Latent Syndrome

Chapter 102 101 Male hormones

Chapter 102 101. Male hormones

The first rule of testicular cancer support groups is, don’t mention it.

But now the rules have changed a bit.

Because of the emergence of the trial, the Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association seemed like a harmless gathering, and began to spread faster, not only in the Shusk District and St. Louis District, but also in other urban areas. Most of the reasons came from The exploration of urban legends and trials comes from people's purest desire for knowledge.

“I’m interested in testicular cancer support groups.”

Colin threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with his shoe, and said calmly to the promoter.

The propagandist looks like a person working in the IT industry, wearing a plaid shirt and black-rimmed glasses, with a slightly stooped spine and a thin body.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Colin. He suspected that he had heard wrongly. Not to mention your appearance and your testicular cancer, with this posture, I believe you even if you say you have four balls.

But the propagandist is not afraid. Influenced by the atmosphere in the mutual aid association during this period, he has become stronger. He is no longer what he used to be. Even if he encounters a black man wearing a turban in the slums, his heartbeat will speed up by up to 20%.

"Actually, it's not literal, we're committed to making it accessible to everyone."

"Mentally, I... always felt fearful in the past. Whether it was contact with the opposite sex, various social interactions, or even paying bills, it was a problem. But after joining the mutual aid group, I gradually understood everything."

"Come to the activity room with me. Don't worry. There will be no charge. If this is some kind of deception, you can beat me up at any time and never fight back or call the police."

"There are free cookies and coffee."

The man with glasses said sincerely and adjusted his glasses.

Colin simply couldn't believe that these words would come out of the mouth of an IT man. The Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid Association was such a terrible thing. The confidence hidden in his words sounded very powerful.

"Uh... let's go."

Colin lit a cigarette and shook one out for him, but he said that he did not smoke and had never even drank alcohol.

The bespectacled man led Colin to turn left and right, and entered a somewhat remote alleyway. Between the squeeze of tall buildings, the sun could not reach it.

Colin was not confused, because the mutual aid association was officially classified as an illegal organization, and it was normal for their activity room to be located in a hidden place.

"Why do you want to join? New members have a part to share their experiences. You can make some preparations in advance. I had a lot of embarrassments when I first started participating."

The man with glasses reminded him kindly.

Colin was shocked. Is there such a link? No, there should be this kind of link, just like an AA alcohol rehab meeting, where everyone sits together and shares. As long as the bad things that happened because of alcohol are revealed, the pressure will be less, and we can make progress together by encouraging each other. , overcoming alcohol addiction together.

And what this organization has to overcome is fear?

He racked his brains to think about his cowardly experience, but it seemed to be nothing. He lacked the conditions for domestic violence, his marriage ended in a relatively peaceful way, and there was no midlife crisis.

"School...campus violence, yes, when I was in high school, the football captain always liked to bully me. I was very cowardly at the time and I have never let go."

Colin said calmly.

The bespectacled man was horrified. He looked at Colin's majestic appearance, the ferocious scar, and the fierce eyes that had killed countless people. He was afraid that the campus was not violent enough, but it was about the same.

In addition, isn’t this plot too classic? Asshole, isn’t it that the football captain happens to like wearing a blue baseball jacket with white sleeves, drives a Volt car, has a cheerleader’s girlfriend, and also happens to hold an event? Had a big party but didn't invite you.

But the man with glasses didn't make any assumptions. He couldn't simply deny a person's past. He might actually have an unknown tragic experience.

"Yeah, after joining us, you will definitely overcome it. We will work hard together."

The man with glasses said sincerely.

Colin was very interested and wanted to see how this organization brainwashed people.

Under the guidance of the man with glasses, he pushed open an iron gate and went down the stairs into a basement. Colin came to the so-called activity room. The space was not small. It was supposed to be a warehouse or something like that, but it was now rented.

All the facilities are very simple, with white electric pole lighting, some lockers and tables for storing things, and other than that there are only folding chairs arranged in a circle, with about twenty seats, which are already full of people. But no one said anything to each other, and everyone looked painful.

Seeing the newcomers coming in, the people who noticed Colin all forced themselves to smile bitterly and waved to him.

Colin looked calm on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. Is it so heavy, brother? This is fucking more of a memorial service than a memorial service, the atmosphere is so bad.

He originally thought it was like a cult, doing things like testicle success science, where love would either be destroyed in pain, or explode in pain, you bastard.

As Colin took his seat, the atmosphere became more serious.

The bespectacled man was doing some basic work, packing cookies on a workbench. These were gifts given to those who had made changes, and there were medals and other things just like Alcoholics Anonymous.

Colin shook his legs, a little anxious, and subconsciously took out a cigarette to smoke, but no one stopped him.

The leader of the organizer was a middle-aged man with very pale skin. Colin could tell at a glance that he was a drug addict. He had varicose veins on his face, some burst blood vessels, and his lips were white, but he had no complications from skin diseases, such as sores and ringworm. Something like that, probably during the withdrawal process.

The middle-aged man looked at the time on his watch, and when he realized that it was past the time, he clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"I can feel that some people have changed, and there is determination in their eyes."

"I saw on the news that someone had completed the homework assigned last time, and the results were quite good."

Next, the middle-aged man took out exquisite crafts from a cabinet, which were several copper badges with the characters "Freedom" engraved on them.

