Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 90 The Law of Conservation of Smiles (4K words)

There are many kinds of people and cities, and "God" is as black and humorous as ever.

Or it can be understood as... "God" doesn't care.

"God" has no morals, no stance, and doesn't care who is right or wrong.

Human morality and human life are as small as dust to "God".

As for how to survive after arriving in Pangu Continent?

That is something that local humans should consider.

Extinction is just the norm.

In the world, there is no "God loves the world".


For most cities of human beings, it is very lucky to have the information provided by Lu Yuan, and they have taken fewer detours.

More civilizations actually have no additional information and can only rely on their own abilities.

In a safe zone, on a kilometer-high tower, a group of octopus-shaped life forms are arguing fiercely.

They are observing the outside world through scientific and technological means.

This civilization has powerful science and technology, a stable society, and has completed 4 civilization milestones. It can only be described as "far ahead".

The most heated debate topic was, of course, "What is God?"

They questioned the purpose of "God"...

They questioned the so-called "milestone rewards"!

They even questioned what the safe zone was.

There are also some civilizations that don't even have technology and are in the feudal era or even the slave era.

The members of these civilizations are uncivilized and poorly educated. They don't understand the concepts of "safe zone" and "voting" at all. Some individuals in these civilizations just voted randomly out of curiosity.

Some began to worship gods and thought that Pangu Continent was the territory of gods and it was a good thing to go out.

And the local rulers did not have enough means to quickly suppress panic.

So in the case of random voting, the voting rate quickly went to the 50% dividing line.

The stories that happened in the world are always so bizarre.

The more powerful the civilization, the more cautious it is, so they can't get the milestone of "entering Pangu Continent".

Of course, these civilizations don't really care about that little bit of shabby reward.

On the contrary, the worst and weakest civilizations did not even spread the extraordinary fire, but were the first to cancel the safe zone and move towards Pangu Continent.

Maybe they will soon become extinct, even a salamander can destroy a city.

Or maybe through good luck, they found their own opportunities...

The trees are still growing silently, and the time of the Ninth Era has just begun.

A hundred years later, there are more dead bones.

A thousand years later, there is more history.

Ten thousand years later, there are more myths.

Who knows the final outcome?

Lu Yuan didn't know about these messy things anyway, he slept very well!

This sleep lasted more than 32 hours.

"Huh - the end of the era?"

He slowly opened his eyes, the familiar environment, the room full of security, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of happiness.

"I dreamed that I became a Daluo Jinxian, and I slapped hundreds of civilizations with one slap... Damn, it's so cool!"

He shook his head heavily, and then his thoughts returned to reality, and he wailed "Aiyo ahyo".

The skin all over his body was burning with pain, like a steel needle stabbing the surface of the skin.

A downtrodden warrior, no matter how great he is, still cannot get help from the nurse and can only treat himself.

He took out the mutated aloe vera from the storage space, picked a leaf, applied the gel on the wound, and took a small blue pill.

He drank several sips of water in a row before he felt a little better.

He looked at the black gem on the stove again, and it seemed that there was no movement.

"Da Da Da~" The small metal ball found that he woke up and jumped twice, seemingly saying hello.

"Hello, comrade, it seems that nothing big happened."

The damn old wolf, I don't know where he ran to.

I asked it to guard well, but it's really an ungrateful wolf!

"It's like this after three days of not fighting."

Lu Yuan, who only had one hand, patted his stomach and walked out of the room.

He lit a little flame from the stove.

He took out the mutated pepper and started to stir-fry the fire lizard meat.

Because the identification result of the mutant pepper said: This thing is very good for wound recovery and resistance to bacteria, he didn't care about things like taboos.

"I've been looking forward to this for a long time, damn it."

After nearly a year of survival in the wilderness, Lu Yuan's least favorite extraordinary food is actually the meat of wild animals.

Like the meat of salamanders, there are still more than 1,000 kilograms left! So what if it has high energy, I really don't like it!

And wild boar meat and venison, which have not been castrated, are really smelly.

So he usually eats chicken and fish to supplement protein.

But with peppers, it's completely different, the smell becomes wild.

All the delicacies in the world are in my hands!

"I wonder how the salamander meat fried with peppers tastes."

