Latent Syndrome

Chapter 447 446 The final reveal

Chapter 447 446. The final reveal

The SCT chief was running on the long obsidian steps. As an ordinary person, once he was involved in that kind of battle situation, he would only die.

Suddenly I felt a chill on my back and looked back.

Colin, who was blind in one eye, had a black cloth covering his forehead to the corners of his eyes, and his whole body was covered with horrific scars from the healing wounds caused by sharp blades. His black woolen coat was already in tatters, and the splicing marks on his body made it impossible to imagine how he had survived until now.

Colin also felt that the effects of stimulants were gradually losing their effectiveness. He had no chance of transforming into a monster and would only die violently in an instant.

Arrived here now.


It's enough.

The chief didn't even have to think about it, he would be caught up and killed.

He knew that nothing he could say at this time could change the determination of these top people, and Luca was a good example.


"I'll tell you how to eradicate Latent Syndrome..."

"I have a solution."

Although the chief didn't know the so-called method, he just wanted to delay time and didn't want to be killed instantly at the hands of the evil ghost that had already stormed over.


Colin can sense it.

of human mood.


He didn't know how to describe what he was feeling at this moment.

The leader of the SCT, the highest decision-maker at the summit, is not a strategist, nor is he a terrifying figure who swallows up mountains and rivers.

The originator of all chaos and terror.

just one……

A scheming despicable person.

This is really unacceptable.

Seeing Colin pause for a moment and take a full step, even the chief who was rich enough to be called the master of this world swallowed his throat.

He has gained immortality and can live for countless epochs without being affected by external forces. It spans hundreds of years and it takes all the accumulated hard work to reach this level.

Everything will be wasted in one moment, and when the real moment of life and death comes, my fingers can't help but tremble a little.

Colin walked slowly over. The SCT chief didn't know why this man broke through the defense line. Didn't Arnold and Heinrich stop him?

As Colin completely approached and no one arrived, the SCT chief was left alone. In panic, he slumped down on the stone steps, covered by Colin's shadow.

Because he didn't know that method at all, he began to confuse Colin.

"When the truth comes."

"You'll realize that all the previous tragedies don't matter anymore."

"This is the happy ending."

“Redemption is available to all.”

"Stop being stubborn."

The SCT chief used his best tricks to try to bribe Colin. He cried and begged for Colin's sympathy due to his experiences during the war years.

But Colin was able to detect what he was thinking.

The evil face hidden underneath is more sinister than all the barking, howling, and howling snakes, scorpions, and poisonous beasts.


Colin understood.

Even without this person, everything will spontaneously defend the source of power. The SCT chief is just a puppet and a sounding board. Even without him, it can be anyone.

Everything will come eventually, and the sin and madness accumulated in the world for tens of thousands of years under the suppression of rationality will emerge.




Colin pressed the SCT chief's head and hit it against the edge of the stairs. The first time it hit him, it was completely smashed, with bone fragments and contents flowing out. He continued to press it until it was completely smashed and turned into a puddle of red pulp. Only then did he stop.

His boots stepped on the blood and flew towards the Palace of True Vision.

The sky is filled with wind and frost, and winter is howling. The higher you go, the thinner and colder the air becomes.

After climbing another thousand meters of stone steps, Colin finally saw the most exaggerated building built in human history.

This majestic tower that breaks through the clouds and leads directly to the zenith of the stars has a dark exterior without any relief decorations. It is just a simple and vicissitudes of darkness. It seems that it has stood for countless epochs, exuding an oppressive power that makes all things kneel.

After stepping on the last step, we came to the platform at the top that looked like an altar.

This place is already faintly hidden among the clouds, surrounded by the vast expanse of black and gray intertwined with nuclear haze.

There is an extremely huge door in front of me, more than thirty meters high. It also does not have any relief painting, but the horizontal and vertical directions are not at all like an absolutely straight plane dug by hand.

It is not like a door prepared for human beings at all, but for other horrible things to enter and exit. SCT hollowed out the flesh, blood and souls of billions of people, shattering the entire ancient history and the great life summoned.

Colin no longer hesitated and walked closer. He pressed his hands on the two stone doors. They felt cold to the touch. He used his strength to slowly push open the terrifying door that weighed more than a thousand tons.

There was a faint tremor on the ground, and as the huge hinges howled with wear and tear, Colin pushed open a gap that could allow one person to pass through.

Pause briefly.

It's like being mentally prepared to face any horrific consequences.

In extreme madness.

Each infected person rehearses their own death in advance to eliminate fear.

Colin also previewed it.


He could no longer find any kind of extreme terror that could destroy him.


It’s just the rest of my life.

Colin stepped into it.

The huge and majestic temple has a high platform in the center. The light vortex with infinite mass distorts the light and engulfs the starry sky, shining to the extreme, releasing the gravitational force that annihilates the universe.

Twenty-one, including Opal, the bodies of all those who witnessed the South Pacific incident have been sacrificed.


The person standing in front of the light vortex was not anyone else.

But Di Wei.

Aware of the startling noise from behind, Di Wei slowly turned around, his eyes extremely calm.

Under this supreme power, variables were eliminated.

Di Wei was completely shaken by the scene inside the light vortex. He saw everything and saw the truth.

Saw eternity.

It was as if he was a completely different person, without any madness or madness.


Any fighting spirit.

This dizzying and intoxicating light vortex, even this will to destroy everything violently to the extreme, was instantly twisted into it and returned to the original chaos.


"It's you."


"You are here to eradicate the root cause of Latent Disease."

The church is filled with a kind of weird and low roar that can be heard at any time and anywhere, like tinnitus, a cosmic background sound, whether it is outdoors, indoors, in the wilderness, in the city, in the past, or in the future. Mechanical, repetitive, and completely tranquil to the point of death.

The voice of heaven.

Colin was silent.

Everything starts with this person and everything ends with this person.

"You look like a lost dog."

"Di Zhu."

"It seems there is no need for me to kill you anymore."

Colin looked at Di Wei's body that had turned into a beast and was constantly bleeding. He was about to transform into a mindless beast, and all his determination and thoughts would disappear.

"Get out of here."

"Get out of my way."

Colin said that he must use all his strength to fight against the unknown things in the light vortex without any loss, instead of using it to deal with this completely crazy mad dog.


Di Wei seemed to have discovered something. Colin was now neither a human nor a ghost. The strip of cloth wrapped around the blind eye was really familiar.

"I cheated."

Di Wei suddenly started talking nonsense.

Colin had no time to talk nonsense. Every second he was slow, Hao was getting closer to death. If everything was destroyed, even if the abyssal disease was eradicated, it would be meaningless.


The iron wire sword burst out from Colin's hand and penetrated towards Di Biao. Because it was very close to the final object, its speed surpassed that of light and killed Di Biao directly.

A sonorous sound came.

Di Wei just imitated Colin's offensive to fight back, and the sword flashed forward, and they collided, causing fierce sparks.

"I cheated."

"Because then I wouldn't have died at all."

"As for you..."

"You cheated too."



"Hypocritical person."

"My kind!"

Di Wei roared violently, as if he was completely swallowed by the abyss, leaving only the last remaining untransformed consciousness, laughing wildly with a terrifying face.

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