He distributed it to some of them.

"By sabotaging the circuits and causing a full-day blackout in a major supermarket chain, you contributed to a just cause for humanity."

He handed the badge to a person who was sitting, and the person stood up and expressed his thoughts: "My wife... always thought that I was a waste, just because I promoted the company's products to some neighbors, which made her feel embarrassed."

He cried a little, and continued to add: "I just want to live a better life and work harder. In short, I feel like I was a corpse before, and now I am really alive."

"Thanks for sharing."

The middle-aged man took the lead in clapping, and the others also clapped. Colin was shocked, but the atmosphere was up, and he clapped in agreement with the people around him.

"This is... an old member. He has finally made some achievements after all this time. The day before yesterday, he knocked out several fitness instructors with an electric baton and dealt with several people single-handedly."

The middle-aged man also gave him the medal. He was a somewhat obese man.

"I have always been insecure about my body... Although everyone doesn't say it, I know they are laughing at me in their hearts."

“I learned a lot that a real man doesn’t have to have a strong body.”

"As long as you have the consciousness to risk your life for what you protect, and how to shoot."

"I...have dignity."

The fat man said.

Colin was indifferent on the surface, but a flash of lightning flashed through his heart. Damn... you are pretty good at talking.

Thunderous applause broke out.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man awarded two people more medals. Colin's scalp was numb. The so-called homework was to cause havoc everywhere, right? Feeding pigeons laxatives to make them poop everywhere, and destroying people on the street. Fire hydrants spray water everywhere and are a nuisance, and so fucking tacky.

But if you think about Di Biao being a bastard who steals beer from a convenience store, you can figure it out.

After doing all this, the middle-aged man glanced around the seats. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him. After thinking for a while, he started to speak.

"There are a lot of new people here. You may... find it ridiculous."

"Maybe that's true. We are not a compulsive evil organization. If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave at any time."

"But we do have ways to make people brave."

"This is... logical, not theological, not illusory. It is close to our lives."

"Yes, our thoughts are a tragedy in social progress. We know too much about ourselves, are shaped too much by the outside world, and are enslaved by the illusion of self-ownership."

"Advertising tempts people to buy things they don't need, leather sofas, handmade dishes, electronic equipment."

"So people keep going to work to buy these things that they don't need, but everyone is using them. You have to blend in and then sink. The things you own will eventually own you and become you."

"And nothing is a more powerful motive than perdition."

"I hate success studies. Those who sell success studies books turn people into cowards."

"If a person has enough motivation to succeed, do he still need to buy some third-rate books that are used to cheat money?"

“You just have to stand at the counter, stick up your middle finger, and say fuck yourself to success.”

"TV programs, social software, marriage, games, fast food restaurants, hair restorers, and razors are constantly injecting estrogen into people, preaching love and peace, and then using invisible insults and the most basic wealth to... Give us a loud slap in the face, and even our dignity and backbone will be wiped away."

"It's no one's fault, no one can be a man under a double whammy like this."

“Self-improvement may not be the answer, self-destruction may be the answer.”

"Only by abandoning everything can you be free."

"You must risk everything and feel your true self in the violent darkness, based on primitive wildness and the purest male hormones."

"Burn it down, filth."

"If it's rough, polish it."

“What is weak, make it strong.”

The middle-aged man demonstrated by spreading his fingers, picked up a utility knife, clicked it, stretched out the blade, and then stabbed back and forth between the fingers. If he made a mistake, his fingers would be cut to pieces.

"This makes no sense." He continued to add: "It's just that I am no longer afraid of pain, and power... spreads endlessly in my soul."

Colin was stunned. He forgot to shake off the cigarette ashes and accumulated them for a long time. He looked around and saw that everyone's eyes were vaguely excited. He didn't know how to describe these people, but they were so damn... I don’t know, Colin didn’t know how to describe it, it was so fucked.

Mutual aid groups are like this, so what the hell is a trial?

Next, the middle-aged man asked Colin and another newcomer to share, saying that this was the rule of the mutual aid association.

At this moment, a woman pushed open the door and entered.

"Is this a testicular cancer support group?"

She was a quite tall woman, even 1.8 meters tall, with a slender figure like a stage actress. She wore extremely fashionable leather boots, leather pants and a sequined silver leather jacket. Her long hair was also dyed silver and she wore Wearing blue sunglasses, you can't see your eyes, but you can still see the facial features other than the eyes, a tall nose, fair skin, and... a man's cigarette in his mouth.

"That's...yes, but we generally only accept males."

The middle-aged man was a little confused. He had never seen this kind of situation before, even in other activity rooms.

"At least you still have testicles. I don't even have testicles. I'm the most qualified to stay here."

The woman pulled out a folding chair in an extremely familiar manner, motioned to Colin and the people sitting around him to clear their seats, then sat down quite naturally, crossed her legs, and took a deep puff of her cigarette.

Colin was speechless. It was too dreamy, too abstract. What happened in this small space was too abstract. It was as abstract as the Predator vs. Alien, Godzilla in Wonderland, and Fifty Shades of Gray. The Matrix, Brave New World, Quantum Mechanics, Gamma Rays, Sunspots, The Big Bang.

"Then...please ask the three new members to share their experiences."

The middle-aged man calmed down and said this.

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