Latent Syndrome

Chapter 103 102 The Palace of Truth

Chapter 103 102. Temple of Truth

In clockwise order of seating, another new male member will start sharing.

He was probably in his early twenties. He scratched his head and held it in for a long time before saying, "I don't know what to say."

"Anything is okay, what happened today, or what happened before, anything is okay, whether it's good or bad."

The middle-aged man encouraged.

Then he briefly introduced his name.

"I heard from my friend that there is such a place."

"I did take it as some kind of joke at first, but then he became a different person."

"It's really manly and reborn, so I plan to give it a try."

Perhaps out of shyness, he did not say anything specific. After he did not say anything, the middle-aged man took the lead in applauding and began to welcome him.

Others also clapped, and the atmosphere was up. Colin also responded to the light applause, while the silver-haired woman sitting next to him was not a bird at all, tinkering with instant coffee with a coffee spoon.

Then it was Colin's turn, and everyone stared at him with curious eyes. Would he come to a mutual aid meeting with this face? I don’t believe it if you don’t take ten lives.


Colin didn't know what to say, so he started talking nonsense: "My name is... Liszt, I am a mathematics teacher, and I have never been popular with women."

"Well...both my colleagues and my family hate me, and my students don't respect me at all."

Anyway, Colin planned to play for a while, maybe he could find some important clues. He added shamelessly: "The school violence I experienced in the past has also made me unable to let go for a long time and cannot get out of the shadows. I hope to gain courage here." To fight.”

Everyone is shocked, school violence is okay, is it because you beat others to a disability, so you always feel guilty?

Although they didn't know why, everyone still applauded.

Finally it was the turn of the silver-haired woman wearing dark blue sunglasses in a dimly lit room, smoking a cigarette.

Everyone was stunned because she shouldn't be here at all.

Colin clicked his tongue, because the cigarette this woman smoked had explosive beads in it, and the smoke she exhaled had a fruity smell. He didn't know if it was blueberry or something, maybe violet.

After stamping out the cigarette butt with his black high-top kart boots, he took out the gum from his jacket, put it in his mouth, chewed it, blew a bubble and popped it before he started talking.

Colin was speechless, should he pull it off like this?


Violet babbled.

Colin wants to whip someone out, but Diana is okay, and I still have Aphdelote.

"Do you know the so-called threshold effect?"

"If you are directly asked to kill people, you will definitely refuse. You must first practice with small animals such as kittens."

"Only by first making a trivial request, such as stealing something or doing some small damage, in order to maintain cognitive dissonance and achieve a consistent level, you will gradually accept more unreasonable requests."

Violet chewed gum and talked boredly.

Colin felt something was wrong with the taste. Is this woman here to cause trouble? Is it from the Countermeasures Bureau?

The middle-aged man had to begin to doubt the real purpose of this woman, because the mutual aid association was classified as a prohibited organization and had been blocked by the police. Although this sign was greatly alleviated after the sudden deaths of the city councilors and the mayor, it was not No.

Don't wait for the middle-aged man to speak.

The fat man who had knocked down several fitness instructors spoke up and said, "Leave, woman, you are not welcome here. This is not a place for women."

Violet didn't take it seriously and drank coffee leisurely.

"This is not the style of a real man. Listen to your boss's opinion. He is more...convincing."

She looked at the middle-aged man with pale skin.

"Sit down, we are all about logic. If it is easily refuted, then this is just a loser organization that is as ridiculous as other mutual aid societies, wild dogs licking each other's wounds."

After listening to what the middle-aged man said, the fat man sat down and stopped speaking.

"We do do some irrational things."

"But there's nothing wrong with that."

"The world is like a scale. When the scale is completely tilted to one side, only by adding more violent weight can it be brought back on track."

"If you don't give people a standard to measure, people won't even know that they are suffering."

"Thus forming an...absolute closed loop."

"Only unreasonable and unreasonable behavior can be countered."

The middle-aged man said calmly.

"It is indeed a set of self-consistent logic, which is great."

"But I found the most contradictory part."

"However... mid-life crisis, appearance attacks, tragic past? These things are too boring. Can this level make you desperate enough to join a so-called mutual aid meeting?"

"Oh no."

"I understand, just because you are too cowardly, you need to become a bitch."

"Then I can understand that all those who bear this kind of pressure and deal with it head-on are tough guys, and those who come here to abandon morality and escape society are cowards?"

Violet said expressionlessly, blowing bubbles with her gum.

Colin was hooked and felt that things were gradually getting more interesting. This was a hundred times better than wilderness survival and all kinds of messy and sensational variety shows.

Her words made many members present shaken, but the middle-aged man remained indifferent.

"There is no denying that those who devote their lives to something are truly men."

"Both this building and these coffee machines are all thanks to them."

"But you are wrong about one thing. This is not an escape. For the kind of people you are talking about, fighting is just a difficult economic situation."

"What we have to fight against is prisons, bullets, and the desperate situation of thousands of troops."

"Again, this is not a cop-out."

The middle-aged man said this, and the members who were a little shaken just now were enlightened and their eyes became determined.

"Really, the so-called confrontation means stealing some stores? Destroying public facilities?"

Violet said calmly.

"You're right, it's wrong, but it's also right."

“Clichés contain endless profound thoughts. They are caves dug by ants for generations, imprisoning people’s souls.”

“No sacrifice, no gain.”

“That’s what Testicular Cancer Support is all about, wrong is right.”

"Like Columbus discovering the New World."

“Fleming made bread go moldy.”

“Real discoveries must come from chaos, and must be made by going to places of error, idiocy, and even stupidity.”

"Those who are incapable of making mistakes cannot understand the greatness and understand...the mysteries of the universe."

"In order to surpass this supreme power that rules the world, we must run towards...the abyss of eternal destruction."

"Ignore pain, ignore regret, ignore torture, ignore life, this is a real man."

What he said was too crazy, and in a sense too correct.

However, some members are not just shaken, but have become polarized. Some people have retreated. They just want to get some comfort, while some people, as if they have been inspired by the apocalypse, even have thoughts. Going to take part in the trial.

Colin was shocked, these people were so crazy.

"The fox's tail is exposed. As long as it leads people to complete chaos, a desert of thought, and becomes a madman, there will be no so-called right or wrong. It will only be destruction."

Violet said calmly.

"Are you...sure that this is a desert of thought?"

The middle-aged man knew that this was destined to be a fruitless argument.

"Then let's speak with the purest strength, a 1V1 duel between real men."

Violet stood up and pulled a pistol from her silver leather jacket.

Colin was shocked. At least one thing was beyond doubt. She came up with the truth.


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