Latent Syndrome

Chapter 112 111 The Pope

Chapter 112 111. The Pope

Since there are very few direct flights from New Zealand to North America, in order to rush for time, Hugo had to go to Australia first, and then transfer from the eastern city of Sydney to Los Angeles in North America.

Thousands of meters in the air.

The civil aviation passenger plane passed through the clouds and traveled between the straits. It seemed that it encountered turbulence in the airflow. The plane bumped violently, causing a lot of panic. Some passengers who were not wearing seat belts were weightless and were overturned to the ground. The entire passenger compartment There was a lot of noise, and the beautiful flight attendant had to quickly calm down the passengers and signal that this was a normal phenomenon.

Of all people.

Only Hugo remained calm, it only disturbed his interest in reading entertainment magazines.

He turned his head and looked directly at the scene outside through the glass window, looking directly at the dazzling sun without any clouds.

The strong light of 16 million degrees Celsius traveled 150 million kilometers, reached the bottom of his eyeballs, was refracted on the retina, and burned his eyes.

After a moment, he felt a little dizzy, but with the continuous influx of power, the light injected into his eyes became increasingly dimmer, constantly disintegrating the light refracted into his eyes.

Until the sun became clearer and more real. In his eyes, he could even see the flowing arcs of light on its surface and the ejections of coronal mass.

Hugo withdrew his gaze and looked at the safety notice on the inner wall of the cabin. On it was a cartoon character with a cow-like expression who could not detect whether he was frightened or not, demonstrating how to use the oxygen mask when it was popped out.

But he didn't care.

Latent disease.

It is really amazing. As long as the human will is strong enough, it can even compete with the celestial bodies in the universe.

As for the plane accident.

It's just scabies.


After Hugo got off the plane, he planned to stay in the airport hotel for one night. Due to time constraints, the flight to North America would not arrive until tomorrow.


He did not bring any luggage to the airport hotel for transit tourists, because SCT would take care of everything. Once he arrived in North America and met with the head of the branch, he could obtain operational funds. No matter how expensive it was, it could be treated as a one-time use. .

Whether it's brand-name clothing or a sports car, it's like disposable toothbrushes, disposable slippers, and disposable bath towels in the hotel.

He did not know the specific matters of this external punishment. In addition to fighting, SCT's external punishment occasionally included control of the entire situation. Since it was his turn, the problem must have been serious.

Los Angeles?

One of the largest cultural export locations in the world, it is indeed an extremely important strategic point for SCT. I heard that the summit also decided to start infiltrating Liberty City. As the lifeblood of the Bretton Woods system and the world economic center, its strategic value Not under Luo City.

In this way, the main cities on the east and west coasts will radiate to the entire American continent, pushing SCT's trend to its peak. Due to the special nature of SCT, this organization must not suffer a huge failure, as long as this trend is dispersed , the order composed of stragglers and outlaws will soon fall apart.

Therefore, these two strategic points are extremely critical. If the operations in Los Angeles and Liberty City fail, the countermeasures bureau composed of the global anti-terrorist alliance countries will be able to put their forces into the first front one after another. By then, extremely dangerous situations will arise. Gambling situation, all-out final fight to the death.

The summit, which always seeks stability, will not let that happen.

He stayed in a relatively high-end room with exquisite decoration and lighting. He sat on a single sofa chair and read "The Count of Monte Cristo" while thinking about things.


After reading half of it, he closed the book and made a sound mixed with unknown emotions. He suddenly lost all interest. Perhaps this was the difference between it and the work of the top master.

There is a lack of one.

Cruel spirit.

Just when he was bored, there was a rustling sound from the direction of the entrance door. Following the movement, he looked there and saw a card stuffed into the crack of the door.

He has been to many places because of foreign punishment. This phenomenon is found in almost all airport hotels. Not many men can resist the temptation of a night of exotic experience.

Bang bang...

There was a crisp knock on the door.

Hugo ignored it, guessing that she was a prostitute or a blackmailer.

Until there were two knocks on the door again.

His eyes narrowed and he sensed some danger. According to common sense, if he were a prostitute, he would leave after knocking on the door twice at intervals.

