A researcher next to him sighed: "The milestone reward for more than 100 people is not the first place. There are always some flaws..."

"Captain Li, please keep your voice down, don't let this guy hear you, it seems to be able to sense human emotions."

Li Jun became even more angry: "No, we must resist. There is no point in being gentle and appeasing!"

"The dream energy is provided by the entire city and 10 million people! It must be given to us at least half!"

"And it has become more and more arrogant in the past few months."

"If this continues, does it really think it is the master of humans?"

The twin sycamore trees, when they were relatively weak at first, were willing to share more energy.

It allows those with dream abilities to enter here, and everyone jointly weaves this dream that is close to reality.

Now he is like an iron rooster, even those who favor him don’t pay much attention to him!

It's just just kicking people away after taking advantage of them!

Everyone was aggrieved and discussed how to threaten it in reality.

After all, in the dream, this three-hundred-meter tree was very powerful.

But in reality, it is just a tree less than ten meters tall.

As if noticing everyone's resentment, the sycamore tree started to move with a roar, once again exuding a terrifying aura.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

The sunlight disappears and darkness falls.

Everyone was suppressed all of a sudden and could not move.

The sycamore trees that blocked out the sky and the sun looked particularly ferocious at this moment.

An extreme fear surged out of Lu Qingqing's heart. At this moment, she realized Wutongshu's intention and almost lost consciousness.

She quickly used her "dream sensing" ability to communicate with the sycamore tree: "Don't... don't eat people!"

"Once you eat people, no one can tolerate you."

"What do you want to do?!" Li Jun roared.

The shadow of the sycamore tree formed a giant shadow hand, grabbing Li Jun's neck.

A fierce fight broke out between the two sides.

But not long after, Li Jun was no match and was thrown out of the dream.

"Captain Li!!"

That cold force surrounded everyone.

Lu Qingqing kept begging for mercy, her face was pale and she was about to cry.

After a long time, the strange power slowly faded away.

Everyone was covered in cold sweat and in shock.

Lu Qingqing clenched her fists: "Don't irritate it anymore, let's do this for now. If anything happens, we can talk about it later."

The faces of all the soldiers were red, and they were angry but dared not speak.

Being thrown directly out of the dream like this will cause serious mental damage.

Just coming back from recuperation will take several months...

The strongest man in Yunhai City, Li Jun, was delayed for several months for nothing. This loss was indeed huge.

As if aware of everyone's fear, the sycamore tree seemed very satisfied. It shook once again, and then slowly returned to calm.

The bright sunshine appeared again.

It was as if the scene just now had never happened before.

"Ms. Lu Qingqing, we must assess its risk now..."

"Please tell the truth, did it have murderous intent just now?" A middle-aged researcher squinted his eyes.

"Yes." Lu Qingqing's little face was still pale, and she clenched her fists, "I comforted it for a long time, otherwise it might eat Captain Li."

The researcher also sighed: "Oh, it's normal for this extraordinary plant to have the desire to kill."

"Li Jun's level is level three, and he has a full 10 points of god..."

"If it weren't for the constant supply of dream energy from human energy sources, it might have gone on a killing spree."

Another older researcher also had an ugly face: "As its strength grows, maybe it will really be uncontrollable... By then, you may not be able to appease it."

Lu Qingqing remained silent and did not speak.

The idealistic energy gained from eating people may be one hundred thousand times the energy in dreams!

The dreams of ten million people would be worse than eating the souls of 100 ordinary people!

In this case, the sycamore tree may indeed mutate, causing a huge crisis.

"Alas, it didn't do this because it's not strong enough." The researcher sighed, "After all, in reality, it is still controlled by us..."

"I'm going to write a report. If I still can't control it, it's really... a bit bad."

When everyone discussed this, they couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

In reality, it is indeed easy to destroy this tree with a bomb.

But after finally being able to alleviate the problem of insufficient extraordinary resources, it turned out to be a mirror image again...

Families that were already poor were even worse off.

The young faces couldn't help but droop.

"Everyone, are you okay?"

After a while, Li Jun actually came back online.

It was obvious that his mental state was very bad, his face was bloodless, and he was sweating constantly.

"It's okay for now. It's hard to say whether something will happen in the future..."

After listening to everyone's judgment, Li Jun blamed himself: "I was too aggressive. I wanted to challenge it just after I upgraded, but I directly annoyed it..."

Li Ran comforted him: "No, it's not your fault. It may have this tendency itself."