Soon, smelling the unique fragrance of extraordinary ingredients, the little wolf cubs surrounded them in a flash.

The recovery speed of the little guys is always the fastest, especially under the nourishment of rare pomegranates, in just two days, these guys are alive and kicking.

"Ah! Ah!" They urged Lu Yuan to have a bite.

"It's not that I'm evil, it's you who asked me to use the law of smile transfer." Lu Yuan showed a weird smile on his face.

Some of the little wolves, cute and fierce, bit Lu Yuan's trouser legs, looking very expectant.

These guys were acting like a spoiled child, looking at Lu Yuan with watery eyes.

Our little wolf is very pitiful, give some!

Although this smells a bit... weird?

But there is always a desire to try things that you haven't eaten before.

Lu Yuan suddenly found that the sneaky old wolf was also mixed in with the little wolf cubs, pretending to be "I'm always here to protect."

Somewhere on it was hard, obviously it went out to mix in the rivers and lakes again...

You're damned if you don't protect your master!

"Boys, your big dad hasn't eaten yet... The first bite should be honored to your wolf dad." After Lu Yuan stir-fried it, he added some water and covered the pot, which would make the meat more tender.

His face was full of smiles, "I'm talking about you, come out, the child's father."


The old wolf found that the master did not mean to blame it, so he raised his neck, kicked his feet back, and walked out from the back.

It has been coveting that lizard meat for a long time!

Fishy smell? Furious?

Wolves love it the most!

But because it is a non-renewable product, Lu Yuan has been reluctant to give it to it...There are only the last 500 kilograms.

However, now there is a pungent heat on the meat, and the old wolf is a little unsure.

Lu Yuan picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes and he exclaimed in praise,-the rich spicy taste, mixed with the breath of the beast, seemed to turn him into a violent fire lizard, galloping in the wildfire!

His tears were washed out.

The rolling heat flow radiated from the stomach to every part of the body.

The burned part hurt even more.

"Hu~ha~so cool!" He sighed heavily, stuck out his tongue, and kept exhaling, "Do you want to eat it? If not, I'll give it to your son."

The old wolf stepped on the brake and the accelerator, looking cautious.

"Do you want to eat it?" Lu Yuan smiled.

It suddenly realized that no matter what, it had to eat this bite!

Because... that was the emperor's poisoned wine!

There was also competition between wolves.

If it didn't eat the first bite, its position as the number one lackey in the world would be lost!

The law of conservation of smiles is worthy of being the first idealistic law.

Seeing the old wolf's shy look, the smile on Lu Yuan's face was about to overflow.

He threw a piece of lizard meat into the iron box: "Come on, Wu Dalang, enjoy your food."

The old wolf looked a little indifferent. As a wolf with a full desire to survive, it observed Lu Yuan who ate the meat, as if laughing? Since it's not poisonous, it's okay, I'm not afraid of a hammer.

It rolled its tongue and swallowed the meat into its stomach.

"Wangwang!" The old wolf's face was distorted, but his steps were still very elegant, his hair bloomed like flowers, and his tail was raised high.

Although his heart was in a mess, he felt like he had eaten a ball of fire.

But in front of many cubs, he remained calm.

"Hu~ha!" The old wolf put on the mask of pain very elegantly, and slowly turned his head, came to the water tank, and drank a few sips of water.

"Wangwang!" It said that the wolf cubs could enjoy the food, and it had already enjoyed it.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to imagine that this drama scene will appear on a wolf.

Strict hierarchy... the consequences!

Class is the root of everything!

The old wolf will never allow himself to fall in class!

Lu Yuan's face turned red, and he was about to burst out, and he roared: "Who dares to use food, come! Everyone will eat enough today."

The wolf cubs were not as cautious as the old wolf. They soon rushed up, and the youthful leaps surrounded Lu Yuan, like a ball of small fur.

Of course, Lu Yuan was worried that they couldn't bear it.

For a little wolf, he only gave them a small piece of meat.

"How is it? It tastes good, right?"

Soon, these guys showed ghostly howling expressions, "Awoo", "Wangwoo", and tears filled their eyes!

Is it really edible?

They stared at their father and Lu Yuan like plush balls.

Pairs of black eyes were misty.

