Latent Syndrome

Chapter 332 331 Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 332 331. Wheel of Fortune

"How do you want me to help you?"

"As you can see, the rumors are false."

"I'm not an astrologer, that's just a vicious joke from the dark witches of the Middle Ages."

"I'm just an ordinary person."

"It shouldn't be of much help."

Rhodes answered truthfully.


"I know that you have the so-called real page in your hand."

"And can interpret and understand everything."

"Only you can help me."

"I can give you anything, as long as it exists in this vast wasteland, I can definitely help you get it."

The chain saw was extremely cold. After drinking the hot coffee, I huddled in the blanket and kept rubbing my arms with my hands to keep warm.

"Is it."

"I want you to help me find all the scholars who experienced the South Pacific incident. Can you do it?"

Rhodes considered the conditions of the chain saw seriously.

"Feel sorry."

"The South Pacific Incident? I don't even know what it is."

Chainsaw was beyond confused.

Rhodes thought about it carefully and realized that this was a top-secret content that only the main personnel of the SCT Summit and the first section of the Countermeasures Bureau knew. Although the chain saw had already occupied a place in this wasteland, it was understandable that he didn't know about it.

The people on both sides are each plotting something, which is related to the final outcome. In the true sense, it is the final decision.

Rhodes told Chain Saw the truth without reservation. Four years ago, there was a solar eclipse that lasted all day. Along with the mysterious celestial body that blocked the sun, all space stations lost contact, satellites were also interfered with, almost all were scrapped, and darkness shrouded them. Without everything else, the astronomical telescope cannot see the contents of the celestial body, it is just a hole deeper than the darkness.

With the arrival of the mysterious celestial body, an uninvited guest also arrived. No one knew what it was. It was very likely that it was the source of the outbreak of the Abyssal Syndrome.

Humanity has tried many times to launch probes or manned rockets to reach space to explore the truth, but they all ended in failure and had to be given up due to astronomical expenditures.

But no one noticed at this time that a spacecraft called the Observer crashed back to the earth. No one knew that it was the only human creation that had returned from space.

Falling on a barren island in the South Pacific, the local residents were just primitive tribes isolated from the world in the last century. They have only been civilized in recent decades. They can use modern tools and some foreign languages, but they are limited to fishing boats and some Engine gasoline and the like, I don't understand what the falling of the big iron block means.

After a fisherman witnessed everything, he sold the information to outsiders active in the local area at a price that was unbelievably low, even lower than a high-end steak.

There are only two kinds of people who would come to such a barren land. One is the extremely stupid tourists. There are very few of these people, not many in a year, almost none.

The only ones left are some geologists, climatologists, biologists, and some documentary filmmakers who came here for their work.

The news spread quickly, and all the scholars came here because of its reputation. With the fall of the Observer, some supernatural objects were brought back. It is said that those scholars turned into things even more bizarre and terrifying than the infected. .

By the time the officials learned the news and came all the way across the ocean, nothing was left behind except some scrap metal.

"This is what happened in the South Pacific."

"Some scholars have gone mad or died, but half of them are still alive."

"It doesn't make much sense to just find one. It's probably crazy. Everything they say is delusional. We must find them all to reconstruct what happened at that time from an objective perspective."

"Only in this way can the mystery of latent abyss syndrome be solved."

Rhodes spoke with great patience, telling Chain Saw everything he knew.


Even Chainsaw was a little shocked, and he let out an exclamation that was not in line with his style. This was really too ghostly and charming.

"You tell me like this no matter the cost."

"This is a great secret."

Chainsaw felt Rhode's sincerity. This man really wanted to cooperate with him.

"But it's a pity."

"I have to tell the truth, this is not something I can do."

"You have the real page in your hand."

"Actually, I also want to use it to find people."

Chainsaw said sincerely.

"You need real pages."

"I can lend it to you directly."

Rhodes, Violet, and a top figure in the first division, robbed some real pages before the monastery disappeared.

I vaguely remember those warlocks saying completely meaningless words. They didn't particularly care about this thing. It would only bring curses and no one could understand the content.

This is a book that only gods can read.

"Lend me?"

"What's the point of holding it for me."

"What I need is to use it to find someone you can help me with."

Chainsaw still insists on his previous statement.

"If you're just looking for someone..."

"Using the original true page is a bit too exaggerated."

"Just tell me who you want to find."

"Maybe I can save you the extra steps and help you find it."

Rhodes said calmly.

"You do not understand."

"I came to understand that I was not whole and that the wheel of fate was turning on me."

"From the abyss."

"I feel that I am fragmented and divided into countless parts."

"Di be honest, he helped me."

“Every time a piece of me disappears, I get stronger and stronger, and to this day, I have reached an incredible level of transcendence.”

"I understand that that is my destiny. Everything I have intertwined with cause and effect is the redundant part of the spirit, brain peptides, and amino acids."

"Just remove all the contamination."

"It's like the brain being destroyed, no, it's far more advanced than that."

"I will go to the bottom of the abyss and reach the source."

"Those things cannot be found through normal means, only with the help of omniscient power."

The contradiction is reflected in him, with some fear and some excitement.

Rhodes only felt it.


But this is also the main theme of the original manuscript.


"It seems that I can't help you. I only have the remaining pages of the Original Book here."

"Not all-knowing."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Rhodes answered truthfully.

"Is it."

Chainsaw could feel that what he said was absolutely true, but he didn't give up yet and continued to add.

"Your place is too remote."

"Come to my place and help me."

"I will find all the real pages and compile them into a complete book."

"Of course we can find those guys by then."

Chainsaw's tone allowed no room for refutation.


"I can't do that."

"That doesn't fit my trajectory."

"That's all I can tell you, it's fate ordained."

Rhodes' words became a little weird.


"It's a real page."

"The real page says you won't do that?"

"I have always had an idea. If I can't find those people for a long time, I can just kill them all without distinction."

"But it will take a lot longer."

"You must help me."

"If I kill you here, will it change your destiny?"

"The so-called real page is just a fool's joke."

Chainsaw's gaze suddenly became terrifying.

Rhodes was noncommittal.

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