Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 91 Artificial Intelligence from Ancient Times? !

"The laws of physics are always valid. Can you handle the two extremes of ice and fire?"

"Brother, I have nothing but time!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan began to prepare for the corresponding work.

He first dug out a few pieces of tungsten alloy from the garbage dump and built a simple stove.

This is the benefit of picking up garbage.

You can find any material you want at any time.

The melting point of these tungsten alloys is above 3000 degrees Celsius, so there is no need to worry about being burned by flames.

Then he started to burn the black gem vigorously!

"Da, Da Da!"

The metal ball really has its own intelligence. It seems to understand Lu Yuan's method, but I don't know what it is expressing.

"Can you understand my method?"

"Da, Da Da~"

"Can you understand what I say? If you can, jump to the left. If not, just jump around." Lu Yuan gestured. Well, he only has one hand and is just waving it around.

After a while, this thing actually rolled to the left!

Lu Yuan was stunned.

"You have been sticking to the donkey-headed monster? Just to sound the alarm?"

"Da Da Da!!"

"How many years have you been sticking to it?"

"Da Da Da~" The small ball jumped countless times at a very fast speed.

"Comrade, it's hard for you too. Without your hint, it would be hard for me to beat the donkey-headed monster. Here, I express my sincere gratitude to you." Lu Yuan habitually brags about business.

It's really sincere, because this thing really helps a lot.

"Da Da Da Da Da!" The small ball keeps ringing.

Since this thing has intelligence and is the mortal enemy of the donkey-headed monster, Lu Yuan is relieved.

"Once there is a crisis, it should remind me... I should be careful myself, it won't be a big problem."

After doing this, Lu Yuan took out the communication device for contacting humans, wanting to brag and show off his tragic record. After all, this time... he is really proud!

If you don't return home in wealth and honor, it's like walking in the night in brocade clothes!


He was stunned.

A black handprint appeared on the screen of the communicator!

It was covered with something like corpse water.

It stinks.

When I recovered the metal ball, I didn't have time to look at it. Now I find that the flashing indicator light has been off for a long time...

Lu Yuan's pupils dilated, his heartbeat quickened, and he pressed various buttons "crackling". He also let the communicator bask in the sun for a long time, but the indicator light didn't light up again.

Pioneer Eye: [A civilization management device developed by a powerful civilization, which can be used to detect various data of this civilization and also has certain communication functions. ]

[Due to strong idealistic interference, all functions have been completely damaged. ]

[Maybe you have to buy a new communicator. You may not be able to repair this thing. ]

"Damn donkey-headed monster!"

Lu Yuan wailed, "Fuck your mother!!!"

At this moment, he felt that he had lost his soul. The breeze and sunlight penetrated his body and took his thoughts away.

It turned out that he didn't defeat the donkey-headed monster, because the damn monster discovered his real weakness and broke his communicator at some point...

Lu Yuan was so anxious that he kept cursing.

"Why the hell did you... mess with my communicator?"

"When did it break?!"

Obviously, the donkey-headed monster took some time out during the battle and teleported over to break the communicator.

After all, the dead donkey suppressed him one-sidedly.

Lu Yuan sat on the stone and pressed randomly without giving up, but the miracle did not happen.

The sky at dusk was obscure and dark, and the sun set as usual, taking away the hope of the day.

This subtle sense of disappointment was even more painful than losing an arm.

"Damn donkey-headed monster..."

It took Lu Yuan a whole hour to convince himself to accept this tragedy.

The reason why he didn't grieve for a longer time was because he thought of a reason to convince himself: this kind of metal ball communicator seemed to be a common thing in the ruins of major civilizations.

"I just need to find another ruin of civilization and dig out an instrument, maybe I can get in touch again... Oh, let's do this."

Lu Yuan repeatedly convinced himself that there was a sky city 17,000 kilometers away, and he would go to pick up garbage when the time came. Anyway, he had to go to the sky city.

What if he couldn't pick it up?

That would give him more motivation to go to other ruins of civilizations and pick up more garbage!

One day he would be able to pick it up.

Lu Yuan repeatedly recalled the idea of ​​"picking up garbage from other civilizations", and he actually felt a little inexplicably excited and throbbing, and he was not so sad.

He roared and vented his anger on the black gem, picked up the black gem with tongs, and threw it into cold water.

"Sizzle!" A large amount of water vapor evaporated, forming a thick white mist.

