For some reason, Lu Yuan controlled a vine and poked her white and tender calf.

"Oh." Hai Luo's delicate eyebrows slightly frowned. She was eating happily, and said angrily, "Shameless, you scared me."

Lu Yuan simply tied her legs together, and the vines made an eager attacking motion towards her.

"The sponsor is eating people!"

This feeling is quite beautiful. Elves and big trees seem to be a perfect match?

The two played happily for a while.

Only a dog-rich man like Lu Yuan can raise a girl to the current 35.3 attributes, and her god attributes will grow rapidly every year. I don't know when it will end. Old Lu is in pain and happiness.

Next to the Tree of Life, about 500 meters away, there is the even larger poppy tree!

A 100-meter-long stump is hundreds of times thicker than the Tree of Life!

As a tree, this is the limitation.

Lu Yuan's tree can still move a few times, but the poppy tree can't move at all!

However, after thirty years of recuperation, the poppy tree has recovered most of its vitality. The leaves are green and juicy, the small ones are the size of a palm, and the big ones are like banana leaves.

The metabolism of the poppy tree is much faster than that of the tree of life. The leaves have few functions and are basically used for breeding.

At this moment, it has accumulated a lot of energy, which can allow the sky city to fly for a while.

"First, find a way to go to the Rize civilization and get a few nuclear power units."

"Then the burden of the poppy tree will be reduced."

Another point is that Lu Yuan has been using the tree of life to learn the "dream ability" of the poppy tree.

It is a waste to leave the dream ability of the [monster] level unused, so Lu Yuan also wants to make a "green paradise".

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows. The poppy tree is too big and too valuable, so it is easy to be attacked first in the war.

In case this tree really dies, Lu Yuan's backup "green paradise" can be used again.

On the other hand, the ability of "real dreams" can effectively manage the subconscious and organize one's own memories.

This good method was told to him by the conch. As a long-lived species, it is necessary to summarize and organize memories every once in a while. Very useful memories are placed on the superficial layer, and useless memories do not need to be deleted, but placed in the deepest layer of the subconscious.

Arrange them neatly like books in a bookcase. Even if you are getting older and more and more memories, you will not be confused.

Memory management - it can be said that long-lived species must go through the problem.

Even more, the dream ability means that time is regulated.

He can shorten the time in dreams.

Sleep and spend hundreds of years. Just like the immortal giant tortoise, through hibernation, to survive the era disaster.

Well, there is no need for this for the time being...

You can also stretch the time a little bit. Time will expand in dreams, and as the dream gets deeper and deeper, the speed of time passing becomes slower and slower.

What to do with so much time... Of course... study!

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan began to study with fighting spirit!

"Want to study together?"

"Your daughter is looking for me to play... Today is the Spring Festival, don't you take a break?" Hai Luo was not surprised by Lu Yuan's crazy study plan.

Since Lu Yuan created the immortal masterpiece six years ago, he has been thinking about it every day, just like taking drugs.

Lu Yuan muttered, "I want to study!"

A green vine connected the poppy tree. This thing is like a network cable, connecting the "real dream ability" of the two trees.

The dream that Lu Yuan created himself is called "Meda Paradise" to commemorate his second hometown, the Meda civilization.

He is the only user at present, and Hai Luo will come here occasionally to build something.

A light ball warmly welcomed him: "Super Administrator, Hello! Welcome to Meda Paradise!"

Lu Yuan's mind moved, and the milky white space was transformed into a large library.

He took out a document of the Green Civilization and read it carefully.

"The Extraordinary Value of Legendary Masterpieces - On How to Go Beyond the Materials Themselves and Upgrade Equipment".

He has been studying this document for several months.

Although the Green Civilization is rich, there are still not many masterpieces above the legendary level.

Every legendary masterpiece is precious. After all, materials above the "legendary" and "epic" level must be produced on the vision, which is not easy.

So, how to use ordinary materials to improve the quality has become the most important research issue.

This scientist from the Green Civilization proposed several very interesting viewpoints: time, place, and people.

"Time" means to use the luck of the civilization: if the luck of the civilization is linked to the legendary masterpiece, it can exert a power beyond the material itself.

For example, a civilization encounters a great crisis and needs a magic weapon to turn the tide.

Then, under the blessing of the luck of the entire civilization, craftsmen will use ordinary base materials to make higher-level, epic, or even immortal items!

"Local" means to create a forging site with a high density of idealistic energy through blood sacrifice, strange objects, carvings, etc., to improve the quality of equipment.

This energy is really a lot... but it is also the only way to control it better.

"Human harmony" is even more magical. This scientist from the Green Civilization believes that the "title" and "reputation" of a craftsman are very important.

In an era, there are always some people who are outstanding and can leave a mark in history.

As long as you are related to these outstanding people, even if it is just an ordinary piece of clothing, it may be "legendary"!

This actually involves the issue of "luck", but this luck is not just the luck of a single civilization, but the luck of the entire era!

The more awesome your title and the louder your reputation, the whole era will become a boost behind it.

Of course, these statements are quite metaphysical and there is no real evidence.

But Lu Yuan always felt that he could sew an "immortal masterpiece" in one go, occupying the factor of "human harmony".

He does have a lot of titles, and in the ninth era, he can be regarded as a legendary person.

In addition, the fact that the gear civilization left so many marks may also be related to this factor...

"There are also geniuses among the green people..." Lu Yuan sighed, "According to this logic, I have occupied the factor of 'harmony among people'"

He read many of the metaphysical statements over and over again.

Since he created an immortal work, he has been obsessed with it and can't extricate himself.

It's like a person wrote a peerless article, and woke up the next day and was shocked: "Fuck, this writing style, this rhetoric, this calligraphy, who wrote it?!"

