Latent Syndrome

Chapter 111 110 Hereditary

Chapter 111 110. Hereditary

Most of the organizational industries compiled by SCT are concentrated in the Saint-Louis area.

In addition to various money-making activities other than bank robbery and extortion and kidnapping, commercial means are its most important economic pillar.

The industries they participate in span transportation, catering, construction contracting, gambling, etc., among which strip clubs account for a large share.

Funds are continuously injected into SCT to carry out more activities.

The targets on the list have been solved one by one by Colin. More than half of them, more than ten people, died in Colin's hands with the cooperation of members of the Countermeasures Bureau.

Even Colin himself felt incredible.

Half a year ago, he hadn't even killed a fish, but now, looking at the blood splattered by those people and the slowly dimming pupils, he couldn't feel anything.

He seems to have a cruel spirit.

Inside a striptease club.

All the dancers were frightened. This man wearing blood-red round sunglasses could sprout sharp wire blades from his hands. The frightening thing on the prison fence was surrounded by circles of blades. Wrap it up and squeeze it hard, then mince it directly into a dripping, sticky red paste. Or a sharp iron thorn may penetrate it and lift it up, causing it to be nailed to the wall and die violently.

That kind of powerful tearing sound with bones, tendons and other obstacles being shattered together, it's hard to imagine what they felt in the last moment before death.

Colin had absolutely no sympathy for the minions and thugs of this infected organization and killed them all.

They may really have some unspeakable secrets and stay in SCT for many unfortunate or helpless motives, but no matter what, people have to pay the price for their choices. Since they are already committing crimes, they should Whether he has the consciousness to die on the streets or not is not his concern.

Most of these guys were only D-level and C-level. They were completely incompetent in front of Colin. They were all swept away by him. Moreover, he was only training with a tentative mentality. Colin did not do anything serious and was just testing Lan. The power of tokens.

It has to be said that it is quite powerful. Even if Randy is not an S-class infected person, the vision suggested by the God of Death is extremely rare and possesses extraordinary destructive power. These sharp and sharp metals can shatter all moving objects in an instant. cut.

When using a token, the will and memory fragments of the token owner's lifetime will penetrate into the user's mind sporadically.

As we get to know Randy better.

Colin believes that one day, he will be able to perform these visions without the need for tokens. Irina may be right. She is not an infected person...but can imitate other infected people and draw power from the abyss. In the process, I also came into contact with the abyss.

The images and sounds that the token passed into his mind were extremely terrifying, but they were nothing to Colin today. If he were himself half a year ago, he might still feel scared, because those memories were too terrifying. Randy’s experience, what he was thinking about What I thought and did was too crazy.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

The third most boring thing in the world is the tragic past.

With Colin clearing out.

The striptease dancers also fled here, and the dazzling neon lights did not stop. It was originally a beautiful place of love and confusion, but now under the illumination of those pink and purple lights, these corpses turned the place into a purgatory.

Only the head of their organization was left.

Colin was a little hesitant because the leader of this organization looked like he might have just grown up, but he was too young. According to the information, he was a Class B infected person, so he took the position of the boss, ran the strip dance club, and Doing things for money and death.

The infected person kept begging for mercy, hoping that Colin would let him go. Because of the bounty, many people knew him. The infected people in Los Angeles regarded him as one of the strongest fighters in Section 11.

"Next I'm going to ask you some questions and you just have to answer yes or no."

Colin said.

And he kept nodding, no longer caring about so much.

Two minutes later.

Because these questions are self-contradictory, they will make the infected person with low control go crazy, and he will directly fall into a state of rage.


The blood spurted out from the knife, and Colin cut him off at the waist. He swung it a few more times, shattering it into powdery paste, and splashed a few drops on Colin's white shirt.

He was unmoved.

But Colin changed his mind.

Who can remain calm under such a high-pressure test of life and death? This requires too much willpower and control, and most infected people are unable to do it.

As the communication terminal sent a message, the raid and suppression operation had ended. The organizations compiled by the SCT had shrunk and dormant during the countermeasures bureau's all-round suppression of Luo City.

But those weirdos standing guard at various intersections have not been cleaned up yet. They will even change their strategies according to the actions of the countermeasures bureau. These people who keep popping up begin to appear in schools, hospitals and other areas. They are simply among the terrorists. Terrorists have already reached out to medical care and education.

And another piece of shocking news was also delivered.