Pick the gem out of the water, put it on the flat ground, and hit it fiercely with a big hammer.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The black gem was knocked directly into the concrete road surface.

Because he only had one hand, Lu Yuan's palm was numb and his center of gravity was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that the black gem was not damaged, he was not discouraged and threw it into the stove again to cook it.

"Come on, let's see how long you can hold out under the ice and fire."

Just then, the small metal ball the size of a marble stuck to the communicator, making a "da, da" sound.

Then it bounced onto the outstanding dagger, making a "da da da" sound.

It seemed a little hurried.

"Comrade, what do you want me to do?" Lu Yuan carefully picked up the dagger.

But the other party could not speak, just stuck to a certain position of the communicator, and kept making "da da da" sounds.

"Can you repair this thing? Do you want me to drill a hole?"

Lu Yuan's heart moved, and he quickly followed the instructions of the small ball and drilled a small hole with the dagger.

The small ball drilled into the communicator.

Then, all kinds of noisy sounds came from inside, as if there was an electric drill messing around inside.

Lu Yuan waited anxiously for a long time, his heart was a little complicated and a little expectant.

After more than half an hour, the communicator issued a strange but understandable voice: "Warrior of unknown civilization, please help me make this hole bigger."

Lu Yuan almost didn't react, and once thought he had auditory hallucinations.

He has been talking to himself.

It has been a long time since he heard the language of intelligent creatures.

"Are you talking? That little ball?"

A voice came out again: "Warrior of unknown civilization, please help me make this hole bigger!"

"Awooo!" The old wolf also heard the voice, ran over and stared, drooling on the ground.

After thinking for several seconds, Lu Yuan used a dagger to make the hole bigger.

He kept a straight face and tried to maintain the serious expression that "humans" should have.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a little nervous now, because the little ball is also something he can't understand.

He doesn't know whether he should expect this thing to have higher intelligence or lower intelligence?

Artificial intelligence in ancient times?

Even more, what does this scene represent? !

It represents the first contact between human beings and alien civilizations!

As the supreme leader of the 18th civilization of mankind, Lu Yuan represents the face of this civilization.

This is a big step for mankind, and also a big step for me, Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan cleared his throat, sternly said in a serious diplomat's tone: "Are you repairing this thing? Thank you very much, comrade from the unknown civilization, I really need it."

"If you can fix it, you are a hero of my human civilization and have gained the deep friendship of my 18th civilization of mankind."

The noisy movement in the big sphere suddenly disappeared!

It was extremely quiet.

Lu Yuan clenched his fists, feeling vaguely uneasy.

"A warrior of human civilization, I cannot understand the mystery of this machine. Its sophistication is beyond my comprehension."

"I just saw that this thing was broken, so I requisitioned a part so that I could speak, but I accidentally broke more parts. It can no longer be repaired."

"You have noble moral integrity and mind, you should not condemn a reliable comrade for this?"

Lu Yuan's blood pressure suddenly rose, and he almost rushed over and strangled this familiar guy.

My communicator...

Now there is no possibility of repair!

He forced himself to calm down: "What you said is not human language, why can I understand it?"

"I requisitioned one of the speaker devices, which has some extraordinary power and can achieve barrier-free communication across races."

"This is the function of the communicator."

After a long time, Lu Yuan restrained his brain that was about to turn red, and frantically comforted himself in his heart: "This communicator is broken, it's okay, I'll pick up another one later."

He stared at the communicator with no expression on his face, just staring at it.

The guy inside was silent.

"Then, you come out first." Lu Yuan finally used a dagger to make the hole bigger.

The communicator was indeed an extremely complex mechanical structure, and there were some unknown black boxes.

He couldn't repair this kind of technological creation.

"Da Da Da~"

The small ball drilled out of the hole, and there was something like a wire connected to it.

At the end of the wire was a sound generator, and some miscellaneous parts were randomly stuck together, and various screws and metal pieces kept falling to the ground.

[Even the Eye of the Pioneer didn't know what these parts were combined to form. I only know that there are cameras, speakers, and an energy storage device inside. ]

A cyberpunk smell came towards me.

What's even weirder is that this group of parts... looks like a... cat?

A bunch of parts make up a cat? !

This scene is really weird!

And the small metal ball is in the center of a pile of parts.

It started scratching itself like a cat, and metal parts clattered to the ground, and finally the speaker fell off.

Then it connected the speaker back and let out an eerie exclamation: "Wow... Wonderful!"

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