You look at me, I look at you, "Awoo" screaming.

The old wolf looked arrogant, showing the majesty of the first dog leg in the world.

It actually walked forward and took another bite of lizard meat! !

Although it was so spicy that tears came out, it endured it.

The old wolf looked disdainful!

Youth, I really can't do it.

You can't compete for favor.

Wolves, it's true that old ones are spicy!

The little wolf cubs were completely controlled by its elegant momentum.

They really doubted their wolf life. Did they really eat something delicious?

It's just that they don't know how to taste it?

The gap between classes made them unable to question before becoming the alpha wolf, and they could only admire him deeply.

Then, no one knew who took the lead, and they began to run wildly in circles!

Those short legs moved as fast as motors!

"Plop! Plop!"

They jumped into the water tank one by one.

I can't stand it!


The law of conservation of smiles is really awesome. Lu Yuan felt that his head was no longer dizzy, and his body was no longer painful. He even started to sing loudly: "A group of wolves are sleepwalking, like running rhinos, and they will not stop until the end~~"

The happy air echoed in the mountains and forests.


Stir-fried pork with peppers tastes good, but it is not advisable to eat too much, because it is too spicy and will cause sweating!

Once you sweat, your skin will hurt more.

But Lu Yuan can accept it. After all, the smile has moved to his face, and the goal has been achieved.

He put the dish into the storage space and eat it later.

He found some food and filled his stomach.

"Da Da Da~" The small ball was vibrating next to him.

"Hello, comrade, do you have wisdom? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Da Da Da~" The small ball flew back again.

He recalled the business, that "demon" has not been completely killed!

"The most important thing at present is to destroy the black gem."

"There is only a thousand days of thieves, how can there be a thousand days of defense against thieves. As long as that thing is killed, there is a high probability that a highly difficult civilization milestone can be achieved."

The extraordinary fire brings a strong recovery ability, and the juice of aloe vera can heal burns very well. The parts that were originally burned are scabbing quickly.

As for the lost left arm, the wound was very itchy and was slowly regenerating.

Compared with the battle with the salamander, this battle was not long, but it was thrilling.

Lu Yuan actually didn't want to recall the battle two days ago. Even if there was any mistake in the middle, he would not survive.

At this moment, after the analysis, he had a strong sense of fear.

That donkey-headed monster was really too powerful.

"But the high temperature of 3,000 degrees is still slightly insufficient."

"Even an excellent dagger can't chisel this thing open, how can I destroy it?"

Lu Yuan fell into deep thought.

It is naturally impossible to find a 10,000-ton hydraulic press... Even if you find it, you can't use it without electricity.

After scratching his ears and cheeks and thinking for a long time, he thought of two ways.

"The first is to use a blower to increase the combustion temperature."

The ancients first invented the smelting method of copper, and then invented the smelting method of iron.

In fact, the distribution of iron ore in the earth's crust is much more extensive than copper ore.

The main reason is that the melting point of copper is relatively low, only about one thousand degrees; while the melting point of iron is one thousand five hundred degrees.

The ancients did not have modern boilers, so the smelting temperature could not be raised, and naturally they could not smelt iron.

It was not until the invention of the blower that the temperature in the furnace was greatly increased, and mankind entered the Black Iron Age from the Bronze Age.

"If I can make a blower, maybe I can greatly increase the temperature of the flame."

Lu Yuan is very confident in his manual ability.

As for the blower, just make a fan and shake it wildly with your hands.

But now he has lost a golden left arm.

If you only use a unicorn right hand, two feet, and a flexible tongue, it will be very difficult to tinker with the blower...

"And this flame is the high temperature generated by the idealistic element. Whether the blower is useful is an unknown."

So after thinking for a long time, he thought of a second simpler plan - "Ice and Fire!"

Simple explanation: first use the fire lizard fuel to ignite the flame and heat the black gem to 3000 degrees Celsius.

Then throw the gem into the water and cool it down quickly.

(PS: The pressure of updating these days is too great, and the body of the Eternal Donkey can't bear it. After all, the donkey is already in his thirties, and is about to be optimized by the Internet.)

(The extra update for the Silver Alliance is 1,000 words a day, and I will return it slowly.)

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