"It's also possible that we haven't found a suitable way to domesticate it yet..."

She also knew that the current situation was not very good, so she could only try to boost morale as much as possible.

"Let's talk after we go out..."

However, at this moment, the phoenix tree became ferocious again!

It was even several times more powerful than the last time!

It was simply a stress response when it encountered a huge crisis, and it directly mobilized the strength of its whole body!

The overwhelming branches and leaves squirmed wildly, making a "rustling" sound.

Just like the fighting threats of animals, the phoenix tree tried its best to make itself look bigger!

The sun disappeared all of a sudden, and the weeds on the ground began to wither and decay, as if more than ten years had passed in the blink of an eye.

A thick darkness poured down from the sky like mercury, which was a sign that the dream was about to collapse!

Everyone was shocked. Could it be that the phoenix tree was going to start eating people so soon? !

"What's going on?"

"Let's go, hand in hand, and exit the dream together. Always pay attention to the surroundings and don't leave anyone behind."

After all, Li Jun was the strongest here, and he quickly took on the responsibility. He walked at the end of the team.

If the phoenix tree wanted to eat people, it had to eat him first.

The fog thickened and night fell.

But halfway through, they stopped again.

"Qingqing... move forward!"

As a user of the ability of "dream sensing", Lu Qingqing has the best vision here.

She stared blankly at the outside of the fog, and her whole body was frightened with goose bumps.

The edge of the dream was blocked by an unimaginable huge black shadow, as if something wanted to break in by force!

This power level is countless times stronger than the twin phoenix trees!

She is not a rookie who knows nothing, and cold sweat broke out all over her body: "It seems that there is an outside existence, attacking the phoenix trees in the dream. Let's... retreat."


Everyone was shocked, and the team quickly changed a direction and wanted to slip out.

But the twin phoenix trees were stimulated by the strong enemy and immediately tightened the dream.

The edge was like an air wall, and it was impossible to break through.

"Oops... It seems there is no way to quit!" Lu Qingqing was angry and anxious, "The enemy has come in."

"Can you hold on?"

The air was getting more and more oppressive.

The invisible confrontation formed a series of hurricanes.

They could only secretly pray that the "Twin Wutong Trees" could win this war.

At least at this moment, the Wutong Trees had not yet revealed their hideous fangs, and they were still reliable teammates...

But the external force burst out with green light, invading the dream protection layer with great force.

The life essences of both sides seemed to be very different.

One after another mental storms made people dizzy.

The people trapped here were like little chickens, watching the tornado-like mental storms getting bigger and bigger.


Lu Qingqing couldn't help but close her eyes, with a look of pain on her face.

The strong mental storm blew everyone up from the ground, almost tearing their bodies apart.



The twin Wutong trees shook violently.

The brilliance on their surface completely dissipated.

It surrendered!

"Damn, is this the place?"

For a while, Lu Yuan thought that the Poppy Tree had found the wrong place.

He manipulated the Poppy Tree and spent a lot of effort to find this damn dream with the help of the phoenix leaves.

As a result, he actually saw a phoenix tree that fought desperately?

This guy looked very arrogant.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Where's my sister?"

"Did you eat her?!" He was very rude and made the Poppy Tree send out a thought wave.

The power from the [Demon] made the phoenix tree extremely frightened, and it shook "Hua La La".

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sun penetrated the fog and spread all over the earth.

Lu Yuan finally saw the "little ants" on the edge of the dream, lying on the ground in a crooked manner.

"Oops, I seem to have made a big mistake..." Lu Yuan was a little embarrassed and put the blame on the phoenix tree, "What's wrong with you? How dare you bully my sister?!"


People stared with wide eyes and watched - a larger, blurry tree shadow suddenly broke into this strange dream!

This shadow towered into the sky, it was like a pillar leading to the sky.

In comparison, the 300-meter "twin phoenix trees" looked like little chickens.

"The phoenix tree was defeated, let's take the opportunity to escape!" Li Ran was strong and held Lu Qingqing's hand, "Qingqing, do you still have strength? We must escape, otherwise we will all die at the door."

"Slowly retreat to the edge of the dream... The other party doesn't seem to notice us."

"The other party's main target is the phoenix tree."

"The movements must be gentle..."

A group of people followed suit and crawled slowly on the ground.

The phoenix tree shook "clattering" and tightened the dream again, trapping them all.

Then, a breeze blew, and the sycamore tree lifted them up and let them ride on its branches.

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