Latent Syndrome

Chapter 333 332 The Road to Origin

Chapter 333 332. The road to tracing the origin

That speed.

Too amazing.

When I came to my senses.

Rhodes only felt some warmth under his nose. When he reached out and touched it, black-red blood overflowed. He was not surprised and just wiped it away with a blood-stained handkerchief.

at the same time.

In the living room at the base of the lighthouse.

Although it is just a worn leather sofa, the person lying on it adds a lot of beauty to it.

Violet was lying lazily on the sofa with bare feet, her hair dyed light blonde with dye, and she was polishing her fingernails with a file.

She has already contacted her alliance. Violet only arrived here as an advance guard. If nothing happens, everything will be over soon. It is only a matter of time.

Although the cause of this abyssal disease is too mysterious, most of it, like other incidents, comes from the disorder caused by the fluctuations in the deep world.

She has already conveyed the coordinates back, and soon follow-up personnel will appear one after another to put an end to this world-class disease.

With the arrival of the chain saw, the indoor temperature has dropped a lot.

Violet glanced at the visitor and continued to polish her nails without saying a word.

"Are you the rumored stargazer?"

"I didn't expect it to be a woman."

Chainsaw heard that there was a god-man on an isolated island in the inland sea. All the infected people who passed there received some kind of revelation, and suddenly their thoughts became clear, they suddenly became enlightened, and they seemed to know their fate.

When the infected person breaks through the shackles of 1 and takes possession of the domain, it is said that they will sense their destined death.

In this apocalypse.

Chainsaw used his extraordinary methods to collect wise men from all over the world, including many former researchers from SCT and Countermeasures Bureau. After inheriting some of the results, and with the blessing of some masters in the field of physics.

Chainsaw thought he had sensed it and was closer to the hypothesis of the truth of things.

A conjecture based on the unification of scholars and warlocks.

Every celestial body has a Schwarzschild radius. Not only celestial bodies, but even any matter, if the mass remains unchanged, will form a black hole when it collapses to less than this radius.

The sun needs a radius of less than three kilometers to form a black hole, while the earth only needs nine millimeters.

Matter that enters the event horizon of a black hole cannot escape, not even light.

In conjecture, the matter swallowed by a black hole will not disappear out of thin air. An eternal black hole must correspond to an eternal white hole, and the two are connected through the Einstein Rosen Bridge.

When the black hole swallows all matter, the white hole will also eject the matter in it. Only in this way can it appear to be a completely symmetrical mathematical model.

But it is only a mathematical model. The problem is that such corresponding black holes and white holes must exist in two different universes. Unfortunately, humans have not mastered the technology of traveling through the universe, or may never master it. There is absolutely no way to practice it.

The theory of the Big Bang is that all matter was concentrated at one point with high density and extremely high temperature, so an explosion occurred.

This statement seems somewhat ambiguous and implausible.

Perhaps the fundamental reason is that the Big Bang was a white hole, and the entire universe was the swallowing product of black holes from different spaces, which continuously erupted to form the universe in which humans live.

This is a good explanation for the fact that all celestial bodies are moving away from all celestial bodies at a uniform speed, which is the cause of the continuous expansion of the universe, because the black holes in different spaces are still devouring, and the original white holes are also erupting eternally.

The next warlock's hypothesis made Chainsaw think he had touched the truth.

Because this provides a good idea for the destined death that each infected person perceives when they break through the shackles of 1.

In the Planck period of minus 43 seconds before the Big Bang, the strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force, and gravity were all integrated. It was a great force that unified the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and evolved all things. The supreme thing.

When each infected person uses his will to tear apart the real world and create a realm, that is, when the black hole in the alien space swallows up the spiritual will, condenses it into a white hole, erupts with visions, and opens up a small world, he will also feel this great power in an instant. Although it will soon be forgotten or disappear, this experience beyond the universe can allow the infected to predict their destined death.

This is ridiculous, even ridiculous, or too ridiculous.

But it is completely self-consistent and reasonable.

Countless imaginary worlds are condensed into the symbolic world, and the symbolic world tames everyone's imaginary world, which makes everything so peaceful and orderly.

But the symbolic world is so fragile.

When someone deviates from the order and returns to the supreme will, he can be inspired by the original chaos, fall into the abyss, and release violence.

This made Chainsaw believe in his own judgment even more. That look would remain for thirty-three seconds, coming from the abyss, from the deep world, and from the supreme existence.

Everything is an eruption of great will, and every infected person must reach the root.

Madness is not the end, nor is death.

Only the bottom of the abyss, where all things trace their origins, is everyone's final destination.

In the living room.

Violet stopped sharpening the nail file and looked speechless. This person was too weird. After saying two sentences, he was completely distracted for half a minute.

The mediocre and even terrifying deep-set eye sockets are filled with inexplicable paranoia and fear of the unknown, as if they are staring at something extremely terrifying, like a terminally ill person shivering due to severe alcoholism and degenerated organ function.

"I'm not a stargazer."

"But you can call me Diana."

"As long as you worship me, I will bless you."

Violet picked up a strand of hair and twisted it in her hand, checking the quality of her hair to see if there were any split ends.

At this time, a female assistant of Rhodes reminded Chainsaw that Rhodes was already waiting for him upstairs.

Chain Saw was not surprised at all, because he came by boat, he should have noticed him long ago.

In order to show his sincerity, he let the ship return to port, fearing that his crazy infected people would scare Rhodes, and asked them to wait for him on the shore when they came.

He will naturally have a way to go back by then. As long as he freezes a way on the inland sea, his return speed will be much faster than the ship.

Chainsaw deeply understands that he has a certain degree of emotional problems and will violently kill people from time to time, so he always carries sedative drugs with him.

"You have serious emotional problems."

"I know how it feels."

"This will make you feel better."

Chainsaw guessed that this woman was the stargazer's lover or something. In order to show his sincerity, he took out his sedative tablets and put them on the table, and then followed the female assistant upstairs to see Rhodes.

Violet's eyelids twitched, she could be said to be the most normal person in the world, the only one without emotional problems was herself.

Since Violet is waiting for the alliance and has nothing to do, Rhodes's lighthouse is considered to have no disturbance, so she stays here.

"They're all crazy."

Violet's frown relaxed, she took out bottles and jars from her expensive handbag, and began to apply hand cream.

In the living room on the top floor of the lighthouse.

The chain saw just sat down.

"Once, you put a gun through a man's head."

"From the side."

"But he didn't die. He stood and didn't collapse until seven or eight seconds later."

"Human consciousness is separated from the body."

"Exists in another universe."

"It's like a different space, a ghostly world in the abyss."


Rhodes spoke.

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