Because there was still loud electronic music playing in the strip club, the loud sound that penetrated the harbor area was not heard during the fierce struggle. .


The stock exchange was blasted, and the entire building collapsed. The waves of dust and black smoke spread to every corner of every street in the harbor area. It is unimaginable to think of the casualties involved in the damaged facilities.

This will cause a huge blow to the people's livelihood economy on the West Coast. The paralysis of the securities lending business will cause astronomical amounts of funds to flee regardless of cost. The decline of the industrial chain will lead to rising prices.

Moreover, the panic triggered by the loss of credibility is also a big factor. In this chaotic situation, not only will the symbolic world where human thoughts are united together will be shaken, accelerating the spread of latent disease, but the uncontrolled infected people will also become more and more crazy. more.

This is the crux.

It may take decades or hundreds of years to build something, but sometimes it takes less than a second to destroy something.


No matter what, they all have an advantage, because they are all desperadoes who don't care about life or death.

If we could go back in time...

Those two planes might not have collided, and now I can go back in time and turn the tide.

But this is no longer possible.

"You look down. What message did I send you?"

Violet took out some champagne from the bar and drank it. Even if it was fairy wine, in her opinion, it was not as good as free stuff.

Colin answered everything truthfully, the collapse of the stock exchange.

Because at Violet's strong request, Liszt went on a mission with Heller. For some reason, she kept clinging to him and couldn't get rid of him.

It's not that Colin didn't like it, it still felt boring after a long time.

"The Countermeasures Bureau should have complete follow-up measures. After all, they have learned from the past. They will definitely consider how to deal with this kind of thing after it happens."

Colin said.

"Why do you care so much? It's like you have some connection with that building."

Violet was not interested in the news. Not to mention the stock exchange, with SCT's style, it was expected that the Statue of Liberty would explode. For them, destroying symbolic buildings should come before functional buildings. .

Colin couldn't help but think of Cohen, the man whose wife committed adultery with her lover and then conspired to kill him.

What is right and what is wrong.

Colin no longer wants to delve deeper. The problems in the world are too complicated, and they are also an abyss.

For a moment, he was a little jealous of Randy, because he had no last wish and nothing to deal with. He didn't comment on what he did. He just kept doing what he wanted to do, and finally died peacefully.

And myself...

I don’t know when I will be able to escape from this whirlpool and find the mysterious person related to me. Who will it be?

"Wow, sweetheart, I just realized that you bought my couple's sunglasses."

Violet can actually sense people's pain coefficient through slight fluctuations in the deep world. When Colin attacked in that strange way, he endured unimaginable pain, and he didn't even frown. This is really true of himself The most amazing man I've ever met.

"Your boyfriend is probably lying in a coffin right now."

Colin replied casually, because these are Randy's sunglasses.

And Violet didn't know what Colin was talking about.


An idea flashed in Colin's mind, and his expression became solemn, as if he had thought of something, and even he was shocked by his idea.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Violet asked.

Colin ignored it at all and staggered a little. Although this was a violation of morality and just a whimsical inspiration, he had to check it out for himself.

It was late at night.

A suburb far away from the city.

The bright moonlight shines in the open cemetery. Some dead trees make the place a bit eerie. Accompanied by the chirping of crickets and the scattered tombstones, the place is very cold.

Colin was wearing only a vest and was digging a grave with a shovel in both hands. The soil had been dug up a lot, forming a small hill on one side.

Violet completely stuck to itself like brown candy, and Colin was used to it.

"Whose grave are you digging? Desecrating the dead is not the quality of a good fiancé."

Violet didn't help, she just watched.

"My dad's."

Colin replied calmly.

Violet: "..."

Thinking that some ancient secret arts also possess magical powers, such as Clay and people like Violet, he was inspired. Colin's father himself is also an archaeologist.

Although he had no basis for it and just wanted to take a look, he had no good feelings for his father who died of drunkenness and freezing in the back alley of the bar.

When all the soil is dug up to reveal the coffin.

Colin was stunned in place.

"Why is there nothing?"

Violet also came over to take a look, curious about the meaning behind what Colin did.

Although Colin had a vague sense of the ominous situation, the cracked coffin and the empty interior still made his scalp numb.

This rotten man is more than just an alcoholic.

What he did to himself.

This is the source of all his misfortunes.

Exhibit No. 256.

Perhaps, it comes from himself.

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