Latent Syndrome

Chapter 446 Chapter 445 Across this World

Chapter 446 445. Across this world

The cold frost swept over the obsidian steps into winding white quicksand.

There is no end in sight on the left and right sides, filled with ultimate loneliness and uncertainty, like an insignificant drop in the sky.

Luca walked at the forefront of the team holding a rifle, stepping step by step onto the coffin, the final destination of all things.

This is what Luca defends.

A world of power distribution.

Rational authoritarian.

Final march.

Each agent has prepared for a consciousness that is worse than death. They are as solemn as statues chiseled with axes, and their neat footsteps are like the advancement of a killing machine.

After climbing the steps that were more than a thousand meters high, the air became thinner and thinner, and a vague figure obscured by rain and fog appeared above, waiting in the middle of the steps to the sky.

This cold queue moved forward without any hesitation, until the people above became clearly visible.

Luka raised a hand, and the team immediately stopped and spread out into a horizontal row, standing on the same stone steps. They could explode with the greatest power at the same time, blasting the people above them to dust.

Light applause came, as if to congratulate Luca and his party on their successful arrival.

"Mr. Director."

"I always hear your name, and today I finally see you."

"But don't you think it's a little late for everything?"

"What you're doing now."

"Just a last futile struggle."

"Long is about to die, and then the blessing of truth will come to everyone."

"A lot has happened in the past few years."

"It's such a shame."

"Honestly, no one wants to see this kind of situation, and I am the same. It's just Ogi's stubbornness that has led to this doomsday situation."

"If the facts were accepted from the beginning, no one would be harmed."

"It's the happy ending that everyone wanted."

The cold voice of the SCT chief passed through the wind and snow and reached the Countermeasures Division troops nearly a hundred meters away.

Arnold and Heinrich, as well as the SCT chief's strongest guards, stood near him, forming a terrifying line of defense. As time passed, Hazy was getting weaker and he might die in the next moment. At that time, Luca You will find that fighting is meaningless.

Luca saw clearly the face of the SCT chief. He knew who this person was. He relied on uranium reserves to become the richest person in the entire history, far better than all the rich, and far better than all the wealthy nobles and emperors in the past and present.

He has controlled all the hard labor in this world and created this absurd and magnificent spectacle.

"Give up, Luka."

"Don't do unnecessary things."

"In the seat of truth there will be a chair for you."

Arnold extended a sincere invitation to Luca.

Luca remained unmoved.

Maybe it's just like Hazy's lie.

"Have you never discovered a thing?"


"You represent the right side, why aren't you the only one who can gain strength from the abyss?"

"And people like me..."

"Even if you are so disobedient, nothing will happen, and your power here will not be restricted in any way."

Luka's tone was laced with contempt.

"It's because it doesn't care."

"Your resistance is negligible."

The chief of SCT said so.


"That's maybe the saddest thing about it."

"It does not care about anything, nor does it care about you. There is nothing to control the spirit of any of you."

"It's just that you are consumed by the hole in your own heart."

"It's people like you who organize, direct and perform all terrorist activities on their own, the so-called sacred truth."

"It's just..."

"Waste man."

"If anyone can truly become a god, it's me."

"Instead of the ridiculous, ridiculous clowns like you guys."

Luca made this assessment.

The SCT chief fell silent and became really angry. Seeing that Luka had already picked up the rifle, it was useless to say more.

"Kill them!"

The chief shouted and started to flee in panic.

Arnold saw Luka's formation without any leeway, bang bang bang!

The revolver fired continuously.

He didn't kill Luca first, but got rid of several agents first.

The power of the revolver was enhanced by controlled suggestion, making Arnold's incomparable thoughts a reality, piercing through all visions. Just the air turbulence caused by the bullet tore through the dark cloud curtain, and a few gaps in the sky shed light. , this was enough power to explode the big star, and the six elite agents exploded into a rain of blood in an instant, pouring it on the steps to the sky.

After exploding through the bodies of the six agents, it exploded into the center of the sea far away, causing a stormy sea, just like the end of the world.

Arnold wanted to instantly kill everyone except Luca. He just flicked his hand and the revolver magazine was instantly loaded with bullets, and he wanted to continue firing.

After all the minions have been eliminated, everyone should focus their fire on Luka.

"It's time, Colin."

"Let everyone die worthy."

The field of power spread wildly, and the black line traversed time and space. Colin, who was behind, broke through the SCT's defense line with the speed of a flash of light, and then began to close.

The completely isolated realm of time and space trapped Arnold Heinrich and all the remaining peak power of SCT in this world with the Void Crack.

Unable to pursue Colin.

These people have no hint of the hermit, and there is absolutely no way they can break through before killing Luca.

Heinrich exerted his strength to try to break through this blocked area, but there was no time inside. It was an absolute barrier that could not be broken through. He could only leave by consuming Luca to death.

"Repeat the same old tricks."

Arnold sneered. He had already seen Luca's method as early as the public trial, but it didn't stop him at all.

Arnold is the pinnacle that ordinary infected people can reach. Within the scope of logical cognition, any thought can come true. As long as enough power is exerted, anything can be accomplished.

His figure began to blur, and he devoted his power to the logic of space jump, preparing to shuttle directly outside the blockade to pursue Colin.

"Did I let you go?"

"The battle a year ago."

"Isn't it over yet?"

Luca began to exert force, forming a traction magnetic field in Arnold's own body, intending to strangle him to pieces.

Arnold, who was interfered with, was unable to complete this logic. When the power transmission was unstable, he would only destroy himself.

"It's different from before, Luca."

"The difference is that."

"You're really going to die this time."

Arnold took off his hat, his golden eyes filled with endless majesty.

Heinrich tried to support Arnold in killing Luca.

"Your opponent is me."

In the first department, the agent with an index close to 3 stopped Heinrich because he was too close to the ultimate object. The power drawn from the different space was extremely fast, but the same was true for the other party.

The remaining agents also fought fiercely with the SCT chief's escort team.

Luca already knows everything about the world.

Separate all threats and obstacles in this world from the middle of this ladder.

As long as Colin can destroy the things in the giant tower and destroy the things that fell to the earth with the Observer.

All horror and chaos.

That's the end.

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