Don't waste time on a single goal.

Is it because I didn't clean up the tail of my last operation, so people from the Countermeasures Bureau came to visit me again?

Since there were loopholes in the background investigation and various review mechanisms of the Countermeasures Bureau in the early stage, it gave SCT many opportunities to take advantage of. Although things have improved a lot now that various mechanisms have been improved, the composition of the Countermeasures Bureau was also known through early penetration. frame.

The top command department of the Countermeasures Bureau has a very high degree of confidentiality. Even the various departments below can only receive dispatches and orders unilaterally. The third department is the mainstay of the Countermeasures Bureau and the department with the largest number of people. It is responsible for conducting operations against SCT. Multi-point strike is actually more like a military organization with militarized management.

The departments behind the third department are the defensive forces in each location. For example, in Los Angeles where Hugo is going, the eleventh department is responsible for the defense and various measures.

The second department is a scientific research department composed entirely of scholars. In order to counter SCT, all research is done by any means. It gathers the world's top genius minds and is also a gathering place for madmen. After contacting the abyss, most of these scholars will fall into Crazy, but he can also perceive the secret power hidden in the unspeakable world except for the abyss syndrome. Its danger level can be compared with the first department.

The people who make up the first section are, without exception, the most terrifying people. Strength, talent, and will. One of these three will always reach its peak.

Responsible for special operations including beheading operations and the collection of key intelligence. To achieve this goal, he is even willing to sneak into the SCT headquarters and go to the most dangerous places.

In a sense, the symbolic world is a reference to civilization, which is intertwined with countless problems and mediocrity after adjustment. People who deviate from the symbolic world may not necessarily commit absolute evil, but it may also be a kind of... ultimate axiom.

It is these people who make up Section 1 and have the strongest beliefs.

One of their main tasks is to snipe and kill the people at the top of the combat directory. The top fifty should all be in this category. As for themselves, the eleventh.

is a good goal.

Hugo didn't care if there was someone from Section 1 behind that door, even if it was just an ordinary person, or even just a divorced woman pushing a food cart to feed her children.

He also made a killing move.

The chosen extraordinary people have the right to transcend current social norms for the development of the new century. ——"Crime and Punishment"


gold and silver.

Stone building.

The bright and shining things slowly spread along his feet, even changing the structure of the entire room. The modern floor-to-ceiling windows also turned into church-like stained glass. Rather than a simple vision, it was more like a concrete reflection of some high-level concept. .

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

There can't be any mistakes.

The surrounding area seemed to have turned into a glorious temple, with white angel feathers fluttering. Within the area covered, one could even faintly hear the high-pitched gospel of the large pipe organ in the Middle Ages.

Just looking at this majestic sight almost brings you to your knees.

It was an invisible force, the conceptual power naturally emitted by the field, penetrating towards the door, but strangely it did not cause any damage to the door.

Directly causing damage to the target behind the door.


Only a violent explosion was heard.

He opened the door and entered the hotel corridor.

Dripping blood sprayed everywhere, and he also saw the expected scene, he was surrounded.

"You are under arrest, Pope."

A member of the Countermeasures Bureau raised a machine gun and said so.

Seeing that Hugo had raised his hand.


Another member of Section 1 said that in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, Hugo was a person who was completely logical and able to communicate, and was different from other madmen in the investigation report.

"We can have a good talk about your ideas. There is no need for you to stay in SCT and destroy civilization with them."

Before the outbreak of latent syndrome, Hugo had not set foot in the underground world, so people just called him the Pope after his tarot card suggestions.

Hugo just took off his gray leather jacket and folded it on the ground. He was actually wearing a transparent plastic raincoat underneath, and then put on the hood of the raincoat.

"Are you destroying civilization? SCT is indeed just a... hippie organization."

"I actually have little interest in ideological disputes."

"But the key point is that compared to them, you lack a little bit, and you don't have a cruel spirit."

"A benign civilization is not built by machines..."

"But thoughts."

he began.

A killing spree.

The blood only spattered on the post-modern pilgrim's robe-like raincoat, which was all bright red.

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