that just for this minute of touching, everything, all the blood and sweat were worth it!

This touch, this joy, is not because living conditions have been improved, nor is it because the threat of death has been escaped, but because an ideal has been realized.

They are not only happy, but also deeply proud.

"The current altitude is 14,000 meters...the city has good stability and low turbulence."

At this moment, Lu Yuan stood at the highest point of the poppy tree, looking down at the vast desert, feeling suddenly heroic.

This scene is truly shocking!

The solitary smoke rises straight up in the vast desert, the rising sun is round in the endless sky, and the rough wind and sand are trampled under my feet. There is a heroic feeling that the world is in my hands.

The mass of the Sky City is about 160 million tons, which is many times more exaggerated than the aerospace aircraft carrier in science fiction novels.

It is indeed impossible for pure physical technology to raise such a behemoth.

But Weixin Technology did it!

As the gravity of the rock disappears, the city continues to rise.

The thickness of Pangea's atmosphere is much higher than that of the Earth. 14,000 meters will not cause hypoxia problems.

According to the information of the Greenland Civilization, there is strong spiritual interference above the atmosphere, and the Pandora crystal may fail, causing the anti-gravity system to lose control; if the altitude is too low, it may be attacked by monsters.

Therefore, the general lift-off height is between 20,000 and 30,000 meters, which is a very comfortable range. Even if you are unlucky and encounter natural disasters such as "demons", as long as these guys can't fly, they may not be able to come up.

"I order to stabilize the altitude to 20,000 meters."

"Start the power system! Head towards the village!"

[Look at how proud you are. Fortunately, you are dressed beautifully and have a sense of ceremony! 】Conch, as the controller of the poppy tree, takes a break from busy work to send telepathic messages.

"You can't be complacent about such a big baby rising."


Several giant propellers began to rotate and push the city forward - these things were like wind turbines, the blades alone were hundreds of meters long.

Its maintenance is very complicated, and currently it is only done by a few owners of "artisan talents".

Lu Yuan was worried that these propellers would fall apart midway.

The giant propeller roared and creaked, and it was moving, giving it a steampunk aesthetic.

"The sandstorm has a speed of 57 kilometers per hour and can produce a small amount of propulsion."

"The current speed of Sky City is 0.09 kilometers per hour, and the direction is 43.8 degrees east-south."

Well, this speed does fly very slowly.

Even if the gravity is offset, the huge inertia is real and requires a slow acceleration process.

If you want to fly faster, you need some glyphs to reduce the friction of the air, a jet power system, and other miscellaneous things - of course this is another big project, and Lu Yuan doesn't have the time or energy to do it yet.

"Desert, how are you doing over there? Can the generator handle it?!" Lu Yuan asked on the intercom.

The balance of the Sky City and the operation of the propellers are projects supervised by Lao Mao himself, so they are considered stable.

The power station and power network are personally supervised by the current number one wise man, the "Super Thinker", Desert.

After all, he had only studied for two or three years. No matter how smart he was, everyone was still worried about his ability...

Yes, even Sha Mo himself was worried that he would not be able to complete the task!

But there was no way.

There was no talent at all. There was only one smart old cat and one conch. He could not have multiple jobs. He could only force the duck to do it!

"I am checking the parameters of the machine!"

He clenched his fists, and his palms were blue and purple. Thinking back to the past day by day, he sighed in his heart.

He led people to repair the generator because the original instrument was seriously damaged and had to be disassembled for repair, and then find a way to assemble it!

It was equivalent to going back to the furnace and rebuilding it.

He also calculated the power himself.

He believed in himself and his colleagues, but now...I am still nervous!

Now, Sha Mo can finally say calmly: "Report, the generator set is running normally!"

"The power output of the power grid is stable!"

"Guo Weiqiang, is there any abnormality in the load-bearing structure?"

Comrade Guo Weiqiang of the carving group also took on a lot of pressure.

With the offset of gravity, the load-bearing structure of the city is different from the original one. Some pressure becomes tension. In this case, the city may fall apart.

As a rare person who can understand the "solid carving", he also has a great responsibility and is trying to find ways to strengthen the city every day.

"The current main structure is fine!"

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But he knew that things were not over yet. The city was flying, and he had to find a way to land. If he couldn't land safely, it would be unsuccessful.

He calmly gave orders: "I order each team to check the city's conditions and check whether there are any structural fractures."

"The Sky City will officially fly for two days, and will officially land after two days."

Instructions were sent in an orderly manner and passed to each working group.



Two days passed quickly.

After the initial test flight, the city slowly landed from an altitude of 20,000 meters.

With a light "boom", the Sky City landed around the village, once again raising a blanket of dust.

In fact, after the anti-gravity system is turned on, it must be "half-open" all the time.

Because there is very little land that can bear 160 million tons of mass at once.

Such a large city, if directly placed on the ground, is likely to cause landslides and earthquakes.

Therefore, reducing the gravity of the city and allowing the ground to bear it is a very complex but important step.

The larger the city, the more difficult it is to regulate the demand for energy.

Fortunately, humans have the heritage of green civilization, and the regulation of gravity has always been done by Green Paradise.

However, in the long run, if you want to build a larger new city, you must understand the specific principles and add new energy.

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