I saw the signature, it turned out to be me?

What's more terrifying is that the value of this work is too damn high!

No matter how hard he tries, the social value he creates is not even one ten-thousandth of the "immortal masterpiece"!

As a craftsman, it is a great shame to find that he can't understand the items made in the "inspiration state" and can't reproduce them!

So Lu Yuan is really distracted, he really wants to create the highest quality-a mythical masterpiece.

"Mr. Lu~Everyone is celebrating the Spring Festival!" A voice message came from Green Park, "Your son and daughter are looking for you to play board games, don't you want to play?"

"I want to be alone, you play." Lu Yuan worked hard with melancholy, fighting for his artistic masterpiece.

Except for playing conch shells, everything else became dull...

Ten more myth masterpieces, armed to the teeth, he thought he could fight [Ghost] alone!

But at this moment, ripples appeared in the dream, and the sun in the sky became a little unstable.

It was obvious that something outside was affecting his "Meida Park".

This kind of thing happens often, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

Whether it is the Poppy Tree or the Tree of Life, they are already strong enough to eat these dream attacks as snacks.

But this time, the Tree of Life did not react at all, allowing the ripples to expand continuously.

Lu Yuan was a little angry, and cursed in his heart: "Another blind guy, damn it... I want to see who you are!"

Then, at the moment he released the authority, a withered sycamore leaf flew in front of him.

Only a few lines of text were written on it: [Brother, this is a dream beacon, I don't know if it will be delivered to you...]

[Long time no see, I miss you very much. ]

[If you receive it, come to me quickly. ]

Lu Yuan was stunned for a few seconds, and his mind turned around.

There are a lot of people who call him "Dad", and those who call him seems, it seems, probably...there is only one real sister?

His heart beat wildly, and a rich smile appeared on his face.

"It turned out to be a letter from my sister!"

As for this sycamore leaf in the dream, it seems to have some tricks. It seems to be picked from a big tree that specializes in dream abilities, and it contains a special ability.

This beacon is much stronger than an ordinary paper airplane and can withstand more powerful forces.

Lu Yuan suddenly became interested and called Hailuo in the Green Paradise, asking her to go online quickly.

"Your sister-in-law is looking for you."

Then he mobilized the power of the poppy tree and followed the beacon of the phoenix leaf to find the past...



Yunhai City, safe zone, phoenix tree dream.

More than a dozen soldiers are still fighting against the phoenix tree with willpower, breathing heavily.

They are under great pressure, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and walking towards the phoenix tree step by step.

It's like a wall of air in front!

Every step forward takes a lot of effort.

Unconsciously, sweat soaked the clothes.

But these guys, their eyes are full of determination. They are not fighting for themselves, but for the entire Yunhai City!

They must tame this tree!

And the people who sent the letter, while watching this war, look forward to the horizon.

"Can it work? We have only sent two leaves."

In the past, among the hundreds of thousands or millions of letters sent in dreams, only two were barely delivered to Lu Yuan...

Now there are only two leaves. Although the power is stronger than the letters, the number is a little less, and the probability that Lu Yuan can receive them may not be high.

Lu Qingqing was looking forward to it at first, but as time passed, her youthful and lovely face slowly collapsed.

The speed of time in the outside world is one hundred times that of the safe zone. If there is no reply within a few minutes, it means that the sycamore leaves they sent out have gone to waste...

Fortunately, humans can afford this loss.

It's just that the next chance may be a long time later... After all, they are too poor.

"Alas, there may be no chance." Lu Qingqing said frustratedly.

"Don't feel pressured. I'll write a failure report and report it to my superiors. As a favored person of the phoenix tree, you should practice well here and reach level 3 as soon as possible."

Li Ran was quite caring towards this little sister, "Save your brother from blaming us when he comes back."

"Well..." Lu Qingqing smiled, "My brother... may not come back."

"He already has a family there... and a very beautiful girl."

"He is no longer alone."

A dreamy sunset shines on the huge twin phoenix trees.

That is actually the dream power of 10 million people in the city!

Nowadays, these dream powers are absorbed by the big tree, and over time, they become more and more powerful.

"Dream" is actually a kind of idealistic energy, but most people cannot use this part of energy and can only dissipate it in vain.

Therefore, the paulownia tree, which can absorb dream energy, has a symbiotic relationship with humans.

The more humans there are, the faster the paulownia tree grows.

Under the big tree, a dozen soldiers launched a charge again.

"Brothers, it's only a few meters away!"

Li Jun, a level 3 soldier, is obviously stronger than the others and bears the most pressure.

"I'm closer to the paulownia tree, and it's still 10 meters away!"

"But the pressure here is very high, like a ton of steel pressing on my back."

He roared in his throat, veins on his forehead bulged, and he jumped forward suddenly!

This jump was five meters away!

Touched the paulownia tree!

"Buzz!" It seemed that the paulownia tree was enraged.

A strong light bloomed from the big tree, setting off a gust of wind, and with a "crash", it pushed everyone a hundred meters away!

Even Lu Qingqing and several other "favored ones" who were watching on the side were blown away and fell heavily to the ground.

The twin phoenix trees were not willing to let more people share the dream energy.

"Hua Lala!"

It shook, and the huge shadow under the sun became gloomy, and the temperature dropped several degrees.

This is a warning!

The next punishment will be more than a gust of wind.

Being ridden on the face by a tree, everyone's face was not good.

If this tree is only willing to support a few "favored ones", then its value is too limited.

Li Jun couldn't help but clench his fists and cursed: "It's obvious that it can't grow without humans!"

"It's as if we owe it!"

"That's it!" Many soldiers shouted.

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